Sunday, 23 April 2017

jubilee introdution

My soul glorifies the Lord..
My spirit rejoices in God my Saviour…
Today along with the Blessed Virgin Mary who marveled at the works of God through her great magnificat, we the CFMSS family in India are, marveling at the marvelous works of God, Joyously beholding the blessings of the Lord, Enthusiastically singing the praises of the Lord, Gratefully thanking the greatness of the Lord and speculating at the wonders God has done in the lives of our sisters for the past 25 silver years and 50 golden years of grace.
An important aspect of the Religious life is the celebration of milestones, such as silver and golden jubilee of religious profession. This is a time of remember and rejoice, rejuvenate and renew the commitment that has been such an important part of the life of the sister and the congregation.
Today we the CFMSS family has chosen this day, to celebrate the gift of these our sisters… Smitha, Swati, Sushma, Sunanda, Sanjana and Sitilin Who celebrate their Silver Jubilee and our sisters Henrica, Gemma, Gilbertha, Leonarda, Clelia, Felicita, Dominica, Igina, Edwarda, Mary Peter, Flavia, Gabriela, Ferdinanda and Jacinta, who celebrate their Golden Jubilee..
We are here to thank them with sincere heart for sharing their life with us and being part of this cfmss family
We are here to thank the good and mighty Lord for the beautiful gift of their vocation to this institute and for the church…
We are here to acknowledge and celebrate their dedication and commitment through these many years…
We are here to express our love, appreciation and thanks to our dear sisters for all that they have accomplished in the vineyard of the Lord, in different places of our country and to people of varied cultures….
We are here to thank them for their contribution in building God’s Kingdom…
We are here to celebrate the unique way in which each one of them had been part of God’s plan in the development of the Institute and our own Respective Provinces,
Yes it’s indeed an occasion of great celebration…
It’s indeed a moment of grace…
It’s indeed a memorable day to cherish.
This special event has filled the atmosphere of this place with gratitude, praise and thanksgiving to God the Almighty.

On this auspicious day when the atmosphere around us is in the mood of jubilation and exultation, I stand here  on behalf of Rev. Sr. Joyce Thadathil our Provincial Superior and her Council members and all the members of St. Francis Province India to welcome you all, for  the jubilee celebration of these our beloved sisters.
I humbly acknowledge the benign presence of our beloved Arch Bishop, Most Rev. Dr. Anil J. T. Couto, who consented to preside over this Holy Eucharist for us and bring down the heavenly blessings upon us. We welcome you, Your Grace.
I also extend a warm welcome to all the Con-Celebrants, who have come from far and near to be part of this celebration. We welcome you dear fathers.
This day is blessed by the graceful presence of the parents, brothers, sisters and relatives of our Jubilarians. We extend a hearty welcome to each of them.
The presence of our sisters from far and near and from our neighboring communities, have added colour to the day. We welcome you dear sisters, especially we welcome dear Rev. Sr. Deepika, the Provincial Superior of Mother Seraphina Province North East and her council members and Dear Rev. Sr. Arthi, the Provincial Superior of St. Clare’s Province, Clement Town- Dehradun and her council members. Welcome dear sisters.
Last but not the least, I welcome each and every one of you present here, who made it to be part of today’s celebration, dear fathers, brothers, friends, benefactors, well wishers and acquaintances. We welcome you all.
Welcoming you all with cheerful heart, I now request you all to stand up in unison and welcome these wise Virgins, who are found watchful till today by the Lord, as they approach the altar with their lamps lit and are been accompanied by their Bride Groom-Jesus, to the altar, along with the rhythmic steps of the dancers……


  1. superb well prepared and is a guide and help for the religious

  2. Malayalam translation

  3. May I get in hindi
