Friday, 31 May 2019



Commentator:  Dear friends, the theme for today invites us to be appreciative. The dictionary meaning of the word means to be grateful for, be sensitive to, understand, recognize and affirm.
          Why do we need people who appreciate?
-          because we are buried in our own selfishness. We do not lift up our heads to look at the beautiful in others and to tell them that we only see the evil and the good is forgotten.
-          Let us then renew our lives and acknowledge all the beauty around us, the beauty of God, of creation, of persons and of things.
-          Let us begin by saying: Dear god, I appreciate you, I love you, and I adore you, thank you. What a wonder you are!
Commentator: why is appreciation important?
-It helps me to know that I am good, I am capable.
-          It makes me feel important.
-          It gives me life. When someone says something good about me. I feel very, very happy and I repeat the action. It makes me feel good.
Commentator:   let us listen to this incident.
A lawyer was once visiting a client when his host’s daughter came up to him enthusiastically to show him her school assignment.
Girl: Uncle, please have a look at my homework lesson.
The lawyer glanced through the sheet. Not a word on it was spell correctly. But he turned appreciatively to the girl and said:
Lawyer: This is beautiful, the margins are nice and neat and your handwriting is very clean.
Girl: Thank you uncle, I’ve really been working hard on it. Next time, I am going to work hard on my spellings.
Commentator: a single comment can make a person feel so joyful and happy. Even Jesus appreciated persons for their trust.
-          Jesus appreciated Mary his mother for her great faith and obedience to God’s will.
-          He appreciated the generous widow who gave her small, poor but meaningful contribution.
-          He appreciated the centurion whose servant was healed.
-          He also appreciated the thief dying on the cross for his belief in his power.
Let us stop and ask ourselves what shall we appreciate today. Well, let’s begin:
Spontaneous prayers of appreciations…

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