Sunday, 23 April 2017

special adoration for 31st december

Adoration for 31st December.
Every day God thinks of you…
Every hour God looks after you…
Every minute God cares for you… because
Every second He loves you…..

Yes dear friends…
·         God loves us so much that, he wants to be with us…
·         God loves us so much that, that He became one among us..
·         God loves us so much that, that He left His heavenly throne and is here with us in this small form of Bread.
·         God loves us so much that, He left the adoration and Veneration by the Angels and Saints and is waiting here to be adored by us, the human beings, the weak and fragile human beings, the unfaithful and unworthy human beings…
Yes dear friends, come let us adore him, let us worship Him, let us Glorify Him, let us Praise Him and let us Thank Him.
SONG….sthuthi karthi hum
Jesus before leaving this earth promised to send us a helper, the Holy Spirit, who will teach us everything. Now let us invoke the assistance of the Holy Spirit that the Holy Spirit may help us to pray during this hour. (Kindly repeat this prayer after me)
O Holy Spirit, come fill our hearts with your holy gifts.
Penetrate our weakness with your strength.
O Holy Spirit, fill us with your love, that we may love everyone.
Assist us, O Holy Spirit, in all the trials of life,
Enlighten us in our ignorance,
Advise us in our doubts,
Strengthen us in our weakness,
Help us in all our needs,
Protect us against all temptations,
Console us in our afflictions,
Graciously hear us, O Divine Spirit and
Pour out your light into our minds, into our wills and into our hearts...
Help us to live a holy life and
To grow in goodness and grace. Amen.

SONG….pavithr aathma mere jeevan Mei Thu ab aaja pavithr aathma….

We have arrived at the last hour of this day..
We have come to the last hour of this month…
We are here at the last hour of this year-2016 and
We are here to step into the first hour of the uncertain New Year-2017.
            Yes dear friends…. When those in the world, even many of our own friends, loved ones, colleagues and others whom we are acquainted, wants to spend this last hour of the year in celebration, in partying, in big big Malls, in Clubs, we have decided to dedicate this hour to the Lord, to spend this hour in His presence.
Yes, let not lose sight of the graces and blessings that the Lord is yet to shower upon us during this hour.
Let us thank Him today for this entire, beautiful year, with its ups and downs
With its blessings and curses
With its dusks and dawns..
With its graces and disgraces
With its successes and failures
With its accomplishments and inabilities..
Let’s thank Him sufficiently for all things we have received from the hand of God,,

Let us thank Him aptly.. Because the graces we have received during this year-2016…THE YEAR OF MERCY are innumerable.. They are uncountable.
(After each prayer let us say together LORD WE THANK YOU).
·         When life around us seems to be frightening, confused, doubtful, disturbed, the Lord cared for us throughout this year-2016…let us thank Him…. LORD WE THANK YOU
·         When the world around us is starving for love and care and when it is longing for warmth of friendship and family the Lord has blessed us with loving parents, affectionate children, supporting friends, where we feel secure… let us thank Him.. LORD WE THANK YOU
·         When there are many who sleep on the road sides, streets, railway stations etc. without homes, the lord has sheltered us with beautiful house to live in… let us thank Him.. LORD WE THANK YOU
·         When the are many who die daily due to illness, accidents, heart attacks, sudden and unpredicted deaths, our God has sustained us from all these misfortunes and gave us life… let us thank Him.. LORD WE THANK YOU
·         When there are many who are jobless and penniless, and struggling to live their day-to-day life, God has blessed us with good job.. Let us thank Him.. LORD WE THANK YOU
·         When we fell on our face in weakness, in shame and in failure, the Lord gently set us upon our feet again… let us thank Him.. LORD WE THANK YOU
·         Even though we were a broken piece, God has created us a vessel of beauty and usefulness.. Let us thank Him.. LORD WE THANK YOU
·         Through trials and errors, failures and success God has cared for us.. Let us thank Him.. LORD WE THANK YOU
·         God’s love has led us through the valleys of sorrows and the highlands of joys… let us thank Him.. LORD WE THANK YOU
·         God has kept us safe in the stormy past, in times of want and in times of abundance… let us thank Him.. LORD WE THANK YOU

·         At this juncture, God has given us the hope and the faith the HE will guide us through the perilous future and we need not be afraid, no matter how uncertain the days, the months, the years ahead of us,, let us thank Him.. LORD WE THANK YOU
** Now let us personally, in silence thank the Lord for all the graces we have received during this year 2016
**Having thanked the Lord personally, let us thank him together as we say together 3 times loudly  LORD WE THANK YOU
SONG…prabhu ka dhanyavaad karunga..

God’s love is like a protective cloak around me...
He holds me close to His heart, like a father holds his child…
Whatever may happen….
His love for me will not change...
If I can’t see him. Or
If I cannot hear Him, it is because
I am not looking for Him,
I am not listening to Him… for
He is there close to me
Close to my heart.
Yes dear friends……
Even though God is with us always and at every moment, there were times when we were very sad, at times we were lonely, at times we were friendless, at times we were for lone, at times we felt like running away somewhere far, at times we felt like even ending the God given life,,,,, why??????
Yes, the reason is……..
·         It was not because God was not with us but we were not with God..
·         It was not because God was not close to us but we were not close to God..
·         It was not because God did not love us but we refuse experience His love..
·         It was not because God left our side but we failed to be on His side
AS THE Scripture says, “If you cannot love the human beings whom you can see, you cannot love God whom you cannot see.”
·         We distanced God from our life, when we did not love our brothers and sisters genuinely.
·         We distanced God from our life, when did not accept others as they are..
·         We distanced God from our life, when we hurt others with our words and deeds and when we were hurt by others.
·         We distanced God from our life, when did not forgive others and kept the grudge within us..
·         We distanced God from our life, when we remained without talking to others for years..
·         We distanced God from our life, when we did not help others when they were in need of helping hand..
·         We distanced God from our life, when we did not visit our brothers and sisters and our neighbours when the were sick and hospitalized..
·         We distanced God from our life, when we did not obey the Commandments of the Lord..
·         We distanced God from our life, when we did not spare our little to spend with the Lord, to go church and for the church activities..
·         We distanced God from our life, when we did not listen to the whisperings of the Lord to do good..
·         We distanced God from our life, when we blamed God and blamed others for every misfortunes that happened in our life.
Yet in all these, God’s love for you is the same. He loves you and me unconditionally. For Him, the gravity of our sin doesn’t matter to Him anymore!!! What matters to Him the most is our contrite heart, our repentant heart and our humble heart. Come dear friends let’s go to the Lord of Mercy.
In silence let us pardon from the Lord and from one another for all our ill feelings towards oneself, towards one another and towards God Himself, for a few seconds
SONG….  Annunay vinay karthi hum Mei….
We are here at the threshold of the New Year 2017.
·         A year with uncertainties and new possibilities
·         A year with varied opportunities and innumerable activities..
·         A year which would unfold to us new horizons, new relations, new friends, new families, new jobs, fresh carriers, friendly calibres, fresh hopes and renewed strengths..
Yes, the threshold is open to us…
All that matters is HOW we take the first step???
Where we take the first step and with whom we take the first step?????
** come let us take our first step of this new year with the Lord, in His presence…..
*** let us place before the Eucharistic Lord this entire year 2017, all the activities that we are going to do, the resolutions that we have taken to be a good human beings, the planning’s for the year, our own work places, the persons whom we interact daily, our family members, the young and the old, the sick and the healthy, the weak and the strong, our own parish community, our parish priest and our assistant parish priest, the children of our parish, the youth of our parish, our diocese, our church, our country and the world at large and pray for them now.(after each prayer our response shall be LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER)
1.      Lord give us a grateful heart that is capable of counting the many blessings of life. May we look at the positive things in life and praise you. Let us pray to the Lord
2.      Father giver of all life. We pray for all those who abuse or destroy life. Give them the grace to appreciate the gift of life and protect it at all cost. Let us pray….
3.      Jesus came to lead all people to the Kingdom of God so that no one is left isolated. May our life and mission here at Faridabad include all the people especially the rejected, the unloved, the unwanted and those abandoned by the society,. May everyone feel loved and cared for, through our ministry. Let us pray…
4.      For pope… bishops, priests and religious
5.      For our parish and parish priests
6.      For all the families in our parish..
7.      For all those who are beginning a new life..
8.      For all who are sick and suffering in the parish,,
9.      For our country..
10.  For the world..
11.  For the deceased..

Offering all these our prayers that are expressed and those that are unexpressed, placing all of them at the feet of the Lord, asking His graces and blessings for this year, let us together say the prayer which our lord has taught us.
Let us pray…
God our creator and father, forgive us for the gifts we have wasted.
Convert our destructive power into a creative force.
Heal our wounded spirits..
O Liberating God, release us from evil tendencies and from all that blinds us..
Cleanse our hearts from deep within..
Help us to be open to your surprises in our lives and
Help us to live each day happily..
We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen
As we conclude this hour of prayer, God’s message for us is…

Don’t expect anything in your life…
Expectation hurts a lot.
When you don’t expect…
Every moment is a surprise and
Every surprise brings happiness.

Once again

We Wish U all  A
🌹Jovial JANUARY🌹

🍁Fabulous FEBRUARY🌺

🌾Marvelous MARCH🌴

🌸Awesome APRIL🌻

💐Meaningful MAY🌷

🍀Joyous JUNE🐚

🌹Jubilant JULY🌻

🍀Amazing AUGUST🌴

🍃Successful September🍂

🌾Optimistic OCTOBER🍁

🌻Nurturing NOVEMBER🌾

💐Divine DECEMBER.🌷

*** lets all kneel down for the benediction hymn.

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