Friday, 31 May 2019



Theme:  “We thank God for you”
Symbol: In two hands a plate of flowers [flowers equivalent to the no. of    

A banner with the theme and symbol displayed on the alter or in a prominent place.

Good morning dear friends. Today is a joyful day for all of us for it is our teachers’ day. So let us welcome them to this Eucharistic celebration. As the entrance hymn is being sung all the teachers will come in procession with lamp in their hands and place them in different direction symbolizing that a teacher is called to be a light not only to a particular area/place but to the whole world.

Entrance hymn: ‘Enter his gates’ W.J.L.73

Today the 5th of September is the birthday of Dr. Radhakrishnen the scholar, philosopher and a great teacher and this day is celebrated as Teacher’s day. The theme for today’s liturgy is “We thank God for you.” Dear teachers on this well remembered day we appreciate your response to the call you heard many years ago. We thank our God for you for what you are to us, for your love, your smile, your gentle touch and everything that makes us glad to be alive. So dear friends during this Eucharistic celebration, let us thank God for the gift of our loving teachers and implore God’s blessings on them today and always.

Penitential Rite:
1.           Student : Jesus we are sorry for being disrespectful and disobedient to our teachers. [singing Lord have mercy]

2.           Teacher: Many a times Lord we have been selfish in our teaching profession and have not worked whole heartedly to enrich and illumine the minds of our students. we are sorry Lord [singing Christ have mercy]

3.           Student: Lord many times we take our teachers for granted. Instead of thanking and appreciating them, we have criticized them and spoke ill of them. [singing Lord have mercy]

First Readings: Phil 1,3-11
Response: ‘My Shepherd is the Lord’ W.J.L. Z.22 is played long
with the power point presentation.
Gospel:      Mt19,13-15


Prayer of the faithful:
Response : Lord hear our prayer

  1. Student: Lord we thank you for our teachers who try to mould us into responsible citizens of our country. Fill them with your grace and guard them in every walk of life. Let us pray to the Lord

  1. People: We pray that students of today may be guided to respect the aged, protect the weak, and speak for justice and truth. Let us pray to the Lord

  1. People: Lord we pray that our teachers may be filled with your power to teach values and virtues that will make the students of today brave, true and kind so that they follow your foot prints. Let us pray to the Lord

  1. Teacher: Lord in our roles as principal and teachers may grow each day by inculcating virtues of service and dedication to the call of our mission. Make us more sensitive and loving in imparting knowledge, especially by turning towards the weak students. Let us pray to the Lord

Presentation of the gifts:

1.           Praising hands
Student: Lord we bring you the unique gift of our teachers who have praised us, healed us by their caring touch. We offer each one of them to you to bless them with good health and abundant graces.

2.           Varieties of vegetables
Teacher: Lord we bring these varieties of vegetables symbolizing our students with their  unique potentialities and talents.

3.           Clock
Student: Lord as our dear teacher comes to your alter with this clock, we are filled with deep gratitude to you and to them. Lord we present to you their diligence and faithfulness in serving you through us.

4.           Host and Wine
Teacher: Dear Lord, many grains and grapes have crushed and broken to prepare this bread and wine which involves a lot of hard labour. We bring this bread and wine as a symbol of our hard labour that we jointly put in to yield good and abundant fruit in our students.

Offertory hymn:  ‘I give my hands’ W.J.L. N.24

Communion hymn: ‘Sing my soul at the joy…’ D.18

Thanksgiving prayer:

Teacher: Eucharistic Lord we thank you for you divine presence with  and around us. On this day we remain grateful to you for the gifts of our loving students. Lord You have placed your trust in us to mould these young ones. Thank you for this undeserved grace to share your love with our students, to nurture them with care and to be the privileged channels of your love for them. Make us diligent in preparing our lessons and to do our best to quench the thirst of out students for knowledge and love. Bless our students with the gifts of  wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Keep us all in the shelter of your hand. Thank you Lord.

Recessional hymn: ‘Thank you O Lord your love is    
                               Boundless  W.J.L. C.63.