Saturday, 19 August 2023


20th SUNDAY, 20 AUGUST 2023, MATTHEW 15. 21 -28, Caananite woman (Reflection 2) Punch line: Perseverance is rewarded! Guideline: Faith may not always meet with favourable responses and positive results. We may feel that God is not concerned for us and does not understand our needs. Persevere in such moments! 1.      The Canaanite woman in the gospel Matthew 15. 21-28 stands before us as an example of a faith that is humble and persevering. There is nothing so special in her approaching Jesus for the sake of her possessed daughter. 2.       Anyone in need may approach Jesus. That does not guarantee true and deep faith. It can be a shallow faith which is merely a favour-seeking request. On the contrary, the Canaanite woman demonstrates to us a faith that is genuine and exemplary. In all humility and trust, she cries out, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David”. 3.       Strangely, she is met with a strange response and reaction from the part of Jesus. Three kinds of Jesus’ response are noted: first, there is silence (but he did not answer her a word) – this can indicate an attitude of indifference and unconcern. 4.       Then there is an indication of discrimination and exclusion (he answered, I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house Israel). But she does not lose heart. She went and knelt before him, saying, Lord, help me. 5.       Finally, a very harsh and derogatory remark from Jesus, “It is not fair to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs” – an attitude of resentment and rejection. 6.       But the Canaanite woman testifies to a commendable contrast response. In response to the silence of Jesus, she continues to cry after him. In response to exclusion by Jesus, she acknowledges him as the Lord of all, and the sure recourse for help. In response to the rejection by Jesus, she persists with utter humility, “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table”. 7.       Note that she would not murmur or retort as the people of Israel do in the first reading. Whenever any little thing goes wrong, people can easily grumble and give up.  But she would not murmur. Many may find fault with Jesus for his harshness. Perhaps such an insulting reply from Jesus was not warranted. Perhaps he wanted to test her faith. 8.      Whatever it be, she got tested and testified. Even in times of humiliation and loss of hope, true faith perseveres.   Lifeline: At times, in our life also God appears to be indifferent, excluding and rejecting us. We may feel offended and not understood and not accepted. What then is our response?

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