Thursday, 6 January 2022



09 JANUARY 2022


The Baptism of the Lord outlines four aspects:
1)     Indicates the radical mission of Jesus
2)    Such a mission is rooted in his communion with the Father
3)    Initiates his mission
4)    Reminds our own baptismal consecration and mission
1.     The event of the baptism of Jesus indicates his “radical mission”, which is a mission of salvation or redemption. Originally, in the Biblical context, savior or redeemer connotes the idea of one who acts on behalf of or in favour of someone in slavery or in debt, or who is a victim of injustice. Accordingly a redeemer renders justice by winning over the opponent, or relieves or liberates, by a ransom. In fact, the English term “redeem” evidently means to “make one deemed again”, or to restore the lost dignity. Thus, Jesus undertakes this mission of salvation or redemption from a situation of misery and bondage.

2.     So, Jesus’ mission implies an unending story of God’s mercy and compassion toward the humanity, which is a victim and slave of sin, his condescending forgiveness of their sins, and liberation of them by means of his identification with them, his solidarity with them, and expiation for them by self-immolation.
3.     Now, how this mission is denoted by his baptism? Baptism was needed for those who are beset by sin, standing in need of conversion, forgiveness and purification. But, Jesus, the Son of God, had absolutely no need to be baptized, because he is sinless. But still, he allows himself to be baptized, because he keeps himself in our place, he carries our burden of sin, he shares our human weakness, he gets into solidarity with us in our human situation of fragility.

4.     His baptism confirms his communion with the Father, in which his mission is rooted. The obvious signs and testimonies of this communion are: the descent of the Holy Spirit, and the attestation of the Father from heaven, “You are my Son, in whom I am well pleased”.

5.     Jesus’ baptism initiates his “concrete mission”, which manifests itself in preaching and healing. This is a holistic mission, viz. of heart, word and deed, namely, conversion of heart, announcing the good news in word, and healing in deed. His baptism marks the beginning of his ministry, that is, on receiving baptism, Jesus immediately plunges into his relentless Kingdom-mission.

6.     Jesus’ baptism reminds us of our own baptism, and challenges us to renew and live our baptismal consecration. Our baptism is not merely a ritual or a tradition. It is an insertion into the very life of Jesus. It is incorporation into the mystical body of Christ, the community of the Church. It is imitation and resemblance of Christ. It is consecration to God. This can imply four aspects: We belong to God; we are totally owned / possessed by God; we remain loyal to God and His kingdom; we bear witness to Jesus and his values, through sharing in his own mission

7.     What does the baptism of Jesus mean for us today? Is it only a commemoration of a past event in the life of Jesus or in the history of the church? Is it only an instance that marks the starting of Jesus’ mission? How does this feast summon us to “be daily baptized”, i.e. be charged and animated by the Holy Spirit and fire? How do we constantly strive to grow into the person and life of our Master? How do we grow into the spiritual and fraternal communion with the community of the Church? How are we loyal and committed partakers and perpetuators of the same mission of Jesus, which is liberation and integration?



1. The baptism of the Lord reminds us of our own baptism

Let us reflect on the purpose and meaning of the baptism of the Lord, and in this light, reflect, re-know and renew the value of our baptism.

2. The Lord is baptized.
First of all, does He need baptism?
Certainly No. Because, for the Jews, baptism indicates that one recognizes and accepts one's sin, that one repents and asks for mercy to God, and that God forgives and purifies all sins

3. However, Jesus is the Son of God and without sin. Therefore no need for forgiveness and cleaning

4. Still why?

The baptism of Jesus has a purpose and a deeper reason. It is in accord with the divine plan of salvation

Yes. Even if sinless, Jesus becomes one of us, the sinful, in need of being saved,

Jesus, even if purely clean, becomes one of us, the impure ones, in need of being clean,

Jesus, even if fully intact, becomes one of us, the broken ones, in the need to be healed,

Jesus, even if totally one with the Father, becomes one of us, the alienated and separated from God, in need of being reconciled and reunited,

Jesus, even if in complete pleasure with God, becomes one of us, the displeasing to God, in need of being pleased.

5. Thus Jesus becomes the Lamb of God who bears our sins upon himself, that is in our place, and supports our burdens because of us.

Thus He lifts us from our burdens, frees us from our misery and our weaknesses, and strengthens us with the power and glory of God

6. Therefore the baptism of Jesus is not just a ritual or a traditional ceremony

It points towards our vocation, our consecration, and our salvation

In his baptism, Jesus officially and consciously begins the divine plan of salvation

At the point of his baptism, Jesus consecrates himself and dedicates himself to the mission of freeing us from the chains of evil, and of beautifying ourselves with the kingdom of grace.
It is for this reason, Jesus is anointed by the Spirit, and attested by the Father himself

7. This is the meaning and the goal of the baptism of Jesus, and from this also our baptism derives its value and direction.
Our baptism manifests that we belong to God, and not to Satan,

that we are generated by God himself as his children,

that we are sealed like his peoples chosen by the seal of baptism,

that we become members of one and the same divine family as sisters and brothers,

that we share the same life as Christ, that we are anointed by the power and holiness of the Holy Spirit, 

that we are consecrated to being loyal and dedicated to God alone

8. Thus, every baptized person must experience, nurture, radiate and increase Grace and not sin, virtue and not vice, the good and not the evil, holiness not impurity, the divine power and not human frailty, the light and not the darkness, the consecration and not the execration, unity not disunity, communion with God and not separation from God, the closeness with God and not the distance, abandonment to God and not self-glory, reconciliation not retaliation, humility not arrogance, pleasure to God and not displeasing God, to bear witness to love for the values of Christ and not to scandalize, to resemble Christ, and do not neglect.

9. Whether this is happening? How much are we true and faithful to our baptismal dedication?

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