LIVING: How wonderful it is to see the harmonious way
this plant is put together. The stem, the branches, the leaves, the flowers,
the roots, all put together form a marvelous blend of living. They appear so
different, one from the other. The stem is different from the branches, the
branches from the leaves, the leaves from the flowers and the flowers from the
roots and yet each one of these contributes to the growth and development of
the other. None of these is superfluous and every one of them is necessary and
important. Each one of them has their role to play. Different yet forming one
entity, living together in harmony and co-ordination.
This plant has been called into
existence through tensions, struggle of failures yet the plant has grown
Let us remember that
through tensions, failures and struggles we grow to maturity in the community.
GIVING: This plant
is an ideal example of giving. The roots give themselves to the stem. Drawing
energy from the soil. The roots transport this energy to the stem. The stem in
turn conveys this life giving energy to the branches and the branches in their
turn transmit this same energy to the leaves and the flowers. What an ideal
example of giving. There is no question of clinging to their respective selves.
It is in giving that this plant grows to the fulfill maturity.
Our communities are called to give. Each one of us is
called to give oneself totally to our communities. When this giving is selfless
and generous, our community will thrive and grow to maturity. But if we refrain
from giving our community will shrink and die.
Let us question ourselves whether or not we give ourselves
totally to our community?
SHARING: Each member of this plant has its own
function. In spite of the different role that each one plays yet are shares
whole-heartedly with the other members. The food, the water, the air, the
light, the beauty and the fragrance that it receives is shared with all the
members. This sharing brings about inter-relatedness among all the members as
though each member is concerned about the other. Without this life of sharing
this plant would cease to grow and flourish. This plant depends totally and
completely on its ability to share. By sharing this plant blossoms and blooms
into full structure.
Sharing has to he the foundation of any true and genuine
religious community. How much of myself do I share in my community? Do I share
something that is external and superfluous to me or do I share my very self?
branch, each leaf, each flower of this plant is unique. Each one of these
receives support from the other and each one depends on the other for support.
What marvelous interdependence. How intimately inter-connected one
Part is to the other. Each
member of this plant cannot survive on its own what it receives from one; it
gives to another and thus completes the chain of giving.
We depend so much on each other and on our community. We
could never develop and grow without this interaction of receiving and giving.
This is to be the hallmark of our community. The readiness and willingness to
receive and at the same time the generosity and preparedness to give.
LOVING: Beauty springs forth
from love. Every plant is a thing of beauty which has sprung forth from the
loving hands of a loving God. God’s beauty is reflected in every structure and
shapely features of this plant. The beauty is enriched by the symmetrical make
up of the leaves and the colorful charming delicacy of every flower.
The plant in turn is full of love for each of its members.
It is love that holds each part in place and each part together. Every plant is
a symbol of love, loving itself as it clings to itself. Loving God as it raises
its magnificent beauty heaven words and loving the world around it as it
stretches out to embrace the whole world. How do we love our sisters in the
PRAYING: The very posture of
this plant denotes an attitude of prayer. Taking its root in the soil, in the
ground it tends to raise upwards to the heavens with its branches reaching out
to the sky. A continual and continuous attitude of payer. It seeks to rise and
ascend from the earthly to the heavenly in a perpetual stance of thanksgiving
and prayerfulness. Thanking God for its very existence and for having been
created for one ultimate purpose and that is to glorify God and to beautify
this earth. All that it receives from God it gives back in a spirit of
Like the plant, our community must be rooted in Christ,
tending upwards towards the heavens in a constant attitude of prayer in
adoration; in exaltation; in supplication and in gratification. Like the
branches of this plant every individual in our community must be transformed
and changed into a prayerful persons.
BEARING: we see a variety of
leaves, branches, flowers and petals. Some are old, some young, some half way
grown; some are healthy, some not so healthy. Yet the plant is called to bear
up with all the differences that are present in its members. The plant does not
discard any one of these, no matter what they are. On the contrary, the plant
embraces every one of these supporting them, nourishing them and clinging on to
them. It takes into consideration so carefully the differences and the
diversity that exists because the plant recognizes the important role of each
Do we accept our complementarities and show respect for
each one’s mystery as we journey towards the Lord, supporting and bearing with
one another?
WORKING: The very life of plant
shows that without it’s working, it cannot sustain the others. There is a
marvelous co-ordination of work that goes on in the
Plant. The part for the whole
and the whole for the part. Each part knows well that it so much depends on the
others. It has to work not merely for itself but also for sustain the others.
The life of the each part of the plant is interdependent. The motto of the
plant is: UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL. What an excellent model of
harmonious working in the plant. Do we work whole-heartedly and
enthusiastically for the good of our communities? Do we make a justifiable
contribution by working for our communities? Does my work, in any way, extinguish
the spirit of my prayer life? Am I a workaholic or a work-shirks? Do I sustain
my community and does my community sustain me?
We thank God for giving us a plant as a symbol of what our
community should be!
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