Thursday, 13 January 2022

II SUNDAY ORDINARY, 16 January 2022, Jn 2.2-11, Wedding at Cana

II SUNDAY ORDINARY, 16 January 2022, Jn 2.2-11, Wedding at Cana

 Focus: In our life, all of us lack something or the other. And it is natural that we feel worried and sad about how to resolve such situations. The only solution is: Turn to the Lord!

1. The Wedding at Cana is the first miracle of Jesus, and the first sign of his divinity. But let us not reduce it only to a power display. It connotes a basic human situation and longing.

2. Situations of scarcity, of want and lack, are a normal and regular reality and experience in human life. This lacking can be various kinds - material, physical, emotional, intellectual, social, moral or spiritual. 

3. Scarcity and lacking is something that is not desired, but resented, resisted and refused. It is because lacking makes one worried, dissatified and joyless. This is very clear in the wedding scene at Cana. How much tension, anxiety and sadness were there because they lacked wine! The whole atmosphere was also gripped in a fear of facing disgrace and shame.

4. Subsequently they seek to get rid of the scarcity by having and providing more wine. Abundance is sought to make good against all the negative consequences  that a lacking brings upon. 

5. Yes, Abundance is a natural human desire and craving. Human being is created high, in dignity of God's own divinity. He is also destined for nothing less than Eternity. Therefore there is always search and striving for abundance, for more, for plenty.

6. Truly abundance dispels tension and worry, uncertainty and fear, dissatisfaction and disgrace. It restores a regained sense of confidence, honour, satisfaction, tranquillity and joy. Therefore, seen in this sense, Seeking abundance in itself not wrong, because it is desirable and worth obtaining.

7. But the question is, abundance of what? What abundance is sought?  An honest eye and reflection will make us easily see, that often it is the abundance of worldly things and concerns, that is mostly sought and pursued.

8. Many seek abundance of material things, in the form of money , possessions, properties, comforts, luxuries, et cetera. Many seek the abundance of the physical things that gratify the body and the fleshy urges, like sumptuous or delicious or variety food and drink, sex and sensual pleasures, et cetera. 

9. Many seek abundance of emotional satisfaction, in the form of being wanted, comforted, loved, supported, et cetera. Many seek the intellectual abundance, in the form of knowledge, expertise, competence, academic excellence and career. Still many others seek abundance of social concerns, like status, privilege, prestige, power and position, honour and popularity, commandability and influence, name and fame.

10. All this seeking is understandable and valid to an extent, because all these are integral dimensions of our human existence. A human being is certainly a material, physical, emotional, intellectual and social being.

11. But, the vital point is: moral integrity and spiritual primacy must be the greatest concerns in life. Abundance of all other aspects can never give a deep and durable joy and fulfilment.  It is only abundance of virtue and value, abundance of love and devotion to God, which can give a genuine satisfaction, joy and fulfilment of life.

12. It is only Jesus and turning to Jesus that gives abundance and thus  restores  joy and honour. Jesus turns scarcity into abundance, lacking into fullness, uncertainty into assurance, anxiety into serenity, tension into calm, confusion into confidence, fear into assurance, shame into honour, disgrace into reputation, dissatisfaction into satisfaction, and sadness into joy.

13. What is also specially notable in this situation of abundance by Jesus, is the Marian mediation. Mary senses the lacking situation of need, feels concerned for the wedding family, intervenes to do something, turns to Jesus for help, and transforms the whole situation into joy.

14. Today, the miracle at wedding at Cana, should make us, not merely to pray for favours and miracles in our life. That will again make our faith shallow and superficial, reducing it also gain-oriented and ulteriorly motivated, under the spiritual garb. Faith is not seeking Jesus as wonder-worker, to satisfy and fulfill our various worldly needs and difficulties.

15. Such a faith which seeks the abundance of worldly matters, is very inadequate and defective. True faith should seek Jesus for spiritual abundance, for a value- oriented integral life, should make us turn to Jesus as our greatest reference-point and source and treasure in life, should increase our trust in Him and intimacy with him.

16. This miracle should also make us love and venerate Mother Mary as a powerful intercessor, and a caring guide in our journey of faith. Besides, should also make us humble and active mediators, who always direct others to Jesus.

17. How sad it is that in the name of faith and spiritual ministry, some make their own selves as the centres of focus and faith! How absurd it is that those who claim to be spiritual ministers and guides, try to steal the show, dominate the scene, obscure the centrality of Jesus and stop the people only to themselves, obstructing the people to go beyond them to Jesus! 

18. How foolish it is that Jesus is presented and sought as mere wonder-worker, favour-granter, service-provider, attending on mere material needs, instead of a Saviour and Sanctifier, helping us to change morally and spiritually! How wrong it is that Mary is regarded as a hurdle to Jesus, instead of a facilitator, mediator and guide toward Jesus!

Direction: With Jesus and Mary, we will not be frustrated or disgraced, we will not lack, but will experience abundance and joy. Wine of joy will overflow and overfill to the brim!

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