Reflection on
the hands of Mary -
dear sisters before we start our rosary, let us look at our hands for a while
and thank God for the gift of these hands that can pray, work, play, write,
paint, stitch, cook, serve, touch and feel. As we sing praise the Lord No 42
let us offer these hands to the Lord.
Today let us reflect on the hands of a
woman- a woman who was at the service of others whose daily life was Jesus.
Woman full of grace, on fire with love, gentle, compassionate.
Mary is the mother of the church,
guiding us to her son Jesus. She is the model to follow Christ in all the aspects
of our life. She was the only one who
Stood with him
in all the mysteries. Her heart never ceases to praise the father. Let us join
in telling the father how great he is by singing P.L. No. 220
mystery: The open hands of Mary:
The open hands
of Mary helped her to say yes to the father at the time of the annunciation.
She had unique place in the history of salvation. Her openness made it possible
for the savior to come into the world. She obediently responses to that
annunciation reflects not only her sanctity but also the anticipated
characteristics of a disciple of Jesus. This openness led her to share this
good news to her cousin Elizabeth LK 1: 28-35 Let us offer ourselves to the
father through Mary’s hands.
mystery: Visitation…the loving hands of Mary.
The loving
hands of Mary carried her loving son. The word made flesh and offered to the
world lovingly. Mary played a role in God’s plan of saving his people and
indeed she was for seen from the time of Isaiah as the virgin who would give birth
to “Emmanuel” God with us. A light has shown up on this day, for the Lord our
savior is born.
mystery: Birth of Jesus… The pleading hands of Mary:
Mary pleaded
for the needs of others to her beloved son. We see this at the wedding at Cana . She was aware of the situation she asked the
servants to listen to Jesus and to do what he said. She was the mediator
between Jesus and humankind. She made Jesus work the miracle even though his
time had not yet come. She had great faith in him that he would meet the need.
She followed Him as a loving mother as a close disciple throughout his public
ministry. [Jn 2:1-11]
mystery: Presentation…the surrendering hands of Mary.
Mary stood at
the foot of the cross, surrendering her whole self along with Jesus to the
father. She was helpless to see her son dying as a criminal. Her whole attitude
was nothing else but of total surrender to the father. Their Jesus gives the
physical mother a spiritual role as a mother of her son Jesus who formed a
small community of believers at the foot of the cross. [Jn 19: 25-27]
mystery: Finding of child Jesus in the temple…The
praising hands of Mary.
Mary was there
when the disciples prepared themselves into the upper room to receive the
spirit. She was present when the first Christian community started and she was
the inspiration for all the disciples. Her response was behold the handmaid of
the Lord… let it be done unto me according to thy will. She had not changed her
mind till the end. [Acts 1: 12-14]
May God bless you