Friday, 31 May 2019


Prayer service on silver Jubilee: 


There is a promise in each sunrise, there is a hope for each day, there is a new day before us to begin a new life in our inner world of thought, feelings and emotions as well as in the world around us   Lord we than you for the gift of life and love. We thank you for your son Jesus who is a real friend to us and especially to Sr. Mary.  Above all we thank you for the gift of Sr. May as she celebrates her silver Jubilee. She is a wonderful person who is possessed with lot of potentialities and talents.  Her sisterly love touches each members of our congregation as she celebrates her silver Jubilee.
Yes Lord, a gift is not a reward, it is not something that one deserves, nor can one demand it.  A true gift is always free. A greatest and the most precious gift each one has received is the gift of life.  Today the real gift for us is Sr… a gift can be acknowledged, accepted, utilized, ignored, rejected, discarded or buried.  But today as we celebrate the Jubilee of Sr. Mary her gifts are really to be acknowledged, accepted, and utilized for good, it brings greater happiness to both receiver and giver.  It is said that life is God’s gift to us, and what we make of life is our gift to god.
Sr. Mary has worked 25years tirelessly with zeal and enthusiasm even though at times the life was not smooth yet she always rendered her service with cheerfulness.  With these sentiments of gratitude we welcome you in our midst with chandas and kukum. As flowers add beauty to the garland so dear sister you add joy to this celebration.  Today our hearts are filled with symphony of gratitude as a token our love we garland to you as we welcome you to this hour of prayer.

Symbolic offering

Dear sister as a symbol of the deeper offering of self, we invite to do deepanjali to express your homage, reverence thanksgiving, praise, adoration and total surrender of yourself to god. 
Dearest Lord as our dear sister offers herself a ‘deep’ at your altar we offer her through Jesus, her body, mind, spirit thoughts, feelings, her desires, aspirations words and actions her 25 years past religious life, present and future her joys and sufferings achievements and failures.  Her strength and weakness, her prayers and work, her relationship and, solitude her hopes and dreams, the whole of herself and every part of her beings let our humble prayer of praise and thanksgiving arise before you like incense through this deepanjali ‘deep’ which is the symbol of life of our ‘deep’ which is the symbol of life of our dear sister which is enlightened continuously by Jesus himself and enlighten many in her 25 years of religious life.

Dearest Lord, with deep sense of gratitude in our hearts, we praise and thank you Lord for all the marvelous and wondrous deeds you have done past 25 years of her religious life.  God of life and love as you planned her existence in this world, the very moment she was conceived in her mothers womb, you are accompanying in her life journey, you are constant companion in every moment of her life till this very moment and in future too.

As we rejoice with sr, …. on this special occasion, thanking and praising god for her dedicate4d and exemplary life, the gates of our hearts are flung open and our joy flow far over the seas and oceans at this joyous moment we congratulate you dear sister and are reminded of your 25 precious years of religious life.  A life, which is traveled alone, a life with challenges and uncertainties, a life with surprises and amazements, a life, which is shared with others.  We thank you Lord for all the blessings that you shower upon her each and every moment of her life.  Bless her abundantly Lord for the years to come. 

Dear sister it is the day for you to recollect the most meaningful moments in your life to list those blessings you never found the time to be thankful, to accept every good things that came on you way and reflect on the valuable lessons you have learned in life, the truth that you found, the miracles that touched you.  As you recollect the past 25 years remember all the time most memorable and precious to your heart, hook in to today and feel his presence overwhelming you and look forward to tomorrow with great hope.

Dear sister we rejoice with you at this special occasion and celebrate your ever loving dedicated life.  God’s blessing upon you are countless, he continues to bless you and is always there in your life with His warm light of piercing love.  Today we are grateful to the almighty for the precious gift of your life to the church, to our congregation, to our community and to each one of us.  Thank you for the laughter, love and joy, which you bring in to our hearts.  Thank you for inspiring us with your missionary zeal and enthusiasm. 

On this special day our very prayer for you is that you may experience the presence of God walking along with you wherever you go, may he make you a channel through which your blessings flow to others. Hymn C.54 [W.J.L]


Word of God is a lamp for your steps and a light for your path.  Let us listen to the voice of god as we hear the scripture reading, which is taken from the prophet Isaiah 61:10-11.
Call to consecrated life is a call to follow the footsteps of Jesus on the way of perfect love.  The source of religious life is a radical discipleship to Jesus, which is based on deep faith and commitment.  It is only then that our service will become an authentic witness and prophetic way of responding to the reign of God. 

Dear sister today you are called to be a prophet a call, which originates from Jesus himself.  The prophet utters a hymn of thanksgiving and praise for the fidelity of god towards His people.  He rejoices in the Lord for making known to him the righteous things to do. 
Mary our mother is the first disciple to announce to the world the messianic age and the prophetic mission of Jesus. Lk, 1:46-55 invites us to join with miry to raise our hearts in thanksgiving to the Lord and master who came down to dwell in the midst of us.  1 Sam 2:1-10 the canticle of Hannah also reminds us to praise and thank god.  Hannah bursts in to sentiments for God’s marvelous deeds in bringing about a reversal of order.  Dear sister with grateful hearts we the community sisters acknowledge your greatness and goodness and all that you have been to each one of us, above all the mighty deeds of God in your life.  We continue to sing a hymn of thanksgiving. C.56.[W.J.L]

Psalm 111
It is fitting to praise and thank the Lord along with the psalmist so we invite you dear sister to express your sentiments of gratitude for the past 25 years of His faithfulness and fidelity to your commitment in religious life.  Now let us listen to psalm 111
Silence…………. As sister celebrate her jubilee let us also rejoice with her by singing Jubilate A .127. 

Intercession: Lord on this day with immense joy and gratitude we bring to your care our dear Sr… her past and future life, may the Lord of Love be with you as you walk along, may God’s love in you burn fires of hope and faith.  Lord you had led her and we ask you to confine to lead her as she journeys towards you.  Let us pray to the Lord.

Res: Till the end of my days O Lord
        I will bless your name sing your praise.
        Give you thanks all my days.

2.        We pray for all of us specially the silver jubilarian, her parents brothers and sisters, relatives and well wishers who have gathered here on this special occasion that the spirit of the Lord may abide with us and bless each one of us and fill us with His graces and love peace and joy. Let us pray to the Lord………………
3.        We Pray for our Pope Benedict XVI, Our bishops, priests and religious that we may encounter God in our daily life and grow in His wisdom and knowledge and we may carry out our responsibilities in teaching and preserving the faith of the community.  Let us pray………..
4.        We pray for our country, which is going through a lot of turmoil because of intolerance, violence and natural calamities.  May Christ’s teaching inspire us to live by it with total commitment and the N.G.Os and Government leaders may take immediate action to reach out the needy.  Let us pray………..
5.        Lord we place before you all the missionaries who are working in the different parts of the world, especially who are working in the interior parts of our country.  Grant them Lord your zeal and enthusiasm to withstand the trials and difficulties.  May your Holy word be a source of inspiration in their lives as they go about. Let us pray……….


Dear sister May you be able to look beyond today and days to come for blessings, Look beyond the trials and difficulties when God will turn night today.  May you be able to trust in the Lord who wants the best for you, He is walking beside you in the valley, His grace will see you through, look beyond today and forever blessings.  God in His time will reveal to you the may joys that are waiting, the joys he has chosen just for you and the happiness ahead for you.

Lord we pray to you to bless to adorn you with all the virtues.  May God bless you with all the choicest blessings, carve you in His palm, deepen your faith enrich you with his love feed you with his everlasting words, guide you in His path inspire you with His insight.  May he continue to use you as an effective instrument to draw people to Jesus.  We make this prayer through the intercession of all saints, our foundress and your beloved son Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy spirit one God forever and ever Amen.

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