Friday, 31 May 2019

Birthday Prayer 14


Introduction: Beyond the horizons of the eastern sky the rising sun has shown the splendor of its creation through its radiating warming rays over shadowed by its gloomy clouds and the whole universe has been clothed itself to welcome the dawn of another new day. The door of heaven remains open as God has steeped into our lives, breathing into us his breath of life, enabling our limbs to spring up and flow into action. The Lord of the universe has graciously chosen and brought us together from different surrounding to live in harmony to experience His providential care and unconditional love and share it with others
Today 26th of September was a unique and memorable day in the creation history as God has added a beautiful gift to the world that is the gift of succorin. An Arabian proverb says: whenever God creates a person…God whispers to the infant: You are my favorite; I have never made such a beautiful person before and I am not going to make another so beautiful person again. YOU ARE SIMPLY UNIQUE! Yes, dear sister, God’s greatest gift to you is the gift of life and love, a beautiful and unique gift. It is this YOU that God loved, loves and will always love. God has blessed you with a mystery of life. The mystery of you has never existed before and no one exactly like you will ever exist again. The combination of qualities and giftedness that is you is a package that has never been put together before. It is as unique as your fingerprints and you only can share your mystery and giftedness with the world. It is also true that just as every snowflake and every grain of sand on the seashore has a unique structure, so also, you are a different from every other human being in all of human history. God enjoys the treasure of your uniqueness and He gives you total freedom to share this mystery of life, this treasure of your uniqueness with the whole world. Hymn…every person is a gift….

Yes, dear sister, God send a special delivery on 26th September, wrapped beautifully with an attractive covers and this special gift was presented to your parents. They nurtured, cared and loved this gift and you were able to grow in love, joy and cheerfulness. Your family environment, neighborhood and school atmosphere continued to open up this beautiful gift and you were able to see the preciousness and worth of your life. Your talents, gifts and qualities developed and it helped you to grow in confidence, trust and beauty of life. As you continued your life journey, the mystery of life became clearer to you as you shared in the joy and company of many friends and relatives. God continued to overshadow you with His infinite love and you have responded lovingly to be His for ever thus you dedicated your whole life in loving service of God, the creator.
          Today as you recall back your life…with gratitude and love, let us once again acknowledge God’s blessings bestowed upon you. Your life has become a masterpiece of beauty, which can be compared to a fountain. Everyone who glances at the fountain stands for a moment in wonder and amazement. The fountain has a beauty as long as there is a flow of water. And the beauty increases when it is added with the variety of colors and musical notes. Yes, the colorful and dancing fountain requires daily digging deeper into your inner well of goodness. What an awesome image of your vocation!
          The fountain of your life has been filled by the goodness of our Lord and it springs forth in love and delight…there are many generous and dedicated hands that have helped you to be a living fountain. We invite you to acknowledge them and praise the Lord for their gifts to you. [Come forward and make the fountain]

v  Lord, I thank you whole-heartedly for gifting me with a beautiful life. Thank you Lord for giving us life…
v  I thank you Lord, for the gifts my parents who have manifested your love to me…[thank ….for giving us love…]
v  Thank you Lord, for the gifts of my brothers and sisters who shared their love, joy and laughter and enriched my life…[for giving us joy…]
v  With deep sense of gratitude, I lift up to you Lord my teachers who have been a source of inspiration and who have helped me to grow in wisdom and knowledge. [For giving us knowledge.]
v  Thank you Lord Jesus for my friends and well wishers who have strengthen the bond of love in my life by their friendly relationships [for giving us friends]
v  Lord, my heart overwhelms with joy and gratitude as I bring to you my congregation, my formators, superiors and all my religious family. Thank you Lord for their very special gifts to me who have helped me to grow in my spiritual life and have drawn me closer to your love. [For giving us light]
v  Lord in my life journey, there are many other people, who have been a ray of hope and inspiration and guided my life by their encouraging support. I thank all of them and place each and every one at your feet. [For giving us hope]

Yes, dear sister, you are the fountain of God’s love in our midst. By your simple and generous acts, your loving and joyful presence and by your laughter and cheer, you continue to radiate God’s love to all. As we appreciate your personal gifts to each of us we pray in a special way for God’s choicest blessings upon you… May you be filled with the infinite love of our Lord? May you continue to flow freely like a fountain, sharing God’s goodness with everyone… with these sentiments in our hearts we would like to give a message of God…


  1. Nice and informative post. Thanks for such a wonderful post.

    Garden Fountains

  2. Thanx for the prayers.very good matter

  3. Thanks for all your hard work and beautiful prayers

  4. Thank you sister for the beautiful and meaningful prayer services.
    Please update sister if you have any thanks giving prayer service.
    Thanks a lot.

  5. thank you sr for the beautiful prayer service. I appreciate your god given talent. may he bless you abundantly

  6. Very nice 🙏

  7. Farewell prayer service for a Religious
