Friday, 31 May 2019



Theme:  “We thank God for you”
Symbol: In two hands a plate of flowers [flowers equivalent to the no. of    

A banner with the theme and symbol displayed on the alter or in a prominent place.

Good morning dear friends. Today is a joyful day for all of us for it is our teachers’ day. So let us welcome them to this Eucharistic celebration. As the entrance hymn is being sung all the teachers will come in procession with lamp in their hands and place them in different direction symbolizing that a teacher is called to be a light not only to a particular area/place but to the whole world.

Entrance hymn: ‘Enter his gates’ W.J.L.73

Today the 5th of September is the birthday of Dr. Radhakrishnen the scholar, philosopher and a great teacher and this day is celebrated as Teacher’s day. The theme for today’s liturgy is “We thank God for you.” Dear teachers on this well remembered day we appreciate your response to the call you heard many years ago. We thank our God for you for what you are to us, for your love, your smile, your gentle touch and everything that makes us glad to be alive. So dear friends during this Eucharistic celebration, let us thank God for the gift of our loving teachers and implore God’s blessings on them today and always.

Penitential Rite:
1.           Student : Jesus we are sorry for being disrespectful and disobedient to our teachers. [singing Lord have mercy]

2.           Teacher: Many a times Lord we have been selfish in our teaching profession and have not worked whole heartedly to enrich and illumine the minds of our students. we are sorry Lord [singing Christ have mercy]

3.           Student: Lord many times we take our teachers for granted. Instead of thanking and appreciating them, we have criticized them and spoke ill of them. [singing Lord have mercy]

First Readings: Phil 1,3-11
Response: ‘My Shepherd is the Lord’ W.J.L. Z.22 is played long
with the power point presentation.
Gospel:      Mt19,13-15


Prayer of the faithful:
Response : Lord hear our prayer

  1. Student: Lord we thank you for our teachers who try to mould us into responsible citizens of our country. Fill them with your grace and guard them in every walk of life. Let us pray to the Lord

  1. People: We pray that students of today may be guided to respect the aged, protect the weak, and speak for justice and truth. Let us pray to the Lord

  1. People: Lord we pray that our teachers may be filled with your power to teach values and virtues that will make the students of today brave, true and kind so that they follow your foot prints. Let us pray to the Lord

  1. Teacher: Lord in our roles as principal and teachers may grow each day by inculcating virtues of service and dedication to the call of our mission. Make us more sensitive and loving in imparting knowledge, especially by turning towards the weak students. Let us pray to the Lord

Presentation of the gifts:

1.           Praising hands
Student: Lord we bring you the unique gift of our teachers who have praised us, healed us by their caring touch. We offer each one of them to you to bless them with good health and abundant graces.

2.           Varieties of vegetables
Teacher: Lord we bring these varieties of vegetables symbolizing our students with their  unique potentialities and talents.

3.           Clock
Student: Lord as our dear teacher comes to your alter with this clock, we are filled with deep gratitude to you and to them. Lord we present to you their diligence and faithfulness in serving you through us.

4.           Host and Wine
Teacher: Dear Lord, many grains and grapes have crushed and broken to prepare this bread and wine which involves a lot of hard labour. We bring this bread and wine as a symbol of our hard labour that we jointly put in to yield good and abundant fruit in our students.

Offertory hymn:  ‘I give my hands’ W.J.L. N.24

Communion hymn: ‘Sing my soul at the joy…’ D.18

Thanksgiving prayer:

Teacher: Eucharistic Lord we thank you for you divine presence with  and around us. On this day we remain grateful to you for the gifts of our loving students. Lord You have placed your trust in us to mould these young ones. Thank you for this undeserved grace to share your love with our students, to nurture them with care and to be the privileged channels of your love for them. Make us diligent in preparing our lessons and to do our best to quench the thirst of out students for knowledge and love. Bless our students with the gifts of  wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Keep us all in the shelter of your hand. Thank you Lord.

Recessional hymn: ‘Thank you O Lord your love is    
                               Boundless  W.J.L. C.63.


          Our thumb is nearest to us. So let us begin our prayer by praying for those who are close to our hearts, gather those you love in your heart, Your beloved parents dear brothers and sisters ,relatives ,friends and others who enriched our lives with their unconditional  love ,loyalty ,thoughtfulness and caring.
          The next finger is the pointing finger. Pray for those who teach and instruct you, heal and form you. The persons in authority and those who brought healing to our body, mind and spirit. Pray that the Lord may bestow His wisdom and guidance upon them.
          The next finger is the tallest finger it reminds of our leaders we pray for the leaders of our church, our country and our religious family. They are in need of God’s guidance and knowledge to shape our country and our congregations. May God shower His blessings upon them.
          The fourth finger is the ring finger surprising to many is the fact is that this finger is the weakest finger it reminds us to pray for those who are weak and vulnerable, those who are in debt,pains of various types the poor ,the abandoned children and the elderly etc… May God be their constant companion.
          At last comes our little finger the smallest of ours which is where we should place ourselves in relation to God and  others




    Today, as we celebrate the republic day, the day where the constitution came into force on 56 years ago. A day where every Indian can be proud of their Nation because it assures rights and securities to all its citizens for a dignified living. The constitution is the conscience of the nation and the corner stone of the legal and judicial system. The goal of the constitution is to bring new life and hope to millions of its citizens, to give every Indian the fullest opportunities to develop according to his or her potentialities. The validity of the constitution is diminishing day by day due to corrupt parties in administration and ignorance and indifference of the citizens. The nation will come back to health and grow strong when the citizens realize the entire destiny of the country is in their own hands and there is no substitute for knowledge and integrity in public life. 

      In this era of violence and corruption, India, the country, which is known for its spirituality, can show the path of lasting harmony and peace. She can do this if only she is ready to awake to her potential implanted in her by her spiritual genius. This is the mission entrusted to the responsible citizens and it demands courage, conviction, creativity and commitment.

  India is a pluralistic religious country. Religion has a very strong hold on the Indian society.  Indian art and architectures, music and dance, festivals and ceremonies, have religion as their basis. Moreover, religions have a duty of safe guarding the divinity of our country.

  As 9 representatives of 9 religion of India light the lamp, let us become aware of our responsibility in building our nation where peace, justice, freedom and equality reins. Let us affirm the strength and courage to personalize the vision of our great Patriots to strive for better India. May this Eucharistic celebration enable us to arise with fire and force, with vision and hope to launch into the deep to rediscover to renew and to uphold a democratic, social, secular and sovereign India?

 Every new day brings freshness and beauty and every B’day reminds us of the giftedness of life. Life is a rarest of rare gifts that God has given to each one of us. And on this auspicious day as we celebrate the life of Sr…. let us ask God to bless her abundantly. Dear Sr. you are bless with very many rich gifts of love, knowledge, cheerfulness and simplicity. You are a companion on the way to all those who seeking your support and encouragement. During this Eucharistic celebration we pray that the Almighty God to fill you with His rich and rare blessing.


Prayer hour

Independence Day & Assumption of Bl.Mother

Today the 15th Aug. has special significance for us Indians as we celebrate twin feasts, which have the same message of freedom and liberation. For us Christians the Assumption of Mary is the symbol of our final fulfillment the sin and death, an affirmation of the final victory of God’s love and his grace. Hence it is fitting to raise our minds and hearts to God in praise and thanks giving for the wonderful gifts of our heavenly mother who is the symbol of true freedom. Sixty years ago on this day India breathed the air of freedom from darkness to light. Yes, Aug 15th 1947 was a day of great rejoicing for the Indians, a day of new life, a day of new power and an unforgettable day in the history of India. Freedom from the domination of others is perhaps one of the most precious gifts a person or nation can posses.

“ The voice of the mouth is but a sound, the voice of example is a clap of thunder” says St. Bernard. Dear sisters today we have one more reason to rejoice, to praise God who celebrate their B’day today. With their exemplary life of simplicity, creativity and generosity, they bring us joyful notes. Every flower that blooms and spreads fragrance today sings the melody of praises to God.

Christ is the light of faith just as the sun’s rays are the light of our lives. Every life is meant to be a light to the world. As a sign of welcoming Christ the light and surrendering ourselves to Him, let us lit the lamp and worship Christ the only and true source of our freedom.

Lighting the lamp……….

Story of tree and branches

There was a magnificent tree. It was sturdy ,graceful and shady. It’s branches laden with fruits and leaves, were gently swinging in the early morning breeze. One morning the branches began complaining to the tree. Listen to them talking.

Branch 1.  I am not prepared to remain for ever a mere branch. I want to be a tree like you with roots and trunk. I want to stand on my own feet and be independent.

Tree: You are part of the tree as all other branches. You and your leaves swinging in the breeze give us vibrant beauty and life. All of us together make the tree.

Branch 2: Why should I bear so many leaves and only a few fruits? I want to have as many fruits as the branch next to me. It is not fair that I should be treated like this.

Tree:  What does it matter if leaves and fruits are not evenly distributed among the branches? All that belongs to all belongs to each. If you were not bearing that many leaves there wouldn’t be so many fruits on the other branches. Don’t forget we all are one single tree.

Branch 3: I am fed up with having so many flowers. The bees and insects give me no peace. Even passers by hurt me by taking my flowers away. It is not just. Why should I suffer more than other branches?

Tree: Darling, beauty goes with suffering. You are the most beautiful branch. Suffering is the price. Your flowers are our flowers. Your sufferings are ours. All our leaves and our fruits are yours too. Remember we all make one tree.

Branch 4:  Why should this orchid grow on me? Why do they rob me of my sap and drain my strength. Why should I only of all the branches bear this pain and loss? I don’t want to belong to the tree.

Narrator:  With great patience and kindness the tree remarked.

Tree:  These precious orchids cannot live with out us. They need our support and service. They give to our tree an incomparable beauty and teach us to be generous. It is because of you that all of us all the branches can show compassion and love to our sisters and brothers in need .It is we not you, not  I , it’s we altogether we are one.

Dear friends, this tree symbolizes India our country, which is a home for many cultures, religions, languages, a sanctuary of natural resources and rich heritage with man power.

True freedom is an inalienable quality, the more we are free, the more we are human. Jesus invited the disciple to an inner freedom, total freedom. It is by rejecting the worldly and transient self we enjoy an authentic humanness. This is relational and open to the world, creative in terms of insights, initiatives and potentialities. It is through well discipline and well defined path one reaches the goal.

In fact we may well compare our Nation to a big Jumbo jet flying through Turbulent weather to a golden destination. For this flight, a very section of people must be stimulated together as firmly as various parts of the frame. The strength of the frame is equal only to the strength of the weakest section of the frame. One little crack that is a resentful minority would force the Jet to the ground if not repaired in time .

Let us have a glance at the symbols place at the back drop. We see a bird in the cage refusing to fly even thought the door is opened. O n the other side an eagle flying high. What does it tell me today? Do I really experience that inner freedom likes that of eagle? A I ready to let go off my comforts and securities of life so that I can contributes my best to bring freedom? To bring about an authentic human community. The world is fast moving. What is my responsibility as a religious? What are the forces that hinders me from being liberated? A I willing to face the challenges and uncertainties to make a better Nation? Or just satisfied with present comforts. Today the Lord tells us to let go off ourselves and go ahead with an unshakeable faith to bring about a liberated people.

History points out that from time to time there arose individual who dared to think differently. Le us listen to a few of them who changed the face of our country India with their enthusiasm and commitment.

A P J Abdul Kalam:
Former President A P J Abdul Kalam, is a man of great vision and dreams. He invited the millions in building of this India as a developed nation, the greatest nation in the world by 2020, where governance is responsive, transparent and corruption free. He turned out to be a people’s president who opened the door of Rashtrapati Bhavan to children, farmers and the common men. He was a superb communicator. His child like curiosity, enthusiasm, charm and innocence surprised many and attracted the youth and children. His sense of purpose and direction-ignited million minds. His accessibility and openness gave a new vision of accountability to the highest office of the country. He carved a niche for himself in the minds and hearts of Indians thought his unassuming nature and great achievements.

Mahatma Gandhi:
M. Gandhi is the father of our nation. His sole dreams was to free India our mother land from the shackles of foreign rule. He did not believe in brutal power, but believed in the principle of Ahimsa which led  him to the ultimate victory. He was a man of iron will who let go of all his laurels to identify himself with the common people of India, to share their joys and sorrows, struggles and hopes, failures and victories. He says “My devotion to truth has drawn me into the field of politics”. Not only did he fight for political freedom but also for the moral emancipation of his country from sins of sloth, cowardice, malice and untouchable ness. Powers and tittles never attracted him. He preached bravely in the face of danger and offering of one’s life as a sacrifice for the country. On the midnight of the independence day he was not celebrating it with national leaders in New Delhi, but was pacifying the Hindu-Muslim people in the villages of Navaghali. His life itself was  his message to the world. What he demanded of others, he practice in his life. When we turn to Mahatmaji for any answers we see the funeral pyre which proclaims the message’greter love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend(Jn 15;13).

Jawaharlal Nehru:
Jawaharlal Nehru, builder of republic of India, making India the largest democracy in the world, gave the world panchshila- five principles of peaceful coexistence, an ambassador of international peace and good will. He was like the face of India, his ambition height as Himalayes,his affection as deep as the Jamuna and Ganga. Posterity remembers him as a giant for the greatness of his own faith in man’ if any people choose to think of me, then I should like them say this was the man who, with all his mind and heart loved India and Indian people. And they in turn were indulgent to him and gave him of their love most abundantly and extravagantly’. As a fighter for freedom he was illustrious, the maker of modern India, his services were unparalleled. As the great poet he used to say,
The woods are lovely dark and deep
But I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep
Miles to go before I sleep
Nehru thought of India where people talked less and worked more, boasted less and battled more, complained less and accomplished more.

Kiran Bedi:
Kiran Bedi was born on June 9, 1949 is an excellence tennis player, winning several tournaments, including the Asian Lawn Tennis championships. She is a brilliant student who earned the reputation and  pride of being the first woman to graduate from the Indian Police Academy obtaining a PhD.
Kiran was given ample opportunities to utilize her talents and promote her endeavor when, in 1994 after being promoted to the rank of Inspector General of Prison, she was given the responsibility of managing the notorious prison in the Asian Pacific Region-Tiahrt Jail in Delhi. Through her actions and measures, Kiran Bedi proved herself as an excellent Police officer who was responsible for transforming the lost lives of prisoners and  made their period within the drudged walls bearable. The qualities of honesty, courage, empathy for fellow humans, strong stand on righteous principles, hard work, determination and patriotism are the ones that constitute this woman to actualize her vision. She can be proudly proclaimed as the woman who scrubbed off the dirt on the khaki uniforms of the police force by establishing herself and her life as an example worthy to be followed.

Mother Theresa:
India honored Mother Theresa, with its highest civilian award Baratratna’ for her selfless service to the poorest of the poor and the destitute. She made the losers of life; feel the tenderness of God. She was the lamp of love that transmitted mercy all over the world. She surrenders herself to God and did every thing for Him in an unshakable. The dire needs and hardships of people urged her with compassion. What was especially striking about her was her refusal to complicate. In this thoroughly political world she stood out for her direct approach to issues of head and heart. For instance, hungry people to be fed, or dying destitute was to be first bathed and housed in humane condition. Through out her sixty eight years of selfless service Mother Theresa said, She did it because she show Jesus in every face that she fed, clothed, housed or helped to die. He was her greatest and only inspiration. During her life she never pretended to be His delegate but merely the sign post that pointed out the path to Him. Mother took a revolutionary step to go out of her structured security to a future of uncertainty. This was a radical step in response to a call within the call. Her motto was fruit of silence is prayer, fruit of prayer is faith, fruit of faith is love, fruit of love is service, fruit of service is peace.  

Blessed Virgin Mary:
B.V Mary was a fully liberated woman, a model par excellence for us to copy. Mary summarizes her life thought her magnificat explicating God concern of freedom and independence to every people. Mary sings of God’s blessings showered on generation after generation. She realizes and acknowledges her stand in the history of redemption. She was a person of deep reflection who pondered and handle the strange events with serenity in coping with the reality. With an attitude to God, she was sensitive to the needs of others handling diligently every crisis she faced. She was the woman of the spirit. Assumption is the conclusion of her journey of faith rewarded by God. Her courage’s standing at the foot of the cross and her significant presence in the upper room inspiring the nascent church, speak aloud of her, fidelity to the inner call, fidelity to what the Lord wanted of her. Let us look in silence with deep affection at this spotless, courageous and model woman mother Mary.

God sent His beloved son into this world to lift us from slavery to freedom. Jesus is the liberator who brings this freedom from the clutches of every evil. Let us now listen to the word of God.

Reading the word of God.

Intercessory prayers.

The citizen of our country stands in need of the grace of God more than ever to move forward in this modern era where everyone faces pressers, conflicts, struggles and problems. Let us place our petition before the Lord.

Concluding Prayer:
Father most holy, you crowned BVM with glory beyond compare. Thought the intercessions of our heavenly mother and patroness of India. We implore your blessings on our mother land that she may be preserved in its original beauty, unity among its leaders, brotherhood, peace and justice among citizens. May your grace be upon us to enlighten our minds and strengthen our will to free ourselves from destruction, darkness and enslavement of evil? We make this prayer though Xt our Lord.

Lord Jesus we pray for sr. Leonila as she celebrates her birth day, thank you lord for her very being and for the graces and blessings you have showered upon her. Lord We brings her before you on this special day and prays to lay your loving hands upon her. Wrap her in the spirit of your love and cover her with the cloak of your concern lord. May she always experience your guiding and leading presence in her life? Bless her with good health and strength to continue your mission-let us pray to the lord.

2) Lord with grateful heart we remember her family, friends and relatives who played a vital role in molding her. It is they who sowed and nurtured a deep faith in you. As we remember them with grateful heart we pray lord bless them with peace, prosperity, and joy. –let us pray to the lord.

3) We pray for all the diseased members of sr. Leonia’s family lord, especially we remember her parents and brothers whom you have called to your eternal bliss. Pardon their omissions and commissions. We believe that they are with you in heaven and praying for sr. leonila on this her special day.-let us pray to the lord.

4)lord with love we  remember sr. Apoline as she too celebrates her birth day today, lord she is a gift to IMD family may she find true joy and happiness today and the years to come, may she be a blessing to many. We pray lord, may her family be blessed with double fold, and mission may be fruitful wherever she is, and bloom ever beautiful- let us pray to the lord.

5) lord we pray for our church, help pope Benedict 16th , bishops, priests and us religious to have a open mind and heart to accept the challenges of our time. May the church always posses the divine and human aspect of Jesus. Let us pray to the lord.

6) We pray for each one of us gathered here, bless and help us to experience the joy, love and peace which you brought to us when you became human being like us. Help us to experience it in fullness and grant us to spread it wherever we go, and whomever we meet. Make us heralds of your good-news- let us pray to the lord.


The joyful surrender of Mary -

“Behold I stand at your door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in and dine with you and you with me says the Lord.”

Dear sisters, let us open the door of our heart and welcome Jesus in our midst as we chant  a   Bhajan.



At the eve of this beautiful day we are gathered here to celebrate the joyful surrender of Mary our mother. Her total “yes” brought forth the Redeemer to the world. She emptied herself totally and thus created an empty space and silent zone for God in her life. Because of her yes a mystery of incarnation becomes a reality. She is the hearer and doer of God’ word. Today we recall her joyful surrender in the different stages of her life as we unfold the different layers of a coconut.

Here we come with a coconut. It is green, smooth, fresh, defectless   and pleasing to the eyes. But to fine the real essence of it, we have to open it layer by layer and go deeper and deeper… In the same way Mary the little girl of Nazareth also in her prime age was like this coconut, unique, innocent, gentle, bubbling with life and heart full of song and joy. God plucked this beautiful fruit and placed it in His palm and gently asked her “will you be the mother of my son?” At the annunciation Mary was deep confusion and anxiety. How would the society accept her….  What would be Joseph’s reaction… but her “fiat” can be understood as a courageous positive response. Her future was a carrying out of the consequence of such a calling in response to God.
Hymn     T – 20.
What about my yes to God? How did I live it so far? Have I been responsible for my yes?  If not, what are the various blocks ( As sr. Teresa offers this coconut at the feet of the Lord let us surrender all that hinders us from taking responsibility.

Fiber : 
There began a process of opening…. The top layer is gone along with it…. Its external beauty was lost…. Now it fibrous, rough  and vulnerable… We see at the birth of Jesus Mary too faced many difficulties like traveling from Nazareth to Bethlehem in the last stage of her bringing forth her son, no place in the inn, rejection from well to do house holders etc… flight to Egypt, mental anxiety caused by the murder of innocents under Herod….. But she was courageous, mature and physically strong woman with good power of endurance. In spite of all these challenges Mary said “yes’ …
When I look into my life how do I react in my difficult situations like rejection, hardship, lowliness, jealousy and hatred?  Let us be grateful to the Lord for all such occasions because through this process of emptying we grow towards maturity as disciples.  (As. ………………..Offers this fiber, let us surrender all such moments to the Lord.

Coconut with Shell:
This coconut with shell represents another protective layer, which is to be removed. The shell is hard, it has to be broken. This breaking can be tough and painful. Being a poor woman, Mary experiences the hard realities of life. She had no unblemished lamb to complete the ritual, so she offers two turtle doves at the presentation of Jesus in the Temple .How painful it must have been, the prophesy of Simeon and Anna, that is a sword would pierce her heart! It is only a strong, loving and mature woman could accept to have a sword to pierce her heart and go through life with it. And to this Mary said, “YES”
Have I ever suffered for Christ? Have I been able to identify myself with the poor? Do I ever complain of little inconveniences? ( As ……………….. offers this coconut let us offer those moments when we were unwilling to accept suffering and allowing the Lord to break us!)


Hymn ( either played or sung )


Kornal :

Here is the inner reality of the coconut. It stands naked, but very rich, nourishing and delicious. It is at the disposal of others to be used. In the same way Mary was completely at the disposal of others. Since her Son was inviting all kinds people like the publicans, tax collectors, sinners, and prostitutes- she was also open to all of them. In the wedding at Cana Mary is actively present with Jesus and His disciples. In her solitude for others and  embarrassed bridegroom and his family, she launches Jesus on the road towards manifesting as a new spiritual leader. The answer of Jesus sounded like rejection “ woman what is it for you, my time has not yet come.” Still Mary said yes.

What about my life? Am I available and approachable?   What is my relationship with God and others? Am I sensitive towards others?  ( As Sister …. offers this Kornal let us surrender all those moments when we have failed to make ourselves available for the needs of others.

Coconut water:
           And now the coconut water, the purest, the richest, sweet, uncontaminated, formless and shapeless. This symbolizes total freedom and flexibility. Mary’s freedom flexibility and availability is clearly shown at the moment of the supreme sacrifice of Jesus. She stood at the foot of the cross not as a woman who is lost and crushed with suffering but as a woman of strength of character and perseverance, supporting her Son at the crucial moment of suffering. She had the courage to face the shame and injury and Mary said, “YES.”   In order to be perfect disciple one has to loose one’s identity and become one with God. For this we need to allow ourselves to be melted and moulded by God. To let this happen we have to be like this coconut water formless, free of all contamination and available.
(  As Sr. … offers this coconut water let us make a deep bow surrendering ourselves and allowing God to take possession of us.

Hymn       Have Thine   own way Lord…

Concluding prayer
Almighty Father we praise and thank you that in Jesus you have provided us with a perfect model of the attitude of joyful surrender and acceptance like Mary our Mother. Give us the grace to surrender our life entirely into your hands and accept what ever happens in our day today life.  We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.   



Birth day - 21

“Come all you people of god
Let us sing to the Lord a joyful song of praise”

Today the mother Church invites us to celebrate the feast of the exaltation of the cross. Cross is the sign of redemption and the assurance of victory. It is the key to open the door of heaven. Let us all venerate the holy cross of Christ by which He has given us life, life in abundance.

It is indeed a day of great celebration of life that God has graciously gifted to Sr…. to transform her as a miracle of love.
In every seed there is a promise of beauty, a graceful beauty of flower, the strength of a tree, hidden beauty of a herb. It takes years after years to bring out this beauty as a source of joy and manifestation of the creator’s love in the world. Yes, life is dynamic and it moves towards maturity. To live life well is an art, an art of becoming a lovely miracle of love.
Sr….is a beautiful and precious gift given by God to the world, to the church and very especially to our IMD community. Her commitment to God keeps her ever dynamic in her life. More over her deep-rooted faith in God makes her ever cheerful and her interest and concern over the dream of each one of us makes her dear to all.

Dear Sr….., you are God’s handiwork; you are a special blessing and a miracle of love. Your life of love and dedication speaks volumes in the history of our life at IMD. Each of us indeed has tasted your goodness and tender love and therefore it is right for us to celebrate and rejoice with you.  Its our prayer for you that in your golden lamp of devotion you may pour the perfumed oil of your life and the flickering flame of this lamp be a sign of God’s miraculous love.

Dear friends, as we celebrate this Holy Eucharist let us join with Sr…. in thanking the Lord for gift of life.


Lord we offer you this globe as the symbol of our Holy Mother church and all it’s leaders.  As we are on a journey to bring about the Kingdom of God here on earth,  we ask you send forth your Sprit and renew the hearts and minds of all religious leaders that we may become more vigorous and enthusiastic missionaries by the nourishment of the Holy Eucharist and the Divine Word and so proclaim you and your Good News of peace, love and joy not in words but in our actions.


Incense stick is a burning oblation before God the Almighty.  It spread its sweet fragrance around as a sign of love for the Lord and the human beings.  Lord, as we offer this burning incense we thank you for the gift of  Sr. Vanita to our IMD family who spreads the fragrance of peace, joy and love around us through  her very cheerful nature and creates a family atmosphere.  You have chosen  her to be your best friend  and have called her to be a burning oblation before you.  Today on her Birth Day we pray, bless her, with your choicest blessings that she may be able to fulfill all your purposes and plans that you have for her.  Grant her  good health of both body and mind. May she find joy and fulfillment in carrying out your given tasks.  We pray for her loving mother, sisters, relatives and friends that they may experience God’s constant presence and goodness in their life.  We pray in a special way for the departed soul of Sr.Vanitha’s father that he may enjoy eternal peace in heaven. We also remember and pray for the Palotine Sisters to whom Sr.Vanitha belongs, may their mission in the church be more and more fruitful.
Sing glory to the Cross of Christ.  Cross and  Thorns symbolize love, peace and forgiveness.  Through suffering and pain Jesus won victory over death and brought salvation to the world.  That is freedom from sin, darkness to light and death to life.  Lord as we celebrate the Feast of the Exultation of the Cross of Christ, we offer you all those who are celebrating their feast day today especially our sisters Sunita, Monica and Sophie, may they enjoy the love, peace and forgiveness of the Lord and so bring light to the world through their consecrated life.


Water symbolizes life.  It satisfies the thirsty and strengthens the weak. We offer you Lord this water along with the thousands of young minds of today, who are in search of peace, love and meaning in life.  May you fill their minds with the living water that flows from your Life Giving Word , thus they may be satisfied and enriched with your Life and Strength and be able to fulfill their dreams of life.

Many grains are crushed in order to make this bread and many grapes are pressed to prepare this wine, Lord, as we offer this bread and wine we offer you our country with all its diversities.  May you bless it with the spirit of peace, unity and brotherhood.


Most triumph God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, thank you for offering us another new and bright day, a sign of you unconditional love. To day is  a joyous and rejoicing day for we celebrate the feast of the Exultation of Cross and the Birthday of our dear Sr. ……

God’s pure an unmerited love for the world is proved by the gift of His  Son Jesus on the cross. For us Christians cross is a revelation of the unconditional love of Abba Father. This cross is not a sign of death and disaster but is of victory and triumph over death, suffering and evil. The cross is a painful reality, but if it is born with love, faith and hope, becomes a sign of redemption. Cross primarily means accepting God’s love which entails sharing God’s love and dying to our selfishness and pride. When we accept suffering and struggles of life in a spirit of deep faith, can we say, that we are participating in the mystery of the cross. Jesus by dying on the cross opened the ocean of mercy to the entire world. It was gracious moment which led us  into the light of new life and hope from the darkness of our sins. Today as we celebrate the exultations of the cross let us pray for an increase of desire, love and faith to embrace the tiny crosses of our daily life.

Each new year is an occasion to begin again. Everyday is a gift offered to start anew and make our lives something beautiful for God and for others.

The Lord said “You are the light of the world”. Light by nature spreads brightness; it banishes darkness, brings warmth and joy. Jesus Christ the Light who penetrates our hearts and make visible the things that are hidden deep within and thus prepares us to be a guiding light for others.

Indeed we are glad and joyful to have one of such lights in the person of  you dear Sr. Vanitha.

Lighting the lamp

God has  chosen you as His  light to guide and to burn for the others. We remain grateful to God for filling the lamp of your life with the oil of love which you keep spreading through your goodness and kindness.

John Powell in his book “through the seasons of the hearts” writes – God sends each person into this world with a special massage to deliver, with a special song to sing, with a special act of love to bestow. And no doubt, today the Lord is waiting to give you a special message through ….
Let your light shine

Empty coconut shell: -
Coconut shell is the important part of the coconut. It gives protection and strength to the nut. It plays a vital role in many events of our life. Like, to light the fire, to make arts and crafts, musical instruments and so on. Lord, as we offer this coconut shell may you be Sr. Vanita’s strong shield to protect and guard her life. May she empty herself to become a worthy instrument in your mission.

Oil: - Oil is a symbol of consecration. It strengthens oneself. As we pour this oil may she be strengthened to make herself a gift to others in becoming oil of love to the loveless, oil of understanding to those who are struggling, oil of hope to those finding no meaning, oil of joy to those who are helpless, above all give your grace and strength to continue her mission fruitfully.  

Wick: -

Wick accepts fire and burns itself for others. We place this wick symbolizing Sr. Vanitha in this oil. She has given herself to the service of God. Lord, we thank you for her cheerfulness in carrying out her responsibilities. Today as she celebrates her birthday Lord, be with her as her constant companion. May she find happiness and joy in you all through her life.

Light: -

You are the light of the world. No one lights a lamp and puts it under a bowl, but on the lamp stand, where it gives light for everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before people, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your father in Heaven.” Light is divine. It is seen as symbol of life, harmony, truth, goodness, wisdom and joy. The disciple is light and he or she is who mirrors the light of the master. Dear Sr. Vanitha, you are the light that radiates the love of the master. You are blessed   with time and talents to make others happy.  Your   simple and generous heart is always appreciated. We remember you with a heart, full of love and gratitude today and days to come.


Holy mass   15 AGUST


Today the 15th August has special significance for us Indians as we celebrate two feasts, which have the same message of freedom and liberation. For or us Christian, the assumption of Mary is the symbol of our final fulfillment, the symbol of all hopes, and it is also the symbol of victory over sin and death, an affirmation of the final victory of God’s love and his grace. Hence it is fitting to raise our minds and hearts to God in praise and thanks giving for the wonderful gifts of our heavenly mother, who is the symbol of our true freedom.  59 year ago on this day India breathed the air of freedom from darkness to light. Yes August 15 1947 was a day of great rejoicing for the Indians, a day of new life, a day of new power, an unforgettable day in the history of India. Freedom from the domination of others is perhaps one of the most precious gifts a person or a nation can posses. Dear sisters and brothers as we partake of this Eucharistic celebration, let us pray through Mary’s intercession for God’s blessings upon each one of us and all our Indian brothers and sisters so that all be like Mary may experience the joy of true freedom.


National Flag: - Lord, we offer you this National flag as a symbol of our motherland India. It’s stands for renunciation, purity of motive and fullness of life. As people of India we pledge ourselves to the Dharma of freedom. Enable us to renounce our self-interest and fight all that corrupts our country. So that we may think, speak and act in purity of truth.

Lamp:- Lord, we  bring this lamp as a sign  of our liberation from the darkness of slavery through the intersession of our blessed Mother- the – we offer you the leaders of our country. May they direct and guide us to the path of prosperity, truth and peace.

Chain:-The is a symbol of strength and unity. As India is rich it’s diversity of people, multiplicity of religion, pluralistic cultures, and ethnic beauty which binds us to live together. May these become factors of unity in diversity driving away the chains of various oppressions. Thus bringing harmony, justice and peace. And uniting us in love and fraternity.

Leif:- Lord ,Jesus we bring before you this green life which symbolizes the life of our dearest sisters. Name…………………………As the Leif gives beauty to the plant may this life bring joy and beauty. And may their goodness spread everywhere.

Bread & Wine:- Lord, we offer this bread and wine the symbol of human labour and suffering. As these are changed into your body and blood we pray for our Holy Father Pope Benedict 16th, Bishop’s, priests, religious and all of us gathered around this alter of love. Help us to share what we are and what we have for the building up of God’s kingdom here on earth.



In the name of the Father……….

In the beginning of creation the earth was in darkness and the wind from God swept over the face of the earth. Then God said, “ let there be light” and there was light. God saw that the light was good and He separated it from darkness. ….
- Hymn… Asthoma …..
Thus God created the universe with minerals, vegetables and animals, He saw it was good. Then God said let us make human kind in our image and likeness, so God created the human kind by breathing His very breath into us. Thus the human kind came into existence.
          Creation is a matter of relationship. It is like a relation of a stream to the fountain, of the rays to the sun and a hub to the wheel. Thus through creation God establishes a relation to the world. He brings everything into existence. Here we totally depend on God.


          Dear sisters, today is a joyful day for all of us because of two significant reasons. First of all our motherland India is celebrating 57 years of her Republic day. As we celebrate this great event let us ask the Almighty God to grant all its citizens a deep sense of responsibility and love to build a just and a peaceful country, keeping aside all the differences of culture, religion, language, caste and creed. Secondly it is a special day for the IMD family as we celebrate the Birthday of our dear sister .. Every person born into this world represents something new. Someone never existed before, someone original and unique. Dear Sr. …in the whole world there is nobody like you. Since the beginning of the time there has never been another person like you. You are unique and different from all other person who has ever lived in the history of the universe. From all eternity God called you to be His on this planet for a special purpose. You are indeed a unique person, there are thousands of stars in the sky but the moon is precious, there are many kinds of flowers in the garden but the rose is precious, there are 365 days in a year, but the day of your birthday is very significant day for you and to each of us……

On this auspicious day of celebration, togetherness and blessing, rejoicing and thanksgiving  let us lift up our hearts along with Sr. …. as she celebrates the gift of life. Every one is gifted and they speak of God’s love that God still loves the world. A birthday is a great event; it is like a milestone, which gives us the opportunity to look back at ourselves, how our gifts have graced the lives of those around us. Indeed Sr…. is grateful to God who gifted her with life.
Music.. silence…

         As we awaken to the freshness of this day, our hearts rise up in gratitude and love to wish our dear Sr. ..e ‘ A Happy Birthday’, a new life, a life which is fully human and fully alive. God’s Spirit dwells deeply within you that is the source of your life. Every cell in your body is alive; thrilled with life and power of God, which you share with each one of us. On this solemn morning, in silence and in solitude, you are invited to look back in joy and gratitude at the wonder of the past, your childhood with your parents, brothers and sisters teachers and friends.
      Dear Sr. … you are a miracle of God’s creation, and very precious to Him. Now I invite you to enter into the garden of blessings. Count your blessings, count them one by one; count them by the flowers never by the leaves that fall. Count your days by sunny hours not remembering the clouds; count your nights by stars and not by the darkness.
Now along with Sr. .. let us raise our hearts in thanks giving as we listen to a Hymn.  Life is a miracle !
Silence….. soft music….
All of us might have seen a wheel and even know it’s importantce, without wheels a vehicle cannot move. It is the wheel that plays the major role in helping the vehicle to move forward---
          Sr. … Life could be compared to a wheel.
Different parts of the wheel will be placed as it is read out.)

v  The Hub: - (it will be presented by Sr. Teresa) The Hub symbolizes God as the center of life, without God we can do nothing. Our life begins and ends in God, just as the hub, which is the center part of the wheel from which the spokes radiate. So dear Sr. .. God rejoices over you and says ‘ my precious child I love you, and I will never leave you, you are mine.’
(Is.43:1-3 one sister can read it out loud)
v  The Rim-(Sr. …)  the circular edge of the frame works of a wheel, which represents the fullness of life. Life is marvelous…. A wonder! A mystery beyond definition and description…. Life has meaning when it is fully lived in freedom. The gift of life is more valuable and precious than any other gifts, Sr. ..; your life is a beautiful and precious gifts of God’s great love. God in his goodness shaped you carefully and gave you special attention warmth and encouragement in order that you may grow and reach unto the fullness of God’s love and life. There is nothing or no way that you can pay Him back for the marvelous gift that He has given you freely.
v  The Spokes:- ( The spokes will be fixed one by one as it is read out) and  Every birthday is an occasion to think of our parents , so too does Sr. .. with a grateful heart as she remembers her loving parents who were God’s instruments in bringing her to this beautiful world , who have also nurtured her with love and care and helped her to be a free child of God.
- Brothers and sisters friends and teachers: Life is beautiful when it is shared with others, God has blessed you with loving brothers and sisters, friends and teachers, in whose presence you laughed, played and enjoyed and your made life worth living as you think of them today, you may gratefully acknowledge of the support and guidance that you have received from them.
Music contd..
-Gift of vocation and the members of her congregation: - Every person born into this world is unique, unique in every way. As you grew up you heard the call of God and followed Him. God has chosen you from the foundation of the world and you said ‘yes’ to His call in the family of your congregation. The sisters of the Holy family of Nazareth. During this period of your life you have been helped by different formatters and sisters of your congregation who accompanied you and supported you to be what you are today. Their love, concern and generosity have made a difference in your life.                 
Music  contd..
Now, Sr. .. will raise her heart   with gratitude as she makes her prayer. “Lord my God……..of your love for me”.
We the IMD family want to tell you how precious you   are to each of us with symbols of hearts (A few of us may go forward to fix the hearts which symbolizes some of her qualities ………..
Concluding prayer:
Gracious God, we thank you for the gift of life for all of us. Thank you for creating us into your own image, nourishing us to love, understands and be co-creators. Today we specially praise and thank you Father for our Sr. P…. to all of us. May she be blessed and graced today and the years to come. May you be her constant friend and companion today, tomorrow and forever guiding and protecting her from all danger and harm.