If you want to see the image of God,
look into the cross on Calvary . When God
forgives our trespasses, we also will be transformed into the image of God. His
love will flow into us. If that love is to be complete, we also must forgive
others. There are two things that drive us away form love. One is the sin
committed by others against us. When we confess our sins to the priest our sins
are forgiven. If we are not to be pursued by the sins we confessed and got
forgiveness for, we should have the grace to forgive all those that gave us pain.
When we forgive others completely, with all our heart, the Holy Spirit will
come to us. The presence of the Holy Spirit in us is a sure sign that God has
forgiven us our sins.
We may have sustained a number of
painful wounds in our lives. We often retained the memories in our minds with a
view to taking revenge at the appropriate time. Our dislike to our parents, our
hatred to our friends, our intolerance to our higher officers, all this made us
blind with rage, where we cause those who did us wrong we are moving away from
God. If we can pray, like Jesus when dying on the cross, “Father, forgive them
for they know not what they are doing” we are returning to the image of God.
The Lord hanging on the cross, tells us daughter, give me your painful
experience, your wounds and I will fill you with love. He extends his
nail-pierced hands towards us. It is true that we loved others and they
returned us ingratitude. It is true that we thought well of others but they
considered us ill, it is true that we accepted them but they rejected us. They
accused us of crimes we did not commit. Never mind, let us place all our pains
before the Lord. He is calling us, he is telling us, forgive, I will forgive
you. Let us also participate in the love of the cross and get strength to
forgive. Our painful experience should be converted into occasions of showing
love. Let us forget and forgive. Let us become new beings in the love of
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