Saturday, 5 August 2023
06 AUGUST 2023: DAN 7. 9-10, 13-14; 2 PETER 1. 16-19; MATTHEW 17. 1-9, Transfiguration of the Lord
Punch line: Glory that awaits!
Guideline: God allows some occasions of glory and transfigured visions in our life, in order to boost up our drooping spirits, and to remind us of our eternal destiny of glory
1. On Mount Tabor, in the presence of three disciples, Jesus is transfigured. His face shone like the sun and his garments became white as light. Moses and Elijah appear talking with him. The purpose of the transfiguration of Jesus is not a power-display, not a show of self-glory, not winning the best impressions of his three disciples. The simplest reason is Jesus is never a showman. He never seeks self-glory but only the Father’s glory. He is least concerned about human impressions because he knows humans well.
2. The key purpose of the event of transfiguration is to strengthen the faith of the disciples. Especially when they have to go through the turbulent times of the ignominy of the cross, they should be strong and deep-rooted. Otherwise, they would easily lose their feet, be shattered and give up their journey. The wonderful transfiguration experience would keep their faith alive and renew it. It would assure and encourage them that Jesus who will suffer helplessly, is not a helpless weak human being. He is not forced to meet a fateful destiny out of inability, but it is all in perfect symphony with God’s will and plan of salvation. Jesus who is their master is the real Christ, the awaited Messiah. He is the Son of God, vested with power and glory.
3. His face and his clothes shone with brilliant light. This signifies radiance and vibrance. Thus, the experience of transfiguration is essentially the change of life to be radiant and vibrant. We too are called to shine, that is, to be radiant and vibrant. A life that is lacklustre and lethargic is not transfigured but only a disfigured one. Face and clothes together imply the whole person. Face points to the interior, as it is said that the face is the index of the soul. Clothes represent the exterior. Thereby, the shining of both indicates that any real change must comprise both the interior and the exterior. Our interior must change and it must be reflected in the exterior life of radiance and vibrance.
4. Jesus meets Moses and Elijah. Moses would signify the Law and Elijah, the prophets. Accordingly, the meeting of Jesus with Moses and Elijah can signify that Jesus is the encounter, the meeting point with the Law and the Prophets. In other words, Jesus is the culmination and the fulfilment of the whole Old Testament. One who meets Jesus lives the law and as a prophet.
5. Peter exclaims, Lord, it is so nice to be here and I will make three tents, one for Jesus and the other two, for Moses and Elijah. It shows the overwhelming and relishing experience of the vision and the glory of the Lord. It recalls the excited sentiment of the psalmist, I rejoiced when I heard the people saying, let us go to the house of the Lord; or, one day within your house is equal to a thousand elsewhere. If just a few moments in the presence of the transfigured Lord can be so awe-enveloping, then can we imagine what an infinite joy it will be in eternal glory!
6. The Father’s voice from heaven attests and summons, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him”. This shows the intimate union between the Father and the Son. In Jesus, we have the surest guide to listen to and follow, because he is so pleasing to the Father. He listens to the Father and obeys Him. And so, if we listen to him, we are for sure on the path of heaven and reach heavenly glory.
Lifeline: A constant thought of heaven can keep us not to be entangled in the realms of the earth. Experiences of light and glory can help us to move through the shades of darkness and misery
(Reflection 2)
Focus: Glory is our destiny and transfiguration is the way. Let us not be upset at the fact of misery but always raise our hearts to the destiny of glory by constant transfigured life, transformed heart
1. Jesus is transfigured on Mount Tabor in the presence of 3 of his disciples. It is not a display of self-glory but a manifestation of his true identity. It is not to impress them but to confirm them in faith. His glory is not partial but total, both interior and exterior, as indicated by the glow of his face and clothes respectively. The experience of divine glory is so relishing, as indicated by Peter’s exclamation: “It is nice to be here; let us make three tents”.
2. Jesus’ transfiguration points to our own transfiguration, being adorned with divine glory. This is possible through a constant integral transformation of our both interior and exterior, by attentive listening and adhering to the Lord.
3. The event of Jesus' transfiguration is a manifestation of his original divinity, identity and glory. The purpose is not to display his glory, not to impress upon the three disciples his greatness. It is not self-directed, seeking self-glory. Rather, it serves as a fount of hope that prepares and strengthens the disciples, in the face of the cross and death of Jesus ahead.
4. The transfigured glory of Jesus illuminates and assures the disciples that Jesus who meets the fate of the cross, is not a helpless failure, forced to such a miserable end; rather he is the glorious Son of God, who willingly and freely accepts the cross as God's will for salvation. It is not a fate of misery and damnation, but a destiny of glory and salvation.
5. Thereby when faced with the ignominy of the cross, let them not be shaken or shocked; let them not be dissipated or frustrated. Let them not be stuck with the cross and death, but rather let their focus go beyond the misery of the cross to glory and eternity. Behind and beyond the disfigured crucified, one should see the transfigured resurrected Lord, re-vested with the original heavenly glory.
6. Thus that simple Jesus, who is walking along with them as an ordinary man, that suffering Jesus, who will be subjected to the humiliation of the cross, is not a disgraced and defeated man. Instead, he is the glorious "beloved Son of the Father", attested so by the Father Himself from heaven. So do not lose faith in him, when things go contrary, but continue to keep trust and hope in him.
7. Jesus' transfiguration is also an indicator, a forecast and a foretaste of our own resurrection and the glory of resurrection. It is a prefiguration of our own future glory. The frequent disfiguration of life, with all the vicissitudes and adversities, is not the final or permanent reality. Transfiguration is the ultimate and definitive experience. Misery is not an absolute fate, but glory is our eternal destiny. Therefore, the transfiguring experience must trigger us to direct our focus, beyond the temporary upsets of the cross, to the eternal upheaval of resurrection.
8. This is possible only through a constant REINVIGORATION of our original identity of being God's image and likeness. This in turn is possible through a faithful CONFIGURATION with Jesus. The more we are tuned and communed with him, the more we live and grow like him, the more we adhere to him in "attentive listening to him", the more we shall experience and share the same transfiguring glory.
9. If sin disfigures us, depriving us of our original beauty and dignity of being God's images, grace through Jesus transfigures us, restoring to us that lost light and radiance. The shining light and brightened glow will indicate that our transfiguration is more a matter of illuminating and brightening our darkened selves and false lives. The more we are enlightened, breaking off the sheaths and layers of darkness that often block and blur our radiance, the more we re-discover our real identity, and radiate the light of that true image.
10. Thus real transfiguration lies in the daily process of brightening up our lives. Light up the life, daily on the "mountain" - of the vicinity, proximity and intimacy with God, in a spirit and ambience of solitude and serenity, in the heights of our spirits, in the focused moments of prayer, in personal encounter with Moses and Elijah, signifying the Law and Prophets, i.e. the entire Scripture and Tradition. Transform and glorify life, wholly and fully, by changing both the interior, indicated by the change of face, which is the index of the interior, and the exterior, indicated by the change in clothes.
11. Let our every day be a continuous journey of removing the shades of darkness that reduce our glow. Let it be a vibrant march of regaining our lost radiance. Let the light of Christ make our hearts, and our life, more bright, with more hope and more renewal.
Direction: Often we want to see only glory and cling to such moments. But only the path of the cross and following Jesus will lead to glory.
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