Sunday, 23 April 2017

eucharist and the charism and mission of cfmss

Eucharist is the source and summit of Church’s being and doing. The Eucharist draws together in fraternal union and communion, all those who share and are nurtured at the table of the Lord. In the Eucharist, Christ unites us to Himself and to the Father and the community members with the binding force of divine life and love. This life and love of the Triune God is poured into us through Christ’s Eucharistic flesh and blood. It unites the worshiping community vertically with God and horizontally among themselves by the bond of mutual love. Hence Eucharist is the meeting place of the divine and human, Gospel and culture, faith and Charity.
                Eucharist is the Mystery of Mysteries. It is the Zenith of God’s love; A Sacrificial love, An Eternal love, An Everlasting love, A Merciful love, An Unconditional love and it is a school of love for neighbours. It is a place where one learns to love God and to love his neighbour. It is a place where one learns to love God and serve His people.
                “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son” (Jn 3:17).
 Love was the basic spirituality for Jesus’ being and doing.
·         It was Love that made the Divine – the Second person of the Trinity to assume human condition.
·         It was Love that made him to live 30 years of hidden life in loving obedience to his human parents.
·         It was love that made him to cure the sick
·         It was love that made him to raise the dead
·         It was love that impelled him to heal the blind and deaf.
·         It was love that impelled him to forgive sinners
·         It was his unbounded love for the humanity that made him willingly accept the cross of Redemption.
·         At the Zenith of his love, before leaving the earth, Jesus celebrated the meal of love with his beloved one’s and thus instituted the Eucharist.
This meal of love is commemorated from dusk to dawn in different parts of the world by his chosen ministers. Therefore,
It is Eucharist which gives us identity as Christians.
It is Eucharist that gives identity as his followers and
It is Eucharist that gives identity as cfmss. For without Christ there is no Eucharist and without Eucharist no Christians and all the more, without Eucharist, no cfmss.
                Jesus in the Eucharist was the be-all and end–all of Mother Seraphina. Eucharist was Mother Seraphina’s treasure and delight on earth. She was drawn to it like a magnet to its centre and her whole life was centered around the Eucharist. Her first thought on waking was Jesus in the tabernacle and her last gaze was turned to the lord present in the tabernacle, whose boundless love she had experienced during the day.
                The Eucharistic Jesus was her light in the hours of gloom and darkness.
The Eucharistic lord was her strength in times of doubt and confusion and her stronghold in moments of weakness and suffering.
                Mother Seraphina has placed the Eucharist as the badge and distinguishing mark of her Institute. She wanted her daughter to be known by their ardent and vibrant love for the Eucharist. We need to live by the Eucharist and draw strength for our life from the Eucharist. Hence, Eucharist plays a central role in the life and activities of the cfmss.
                Mission is the expansion of the love we celebrate or the love we experience at every Eucharist, to those whom we came in contact in our workplaces. We are called to put into action, the sacrificial love, eternal love, the merciful love and the forgiving and healing love of Jesus in our day to day living. Therefore, mission at once is the passion for Jesus, our spouse and passion for his people. It is an expression of our love for God and love for our neighbour.
                Mission is God’s. Our participation in the mission is a participation in the movement of God towards humanity. We become his agents in carrying out his mission. We become his hands to heal others. We become his mouth pieces in proclaiming his words. We become his agents to raise the dead. We become his co-workers in building up God’s kingdom and We become Christ to those whom we serve. We love god through our neighbours. We serve God through our neighbours. We see the face of Jesus in whom we serve. He becomes alive in those whom we serve. Henceforth, our lives become a living Eucharist, celebrated in love for others.
Our Eucharistic – Missionary Charism:
                The Charism handed on to us by our venerable Mother Seraphina is Eucharistic – Missionary Charism- Which means to live Eucharistic centred life and to be a missionary. The twin dimensions of the Charism, calls us to contemplate the Eucharistic Lord, foster intimacy with Jesus and carry his love to all. Both the Eucharistic and missionary aspects interpenetrate and mutually imply each other. In fact like two sides of the same coin, they are inseparably connected. The former points out the later. (i.e.) going out to love and serve the Eucharistic Lord after being strengthened by His love.
                To enkindle each heart with the flame of Christ’s love was the dream and goal of Mother Seraphina. Hence, she handed down to her daughters the evangelical mandate to proclaim the good news through our life and to carry the compassionate, merciful love of the Eucharistic Jesus to the people of every land. (Ez: 34:16)
                As a missionary the cfmss are sent to the world to carry the compassionate love of Christ and intimate love of the father. We must preach Christ’s merciful love through the sermon of our very life.
                The Eucharistic Missionary Charism handed down to us is the distinctive character of the cfmss. Our institute will never be able to bear abundant fruits unless it stays firmly rooted in the spirit and charism of our Venerable Foundress.
                Hence, we are called upon to keep its originality with fresh initiatives and careful reading of the signs of the time, without departing from the initial inspiration. Therefore, we must take care that we preserve our identity as Eucharistic missionaries. Our Charism is not a treasure to be buried but it has to be preserved and fostered through a constant re-examination of our fidelity to the Lord and docility to the Spirit.

Eucharist and Mission are inseparable parts of each other. They are like two sides of the same coin.

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