Saturday, 12 August 2023
14 AUGUST 2023: DEUT 10. 12-22; MATTHEW 17. 22-27
Punch line: Free but Heaven-bound!
Guideline: We are tax-free but duty-bound! True it is we are free children of God, freed from all the taxes and wages of sin, but at the same time, so long as we are on this earth, we are bound by some duties on the earth
1. We are children of God. He has specially chosen the people of Israel as His own. With a mighty hand, He delivered them from the slavery of alien nations. With justice, He executes justice for the poor and the deprived.
2. With love, He takes care of the sojourners with food and clothing. And with mercy, He condones and forgives all their iniquities. With generosity, He blesses them with abundance and prosperity.
3. Now we are the new Israel. We are free children, for, through Jesus, we are made sons and daughters of God and the heirs of the kingdom. We are no more aliens or strangers but God’s own. But as we are the citizens and heirs of heaven, we become aliens and sojourners to this earth.
4. Here rises the question of tax pay in the gospel, whether Jesus and his disciples should pay the taxes to the Roman government or not. In the legal sense, they are tax-bound because in this world we are only sojourners and heaven is our real homeland.
5. But in the spiritual sense, tax can stand for the wage and weight of sin. As redeemed people, we are freed from sin, and thus we are tax-free. In this sense, the passion and resurrection prediction in the first part of today’s gospel, Matthew 17. 22 f. can be better understood as connected to the second part of tax-pay.
6. However, while still on earth, we are duty-bound by some external duties toward the earth and society. Seen in this perspective, paying of tax or following some laws and duties of the land is not a matter of subjugation. Rather, all of them will be pointers and indicators of our being sojourners on this earth.
7. If we are free children and heirs of heaven and sojourners toward the heavenly kingdom, how then to conduct our life here and now? The first reading from Deuteronomy 10. 12-22 gives us the answers.
8. We shall fear the Lord our God. We shall circumcise our hearts and no longer be stubborn. We shall serve Him and cleave to Him. We shall love Him with whole hearts and souls. We shall walk in all His ways, adhering to His commandments and statutes.
9. Against all the persecution and fear of the Nazi concentration camp, St Maximilian Kolbe whom we commemorate today stood firm in his faith, and in Christ-like love, he offered his own life in the place of another
Lifeline: Live in this world, with a sense of duty towards heaven. However, this will not make us evasive or negligent. It will rather make us more dutiful, for one who is faithful to the highest duty will also be faithful to the smaller duties
(Reflection 2)
Thrust: Are we free or bound?
Indicative: We are free children of God and so not bound by the fetters of sin. Therefore, we must conduct ourselves as aliens to this world and also as bound by certain duties
1. The gospel passage combines two reference points. One is a prediction about his passion, death, and resurrection. The other is the question of tax-pay. Obviously, both seem to be quite divergent and separate topics. But there is one underlying theme. That is the question of true freedom and obligation.
2. Jesus suffers suffering and death to free us from the bondage of sin. His suffering and death are clear signs that he does not succumb to the pressure and power of evil. His resurrection is a testimony that he has conquered sin and obtained liberation.
3. Whether to pay the taxes or not to the state was the question. In one sense, Jesus and his team are tax-free because they are the sons of the soil. They are the chosen people. They are the inheritors of the earth according to the beatitudes. They are the free children of God. They are not bound by the wages of sin. Thus in one aspect of the spiritual sense, they are not bound by the tax.
4. However, from another aspect, they are tax-bound. It is because they are sojourners and aliens. They are the children of God and not children of the world, as heirs of the heavenly kingdom and not of the earthly kingdom.
5. Jesus’ respect for the earthly laws and duties is also appreciable. This is clear when he says, let us pay, not to give offence to the authorities. Here, the point is not whether Jesus is supporting the Roman authority, whether he is accepting the Roman subjugation, or whether he is not instilling the spirit of true freedom of the people of God.
Imperative: The main point is the spirit of freedom that we need to cultivate and foster as the free children of God and heirs of heaven
(Reflection 1)
Punch line: In surrender is the greatest freedom!
Guideline: A meaningful life is a constant transition from a set of assumptions and presumptions to the assumption and elevation of life itself
1. Every year 15 August marks the assumption of our Blessed Mother. In India, it is a double celebration as it combines with the independence day of Mother India. Every year powerful sermons are preached on the dogma of assumption and the glory of Mary in which she is assumed into heaven.
2. As taught by the authority of the Church, we believe that Blessed Mother Mary was assumed to heaven, in her entirety, with both body and soul. Unlike the other humans, her incorruptible soul was accompanied by her body too as uncorrupted. This dogmatic truth and faith in it and the glory implied thereby, are indeed matters of great importance. But this time, let us try to take a little different route of thought.
3. Surely, this is a unique privilege accorded to Mary in virtue of her most singular vocation and mission as the Mother of the Saviour. It is quite understandable and valid that God did not want the decay or the separation of that holy body which offered flesh and blood to the incarnate Savior. In fact, her physicality became the abode and guide, the breeding ground of his humanity.
4. In Mary’s assumption, what we can see is not just the glorification of a mortal body, but that of our mortality itself. True it is our mortality is fragile as bound to earth. But it is not something despicable or detestable. Our mortality is susceptible to decay, in terms of its physicality. But Mary’s assumption shows that this mortality assumes immortality.
5. This assumption becomes possible because of three essential tenets: harmony, freedom, and elevation. Mary’s physicality becomes harmonious with her spirituality. In other words, her bodily and material existence is in harmony with her spiritual existence.
6. There is no dichotomy, no conflict between her body and her soul. There is no incongruence between the urges of the flesh and the promptings of the Spirit, as presented in Paul’s Letter to Romans 8 or Galatians 5.
7. What is notable is the body or the physical is not subjugated to the soul or the spiritual, but sublimated, not dominated or dictated but integrated and regulated by the spiritual.
8. There is also perfect freedom. Mary’s entire life was guided by the freedom of the Spirit, the freedom of heart, and the freedom to love God and others. But this freedom is not a free reign to the flesh and the physical when a person is entangled and enslaved by worldly stints.
9. This freedom is of a higher order. This is seen in total surrender to God’s will and plans. She affirmed this surrender at the annunciation, saying, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done unto me according to thy holy word”. This she continued till the end of her life.
10. Her whole earthly existence was an unceasing journey of elevation. She always elevated her body, mind, heart, and soul to what is high, lofty, noble, and above. She never allowed herself to be tied to what is low and below. She was never earth-bound but heaven-directed.
11. Seen in this sense, her assumption is a logical and appropriate culmination of an entire life of harmony, freedom, and elevation. Her final assumption is a clear indicator of a continuous assumption throughout every day of her life.
12. For the faithful in India too, as they celebrate the independence of their nation, the assumption of Mary can make a greater sense. We must remind ourselves that this independence is the fruit of the enormous sacrifices of numerous leaders and noble souls.
13. Like Mary, they too had lived a life interwoven with the principles of harmony, freedom, and elevation. They lived integrated lives. They lived and fostered true interior freedom. They always elevated their life to pursue a higher goal, and that is, the restoration of freedom and dignity for India and its Indian brethren.
Lifeline: The assumption of Mary and the independence of India is a clarion call for all of us to elevate the quality of our lives in the spirit of harmony and constructive freedom
(Reflection 2)
Thrust: Assumed is to be freed!
Indicative: The assumption of Mary is not a mere dogmatic assumption to assume, but a living journey to resume
1. Blessed Mother Mary is assumed to heaven, body, and soul, in the entirety of the person. God did not want that sacred body to decay, that which was the abode and gave physical life to His Incarnate Son. Therefore, in His gracious will and pleasure, He privileged Mary to be taken to heaven, with an uncorrupted body along with her incorruptible soul.
2. There is nothing illogical about this. For, if sin imposed death and decay on the human body, Mary who was preserved sinless with Immaculate Conception, can be very well free from such imposition. In her assumption, we see the whole dynamics of salvation and a great project of the fullness of Glory itself.
3. There are four essential components: Liberation, Restoration, Communion, and Perfection. Mary was totally liberated from her earthly limitations, restored to her original divine dignity, eternally united with the heavenly God, and enjoys the perfection of bliss and glory.
4. We too are destined for the same glory, even though we may consign our bodies to the earth. To attain this destiny, we too must constantly liberate ourselves from our earthly bondages, regain our divine dignity and image, unite ourselves with God in intimacy and surrender, and thus mature and perfect ourselves in sanctity and charity.
5. (For those in India or Indians) Today we celebrate two great mothers, for the same reason, that is, their freedom. Mother India’s freedom, as she was released from foreign bondage and gained her independence; Mother Mary’s freedom, as she was released from her earthly bondage and was assumed to heaven.
6. But this is hard-earned freedom. It involved a life-long struggle of immeasurable sacrifice and dedication. It called for an undaunted journey of courage, patience, hope, and perseverance. It is a marvellous story of combating evil and regaining the original dignity and honour.
7. The celebration of the freedom of these two mothers on the same day can be a significant pointer to us that we are citizens of two worlds – the secular and the spiritual. Our nation is our motherland and heaven is our homeland. Thus our duty is twofold: towards our country, as united, responsible, law-abiding, honest, and committed Indian sisters and brothers; and duty towards heaven, as united, faithful, and committed God’s children.
8. This freedom that is attained is not a finished product. It is an ongoing task and should be a living experience. Therefore, we are called to constantly free ourselves from all the clutches of sin and evil, meaning all that binds us, enslaves us, reduces our human dignity, diminishes the value and quality of life, and all that hinders a harmonious and happy human family.
9. Freedom is not our destiny nor is it our goal. It is our process, our means, it is our way, which should lead us to better and better – a good heart of faith and charity; a good life of virtue and value; a good family, loving and supportive; a good society, just and peaceful. God and the heavens are our destiny and goal.
Direction: So long as we are imprisoned in the cell of our body, we cannot enjoy the free spell of the soul. Let us then extricate ourselves.
1. We celebrate the 76th anniversary of independent India. At the very outset, let us raise our hearts in gratitude and veneration to all the great freedom fighters. There were numerous noble leaders who led the struggle. There were also many ordinary men who joined the struggle. But their spirit was not ordinary.
2. All of these sacrificed their comfort, their families, and their securities. They suffered and were persecuted and even killed. But undaunted was their spirit, unswerving was their focus, and unstoppable was their zeal. They shed their sweat and blood, they fought and they wrought freedom.
3. Today we salute all of them, recognized and unrecognized. We pay tributes to them. But Not only through our bundles of praises. We need to see what we do with this freedom. How do we live, experience, and foster this freedom?
4. No doubt that there is progress and development. We are no more under any foreign rule and subjugation. We can govern ourselves by ourselves through legitimate democracy. We can proudly say that we are free Indians. We are not slaves to anybody.
5. But there is also the other side of reality. What an irony it is that today we have freedom but we live with fear. Many problems like corruption, injustice, human trafficking, abuses, communalism, and violence frighten us. We experience the loss of freedom whenever and wherever there is a loss of human dignity and joy in life. When selfishness increases, life becomes ugly. When unity declines, progress recedes.
6. Let each one today ask himself and herself. Where are we leading our country to? Is it toward destruction or construction? Is it toward demolition or evolution? Is it toward true and fuller freedom or toward new forms of slavery in the name of freedom?
7. Today, it is a clarion call for all of us to become responsible citizens of our mother India, wherever we are. Wherever we are, we can be good Indians. We can be so by being more responsible. We can be so by being more sensitive toward the poor and the needy. We can be so by being more committed to preparing ourselves to eradicate social evils and injustices.
8. Let us not play the blame game, one blaming the other. Let us in our own way eliminate the clutches of evil and slavery. Let us grow in the freedom of the Spirit, the freedom of heart, the freedom of love.
Let us celebrate not only the day of independence but the way of real independence!
16 AUGUST 2023: DEUT 34. 1-12; MATTHEW 18. 15-20, St Clare
Punch line: Correction in charity!
Guideline: In a world that is like a battlefield, the solution is not grudge and resentment, or blame and slander, or aggression and retaliation, but forbearance and reconciliation
1. The world of today is in a whirlwind of condemnation and calumny, revenge and retaliation. A good number find a vain pleasure in passing judgments on others and condemning them in public. Many harbour a lot of negativity inside and wait eagerly to retort and retaliate.
2. In such a context, today the Lord is inviting us in the gospel for a spirit of fraternal correction, reconciliation, and restoration of the lost link. When someone wrongs, we should not rush to condemn and put them in public disgrace.
3. Rather, we should patiently try to make him realize his fault and win him back. A deep-seated Fraternity should guide us in a process of personal approach, dialogue and persuasion. This is done gradationally, first through a personal confrontation, then with the help of one or two witnesses, and then by the intervention of the church.
4. However, if all these efforts fail, then the next step is dissociation, a distancing from him as a pagan, as an alien, and rival to God. It is in this context comes the importance of community agreement, prayer intimacy and intercession, and the sacrament of reconciliation.
5. That is why, Jesus says, “If two of you agree about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father”; “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them”. Also, the mention of Moses in the first reading of Deuteronomy 34. 1-12 as a singular prophet whom the Lord knew face and face and who was a mighty instrument for God’s mighty power, may point to the aspect of intimacy and power of prayer.
6. The words of Jesus, “Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” in a general tone, can indicate a spirit of reconciliation. This may imply that we should not retain or reserve any grudge but should be free and relieved.
7. However, usually, this statement refers to the sacrament of reconciliation, and it is valid as well. For it is in this holy and renowned sacrament that we are at the doors of abundant streams of mercy and reconciliation with God and with others. It is so sad that today many fail to recognize the immense value of this great sacrament.
Lifeline: Many claim to be intelligent and very judicious. But is it not really foolishness to throw away the sacrament of reconciliation, which is the fount of mercy and conciliation?
17 AUGUST 2023: JOSHUA 3. 7-17; MATTHEW 18. 21 – 19.1
Punch line: No limits!
Guideline: When the Lord is with us, we will be able to walk through the troubled waters, and we will be understanding and magnanimous toward others
1. “How many times I should forgive the other?” This is a question posed by Peter in the gospel of Matthew 18. 21f. He is certainly extra generous as he pushes the upper limit to forgive from 3 times of the Jewish tradition to 7 times. Already it is a big stride. But Jesus makes it very clear: “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven”.
2. This clearly implies that forgiveness has no limits. The questions such as how many times? How can I forgive such a huge wrong? How can I forgive such an undeserving fellow? How can I forgive when the other takes it for granted? et cetera should not disturb us much.
3. The issue is not about the quantity of the wrong or the worth of the recipient. The point is about the willingness and readiness, the extent of forgiving from the part of those who forgive.
4. There are no conditions or limits or measures in forgiving. In fact, we need not claim extra credit for forgiving. This does not mean that we are taking away the merit of forgiving. We are certainly aware of how difficult and demanding it is to forgive someone who did us so much harm. It is also difficult, especially in a world which exalts a culture of unforgiveness and retaliation.
5. However, there is no choice. We are bound to forgive. The reason is, we ourselves receive so much forgiveness from God and others. As the psalmist says in Psalm 130, “If only you should mark our guilt, Lord, who will survive? But with you is found forgiveness”. This does not mean that we do it out of force or compulsion or fear.
6. Rather, our forgiving should proceed from a genuine sense of gratitude for receiving it unlimitedly, and therefore a deep sense of responsibility for giving it unlimitedly. Besides, our forgiving others also becomes a condition for experiencing God’s own forgiveness; because only those who forgive others will be able to receive and enjoy the grace of God’s forgiveness.
7. There is beautiful imagery for forgiveness in the first reading from Joshua 3. 7-17. Forgiveness is like the ark of the covenant of the Lord. Those who bore it could pass on dry ground through the waters of Jordan. Similarly, those who bear the spirit of forgiveness will carry with them God’s own presence and will be able to walk through difficult paths.
Lifeline: The promise of God to Joshua continues forever: I will be with you. He never fails to accompany us through His ark of the covenant and that is His mercy to us and our mercy to others
(Reflection 2)
Thrust: Receive and give mercy!
Indicative: In a world that is ridden by negativity and lack of forgiveness, we are called to be carriers and promoters of forgiveness and reconciliation
1. Grudges and revenge have become the norms of the day. Understanding, forgiveness, and reconciliation appear to be outdated and signs of weakness. In the light of the first reading, it is a culture and world of rebellion and obstinacy. In such a context, as the children of God, followers of Christ, and members of the holy church, we are invited to spread a culture of mercy.
2. First of all, we need to know very clearly that forgiveness is not a favour that we are doing at our will and convenience. It is a fundamental duty and responsibility. The reason is simple. We ourselves receive so much mercy and forgiveness from God and many others. As the psalmist quite rightly admits in ps. 130, if only God should mark our guilt, who would survive?
3. It is quite unfair that we receive abundant mercy but refuse to give it to others. God will be not only unhappy but also will not forgive us if we do not forgive others. Actually, it is not that God withholds or refuses to forgive us. Rather, whenever we do not have the heart to forgive, we will not be in a position to receive and enjoy the grace of forgiveness.
4. Further, there is no measure or frequency of forgiveness. It means that we cannot ask how much or how many times to forgive. We cannot say that I cannot forgive because it is too big an offence and too many times. There is no such thing as deserving or undeserving. For which of us are really worthy to merit mercy from God or others?
5. To be merciful and forgiving must become a way of being and living and not be limited to some isolated moments or acts. When it becomes a lifestyle, it would change the whole person, and his character and behaviour.
6. It is very sad that many people consider revenge and retaliation as signs of power and manliness. In fact, they are signs of weakness. For to react out of anger and grudge is easier than to be patient and restrained. Willingness to forgive shows the spirit of self-mastery and mental equilibrium.
7. It is equally sad that many prefer to go on nurturing so much negativity and unforgiveness. It is an unnecessary and heavy burden. It is really foolish as well to carry such loads of weight and feel pressed down.
Imperative: When the Lord is constantly inviting us to relieve ourselves of all our heavy burdens, why do we stubbornly allow them to cling to us?
18 AUGUST 2023: JOSHUA 24. 1-13; MATTHEW 19. 3-12
Punch line: Fidelity – the key!
Guideline: The whole beauty and value of all spirituality and relationships lie in one fundamental norm: fidelity. The simplest questions are: how much am I faithful to God? And how much am I faithful to the others, particularly with whom I am linked?
1. Today’s Word of God in both the readings pivot around the theme of “fidelity”. The first reading from Joshua 24. 1-13 narrates in detail about God’s fidelity. God has been faithful to His chosen people Israel in numberless ways.
2. He chose them, not because of their greatness but because of His love. He intervened in their lives with touching attention and care. He liberated them from the mighty yoke of slavery through His mighty hand of wonders. He stood by them and defeated their enemies on their behalf.
3. This fidelity is so abundant and exuberant. That is why through Joshua, God reminds the people, “I gave you a land on which you had not laboured, and cities which you had not built, and you dwell therein; you eat the fruits vineyards and oliveyards which you did not plant”.
4. In the gospel, Jesus addresses one crucial aspect of this fidelity, and that is marital fidelity. This fidelity is endangered and shattered by divorce. There is a steep rise in divorces and that too, often not for worthwhile reasons. According to human law, divorces are allowed, but not according to divine law.
5. The Catholic Church does not permit divorces, because marriage is an indissoluble communion of two partners. It is not a mere social contract or organized relationship between a male and a female. It is a sacrament which means it is sacred and divine. It is a twofold covenant – with God and with each other. It is God who joins man and woman together. And they become one. Therefore, it requires fidelity and commitment.
6. When the couple loses sight of these aspects of sacrament and covenant, the hardness of the heart and infidelity increase. In the religious life too, this fidelity shows itself in “making themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven”. In other words, whoever does not keep himself a eunuch (renouncing physical potency in chastity) is breaching the covenant of fidelity.
Lifeline: Whether in the ordinary Christian life or consecrated life, fidelity to God and each other is the key principle. While love is its source and strength, piety and chastity are the effects and testimonies
(Reflection 2)
Thrust: Fidelity is beauty and stability!
Indicative: Life loses its meaning, value, beauty, and joy when it loses the spirit of fidelity. Fidelity to God and one another is the greatest remedy
1. Covenant and fidelity to it are the underlying themes of today’s word of God. God enters into a covenantal relationship with the people of Israel. Thereupon, He gives them identity, dignity, beauty, prosperity, and commendability. But unfortunately, they turn ungrateful and unfaithful. They trust in themselves and become whorelike.
2. Every marriage is also a covenantal relationship with God and with each other. Today, the stability of marital bond is cracking because its fidelity is shaking. Fidelity is shaking because its sacredness is crumbling. This is because many lose sight of the nature of a covenant. For many, practically, marriage is no more a covenant but a contract that is workable and profitable.
3. It has become a matter of convenience and not commitment. When the essential components of sacredness, covenant, fidelity, and commitment are lost, automatically its beauty, meaning, stability, and joy are lost.
4. The feel-good that exists at the beginning of the marriage evaporates within no time. Ego clashes, hurt feelings, resentments, unbridled reactions, and retaliatory acts increase as the days and years pass. Aggression or depression, agitation or indifference, arrogance or inferiority seems to be the dominant behavioural patterns that govern many families.
5. We do not say that there are no problems in married life. Surely, the challenges are increasing. But all that we want to say is, that divorces are not the only and immediate solution. If only a little more sense of covenant with God and each other increases, if only a little more patience and humility are practised, surely there can be a greater fidelity.
6. The same principle of fidelity holds good for the consecrated people as well. They are the “eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of God”. But they are really worth the name if only they remain faithful to their covenantal relationship with God.
Imperative: Fidelity is at the root of all Christian life, be it married or consecrated. When fidelity crumbles, the whole edifice collapses
19 AUGUST 2023: JOSHUA 24. 14-29; MATTHEW 19. 13-15
Punch line: Do not hinder!
Guideline: More to Jesus, is more of a blessing
1. In the gospel, parents bring their children to Jesus, to be blessed by him. But the disciples scold and prevent them, certainly with the good intention not to create a commotion or disturbance to Jesus. And Jesus is very clear that children should come to him, be close to him, and be blessed by him. Yet again he reminds us that being a child to God is the only way to enter the kingdom.
2. Today how many parents take their children closer to Jesus, to the church, to the sacraments, to the spiritual animation? How many parents initiate, motivate, guide, and foster their children in matters of faith and morals? How many of them instil and ignite in their children a love for God and enthusiasm for spirituality?
3. In the name of giving the children freedom, and respecting their personal responsibility, are the elders not failing in their responsibility? Are we ourselves not hindering them from Jesus? What a loss it is that our children miss the nearness, the touch, and the blessing of Jesus!
4. In this context, Joshua in the first reading from Joshua 24. 14-29 can be a great example and guide to all parents and children. Like Joshua, how many parents remind their children of God’s incessant intervention in our lives in love, power, and mercy? How many can tell their children straight that our God is a holy jealous God who will not tolerate defection and transgression of his ways? How many in all firmness can urge their children to fear the Lord, to serve Him in sincerity and faithfulness?
5. How many adults and leaders can challenge youngsters to discern and choose between the God of fidelity and the world of false gods? And how many can really affirm with conviction like Joshua, “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord? How many can assume this undaunted responsibility to lead their families in God’s way even if the whole world is going in the opposite direction?
6. And how many today like those people of Israel can reaffirm our fidelity to God, saying, “Far be it from us that we should forsake the Lord, to serve other gods”; “But we will serve the Lord”; “The Lord our God we will serve, and His voice we will obey”.
Lifeline: We are people of covenant with God. We are made His own children. The way to testify our belonging to Him is to put away the foreign gods, that is, the false values and pursuits, and incline our hearts to the Lord
(Reflection 2)
Thrust: Go near to Jesus!
Indicative: We need to go near to Jesus, get closer to him, and receive his touch and blessing. For only the touch of Jesus can transform us into little children and take us to the kingdom
1. In the gospel, Jesus declares, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven”.
2. We can elicit a few indicators for our life: First, we need to become childlike. This means that we should become clean with a new heart and a new spirit. This is a rebirth, being dead to sin, repentant over our iniquities. The more we become like little children, the more we will desire to go to Jesus, and we will have free access to him.
3. Secondly, we need to become aware of our great responsibility to children. Whatever the role, as a parent, a teacher, elder, priest, or religious, all of us have a bounden duty toward children, and that is to lead them closer to Jesus.
4. It is then a big question mark about how many of these remain conscious and serious about their responsibility toward children. How many of us neglect our duty? How many of us hinder them from going to Jesus?
5. These ways of hindering can be varied. It can be due to our own indifference and lukewarmness; our lack of interest and concern for them; our own unedifying life; or our own lack of conviction and sound knowledge.
6. Often, we may just shirk our responsibility saying that the children must not be forced; they must be left free to decide by themselves; their freedom must not be curtailed. But all these arguments may be mostly evasions and escaping from the trouble and sacrifice of training and forming them.
7. There are many who are so concerned to provide the children with everything that they demand, with the best they may or even may not afford. They give them money, clothes, comforts, education, job, marriage, et cetera. But how many really think of imparting them god-fearing nature, and good values? How many train the children in becoming good human beings?
Imperative: All the care and provision to the children without a sound spirituality and morality is very deficient and defective. A lack of divine touch amounts to a lack of human touch!
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Thanks for this information. power of prayers