Friday, 31 May 2019


Intercessions [annunciation] -
The annunciation of the Lord:
Sisters and brothers, celebrating the solemnity of the word of God made flesh in the womb of the virgin, we trustingly offer our prayers to God the father who, in the mystery of the annunciation of his son, opens the house of his kingdom to all people and reveals his heart overflowing with goodness.
Response: Father, receive our prayer…
1.   For the pope, bishops and ordained ministers, that their pastoral activities reflect the benevolence and love for humanity shown by God the father in the incarnation of his son, let us pray….
2.   for the heads of nations, that in governing the people entrusted to them they will not aspire to have power over people but serve and have respect for the dignity of human life, precious in the eyes of the most high, let us pray….
3.   For people who suffer or who are in difficulty, that they will find comfort in abandoning themselves into God’s hands who sent his son into the world to take on the burden of human suffering, let us pray……
4.   For consecrated persons, that inspired by the virgin of the annunciation they will give a shining example of faith and of willing collaboration with Christ the redeemer, let us
5.   For our community which celebrates the beginning of redemption that through the maternal intercession of the virgin Mary, each day we will be close to God and thank him with the praise he deserves, let us pray……
6.   Father, receive the requests we make and open us to your spirit so that following the example of the virgin Mary we may welcome Christ your son with faith and joyfully cooperate in the salvation of our brothers and sisters… through Christ our Lord….

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