Friday, 31 May 2019



-          A lighted diya is kept in the centre of the rangoli made in the shape of a flower.
-          A candle to be given to each student.
-          Small bits of coloured papers[representing 7 colours of the rainbow] to be distributed among the students.
Hymn :  I’ve called you by name….. as the hymn is being sung diya is lighted by the different children.
Introduction: [soft music] My dear children, God loves you and He calls you by name. Are you aware that He sees you everyday of your life and understands you as He made you? I know that it is sometimes difficult for you to believe that God really loves you, especially in times of suffering and pain. But God always watches you in your day of rejoicing or in your day of sorrow. He knows every little thing about you, your thoughts, your likes and dislikes, your strengths and your weaknesses. Inspite of the many times that you fail to do what He wants you to do, he encompasses you with His everlasting love and bears you in His arms. He notes your every countenance, whether smiling or in tears. He looks tenderly upon you. He hears your voice, the beating of your heart, your breathing. You do not love yourselves better than He loves you. You cannot shrink from pain more than He dislikes you bearing it. And if He does put it on you, understand that He will give you the courage to bear it and that it is for your greater good in the future.
          Remember my dear students that God your loving Father is always close to you, regardless of your circumstances. So, as we celebrate your day, begin by firmly believing that there is God who loves you more than any human person and whose unconditional love will remain with you till the end of time, if you so wish it…..

Leader: this little introduction that we have just heard gave us the assurance that God loves us and that we are special. He speaks to through our parents, teachers, friends etc…..and very specially through His own Word. Let us now listen to what He says to each one of us.

Reading: Is. 43:1, 2-4
Reflection: God’s love for us is tremendous! He has called each of us for a special purpose and that is why each of us has a special role to play. He has blessed me with many gifts, gifts with which I am called to make this a better world to live in for me and for others. How then, can I be a source of hope, love to all around me. Each of us is given a small bit of coloured paper – resembling the different colours of the rainbow. Write down one way how you can make the best of the gift God has given you to be a ray of hope in this world. Then each of us will go and put our colour on the backdrop. So that joining all the different tiny bits together we will form a large rainbow of 7 colours.

Prayers of the faithful: Leader… Each of us and all of us jointly can make this world a better place. And this is what God calls us today to do. We have written on our bit of paper how we are going to respond to this call of the Lord. this is not something very easy, but Jesus says: ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened to you…. Keeping this in mind, let us place our intentions in the hands of our loving father.
1.   Lord, we ask you to bless our students today and everyday of their lives. May they experience your infinite love for them and may they continue to believe in you and follow your ways as they  grow into beautiful persons.
2.   O God, help our students to be diligent in their studies. Make them strong against temptations, resolute distractions, humble before the truth and gracious to the less gifted. Teach them, to use their opportunities gratefully, develop their talents responsibly and use them in the service of others.
3.   L0rd we pray especially for the parents of our students. Help them to understand their children. Give parents everywhere the courage and hope in their task and joy in their children.
4.   God, our loving father, help our teachers to see in every student, a precious soul, most dear and may they lead the students through paths of wonder not to fear. Give them patience with those who refuse to learn. When they have to exercise discipline, help them to do so with sterness and yet with love. Help them always to encourage and never to discourage those who are doing their best, even if that very best is not very good
Thanksgiving prayer: [student] I thank you Lord, for your great love for me. Because of your love I can see and hear that I am whole and well. Because of your love I have food to eat, a sheltering roof, the comfort of bed, so many hunger through the day and face cheerless chill of homeless nights. I thank you Lord for your great love, for making me someone special and for calling me. Help me to always be a ray of hope to all of your love to all whom I encounter.
Leader: Dear students, each of us is special and called by God for a special mission. Let us all now together commit ourselves to shine God’s light to all around as we sing the hymn… this guiding light of mine…….[ each one goes forward and light the candle in their hands and form a big circle around the diya]

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