Birthday Prayer - 18
thank you for the gift of this day. Every morning has its own beauty, events,
and experiences. Every flower that opens, every bird that flies tells us about
the love of God. Every child is born on this earth carry the impression of
unseen God to humanity… L- 37
God said, “let me create human being
in my own image and likeness and I will breath to their nostrils. I will create
them with intelligence so that they may find my intelligence in creation. I
will give them heart that they may find my heart in others. I will give them
eyes that they may see the other. I will give them ear that they may listen my
silent cry in the suffering humanity.
Thank you Lord for you created us with
all human abilities. Thank you Lord for all that you have done. Lord today in a
special way we remember sr…. as she celebrates her birthday. It is a day for
all of us to join with sister in thanking God for she carry the impression of
Christ to tell us once again that God still loves the world. Bhajan…
[Offering mud] Mud is a symbol
of productivity, creation. Mud gives life, renews the nature, replace new with
old. Mud is the worth of the earth and prize of the land. Dear sister you are
created to recreate the earth to renew its life to replace and rearrange the
created things.
[Message from God] Dear sister
there is a message from God today.
want to love you without clutching, appreciate you without judging.
you without invading, invite you without demanding.
you without guilt, criticize you without blaming.
you without insulting. If you can have the same from me then we can truly meet
and enrich each other…. You are so special to each one of us, special to God
who created you that is why we are here to celebrate the special moments. Our
hearts are filled with gratitude for the Lord who called us to join with you to
sing the praises of the mighty God, to look at the wonder of this moment.
know well that you have a dream to fulfill, a song to sing. A dream of God’s
kingdom to realize it here and now. Dear sister in the whole world there is
only one you, precious in his sight. You have potential to love, to care, to
create and to grow, to sacrifice and to make others happy by your talents. You
are a mystery of the presence of God.
Let us join with our sister in giving
praise to God for his wonderful creation while she recite the psalm 139.
As we thank the Lord for the gift of
life to our dear sister let us pay the our father along with sister.
father, who created heaven and earth, we thank you for the gift of sister. May
your name be glorified through her life and the life of her near and dear ones.
May your kingdom be spread through her life. May your will be accepted by your
as you has accepted your father’s will. Give her and to all her family members
the good health, the gift and fruit of your spirit to have a joyful life. give
them all generous hearts love and forgive their mistakes. Help them not to be
tempted by the world and deliver them all from that is not holy and not yours…
Concluding prayer: Lord is the
beginning and end of all hats we do and say. Prompt our actions with your grace
and complete them with your all powerful help. We make this prayer through
Christ our Lord…
jesus in your presence