Thursday, 30 May 2019

Birthday Prayer- 5

 A very Good morning and warm welcome to all of you dear sisters.
As the sun is coming up, as the roosters are crowing and as the alarm clocks are singing , Dear Lord, once again you remind us that it’s a new day, a time to praise you and an opportunity to honor you by a sincere life.
Today Sr. _________ heart overwhelms with joy and gratitude to God as she begins a new year of her birth. Like a sunflower that follows every moment of the sun so I turn towards you to follow you my God is the melodious song that comes forth from her heart today. On this special occasion, the giver of life rejoices in her birth. Let’s all join with her to thank and praise the creator and master as she performs the Aarti.
               The worms wriggle and birds chirp with joy singing. Thank you Lord for this sunny day. The gentle breeze whispers, Thank you Lord for this pleasant day. Whereas Sr. _______ explores with joy and gay saying thank you Lord for its my birthday. Yes, dear sister you are a precious gift and indeed today is a day of rejoicing and gladness, a day of praise and thanksgiving to God as we celebrate your birthday. It’s a great day for all of us as we join together to celebrate your precious life. We were eagerly waiting for this day. Filled with joy and happiness on this your day for the  most precious life you have. We join to thank and praise the creator of life. You are a dynamic person and a unique gift to each one of us, to our community. You are a person of love and you speak with love. We have experienced your love through your words and deeds of kindness for us. Dear sister today we praise and thank God for the gift of your beautiful person, the masterpiece of his creation. We rejoice with you for the gift of your precious life and we celebrate it. We feel happy to express our love, fellowship and solidarity with you. May God make your birthday something special just as he made you. While we rejoice with you we extend our warmest wishes from hearts sincere and true. Today we pray that you may have love and life in its fullest and may this coming year of your life be for you a better year than all others that are past. May happiness and joy be yours, on the path ahead. Good health and fortune go with you for a glorious, wonderful future wherever you may trade in his vineyard.  Hymn________  
         It shall be my Endeavour to reveal thee in my actions, knowing it is thy power gives me strength to act.”  These words of Rabindranath Tagore ore rightly express the life of Sr. ________ whose birthday we celebrate today. We recognize in her the liveliness, childlike confidence in God, enthusiasm, far sightedness, hospitality, availability to service and faith in Gods providence. With these and many other qualities she has revealed God in her actions and relationships. She allows God to flood her life with his power. Therefore we see her deeply peaceful, firm and strong, always in quest of God’s will. We discover Gods touch of love in her life and in the varied experiences that have molded her life. Hymn__________
Dear Sr. _______today grace is born afresh in your life to make you his gift of love visible to all of us. Your birthday is not so much an achievement but it is simply an expression of having accepted and fulfilled your mission as it has been given to you. One of the sweetest things in life is the sense of satisfaction which always comes as reward when we fulfill our mission which fills our hearts with a lasting gladness. We wish you today the deep joy that comes from the sense of your responsibility which has been entrusted to you to embrace Gods mission with a renewed vigor and a genuine disposition of openness to God.
Hymn …………

On your birthday you are invited to reflect your nearness to God. Every year has gone by as petal fallen from a flower, its function completed. It has dropped away. This birthday tells you to make most of this moment to live your life moment by moment. For these moments will become the next year of your life. So forget the past, collect the good memories of yesteryears. As you enter into this new year of your life full of hope, love.
And happiness, a torch bearer of joy. 
Life is God’s gift to every human being. Be it long or short. The importance of living lies in how one has lived one’s life. How much joy one has been able to spread during his or her life time. Life is not always a bed of roses. Yet an optimist is able to discover the roses amidst the thorns. The difficulties that come into our life do not always engulf us unless we let ourselves down. Difficulties make us strong and help us to be considerate, caring, loving and hopeful.
Dear sister the sisters of the province love you for the way you can be both strong and kind. For the way you laugh and cry, feeling life from deep within inside. For the way you are sometimes distant but never too far, for the way you reach out and search for and bring out the best inside of all of us. For your openness, your honesty, for looking into the farthest corners of your heart, and touching our inmost thought. For your wisdom, your understanding………. Your love of simple things. For always being our friend and letting us know it.
As you celebrate your day today think of those who stood by you through sunshine and rain, to keep alive your fading hope. Held you close in face of danger and helped you on when the going was hard. Friends who have shared in this success story, for sure, unmindful of what the world said, unperturbed by what others did, you went ahead, worked hard to reach your goal daring all difficulties. Today is yours! A day when you and all around you celebrate your joy of achieving your goal. Be as you are –bold and beautiful yet humble at heart.

Gift: Persons are gifts to receive and gifts to be given.  Persons are gifts which the father sends to us wrapped.  Some are wrapped in a very ordinary wrapping paper, some persons are gifts which come wrapped very beautifully and they are very attractive.  Others are wrapped gently, delicately and creatively.  But the wrapping is not the gift.  Gift exists within the wrapping, which God the Creator has placed in the original from.  Let’s open the wrapping and look for the gift with its originality.  Now I request Sr._________ to come forward to unwrap the gift of her person.
Opening the gift:
1st layer (Gentleness) : Sr. _______-      the gift that you hold represents the gift of yourself.  The gentleness of your life that you have shared with others.  It is greater to be great, but it is greatest to be as gentle as you are.  Lord, we thank you for sharing such a great gift with us. 
2nd layer  (Generosity) : The gift is always meant to give that is what we have experienced in our daily living with you dear sister.  You are a person always ready to share in terms of time, talents, ideas and thoughts and happy to receive the life situations with more determination.
Son we remain grateful to God for sharing this precious gift with us. 
3rd layer (Care and love): The gift silently communicates ‘handle me with care’.  Dear Sr. we the Sisters of this community are cared and supported by you.  With your animation our community and province has bloomed and grown.  With all the ups and downs you dealt with the sisters and handled the situations with love and care.  We acclaim to God  “Thank you Lord for dealing and handling us with care.”
4Th layer (Cheerfulness):   Cheerfulness and joy are the lubricants of a peaceful and serene life. A cheerful smile, a friendly word, a hearty welcome for the sisters of our provinces are The priceless little treasures from the store house of God that reflected I the person of Sr. _________.
We thank you Lord for the precious gift of cheerfulness in the person Sr.-
5th layer (Spirit of prayer) : Prayer is a channel that brings the waters of grace, to the barren regions of our souls, and makes it blossom in virtue. Prayer has been the priority in the life of Sr._______ In the high and low tidings, in the busy or relaxing moments she could steal and avail time for God. In the joyful, in the peaceful stormy hours she experiences the power of love and healing. We thank you Lord for the quiet moments of stillness in prayer and openness to your grace.
6th layer (Dedication):   “One who serves and seeks no recompense finds union with the lord. Such a servant alone takes the masters guidance.” says Nanak, and on him is the divine grace”. We have experienced in Sr.______ the deep dedicated spirit which is an act of love for God and for the sisters of our province especially for our community. In loving we feel loved, in serving we feel served and in dying  to self and sin we become alive this is the goal of Sr.---- life. We praise and thank you Lord today for giving Sr.--- as the efficient animator of our province.

Dear God, I celebrate,
Everything that happens in my life.  All the things you have given me: the sky, the stars, mountains trees and flowers do form part of my celebration.  Thank you for all the people you have placed here around me on earth. Teach me to love them all. Help me to be a friend to all. Even when it is difficult to do so. At such times help me remember
that you are the greatest friend of all. Lord my God, when your love Spilled over into creation you thought of me I am from love, of love, for love. My life has been shaped in beauty by your hand let my heart, O God, Always recognize Cherish and enjoy your goodness in all creation. Direct all that is me toward your praise. Teach me reverence for every person, all things. Energize me in your service,
O God, May nothing ever distract me from your love------ neither health, nor sickness
wealth or poverty, honor or dishonor long life or short life. May I never seek nor choose to be Other than you intend or wish.

Psalm 62 is considered as a psalm of trust. Here the psalmist is filled with nostalgia and a strong desire to return to the temple. Perhaps no other psalm so vividly expresses  the intimate relationship of love between God and his faithful one. My soul clings to you.” The cling word is often used to denote relationship with God. Dear sisters in the life of Sr.________ we do find the strong desire to be with God and to cling on to him throughout her life. At this moment she is overwhelmed with joy and sings “O my God my God for you my soul is thirsting.”
Hymn  joyful lips C.70

Word of  God:- A gracious word may smooth the way, a joyous word may light the way, a timely word may lessen the stress, a loving word may heal and bless. With these thoughts let us expose ourselves to listen to the word of God.  Isaiah 42: 1-9

Reflection :-  You are indeed a unique and unrepeatable image and likeness of God himself. God does not make carbon copies of you and me. You are a mystery of Love that we can only appreciate and never fully understand. As god once said to Israel he also points out to you “here is my servant, whom I uphold; my chosen, in whom my soul delights. I have put my spirit upon to you to bring forth justice and love. Dear sister, God has waited from all eternity for that moment of your birth. You are a sign that God wants the world to go on.
Hymn M .23

Dear Sr._______ today shall we say thank you? Though we know that you seek no thanks. Yet, gratitude that overwhelms our hearts urges us to recall how large hearted you were. And we shall continue to cherish your patient ears, comforting look, warm touch and encouraging pat. And above all your bountiful love.

Dear Sr. ______We wish you joy,
We wish you beauty, we wish you miracles and grace, we wish you love and success and strength for your days. We wish you laughter, fun and happy times. Warmth in the cold calm in the storm a world of special things.

We wish you friends……. and dreams, and mountains you can climb, someone walking by your side, we wish you gentle summer days, some rain and the freshness of spring.

W e wish you peace, we wish you conflict; every season, in its tide. And most of all, a sense of wonder…. to always surround your life

We wish you lasting friendships to cherish unbeatable success in life. We wish challenges as opportunities, keys to lead a happy life.

We wish  you God’s presence everywhere obtainable goals in life. We wish you opportunities at every moment, dreams of yours coming true. These wishes are especially for you.

May God Bless you always and all your ways. May you discover your true self, reach your full potential. May you grow strong and healthy.  In mind, body and spirit.

May you find joy, challenge, meaning in your life. May you always seek truth even when it is hard and painful.  May you accept and forgive both yourself and others.

May you be able to find a silver lining behind every dark cloud of  adversity. May you discover God in everyone who comes into your life.

Hymn :Count your blessings……..

Concluding Prayer :

May you have enough goals to lead a good life. Enough God’s wisdom to recognize right from wrong, enough faith to keep you spiritual, enough time to spend with God, enough health to serve other, enough wealth to share with the needy, enough joy to make you laugh often, enough trials to keep you strong, enough friends to give you comfort, enough goodness to love everyone, enough sight to see the earth’s beauty, enough strength to give you best, enough success to keep you eager.
May the strength of  God direct you, may the power of God preserve you, may the wisdom of God instruct you, may the hand of God protect you, may the way of God guide you, may the shield of God defend you.

We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen


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