Friday, 31 May 2019



INTRODUCTION: 5th September  is the teacher’s day. It is the birthday of Dr. Radha Krishnan who willed that this day be celebrated as the teacher’s day. In doing so he has not only dedicated his great day to the nation but his person as a whole. So it is a right day to re-evaluate and re-dedicate our lives on this the most beautiful day.  Teachers you are a blessing! We recognize in you  a blessing of God on us. A very special blessing from God to us. We are happy and delighted to have you with us and celebrate your day. You are precious and we love you. We join you in thanking the Lord for having entrusted to you this very delicate and precious mission of building his kingdom.
          We have our model teacher Christ, the good shepherd. As we listen to this reading, let us find for ourselves the qualities of an ideal teacher.
Reading: Jn 10:11-21
A shepherd is completely dedicated to the flock which he tends. The sheep entrusted to his care becomes for the shepherd the single pre-occupation of his days and nights. There is never a time when he is not with them; never a time when they are without his close attention; guidance and leadership. When they are hungry, he feeds them; when they are in danger, he protects them; when they are lost he seeks them out. He is in reality the main stay and support of their very life. Christ is our faithful shepherd. He is a caring leader. He knows his sheep by name. He gives life to his sheep and he died for his sheep.
Hymn: the lord is my ……..
Leader: we want to look up to God our father to praise and thank him and pray for his blessings on each of  you dear teachers. For you are a  blessing to each of us.
Response: Father may they always be a blessing….
Showers of Flower Petals: Father, we recognize your blessings like showers coming down on us. Showers are the fruit of our teacher’s labour. These showers soothe us, enrich us, gladden us….. so we pray that you fill all our teaching and non-teaching staff members with power, strength, knowledge, understanding so that they may continue to be a blessing in all that they do…..response.
Glow of light: Father, we enjoy a blessing because of the warmth that envelopes one’s heart and the glow of radiance it leaves behind. It brings hope in the midst of darkness and gloom. As the lamp burns with a glow so may your lives radiate warmth and brightness to all around us. As this burning flame points upward, may our students always strive to live a life pleasing to God and man thus glorifying the father through this radiance of theirs……
Bird: Father, blessings take one’s spirit soaring high with a spirit of freedom like the bird that scaled the heights. With our arms lifted high, spreading our wings of joy we rejoice at your blessings to us and with gratitude we say……
Comforting shelter:[umbrella] Father, the power of blessing is the comfort and security it brings. Blessings protect us from sweltering heat of drudgery and the monotony of study. Like the open umbrella that shelters and protects, our dear teachers understand the stress and strain of our studies. Thanking them for their encouraging approach, we say….
Gaze upwards: Father, our blessings multiply when we gaze upwards and count them and marvel at the great things God has in store for us. An encouraging hand leads us towards greater aspirations. We pray for our teachers who have taught and are still teaching in this school, bless them  and all the teachers in our country…….
 Prayer: Father we pray, accept this homage of our love and praise. Accept our teachers who are a blessing to us. May your blessings be their light, may your blessing be their song of love. May your blessing strengthen their service to the community. Accept Lord our song of thanks and praise for they are your divine blessing to us all. May this prayer rise to you, as we turn to Christ our Good shepherd through this bhajan……

Teacher’s day
Introduction: today is indeed a very auspicious day as we celebrate the day of very special people, persons who light up the world with knowledge, progress, values and commitment and responsibility. Yes, dear friends our teachers are indeed the lights who dispel the darkness from our minds and filled with the brilliance of the light of love and knowledge they equip us to be little lights in our own turn. With Tagore we can say, there are numerous strings in your lute, let me add my own among them. And so the celebration of teachers day is an invitation to students to keep the flame burning bright  and to share its light and warmth with others just as it has been shared with us by our teachers. It is an invitation to our teachers as well to refuel and trim the wick of their own lamps to ensure a brighter and warmer flame because they have the responsibility of leading a generation into a new era of history.
          At this juncture of the millennium the celebration of the Teachers’ Day assumes a new significance; CHERISH THE PAST, LIVE THE PRESENT, BUILD THE FUTURE.
          Let us then during this celebration place our teachers before our God let us thank God for the uniqueness of their life and work.
Penitential rite:
-          Ash : Lord God many a times I, as a teacher, have failed to keep alive the hope and enthusiasm of my students. By my negative comments I have put out the light of joy in their lives. Lord have mercy……
-          Charcoal : Lord God often I have put out the fire of imagination in my students. I have not appreciated their imagination and creative ideas for fear of being challenged. Christ have mercy….
-          Burnt Match-Stick : Lord God, sometimes it is so difficult and trying to be kind and loving towards my students and there are times when I have snapped at them instead of giving them a listening ear and an understanding heart. lord have mercy…….
Reading : Jer 1:4-10
Hymn: c-78
Reading : Jn 10:11-15
Prayer: Dear God, we thank you for our teachers who spare no efforts to help us grow and discover the uniqueness of our lives and enjoy the joy of meaningful living. Bless each one of them dear Lord with the abundance of your blessings and fill them with hope, peace, joy and strength. 


  1. Nice article
    Looking for the Online Teachers Day Celebration Ideas? We bring you a virtual event full of fun teacher's day special activities and games.

  2. Teachers' Day is very significant for all the people in India, as the teachers act as a foundation for creating responsible citizens and good human beings. This year, we bring you a Teachers Day Celebration event for the office to engage their remote employees in various teacher's day special activities and games.

  3. women' day pryaer service I need

    1. i need a creative religious prayer service theme in your presence is my comfort
