Thursday, 9 November 2023


32nd SUNDAY, 12 NOVEMBER  2023, WISDOM 6. 12-16; 1 THES 4. 13-18; MATTHEW 25. 1-13: Ten virgins Focus: Seek wisdom and be wise! Indicative: We are called to be wise and the loss of wisdom is a sure path for destruction and loss of eternal celebration 1. The Word of God invites us to seek Wisdom, and to be wise and to live wisely, because it is wisdom that determines the quality of one's life and the fate of one's destiny.  This is what comes straight and clear in the gospel through the parable of the ten virgins. 2. The parable of the ten virgins, five wise and five others foolish, is not a matter of worldly intelligence. It is a matter of wisdom of God, to be prepared in full measures with not only the lamps but also oil; to wait on the Lord always and at every moment; to be alert to His voice and coming; to walk in his company, and to celebrate the feast of grace with him. 3. On the contrary, the foolishness of the unwise virgins is: they were too sure of their timing of the Lord’s arrival; they could not see beyond their expectation, and failed to anticipate the possibility of a delay. Consequently, they fail to procure extra oil for the extended time of waiting. 4. Their lack of wisdom shows itself in at least 3 aspects: being conditioned by their own expectations; being satisfied with the minimum; and not being prepared. Consequently,  they miss the bridegroom and the banquet as well. 5.  In our life too,, like the five unwise virgins, we too miss the Lord and miss the joy of his presence and the joy of celebrating life with him. It is because we lack wisdom. Many times, we are too caught up and conditioned by our own expectations both in regard to God and others as well. 6.We expect God to come the way we like, when we like and do what we like. We expect others to do according to our likes and preferences, our considerations and calculations. 7. Often,  like the five foolish virgins,  we too are satisfied with just the minimum. They were satisfied to carry the oil just the bare minimum, what is enough till just the right expected time of the bridegroom' s arrival. They did not want to carry a little more, an extra oil beyond the expected and enough for the present. Many are accustomed to just the duty and nothing more. 8. Thus, they are totally unprepared. They run here and there in haste and tension in the last minutes. Their lamps are dwindling and run the danger of getting extinguished. They realise that lamp without oil will be no good. Without the oil, the lamp cannot keep burning. 9. We need to be wise to be ever prompt and ready to meet the Lord. What counts the most is not our expectations or calculations or likes, but what pleases God. Lamp of faith and a minimum oil of casual practice, will not suffice. We need extra oil of fervour, of holiness and purity. In our Christian living, there is no room for tepidity and impurity. Direction: “To stay awake" alone is not enough, because many do so, but to stay awake for the Lord, in holiness, is what matters.

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