24 JANUARY 2022: 2 SAMUEL 5. 1-7, 10; MARK 3. 22-30, St Francis de Sales
Focus: The true power lies not in domineering others but in shepherding them, in surrender to the Lord
1. We live in a power-hungry world where power and authority get almost identified with domination and manipulation. In such a context, David in the first reading and Jesus in the gospel, and St Francis de Sales, the Saint of the day show us what is true power. It comes only from God, from His abiding presence and guidance.
2. Power and authority are meant to shepherd those entrusted to one's care. True power never sides with evil, never compromises with the evil forces. It always combats the evil and surpasses and binds the evil one who is strong.
3. Working for unity and for good in consistency and commitment was the hallmark of all of them. In fact, this is the essential trait of any good and godly person. In contrast, any trace of division and inconsistency in doing good are clearly the clearest signs of the evil one.
4. That is why when the scribes blame Jesus that he was casting out demons with the help of Beelzebul, the prince of demons, he challenges them. He contests: “How can Satan cast out Satan… if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand”. Jesus casts out demons not because he is working in cooperation with him but because he is stronger than Satan. He binds Satan, the strong one.
5. Therefore the greater strength of the men of God comes only from the power of God. It is the power of the Holy Spirit. Anything that is good is “spiritual” power and not demoniac. In this sense, it would be really sinful if one does not recognize the action of the Spirit. And in that sense, it is really a blasphemy to attribute the divine power to the help of the evil spirit.
6. In this context, we all must be very cautious and judicious lest we also fall into the sin of ‘wrong attribution’ and ‘falsification’ of what is good and godly. Often our self-righteousness, our arrogance, our power-mongering, prejudices, and jealousies lead us into the sin of slander and calumny. This is nothing but a disguised “blasphemy”!
Direction: A power that divides and rules, a power that plunders the belongings of the house and destroys the order and integrity of life, is certainly evil and is the work of the evil spirit.
25 JANUARY 2022: ACTS 22. 3-16; MARK 16. 15-18, Conversion of Paul
Focus: The real test and proof of faith is conversion. Conversion is not merely a matter of more knowledge of beliefs and traditions, or more ability to preach the Word and organize spiritual activities. Conversion is essentially a change of heart and way of life
1. Today on 25th January we celebrate the conversion of Paul. His conversion narrative is so dramatic and the details are very suggestive. He was on his way to Damascus with a destructive plan to persecute and terminate the followers of Christ. But on the way, he encounters Jesus. Great light from heaven shone around him. He falls to the ground. He hears the voice of Jesus himself. Jesus confronts him, “Why are you persecuting me?” He loses his sight. He is led to Damascus, to a devout Ananias. He restores sight to Paul, discloses to him God’s plan for him. He confirms him in his new mission of bearing witness to the Lord.
2. The conversion of Paul is a great eye-opener for all of us regarding our own unconverted lives. Bearing the name of a Christian, having the label or garb of a disciple of Christ, believing some doctrines, following some traditions, and performing some religious activities are good but not enough. These are not guarantees of conversion.
3. Real conversion must touch the heart and change the way of life. One greatest sign of conversion is the realization that failure in fraternity is a failure in faith: Any act of persecuting and harming others is a persecuting the Lord himself and obstructing his way. There is no use of great evangelization or even working great miracles if we lack fraternity and charity.
4. Conversion also implies openness to encounter the great light from heaven, to realize and dispel our own shades of darkness, and to receive new sight. How many of us allow God’s light to shine upon us? How many realize that we are still walking in the dark? How many are ready to receive constantly the new light of a renewed purpose, a renewed way, a renewed loyalty, a renewed commitment?
5. Paul’s conversion was the greatest turning point from being a persecutor to being persecuted, from a blind hater to a passionate lover of Christ, from slavery to wrong ideology to loyalty to deep spirituality. How many are really ready to suffer something for God and for others? How absurd it is that many claim to love and serve God while they hate others and God’s ways? How many adamantly and arrogantly stick to their own wrong ways and self-interests and become disloyal to the directives of a genuine spirituality?
Direction: Paul’s conversion is a great sample of true conversion. True conversion is nothing but passion for God and for the good of others. This passion is rooted in unswerving love for Jesus and undaunted commitment to his mission
Focus: When God's power is in action, nothing and nobody can resist the power and effect of His action
The conversion of Paul is an encouraging and challenging example for all of us in getting converted any time and anyhow. It is never late and it is never hopeless. At no moment, we can say that it is no use now; about no one, we can say that it is no hope. It is the power of God's will and plans. All that is needed is transparency and receptivity towards God's power and plan. Paul's conversion was not a mere change of religion or tradition. It is a change of a whole way of life, a change of loyalty and adherence, a change from objects like laws to practice and implement, to the subject of person of Jesus, and to testify to his mission. It is a new bonding. It is an about-turn. There are no compromises. There are no half measures. It is a change of perspective, orientation, conviction, and commitment. It is a total surrender to the person and mission of Jesus.
Thus, Paul’s conversion is both a captivating testimony and a tall challenge to move away constantly from being an aggressor and transgressor of the way of the Lord, to become a humble receiver, a joyful bearer, and a zealous promoter of the Lord. It is a turning away from persecutor to the persecuted; from an enemy to a friend; from slavery to law to the freedom of the spirit; from a dry observance of the law to a fertile walking by the spirit; from a misguided passion for truths to an illumined passion for the truth, that is Jesus; from false adherence to true conviction; from excessive self-sufficiency to a profound self-insufficiency; from an arrogant self-complacency to a humble self-surrender; from law to faith; from doctrines to person; from a follower of religion to a follower of a way of life; from a well-informed person to a totally transformed person; from a proponent of laws to a prophet of the person of Jesus Christ; from a deep searching frustration to a discovered satisfaction. In Paul’s conversion, we are made to rediscover that true conversion is not to expect a sudden intervention from heaven, but consists in daily cultivation of grace, imitation of the values of Christ, and transformation into his person.
Direction: O great St Paul, constantly rekindle in us the same fire of passionate love for the Lord and unreserved dedication to work for him.
26 JANUARY 2022: 2 TIMOTHY 1. 1-8; LUKE 10. 1-9, Saints Timothy and Titus
Focus: Faith is essentially fire and not ashes. Our faith must always burn us with the fire of love for God and set us in flames of zeal and benevolence toward others
1. Today, lethargy and compromise are prevailing and reducing the quality of faith, benevolence, and dedication in all the spheres of life. Consequently, we do not find many sincere efforts to grow in faith, to do good to others, and to be committed to the right things of life. Many are so shallow and thus easily waver in their faith. Many are so self-centered and self-interested and thus are indifferent and unkind. Many are so comfort-seeking and compromising and thus are non-committal to a value-life.
2. It is in this context the Word of God of today, in commemoration of Saints Timothy and Titus is a clear illuminator and indicator for us to renew our lost spirits. Like Timothy and Titus, we are called to preserve and foster a sincere faith by constantly “fanning it into flame” and not allowing it to become tepid.
3. We are to be people of power and not fear. Our operating principles are love and self-control. The sole purpose and aim is to bear testimony to the Lord. For this, we need to be ready to share in suffering for the sake of the gospel. It is because we share in the mission of the Lord himself and it is very challenging. We will be like “lambs among the wolves”. Besides, the mission is vast but the missioners are few, as Jesus says, “Harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few”.
4. It is a mission of spreading the kingdom of God where God’s love, peace, and justice reign. We are called to be lovers and promoters of peace and not division and aggression. We need to give healing touch to a world that is sick in different ways and forms. Certain stability and consistency is also required as Jesus says, “Remain in the same house… do not go from house to house”
5. There is also a sense of “urgency” of the mission. It means that we must be always on wheels, always plunged into action. There is no time to waste, and one cannot procrastinate. Time is short and precious and we cannot afford to lose it in unnecessary niceties and secondary things, as Jesus says, “Greet no one on the road”.
6. In carrying out such a challenging mission, we must shun every tendency to excessively depend on our own human resources like talent and competence or on worldly securities and guarantees like money, power, and position. That is why Jesus warns us, “Carry no money bag, no knapsack, no sandals”. It is not that we do not make use of the available resources or equipment. The point is that our greatest resource and equipment is God’s power that sustains, guides, and strengthens us in our mission journey.
Direction: The followers of the Lord would do well in their mission if they do not cling too much to worldly securities and autonomies. While these can be handy and complementing, nothing of these must be substituted for the power of God
Focus: God calls us always with a purpose and mission; he entrusts us with His own mission; those who are sent on the Lord’s mission, are not sent empty-handed but are vested with His own power
The mission is so demanding because it is at odds with the mentality of the world: Against a wild growth of indifference and egoism, the mission calls to reap a harvest of good that is plentiful with the scarcity of laborers. Against a culture of death, Lord’s mission summons to promote a reign of peace. Against the tendency to look for securities or familiarities or certainties, which appears legitimate, Mission urges one to renounce all such legitimate claims, with the call to “set off without purse or bag or sandals”, and “not to stop at the house of those who know you”.
The mission is frightening because the context wherein the mission is carried out is so pernicious like that of “lambs among wolves”. The mission is difficult and challenging because the task itself is very vast (‘harvest is plentiful’) and the takers are scarce (‘the laborers are few’), and because the context and the field of its operation are hostile (‘being sent as lambs in the midst of wolves). The mission of Christ is the harvest to reap. This is enormous and strenuous. But the workers are not many. More are needed to shoulder this sacred duty.
The same Mission of Jesus is entrusted to each disciple – to extend God’s reign by preaching and healing. There is nothing to worry or fear about, because the God who chose us, would Himself be with us to protect us, empower and guide us. Does He not assure? Be not afraid! Courage! I will be with you! However, God had trusted us so much and so entrusted us with so much. He has empowered us as well with the power of the Word and healing. It needs a benevolent assiduity to commit ourselves to this vibrant enormity. Can we rise up to the occasion? We are meant and sent to be healers in a world that is possessed and sick, possessed by many evil, demoniac forces and influences, and infected and sickened by many evil defections. The world is in desperate need of healing in its brokenness and sickness. What are the due requirements to carry out Mission?
First of all, no material securities: “no purse, no bags, no sandals”. No wasting time, but a sense of urgency: “Salute no one on the way”. Unfailing trust in God’s providence, and not to be worried about material needs. Unflinching devotion and perseverance, constantly “fanning to flame the inherited gift of faith”. Not to be intimidated or weakened by the pressures, but to be strong and testify to God. And be zealous to labor for the Gospel and serve the Lord (2 Timothy 1. 1-8)
Direction: The mission of the Lord is impelling and compelling: If not we, then who else? If not now, then when? If not here, then where else? If not this, then what else?
1. 26 January is a great historic moment and event in the history of India. It is the celebration of the Republic day of India. While 15 August 1947 marks the independence day of India, after decades and decades of slavery under British colonialism, 26 January 1950 marks the making of the Constitution of India. Thereby India regains full sovereignty, the power for self-governance, and self-rule. Power and freedom mark the life and destiny of any nation. No external force or fear. The people of India have the freedom and the power to govern themselves, through electing their own representatives who serve them. People are not slaves or servants. They are the real masters. They are not mere beneficiaries, but the actual designers.
2. On this joyful day of Republic, first of all, let us admire, appreciate and salute all those great leaders and noble souls, who were relentless and selfless, in sacrificing their own interests, their careers, in toiling assiduously for attaining the liberation, and for steering the destiny of the nation, through a well-articulated and balanced Constitution.
3. Secondly, deepen and develop a love and loyalty for the country. Sadly, there is a gripping indifference that chokes any positive action, and a lack of concern that obstructs any growth. We are invited once again today, to cultivate a spirit and culture of belonging to the motherland, social consciousness, and responsibility toward the wellbeing of the country, to participate and contribute actively in the various programs and activities that safeguard, and enhance the discipline and the progress of the nation.
4. Further we are also earnestly called to foster the spirit of unity, fraternity, and solidarity, among all the Indians, rising above all the external diversities like religion, region, language, culture, etc. we should be cautious and judicious, to guard against all forces and pressures of hostility, violence, and destruction. The spirit that should permeate and animates us is: “One nation, one vision, one striving!”
27 JANUARY 2022: 2 SAMUEL 7. 18-19, 24-29; MARK 4. 21-25
Focus: Generosity is a great principle that is expected of a good human being. Generosity is the abundance of faith and goodness and will bring meaning and fulfillment to one’s life and joy to others
1. Jesus constantly invites us to be people of deep faith. But what does it concretely imply? Today’s Word of God gives us some implications. In the light of David’s prayer in the first reading, to live a life of faith means to “build a house” for God in our life. That means to allow God to reside and abide in our lives. In other words, to build the house of our life on God.
2. Faith is like a lamp that must radiate its light all around. If there is faith, it must be seen and shown in action. It does not mean to make a show. Rather it means to bear witness in concrete life. That is why Jesus says, “Is a lamp brought in to be under a basket, or under a bed, and not on a stand?”
3. It is very true. Faith without witness is untrue and hypocritical. If there is light, then it must dispel darkness. Perfect light must be powerful and cannot be dim. The light of faith must enlighten the whole mind and brighten the whole life. Saying that I have the light of faith but continue to live in ignorance and lack of clarity and discernment, then it is not faith.
4. Further, if there is faith, then it must be shown in trust and faithfulness. If one claims to be a person of faith but lives continually in a situation of doubt and suspicion, confusion and deviation, it is not true faith. Also, faith without faithfulness is not credible.
5. Still further, the concrete radiance and testimony of the light of faith is goodness. The immensity of faith is seen in the abundance of goodness. In other words, it is to be generous in good actions. it is to be uncalculating and measureless in showing goodness to others. This is a living testimony against a culture that is greedy, selfish, and highly calculative. People measure how far “profitable” is their doing good.
6. In the sight of the world, every act of giving is considered a loss. Thus the world thinks, the more you are generous, the more loss it will be. This is wrong thinking and it is purely materialistic. But faith and goodness are immeasurable gifts. The more we live and share them, the more they will abound. It is in this sense the words of Jesus make sense: “To the one who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away”.
Direction: It is high time that we must get rid of our materialistic mentalities. Our faith and goodness must be abundant and generously given and shown. They are not “private properties”!
Focus: Faith is a light that has to be shown and testified in the radiance of goodness. True faith surely stirs up one another to love and good works
Abundance must be the target of every follower of Christ. The statement, "To the one who has more, more will be given" sounds very unfair against the principle of social justice. But such a problem arises when taken in the material sense. It is not at all in terms of material abundance and affluence. It is the abundance of goodness. If there is goodness, that must be constantly cultivated, nurtured, exercised, and fostered. There are no half-measures. It must be shown and shown in plenty. The measure we give will be the measure we get. If we give ourselves generously without tainted considerations, we will also receive abundantly. But if we give only very little because of profitable calculations and self-seeking interests, then surely, what we receive will also be very little. If we have light within, it must shine and radiate, for there is nothing hidden in the sight of God. One day, everything will be made manifest at the appointed time.
But, often in human life, there is a great missing of this abundance and light. It is because our hearts are not sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies are not washed with pure water. It is because we do not hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering. It is because we do not draw near God with a true heart in full assurance of faith.
Ultimately, heeding God and following His ways is a free choice and God does not want to force anyone. This is what Jesus implies, when he says, “if anyone has ears, let him hear”
Direction: Faith and goodness are like treasures that are not to be just preserved, but are to be shared generously.
28 JANUARY 2022: 2 SAMUEL 11. 1-4, 5-10, 13-17; MARK 4. 26-34, St Thomas Aquinas
Focus: We should not judge things by their mere external appearance, but by their effect and usefulness.
1. Right or wrong, good or bad is not a mere private and individual matter. It does not limit itself to the person himself but has a pervasive influence and wide-ranging effect. Many defend their wrong actions in the name of privacy and freedom. They argue that it is their life; what they do is something personal; they do not disturb or affect anybody.
2. But it is not true. Any human action has a pervasive influence. It has an effect on others, either directly or indirectly. For example, some of the vices may look only self-ruinous. But, when examined, whatever harms an individual self will also have some harmful effect on the others as well.
3. The simple reason is human beings’ life is interactive and inter-relational. No human activity is in isolation or in an exclusive territory. In today’s word of God, we have two examples of this pervasive influence of good and bad. In the first reading, we have the sample for the evil effect of David’s sin. In the gospel, we have the good effect of the mustard seed.
4. The sinfulness of David does not remain to himself, but ranges from one wrong to another, growing to bigger proportions. His sin starts with negligence and irresponsibility, leading him to lower his image, succumbing to lower instincts and falling to adultery, and finally landing up in murder.
5. Instead, we must allow good to take root and grow within us and around us. The kingdom of God is this good that must flourish and pervade all around. Like a seed and especially like a mustard seed, the kingdom of God must be allowed to grow and give shelter to many. We need not bother about its tiny size initially as a seed. We must see the end result of its potential when grown as a tree.
6. St Thomas Aquinas opted for the good and pervasive effect of the kingdom. He strove to cultivate and foster God’s kingdom through his pursuit of wisdom and knowledge, devotion and virtue. Consequently, in him, the kingdom grew big and wide, bore abundant fruits, and gave shelter to so many in the path of God.
Direction: Both good and evil are always present before us. Good prompts us while evil tempts us. Good is difficult and thus not much attractive and appealing, while evil is easy and very compelling. But good is gracious while evil is pernicious!
Focus: God wants us to grow and make progressive progress. The beginnings may be small, but when grown, our life can become very beneficial to many
We should constantly plant and nurture the seed of God's kingdom within us. Like any seed, its growth does not entirely depend on us. It is God who puts life into it and gives the growth. What we are expected to do is to plant it and provide the necessary care. And like the mustard seed, it grows to a mighty tree to give shelter and shade to many. The beginnings may be small and humble. But the end fruits can be great and plenty. Often, there is a tendency to judge the greatness of persons on the basis of their beginnings and backgrounds. But that is not right. A mustard seed is tiny and insignificant in its beginnings. But as it grows, it becomes huge and sheltering. Seeds are small when planted, but when grown, they become a rich harvest.
In the light of these examples, we are called to flourish and to become productive and beneficial to others. The test of the quality of our life and faith is this criterion of growth and productivity. We must be cautious not to shrink back because God is not pleased with shrinking. We must not throw away our confidence come what may. Instead, we must keep our souls and live by faith. We must continue being enlightened. We must endure and do the will of God, in spite of the possible struggles and sufferings, even abuse and affliction. But, that will not be a waste. We will receive a great reward that what is promised.
Direction: We reap what we sow. The quality and abundance of fruit depend on the quality of the plant. It is our choice to make between God's kingdom and the evil kingdom
29 JANUARY 2022: 2 SAMUEL 12. 1-7, 10-17; MARK 4. 35-41
Focus: When one loses self-focus, one loses self-awareness and self-renewal, and thus life itself becomes a loss.
1. Focus is the key factor in any sphere of human life. The loss of focus leads to disastrous consequences. It makes one lose the sense of purpose and direction. It makes one distracted, deviated, and distorted. It makes one mediocre and uncommitted. It reduces drastically the quality and density of one’s performance and excellence.
2. This is a double focus: Focus on self and focus on God. Self-focus is not self-interest or selfishness. Rather it is a concern to discover and groom the true self and perfect it. It is a constant striving to eliminate the layers of a false self and to brighten and rejuvenate the real self. In other words, self-focus is a journey of self-discovery and self-renewal.
3. This self-focus was missing in David. He committed the sins of adultery and murder. But he was not self-conscious. Prophet Nathan tries to make David aware of his sin through a story. He narrates the story of a rich man with many flocks and a poor man with only one lamb. At the arrival of a guest, the rich man feasts with the only lamb of the poor man, instead of one from his many flocks.
4. The rich man in the story clearly points to David in direct reference to his sin of taking Uriah’s wife in spite of his numerous women. The story was supposed to bring David self-focus and thus lead to repentance and self-rectification. But still, David failed in self-focus. Hence Nathan had to tell him explicitly, “You are the man!”
5. In the gospel, we have the other aspect of the loss of focus, and that is the focus on the Lord. The disciples in the boat are attacked and frightened by a storm. In their panic, they lose their focus on the Lord. They find him asleep. They get annoyed that he is not bothered even in their perishing situation. This is clearly the loss of focus on the Lord. They fail to believe that as long as the Lord is present with them in the same boat, nothing can harm them because no power can overpower his power. Further, they fail to realize that he is ever concerned for them and he would never allow any harm to befall them.
Direction: If the loss of God-focus and self-focus is the cause for many evils in human life, leading to lack of devotion and dedication, then the only remedy to arrest such a situation is to reawaken this double focus. Be focused on God and be focused on the true self!
Focus: Faith is not a windshield that shields us against all winds and forces. It is not a guarantee against all adversities. Rather, it is a sustainer of our strength and hope amidst such unfavorable situations
The disciples in the boat were hit by a great storm and strong waves. They were frightened. They become panicky. They even lose sight of the presence of the Lord in the boat. They shout for help. The Lord rebukes them for their lack of faith and calms the wind. Our life and our faith are no different. Life is a boat in a constant sea-sail, surmounted by storms. The sail gets harder and harder, threatening to sink it and perishing the life. What is more worrisome is that the Lord himself seems to be unbothered and unconcerned about it. Fear grips and faith wavers. What to do and how to counter such a situation? Enhance the focus on the Lord. He is with us always and everywhere. The problem is, we shift away from our focus from him to the waves and winds. Consequently, they appear big and mighty. They seem to overtake and drown us. Instead, let us rekindle our faith in him. Our God is a God of faith and faithfulness. He is a God who never abandons those who place their faith in him. He is the God of Abraham, a man of profound and unquestioning, and unconditioned faith. He is a God who rewarded the faith of Abraham. We need to deepen such true faith which is the assurance of things hoped for, and the conviction of things not seen. It is that faith that constantly hears the Lord’s question, “Why are you afraid?” It is that faith which confides in the Lord’s power commanding the sea, “Peace! Be still!”. When the Lord is with us, when we are focused on him, when we trust in him, nothing can sink us. For sure, he will come to our rescue.
Direction: Life is never free from storms and there is every possibility to be frightened. But never worry. The Lord is ever with us to come to our rescue.
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