Sunday, 23 April 2017

short reflection on DIWALI


The numerous lamps on the altar today, announce to us that we are celebrating DIWALI- the Festival of Lights. Diwali means row of or cluster of lights
            Asthoma sadgamaya
            Tamasoma jyotir gamaya
            Mruthyorma amruthangamaya  - Which means
Lead us Lord from unreal to real
            From darkness to light
            From death to immortality.
The significance of this festival is that good will overcome the evil and Light will overcome the darkness. This celebration reminds us that there is so much good to be done in the lives of the people, at the individual level and so much evil to be overcome at the societal level. Rabindranath Tagore aptly stated “Yours is the light that breaks forth from dark” that very light is Jesus Christ. The very existence of Jesus in this world gives light and illumines the darkness.
            Light by nature spreads brightness, it banishes darkness, does not add to the existing darkness. Light also brings warmth and joy and in many cases it is known to heal as well.
            There is a light that shines beyond all things on earth. This is the light that shines in our hearts. God is that light. He is the source of all lights and the whole world is illumined with His own light. Jesus Himself testified to the people that I am the light of the world and the Gospel proclaims that the light of lights has appeared and manifested itself in the human flesh of Jesus. Jesus is the dazzling li8ght who enlightens everyone coming into the world. Christ who proclaimed Himself as the light of the world, has also told us, “you are the light of the world, He has called us from darkness into His own marvellous light.” As we are called to be the bearers of light, let us take part in this Eucharistic meal, much more meaning fully, promising to god that we will become light to others and join with all our brethren in celebrating this festival and pray for each other.

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