Thursday, 30 May 2019




Today the church remembers Our Lady of sorrows. Mary’s total love for Jesus and the Father gave her the cross. We pray that we, too, learn to experience joy and grow in love in our daily lives through the crosses we encounter. Let us also pray for all congregations who celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows.
We here, at  CFMSS have another reason for celebration. The birthday of sisters …. and …. Yes, dear sisters God began His intricate work in you from the moment you were in your mother’s womb.
A birthday is a milestone calling for a celebration. It’s your birthday the day on which God ordained your unique place and purpose in the universe. Celebrate your beginning, your being, and your becoming! Consider yourself surrounded by a radiance that proclaims: This is my special day and I am special. A birthday is a wonderful opportunity for renewing, rejuvenating, rejoicing! Remember. You belong to God. From the first moment of your existence, God’s name was written in your heart. God claimed you from all eternity to be born this day. Read God’s personal birthday greeting to you in the kindness of loved ones, the goodness within your heart, the wonder of nature. Therefore today, we wish to portray your life with that of a butterfly.

The plans of His heart are established; the plans of His heart are filled with praise. Yes, dear sister Sabina, it is by His touch you live, move and grow. On this joyous day we look back at your whole life as with the different stages of a butterfly.
1.The Egg Stage:
                        This resembles the birth and infancy in the life of Sr. … .We thank you Lord for Sr. … in whom you breathed life on this day. Her very existence is a blessing. We pray you Lord, to keep enkindling in her a total dependence on you as that of a child. Grant the bliss of Paradise to the souls of her dear parents.
                    The second stage symbolizes the childhood of Sr….. Just as a caterpillar begins to enjoy the beauty of life, so too, Sr….had begun experiencing the love of God through her family. We ask you Lord, to keep this flame of love burning brightly in the heart of Sr. ….that she may always draw strength from you. Sustain all those whom she holds dear with your love and peace.

3. Chrysalis:
              This represents the adolescent stage of Sr. ….. is when the caterpillar experiences a crucial and painful change in the process of becoming an adult. The same as experienced by Sr.S…., as she had to take a firm decision to say, “yes” to Jesus.
Lord Jesus, you have been instrumental in the life of Sr…. by your constant guidance and the assurance of your presence in her life. Thus drawing many more vocations in your vineyard may you continue to enhance the lives of those whom she encounters and moulds.

                      Finally out of the cocoon then eventually emerged a complete butterfly. It is a reflection of new life, hope and joy. A good index to measure the ecological health of a region is the number of butterflies that are seen flying freely in it. Yes, dear Sr…., you have been fully formed by the master’s touch. As a person you are generous, affectionate, youthful, kind, prayerful, optimistic, firm yet caring, joyful, simple, approachable, understanding and many more. You are this butterfly, which radiates new life, hope and joy in the lives of others.

5. Bread and wine.   

In order to get the finished product the raw materials have to under go various stages of processing. Likewise in order to grow unto the fullness of Christ we have to transcend beyond our frail nature that we may experience and share this love with those around us. We pray specially for … whom the Lord has planted in His vineyard to grow in deep intimacy with Him.        

1 comment:

  1. Thank you sister for sharing your resources. May God bless you. Sr. Lourdes SCC
