With immense joy
and great pleasure I am here on behalf of St. Francis Province to welcome you
all to the jubilee celebration of our beloved sisters.
Good morning and a warm
welcome Your Grace, Most Rev. Anil J.T. Couto the Archbishop of Delhi,
Rev. Fathers, Sisters & Brothers, dear and near ones of our Jubilarians and
dear friends,
“What thanks can I render Thee, for the gifts thou hast
showered on me.”
words of the psalmist, spring forth from the hearts of our Silver Jubilarians -
Sisters Smitha (who is away in Rome for her studies), Swati, Sushma, Sunanda,
Sanjana & Sitilin as they recall the bounties of the Lord for the past 25
years that they have spent in the vineyard of the Lord, and the Golden Jubilarians
- Sisters Igina, Henrica, Gemma, Gilbertha, Leonarda, Edwarda, Clelia,
Felicita, Mary Peter, Dominica, Flavia,
Gabriela, Ferdinanda and Jacinta for the past 50 years the Lord has been
walking with them.
is the celebration of the unfathomable love and faithfulness of God, especially
in the ups and downs, success and failures, joys and sorrows of one’s life. When we consider a commitment of
twenty five or fifty years to any unique lifestyle, that milestone is rare, if
ever reached. Thank God you have made it with the Lord’s assistance. Today we
celebrate the gift of you, your religious vocation, and your life of service;
but above all, we celebrate God, His faithfulness and mercy which has been the
anchor of your religious life. God did not see your ability or the lack of it,
but your availability to fulfill your role in building His kingdom. We
appreciate your commitment and dedication for the past 25/50 beautiful years of
vowed life. Your deep faith has enabled you to live your “yes” in a variety of
roles which you fulfilled with dedication and responsibility. You are precious
to God and to us and we thank you for your generous service to the people of
God and to the mission of the Church.
On this day we remember your parents
who generously made the sacrifice of offering you to God’s service. We pray for
all the members of your family and all those who are dear and near to you. It is, indeed, a family reunion for you, wrapped in the intimate embrace of love and support from your
siblings. Yes dear sisters, this day is set apart by the Lord for
each one of you to look back and count the shining silvery years of hope, or
the gleaming golden years of strength. Let
us make present in today’s Eucharistic celebration all those who have been
a part of our dear sisters’ life and those whose lives they have touched,
especially the poor and the marginalized. May the Holy Spirit continue to set
you on fire with love and zeal for the glory of God and the salvation of His
With the warm wishes and sentiments of love
let us partake in this solemn thanksgiving Eucharistic Celebration and pray for
our jubilarians, their dear and near ones and their mission ahead.
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