Thursday, 20 April 2017


“Since the age of reasons I felt the call to active Religious Life, precisely to a Missionary Vocation” (Mother Seraphina).
            An infant with a missionary vocation from childhood is our little Francesca, namely Mother Seraphina, our Foundress and the third born of Frederic Farolfi and Ottilia. As a girl Francesca Farolfi distinguished herself for her respect and obedience to her parents, for her piety and fervor in the church, for her reserved and sober demeanor and for her modest bearing. The Intelligent and Imaginative, Quick and Vivacious, Daring and Enterprising, Diligent and Resolute young girl was soon captivated by the Mysterious Voice that was luring her, even in the cradle. She says, “With the faculty of reasoning, along with the vocation to the Religious State, I felt the call to die as a Martyr among the idolatrous people but my ardent desire was never realized”.
Coupled with the ardent desire for Martyrdom and her eagerness to dedicate herself to the education of the youth in the mission lands, she joined the Congregation of Tertiaries of St. Elizabeth at Forli, which soon she found was not a place where God wanted her to be. So leaving the Congregation of Tertiaries of St. Elizabeth, she founded a new congregation, namely the CFMSS, on 1st May 1898, with the Motto, “I Carry the Mysteries” and the Charism to be “Eucharistic Missionaries.” Our Venerably Foundress Mother Seraphina was a daring Visionary and a Zealous Missionary. For her to be a Missionary and to be a Saint are one and the same thing. For she says, “One cannot be Missionary without making sacrifices. Nothing can be achieved without sacrifice. Nor can one conquer without virtues and virtues are acquired by facing hardships and struggles. The saints attained saintliness undergoing what you are passing through now”.
She wanted to be in the forefront of the mission field. As a child she dreamt of becoming a missionary in some foreign land and die as a martyr. Even as a Novice among the Tertiaries of St. Elizabeth, she longed to offer herself as a victim for the conversion of sinners and non-believers, for the spread of the Reign of Divine Love, i.e. to lead the entire world to the Love of Jesus. Her entire life was centered around the Eucharist in its fourfold aspects of Sacrament, Sacrifice, Communion and Thanksgiving, and she drew strength from her intimacy with the Eucharistic Lord for her mission, which is very vivid from her saying… “Unless you form yourselves under the foot of the Tabernacle, your mission will become harmful than useful”.
            As the Head of the Congregation, she visioned her daughters being working in the mission lands, especially in the remotest regions, where no one could reach. She even dreamt of herself and her daughters following the Friars to China, America and Africa. Nonetheless, it was India, which welcomed and offered the first opportunity for the realization of her missionary aspirations, zeal and fervor in 1901. She seized the golden opportunity with open arms by sending 4 of her daughters to India with a saying, Isn’t it a glory to go to the mission? Aren’t we especially chosen for it: So my daughters, Jesus is awaiting for you where He has called you. May your feet be turned towards him alone”.
            It was indeed a challenging mission for the new missionaries who came to India, because the Geographical and Climatic conditions were tough, the Socio-Political and cultural context was adverse. There was utter poverty all around, interior villages were inaccessible. National movement was slowly gaining momentum, resulting in the widespread chaos and confusion. Thus her dream of “crown and Glory” soon became her Calvary, her Cross and the cause of her daily Martyrdom till her death in 1917.
But none of the setbacks acted as a wet blanket to Seraphina’s ever growing missionary fervor. Mother Seraphina, a passionate lover of the Eucharistic Lord, a Valiant and Courageous woman, determined to shed the last drop of her blood for the glory of God and the extension of the Reign of the Love of the Eucharistic Lord. While her tender heart beats with maternal love for her missionary daughters, she consoled them to bear happily their daily crosses and to unite their sufferings to that of the Crucified Saviour. Her frequent and regular communication with the missionaries is the proof of her presence with them. She says…. “The Martyrs have promoted our religion and you should foster the Indian Mission with your sufferings”.
            Though this mission gave her unbearable heartache and abundance of tears, the flame of fire in her heart for the mission didn’t quench, to light every heart with the Eucharistic Flame. Our Venerable Foundress, Mother Seraphina had the Prophetic intuition that the Indian Mission with so many troubles and difficulties would have a glorious future. All the more surprising is the fact that while the Institute was still going through a excruciating birth pangs and the Indian branch fighting for its survival, she ventured to open yet another mission in a different continent-South America in 1907.
         A prophetic missionary that she was, she did not stop responding to the signs of the time and the need of the hour. She went on to take up new ministries; it was nothing but her passionate love for the Eucharistic Lord. She says, “Holy hour is the homage that we the sisters of the CFMSS pay to our celestial Spouse”. It is the badge of of our Institute. Yes it was her Eucharistic Master, who gave her the strength to face the persistent distress and agony as well as to comfort and encourage her sisters. Her passionate love for Him enabled her to see silver lines among the darkening clouds.
            To live the Eucharistic Mystery for Mother Seraphina has been a way of being a missionary, a witness of Jesus Christ. Aware of being called and sent on a mission, she followed in the footsteps of the Master with firm resolve and open-mindedness, in fidelity to the Church, in joy and minority, blending contemplation and action. The mission of the Institute is Expressed and realized in carrying the love of Jesus Christ everywhere, echoing the desire of Mother Seraphina: “I wish to alleviate every pain, wipe away every drop of tears….. it seems that all the misery in the world has been gathered in my heart and I am at a loss how to help them without any discrimination of race or status”.
Like Mother Seraphina, I and each CFMSS are encouraged and influenced to have the spirit of sacrifices, willingness to give one’s life to the point of shedding one’s blood for Jesus Christ: I have consecrated everything for mission in foreign lands, preferably in the most perilous and forsaken place”(M.S).   
            I, as a cfmss and a daughter of Mother Seraphina, am influenced to cultivate her missionary zeal in me, to carry the love and the sweet name of Jesus to all, to diffuse the Eucharistic Spirit, to embody our Motto, “I Carry the Mysteries”, in an indefatigable apostolate, with preferential option for the least ones, especially the most poor and the abandoned youth, as dreamt by my Mother Foundress.
·        I’m motivated to mould myself at the foot of the Tabernacle like her….
·        I’m inspired to imitate her virtuous and exemplary life…
·        I’m influenced to be a source of inspiration to others as was…
·        I’m captivated by her love for the Eucharistic Lord and zeal to gather souls for Christ…
·        I’m encouraged to sacrifice my time, talents and energy willingly for the mission as she did…
·        I’m stimulated to be a channel of blessing for others like her…
·        I’m strengthened to accept the daily crosses, misunderstandings and sufferings joyfully like her…
·        I’m enthused to give my best for the mission and the missionary activities…
·        I’m moved to take up any apostolate…
·        I’m enthralled to take risks for the fulfillment of my mission…
·        I’m fascinated by her untiring and determined spirit for the mission…
·        I’m awestruck by her enthusiasm to expand the mission …..
·        I’m mesmerized by her youthful and energetic spirit for the mission in spite of her ill health….
·        I’m wonder-struck by her wise and intelligent way of dealings and decision makings…
·        I’m inspired by dedicated service to the church…
·        I’m edified by her ability to withstand the hardships and difficulties of her mission…
·        I’m taken up by her constant intercession for the Mission and for her Missionary daughters in the mission lands…
·        Above all I’m encouraged to be an effective missionary in my own field of apostolate.
            Rev.Fr. Hyacinth (OFM), The Associate Reporter to the Historical Commission for the Canonization of Mother Seraphina wishes that we be guided by the teaching of our Venerable Foundress and fortified by her intercession with Jesus-the Eternal Missionary of the Father, May live up to the Vision of Mother Seraphina, be ‘co-crucified with the Crucified Saviour, be “Sacrificial Victims” along with the Immolated Lamb and thus conform ourselves to the Crucified Jesus.
           Yes, dear daughters of Mother Seraphina, come let us, once again, re-ignite ourselves and our spirits to fulfill the Evangelical Mandate and to realize the dream and goal of a Zealous Missionary, Our Venerable Foundress Mother Seraphina……
“Go then… My daughter, Enkindle and Carry the Love of the Eucharistic Jesus to all”.
           May the Eucharistic Jesus whom we encounter at every Eucharist and in the Holy Hour, help each of us to,  go to Him daily, to carry His love to all and to ENKINDLE every heart with the flame of His Love,  in all our missionary endeavors and be true daughters of Mother Seraphina !!!!!!

Sr. Elizabeth Rani

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