Thursday, 30 May 2019

Birthday Prayer 19


Birthday has its meaning and it is specially marked by God. Thank you Lord for peaceful night and a pleasant morning, which is totally different from any other day. Lord you have awakened us with the melodious voices of the birds and with gentle breeze. Life is beautiful like a flowing spring. Yes, dear Lord, life is a wonderful gift and we are here to sing your praises with angelic voice. L – 19
          On this auspicious day we have two fold reasons to rejoice, first and foremost the church commorates the feast of Michel, Gabriel and Raphael the archangels and our dear sister celebrates her birthday. The importance and significance of the three archangels each with a different mission. Michel protects, Gabriel announces and Raphael guides.
          Dear sister we wish you a happy and joyous day and our prayer is may good Lord shower upon you His choicest blessings upon you and these angels may guard you, protect you and guide you all through out your life so that you will be able to sing holy holy in your present life situations.
          Today the strain of music and the sunshine glory adds the beauty to the creation and joy to each one of us. Yes, a day of joy and gladness, days of hope and love for he has given us our dear sister to each one of us. We admire your simplicity, love and care which you share generously with us. You are the miracle of God, which God has sent to us as the expression of His love to us. We are indeed glad to sing the praises of God for the gift of you. We express our gratitude to God and we thank and praise God for the gift of you by singing a thanksgiving hymn.
          Dear sister as you place this angel we are reminded, how much you are longing to reach God. Prayer is the ladder and with which you can attain communion with God. It also tells us your availability and reaching out to others in their needs. May these archangels intercede for you to attain and become the messengers of God’s love and give protection, help and guidance. Together with you we too praise and thank God who has called you and consecrated you for his service. Now let us join with sister as we sing hymn…

We begin our morning worship by doing an arati…
With bowed head and folded hands we prayerfully salute you o Lord, the source and giver of all good things who with your gentle touch have waken us up to this sweetly blossoming day. Yesterday has become just an empty dream that has stepped out of our grip and gone forever and ever and tomorrow just an unsure possibility, which by no means can be reached up to with our own strength. But today alone just dawning on us the only living reality gifted to us. So dear Lord today we thank you for your boundless gifts of life and love. The most precious gift of god comes to us in person and today we have that gift sister… who celebrates her birthday today. Dear sister as we wish you a joyful day we pray that may the heavenly father shower down his manifold blessings upon you and make you worthy instrument using you all the ways to establish his Kingdome here on earth. Let us join with all creation praising and thanking God by singing C-66
          Sister you are a miracle of God. By the grace of god you are what your are. You are hope, you are joy, you are free, you are happy, and you are love more important you are you. And so we all love you, appreciate you and thank god for the gift of your uniqueness. The word of god is always the assurance of his love to us so let us listen to him 1cor 1: 4-9
v  Sr. May the good god blesses you and keep you in his loving care.
v  May he bless you with good health and protect you all through your life.
v  May you ever enjoy his companionship.
v  May he give you strength and courage to face the realities of life.
v  May he guide you and support you in your life journey.
v  May you experience the deeper knowledge of his love and may your life be continuous praises to god.
v  May all your efforts in his service bring joy and bear witness to his gospel we make this prayer through Christ our Lord.

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