Thursday, 30 May 2019


Bhajan;To the Holy Spirit
Introduction; ‘For I Will pour water on the thirsty land and streams on dry ground, I will pour my spirit upon your descendants and my blessings on your offspring’s.’[Is.44;3]
As we watch that most moving of histories, how God was continually leading the people even closer to Himself, and in the gifts He had promised to them. The Spirit acts as a liberator to free God’s people from oppression, to ensure them necessary freedom. The Holy Spirit is present at every birth, every new creation, every new beginning. It appears at the Baptism of every Christian, the rebirth to the Divine life.

Today as we commemorate the glorious event of PENTECOST a unique event, which gave, birth to the Church and transformed the apostles. The same spirit refreshes the weary, strengthens the weak, teaches how to pray and actively present in the life of every human being. As we celebrate the greatest and unique gift in our lives and in the life of the Church, let us thank the Almighty Father for keeping his promise through his Son.

O Spirit of wisdom preside over all our thoughts, words and actions,
Spirit of understanding enlighten and teach us.
Spirit of counsel directs our inexperience.
Spirit of fortitude strengthens our weakness.
Spirit of knowledge instructs our ignorance.
Spirit of piety makes us fervent in good works.
Heavenly Spirit makes us persevere in the service of God, and enable us to act on all occasions with goodness and benignity.
HYMN; To prepare ourselves to listen to the Word of God.
I am spirit, personification of God’s love. I am part of God and I am fully God. I am through the age’s people and prophets spoke about me but never understood me. They looked for me but never found me.
Reading: (Read Continually)

READING; read continually

COMMENTRY. I, am present from eternity I was there at the time of creation. I was like a wind emerging from Father
Reading Genesis-1; 1-2.
I am. Part of God and it is through me that the creation work was done. I was there with David and he praised me when he said Reading Psalm 104;30.
  I was .there  to  with prophets of old , I was  present  when prophet Samuel  anointed the first king  of Israel..
Reading-1st Samuel 16;13
I was there to anoint  the prophet  Isaiah and I made my dwelling in him.
 Reading Isaiah 61;1-2.
I opened the mouth  of Ezekiel to judge the wicked counsels of Isreal.
READING Ezekiel11-5-8


I approached Ezekiel in   a vision  and said to him,
Reading Ezekiel 2-2-4


I courage the people of Israel through Haggai speaking to them about the future glory  of the temple.

Reading Haggai2;4
I was sent to assist Moses to accompany him and fill him with knowledge and wisdom.
Reading Exodus-31;1-5


I was with  Jesus  yet I was  he , I became part of him yet he came through me. His words were mine yet I reminded of his Baptism.

Reading Mathew3;10


I enlightned  Nicodemus through Jesus
Reading John9;5


Jesus  spoke about me in the temple when He said
Reading Jn;7;38


I refreshed the mind of the Samaritan woman  with the spring of water .
Reading Jn4;14.


Jesus predicts my arrival and promised  me to his followers if they keep the commandments taught by him.
Reading John 14/15


I have the power to raise the dead to life for I am the source of life. St. Paul confirms my identity as a life giver when he said   Reading Romans 8/ 11


And finally on this day of Pentecost I came down in tongues of fire and in a visible form on the apostles to testify the words of Christ. The account of my arrival                                                                                                                                                    recoded in the book of Acts bear witness to me
Reading Acts2/1-4
Hymn…Praise the Lord No-27

RESPONSE-“ Lord listen to your people praying send your love, send your power send your grace” As we have received the spirit of son ship and the spirit of love. The same spirit calls us to be people concerned with the welfare of the whole world let us place our prayers and petitions before the father
As we pray for our Holy father Pope Benedict XVI,Cardinales, Bishops, Priests and every consecrated persons Lord send forth your Spirit that they may lead the church guided by your Spirit and be able to discern what is good in your sight ….R/

That  the whole world may experience unity and fellowship and peace by experiencing the humanizing and spiritualizing spirit of the Lord ……R/

For the leaders of the nations and for those who have responsibility in society  that following the example of Jesus who came to bring his kingdom of justice and peace that guided by your spirit they may fulfill their responsibility in a worthy manner….R/

We pray for those who suffer persecution because of the Gospel, that the spirit of consolation strengthen their witness and free them from their burden and may persevere in their Christian witness….R/

(A Souvenir with the gifts of Holy spirit written on it is passed on) each one is requested to take it.
Silence   Thanking the Spirit for the gifts received. 
Concluding prayer

(  Leader starts  and each member says each sentence )
(Come holy Spirit)
Replace the tension within us with a holy relaxation.
Replace the turbulence within us with a sacred calm.
Replace the anxiety within with a sacred calm.
Replace the anxiety within us with a quiet confidence.
Replace the fear within us with a strong faith

Replace the bitterness within us with a gentle light.
Replace the coldness within us with loving warmth.
Replace the winter within us with your spring straighten our crookedness.
Fill our emptiness.
Dull the edge of our pride.
Sharpen the edge of our humility.
Light the fires of our love.
Quench the flames of our lust.
Let us see ourselves as God sees us that we may see you as you have promised and be fortunate according to your word.
“Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God.

We make this prayer through our Lord …………….forever and ever  Amen.

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