Friday, 31 May 2019



INTODUCTION: Peace! We are all looking for peace, trying to find peace in others and peace in the nation. We are still in search, but where shall we find it? Yes, we find it deep within our own heart. Dear friends, we have gathered here today to celebrate Peace day on the occasion of the death anniversary of the father of our nation, Mahatma Gandhi, who was killed because he fought for peace. Now let us sing the hymn- Make me a channel of your peace…..and ask God our Heavenly Father, to help us be channels of peace.
Let us now, go deep within ourselves and examine our hearts to reflect- whether we have been messengers of peace, by listening to the word of God.
Reading: Jn: 14: 27
Reflection: Peace is the gift, Jesus gives to all of us. Peace that is health in mind and wholeness in the body, unity in the family and prosperity in the society. Peace that unites, reconciles, heals and gives joy. Peace that is easy to invoke and hard to achieve. Do I have  the peace of Christ within me? What ate the different things that obstruct me from being at peace with my own self and from being a messenger of peace to others?[pause]
Hymn:…….. “peace is flowing like a river…”
Prayers of the faithful: Let us ask the Lord to bless us and the whole world by bestowing on us His gift of peace so that we may continue to be bearers and sharers of the Peace of Christ. Let our response be: “Lord, give peace in our hearts.”
1.   Lord Jesus, give us the peace of mind and generosity of heart. help our young people to respond to your call to build a world of peace with love and understanding.
2.   Lord Jesus, be with our students, help them to imbibe the message of peace, love and nonviolence and thus help to build our country.
3.   Lord Jesus, help us to acquire the simple art of loving people around us and in doing so, give us strength to make this world a better place.
It is only when one finds peace deep within, we will be able to heal the world and bring peace. May there be peace flowing through each one of us, peace in our families, communities and nation.
Hymn: “Bind us together …”

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