Wednesday, 9 August 2023


19TH SUNDAY, 13 AUGUST 2023: 1 KINGS 19. 9A, 11-13A; ROMANS 9. 1-5; MATTHEW 14. 22-33 Punch line: Fix the focus! Guideline: We know that life is not a smooth sailing; often the lifeboat is tossed about by strong winds which threaten to sink it. But nothing to worry; all that ijs needed is to fix the focus on the Lord 1.  All discipleship is “Walking by the Lord in a sea of troubled waters”, in the light of the gospel episode in Mathew 14. 22-33. The episode presents the disciples sailing in a boat, tossed about by strong winds. Jesus comes to them walking over the waters. But the disciples, be it due to tension or fear or preoccupation or lack of clear sight do not recognize him, and mistake him to be a ghost. Jesus assures them that it is he. Peter, as usual enthusiastic and impulsive, wishes to try the same “wonder-feat” of Jesus, and so with Jesus’ encouragement and power, begins to walk in the waters. But after a while, being frightened by the strong winds and waves, he begins to sink, and of course Jesus comes to his rescue. 2. Now one may easily explain this miracle as a nature-miracle, presenting Jesus as one who has power over nature and the natural forces, one who commands them and they obey him and they are subdued. But perhaps we can take another route of reflection which can be profound and beneficial in a context of discipleship. 3. The simple point of reflection can be: the fundamental difference between being focused on Jesus, and not being focused on Jesus; what happens when the focus is not on Jesus, and what happens when the focus is on Jesus. As long as Peter’s focus was on Jesus, he could walk amidst the waters, walk against the opposing winds, walk forward, walk toward Jesus steadily, firmly and serenely, reach him, be in his presence, experience the calm, and worship him in surrender. The waters do not frighten him, the winds do not hinder him or overpower him. The sight of the vast sea does not make him apprehensive or uncertain. He is able to walk ahead, with stability, solidity and serenity. He is able to enjoy his presence and get re-confirmed in his faith. 4. But the whole scene changes, when the focus is shifted away from Jesus. Fear grips, confidence shakes, courage drops, faith wavers, feet stumble, and he begins to sink. 5. Now our situation is very much the same as that of the gospel situation. Our life is like the boat, sailing amidst a sea of opposing winds and unfavourable situations, which makes the sail difficult and frightened. It is in such moments, the sight and the call of Jesus may encourage us like Peter to continue and persevere walking over the troubled waters for a while. 6. What happened to Peter, exactly happens to us also in our life. As long as we are focused on the Lord, we are able to surge ahead in spite of the engulfing challenges and adversities. But when our focus is deviated from the Lord, being caught up with the problems and pressures or at times the pleasures of the world, we too experience the same “sinking” of Peter. We become easily frightened, with the evil or problem so much disturbing and annoying us. We lose confidence in ourselves, in others and in God as well. We become uncertain, confused. We become vulnerable and weak. Our faith becomes vacillating and unsteady, easy to give up. We begin to falter and fail. 7. Therefore, a true discipleship invites us to be realistic, to be aware of the challenges that beset our journey, but to be focused on the Lord and to continue walking. We must also be aware of our own human fragility which never leaves us, which exposes us at times to the possibilities of losing our focus, and encounter the same negative situations of a “drop” on different counts, leading eventually to sinking. However, we are also reassured that we will not be abandoned to our fate. Jesus will immediately come to our rescue. We need to continue our walking and sailing. Lifeline: As long as we are focused on the Lord and rest confident in his never-abandoning care for us, we will surge ahead even amidst all the frightening and pressuring forces  

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