Sunday, 14 May 2023
15 MAY 2023: ACTS 16. 11-15; JOHN 15.26 - 16.4
Pivot: God opens heart!
Indicative: At times we may feel our mission is very difficult and burdensome. But we must always remember that ultimately it is the Lord’s mission and we need only to cooperate
1. God sent His only Son Jesus as the Christ, the Saviour. And when he completes his earthly mission as a human being and returns to the Father. God will send the Holy Spirit to continue the same mission that Christ has set in motion.
2. This is the mission of testimony. The essential function of the Holy Spirit is to testify to the Son. The same mission of testifying to the Lord is entrusted to the disciples. This mission will be continued and accomplished for sure.
3. It is because there is devotion and prayerfulness as in the case of Lydia in the first reading. When there is devotion and prayerfulness, God opens the heart and this leads to pay attention to God’s word and voice.
4. This leads to baptism which is an external sign of faith in the Lord. This will create a further openness to be cordial and hospitable. It is not only accommodation. It is much more than that. It is being receptive and accommodative. It is giving space to others, sharing faith and growing together.
5. This testimony in the case of the apostles is made possible because of two reasons: The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth will accompany and assist them, sustaining them, emboldening them, enlightening and empowering them. Secondly, they have been with the Lord from the beginning.
6. This mission is challenging and frightening. They will be expelled, persecuted and even killed. What is strange is all this will be done under a religious pretext of worship of God and fidelity to Him. It is all because they do know neither the Father nor the Son. In such a context, we are called not to fall away.
Imperative: When God is with us, there is no need of fear. He will always direct and strengthen us. So be firm!
(Reflection 2 from 2022, 23 May)
Indicative: Openness matters a lot concerning both faith and relationships. Openness leads to receptivity and receptivity leads to interaction and action
1. We see in the Acts of the Apostles that the Lord opened the heart of a certain Lydia to pay attention to what was said by Paul. This openness leads to receiving the prompting of the Holy Spirit. She listens to the Word. She experiences inner stirring. She turns to the true God. She gets baptised along with her household. She becomes faithful to the Lord. She also hosts Paul and co. Her house becomes a house of prayer and a springboard for the mission.
2. In the gospel too, Jesus speaks of the coming of the Holy Spirit. He sends the Spirit from the Father. The Spirit will be the Spirit of truth. He will bear witness to Jesus, the Truth. Consequently, they will also bear witness to him. They will be faithful to this mission only because they keep themselves open to the grace of God. This openness makes them humble and docile to be taught and guided by God.
3. On the contrary, there will be enemies that oppose and persecute the disciples. They do not know the Father and the Son. They are not open to the divine knowledge of the Spirit. They fail to recognise the Truth. Instead, they are under falsity. They wrongly think that all their opposition to truth is a service to God Himself.
Imperative: Lack of openness to truth leads to a lack of receptivity and further to false conviction and loyalty. Do we too suffer from false convictions and loyalties?
(Reflection 3 from 2021, 10 May)
Focus: Mission is all a matter of opening up a space: opening a heart to the grace of God. When there is an interior space, there is an exterior territory called mission
1. The mission is an interaction and interplay between grace and space. When the human heart creates space for God's grace, there is an expansion of mission space. This is what we recurrently see in the Acts of the Apostles.
2. In today's Acts text, the Lord opens Lydia's heart and she makes space for God's word and the gift of faith. Consequently, a space is made for a new mission for Paul and company as she offers to stay at her home.
3. Such an opening and receiving is made possible only when there is an opening to the Spirit. It is not the spirit of the world that resents and resists God and His work. The spirit of the world is so false and pretentious. It sanctions and legitimises as religious and just duties, even the affliction and killing of the true followers.
4. This is what the Lord forewarns: indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God. This is because they do not know God. The world may abound in its mundane knowledge but it totally falls short of the divine knowledge and spiritual illumination.
5. But the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Jesus. He proceeds from the Father. He is sent from Him. He will testify to Jesus and continues the same mission of witness. The same mission of witness is entrusted to every follower of Christ.
6. For sure, it is beset with struggles and adversities. But they shall not fall away, because the Lord accompanies them through the light and the power of the Spirit. All that is needed is to open our hearts as Lydia did and to persevere as the apostles did.
Direction: God's work and good work is a mission that never stops or finishes with certain persons or situations. What matters the most is that the Spirit of God continues perpetually
16 MAY 2023: ACTS 16. 22-34; JOHN 16. 5-11
Pivot: Faith has no barriers!
Indicative: All what appears to be the accomplishment by the humans, is actually nothing but the work of the Lord
1. In human life, there is always the tendency for self-projection and self-glory. People do many things. But mostly they take all the credit for themselves. They deposit all the success in their “personal accounts”.
2. But with regard to the spiritual matters concerning faith and morals, and for that matter, any human accomplishment is nothing but a matter of God’s grace and support.
3. Therefore primarily all glory must belong to God. There is no individual merit. This is what we see in the life and mission of the apostles. They never claimed or ascribed all the credit and success to themselves. In fact, the whole Acts of the Apostles is the Acts of the Spirit.
4. The Holy Spirit would stand by them and lead them. He will testify against the world in regard to its sin-free life, unrighteousness and blameworthiness and condemnation.
5. The Holy Spirit will do a twofold contrasting function. On one hand, He will convict the world of sin. On the other hand, He will confirm his disciples in faith with clarity and courage. It is the Spirit’s confirming power that solidifies the apostles and releases them from jail.
6. No amount of adversities and affliction – stripping, beating with rods, inflicting many blows, throwing into prison, securing fast to a stake and guarding securely – would vanquish their spirits, or restrict their mission.
7. Nothing and no one can resist the power of the Spirit. Earth may quake, foundations may shake, doors flow open, chains would fall loose. They would set out, in order to continue the same mission.
8. And apart from all these miraculous happenings, the greatest effect of the power of the Spirit is conversion. The jailor and his entire household receive baptism. They believe in the Lord and serve the Lord in undaunted passion and zeal.
(Reflection 2 from 2022, 24 May)
Indicative: There are times in our life when we feel that God is gone away from us, that He is far from us. But this sense of “disappearance” is for our good
1. The more the apostles were zealous and faithful, the more they had to suffer. They were attacked, torn of clothes, beaten with rods, thrown into prison, and had their feet fastened in the stocks. All these experiences were apparently signs of “distance” and “abandonment” of God.
2. These experiences would make one sorrowful as Jesus says in the gospel that his going away would fill their hearts with sorrow. But nothing could discourage them. They never give up their trust, courage, fervour and loyalty.
3. They continue praying and praising God even in prison. They were totally confident of Jesus’ assurance that He would never leave them unaccompanied and unguided. They believed that the Holy Spirit will continue the spirit and mission of their Master. They believed in the “convicting” mission of the Holy Spirit.
4. It is to lay bare the culpability of the world concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment. The world is under sin because it does not believe. It fails in righteousness and is liable to judgment. All this is because the world is under the sway of Satan.
5. The unfailing fidelity of the apostles is rewarded. They are miraculously released from their imprisonment. The prison doors were opened. But they did not run away. They converted and baptized the jailor and his household. \
Imperative: The Lord allows at times experiences of distance and desolation. It is only to grow and mature us in order to keep us humble and forbearing
(Reflection 3 from 2021, 11 May)
Focus: Those who stand for God will never fall away from His way nor will they fall down before the worldly powers
1. In the continued first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, today there is a touching narration of the details of the apostles’ painful fate: attacked, garments torn, beaten with rods, many blows inflicted upon, and then thrown into prison. What follows then is dramatic.
2. The story of the imprisonment of Paul and Peter, their miraculous release off the chains by the angel, their honesty in not escaping from the prison, their concern for the jailer so that he will not get incriminated at their escape, the consequent conversion of the jailer and his entire household - this is all a vivid and convincing testimony of the powerful working of the Holy Spirit.
3. Humanly speaking, this is all just incredible and impossible. But for God, nothing is impossible. As promised by the Lord, the Spirit continues to accompany the Apostles and sustain all their efforts. The Spirit justifies and sanctifies them.
4. But on the other hand, the same Spirit convicts the unbelieving Jews for their sin. Their sin is their unbelief in the Lord, their rejection of the LORD, the Righteous, and the righteousness offered by him. This consequently brings upon them condemnation. The Spirit is the Advocate who defends the Lord, defends on God's behalf, and also defends the Lord's disciples as well.
5. The whole episode is a vivid contrast between faith and unfaith. We see a clear difference between what faith does and what unfaith does. Faith makes one convinced, confident, docile, courageous, honest, and totally committed even to the point of death.
6. This is seen in the apostles and also very touchingly in the case of the jailer as well. Amidst all the focus on the miraculous aspect of the scene, perhaps the greatness of the jailer’s faith may lose our attention.
7. What a praiseworthy faith his is! Once he believes in the Lord through the apostles, he thinks nothing of the consequences, and interestingly nothing is told about what happens next. He releases them, takes them home, serves them, and the whole family gets baptized. On the contrary, the unbelieving Jews continue closed, stubborn and opposing, and thus culpable.
Direction: Submission to the power and work of the Spirit leads to a deep-rooted conviction, while defiance and rejection of the Spirit lead to a negative "conviction" by the same Spirit
17 MAY 2023: ACTS 17. 15, 22 - 18. 1; JOHN 16. 12-15
Pivot: Guided by the Spirit!
Indicative: God gives us His Spirit of truth. He will enlighten us regarding truth and also share the same truth with others
1. Jesus continues to speak of the Spirit that is to come, sent by the Father to continue the mission of Christ. What does he do? He will guide us to all truth. He will speak what he hears from the Lord. He will glorify the Lord
2. The point here is not who first and who is next or that the Spirit has no original or creative function but has only a function of succession or continuity of Christ’s mission. It is not a matter of subordination or sequence.
3. The main thrust is, it is all one whole mission of redemption, shared by all the three in the Trinity. The Father sent the Son, the Son redeemed the world, and the Spirit continues, stabilizes and fosters the same mission. All the three are fully involved and perfectly integrated. Each has a definitive role and a specific form of action.
4. If Christ founded the church, the Holy Spirit sustains the era of the church where the apostles pay a prominent role. We see one such instance of the guidance and action of the Holy Spirit in the first reading in the case of Paul.
5. Paul was fully guided by the Spirit and so makes an illuminated discourse. Guided by the wisdom of the Spirit, he presents Jesus Christ, connected to their own context. He appeals to the deeper religious sentiments of the people of Athens that are present in every one.
6. He stirs up their inner spiritual –philosophical-existential sensibilities. He speaks of God who is transcendent and immanent, God who is the cause and sustainer of all. God at His appropriate time saved the humankind through Jesus, the Saviour. Thus Paul wins some to faith.
Imperative: In our mission, always all the situations will not be tailor-made or all-favourable. We should be open to the Spirit to make inroads and to present the message of salvation as relevant and appealing
(Reflection 2 from 2022, 25 May)
Indicative: We must seek God and feel our way towards Him. Actually, He is not far from us because in Him we live and move and have our being
1. Many times we wonder why many have much knowledge, competence, affluence, and social standing but do not understand, feel and follow what is true and right. The reason is they are not open to God, the Spirit of truth.
2. Many are worldly-wise but spiritually ignorant. Many are worldly powerful but spiritually powerless. Many are bright in worldly ways but spiritually confused and unclear. Many are clever concerning worldly interests but are misguided in the essential matters.
3. This is what Paul observes about the people in Athens. They had an altar inscribed, “To the unknown God”. They were religious in the normal understanding because they worship gods in the temples and perform some religious activities. But they do not know the true God and do not follow him.
4. Jesus too says to his disciples that he has many things to say to them but he will not. For they will not be able to understand and bear. But when the Spirit of Truth, in his name comes from the Father, he will guide them into all the truth
Imperative: It is high time that the world becomes more humble to realise that we owe everything to God and so live close to Him. The more we let us be guided by the Spirit of Truth, the more we will become more sober and fulfilled
(Reflection 3 from 2021, 12 May)
Focus: The knowledge of God does not depend on mere human intelligence but on docility to the Spirit of truth
1. "I have many things to reveal and teach you but you will not be able to understand them now" until the Holy Spirit comes. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you to all truth", thus declares Jesus to his disciples.
2. Yes, knowledge of God, faith in God, and life in God are ultimately not human enterprises and accomplishments. If it were so, there will not be so much defiance and resistance to the Word of God and the way of Christ, as preached and testified by the Apostles.
3. Rather, they are the evocations and instillations of a higher realm, the donations of the spiritual domain. One comes to know, believe, and live God's way, only because it is "in God we live, move and have our being", only because He does not leave us to our human fragility or fate.
4. But he induces us "to seek Him and find Him", through His only Son, Jesus Christ, the real way, the Truth and the Life". He guides us on the way, he forms us in the truth and gives us life, because he knows the way, the truth, and has life.
5. These are inherited from God the Father, because of his intimacy. Not only this. He himself IS the way, the truth, and the life because they are inherent to him. This is in virtue of his total oneness with the Father and the Spirit. It is the power of the Holy Spirit that works on a transparent human spirit like Paul. And it is no wonder that it touches and converts some of the Athenians.
6. We may wonder many times why the so-called great and intelligent people fail to know and believe in God, while the simple are deep-rooted and fervent. This clearly shows us that ultimately faith is a matter of divine grace and the human openness to it, and not a human capacity or enterprise.
Direction: Growth in spirituality and spiritual living is not a matter of a heightened Human intelligence or acumen, as if to unravel and grasp the divine realities. Rather, it is the humble submission and insertion into the unfathomable divine abyss.
18 MAY 2023: ACTS 18. 1-8; JOHN 16. 16-20
Pivot: Sad but glad soon!
Indicative: God’s presence is ever-abiding, even though at times there will be unfavourable responses and failures in the mission
1. The disciples will be sad because the Lord would leave them soon. But it is not a total absence or permanent separation. He will come to be with them soon in a different way. As soon as he goes to the Father, the Holy Spirit will take up his mission and place.
2. In that way, they need not worry much. Rather they need to prepare themselves for that new and changed reality. At his departure, they will weep but the world rejoices because it does not believe in him and has no intimacy with him. There is no bonding with him and commitment to him.
3. As humans, the disciples would feel sad but they can take heart because the coming and the working of the Holy Spirit will change the whole scenario. Grief will turn into joy. So what the disciples must be concerned about is not so much success or failure or how many support or how many oppose. Rather they should keep on working with God’s power.
4. It is painful when some reject the good news and God’s gift of salvation through Christ. It is all the more painful when God’s own chosen people reject. This is what happened in Paul’s mission. The Jews in Corinth opposed and reviled him.
5. However, Paul would not discouraged or give up. He continues his mission. Surely God would never leave his zeal and dedication go futile. Many of the Corinthians believed and were baptized.
Imperative: Let us not be too much preoccupied with success or failure in the worldly sense. Rather let us confide in Jesus’ assurance that will turn our grief into joy
(Reflection 2 from 2022, 26 May)
Indicative: Human life is full of contrasts and paradoxes. All the more, a true following of Christ involves a lot of contrasting situations. But the true followers discern, resolve and surge ahead
1. Jesus continues his farewell discourse to his Twelve. He alerts them and prepares them for his impending separation. So he says, “A little while, you will see me no longer and again a little while, and you will see me”. He refers to his physical going and later his continued presence through the Holy Spirit.
2. His physical absence will naturally cause sorrow to them. But his enemies will rejoice. That is why Jesus says, “you will weep and lament but the world will rejoice”. This was the same contrast experience for Paul and the rest. Some like Aquila, Priscilla, and Titus believed. But some others opposed and reviled.
3. It is disheartening to miss Jesus physically. Certainly, it means a lot. That direct listening, that personal intimacy, that concrete person-to-person interaction, and experience will not be there. Therefore they would weep and lament.
4. But it is not a permanent miss and loss. It is not abandonment by God. He will never go away from them. He will be always with them and us. The only thing, it is a different mode of being and presence. It is a presence and accompaniment through the Spirit.
5. This spiritual presence will not be dissipated by the physical presence. It will rise above the ordinary human sadness at separation and loss. It is a call to live in a higher realm. It is a deeper level of relating and following. That is why natural sorrow will turn into spiritual joy.
Imperative: Joy and sorrow are not always the right criteria for good or bad. Things of God and fidelity to God’s ways, though difficult, give profound and true joy
(Reflection 2 from 2021. 13 May)
Focus: For those who confide in God and sincerely try to walk His way, the way is never closed. New vistas will always open up, even if the old and familiar ways get closed
1. The Acts of the Apostles is a continuous holy expedition with its moments of exciting successes and also crushing failures. But no pressures or afflictions could make any difference in their focus, passion, and commitment.
2. They had an indomitable spirit in which they strove with courage and renewed vigour. The more they were obstructed, the more they were marching forward; the more they were bound, the more they worked freely; the more they were slandered, the more they praised God; the more they were persecuted, the more they were reinvigorated; the more they were cursed, the more they blessed; the more they were shaken, the more they remained firm.
3. This is clearly the power of the Spirit. It is this which enables them to stand solid against all odds. It is the same power that comforts them to tide over the incomparable anguish of the physical separation from their Master. And still, it is the same power that charges them to bear witness to Him through His Spirit.
4. Jesus is quite aware of this painful struggle of the apostles against the world and his absence. That is why he says that the world will rejoice by making them weep and lament. But all their sorrow will turn into joy because he will accompany them through his Spirit. Therefore, they need not sink into the abyss of depression at persecution or his separation. Courage! He is with them
Direction: As we grow mature in our faith, we should realize that we must constantly rise above the merely physical and the external, and surge ahead into the spiritual realm
19 MAY 2023: ACTS 18. 9-18; JOHN 16. 20-23a
Pivot: Our struggle does not last long!
1. Fear and sadness will certainly come on the way of doing God’s mission. But one should not lose heart and give up because the Lord will never abandon us.
2. In both the readings, there is a strong current of assurance and encouragement. In the first reading, the Lord rejuvenates the spirit of Paul in a vision. The Lord assures, “Do not be afraid… continue to proclaim”.
3. The reason against fear is God Himself will be with him. There are also many believers and supporters who would shield against any attack or harm. As assured, God stood by Paul. So no false witness would be convincing and no tribunal would take up case against him. Instead, Paul would remain in Corinth for quite some time, fully engaged in his mission.
4. Similarly, though the going away of Jesus from them would grieve their hearts, they need not feel shattered. For his separation is only temporary and beneficial.
5. The experience of separation is like the travail of a pregnant woman. The process of delivery will be painful. But after the delivery, it is all joy. A woman no longer remembers the pain before the joy at the new birth. She bears all the pain drawing her strength from the fact of the new birth that is in wait.
6. Further this going away does not have any harmful effect. It is because, as soon as he goes away, the Holy Spirit will descend into action. Therefore in the wake of the Lord’s absence for a while, they should restrain their anguish with the impending joy at the coming of the Spirit
Imperative: In times of desolation, let su remember the comforting words of Jesus: “No one will take away your joy from you…Whatever you ask the Father in my name, the Father will give you”
(Reflection 2 from 2022, 27 May)
Indicative: For a true follower of Christ, suffering and sorrow are never wrong things or negative signs. Suffering becomes a means of witness and thus assurance of deep joy
1. The world often rejoices in the wrong. But the followers of Christ must rejoice in the right. However, this walking in the right will involve a lot of opposition and suffering. This is testified in the life of Jesus and all his apostles and followers.
2. But the disciples need not lose heart. They shall be joyful because all sorrow is only a pathway to greater glory. It is worth suffering for God and good. Now, why should they be joyful even amidst suffering? First of all, the object of all our suffering is for God’s sake. It is a sign of our fidelity to Him. It is a fitting way of following our master who too walked the same way of suffering.
3. Further, suffering is the only and best way to bear witness to Him. It is the price that we pay for our loyalty. We shall be joyful because our suffering is destined for glory. It is like the travail of a woman. She bears immense anguish. But once the child is delivered, anguish is no more remembered. All her pain turns into joy. The joy of a new birth and a new child gives the woman strength in pain.
4. Still further, we shall be joyful because God is with us. God assures Paul: “Do not be afraid but go on…. for I am with you”. Jesus says, “You will have sorrow now but I will see you again. Your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy from you”.
Imperative: We must always remember that our discipleship is precious and strenuous. But it is not futile. It is destined for eternal joy. God is always with us
20 MAY 2023: ACTS 18. 23-28; JOHN 16. 23-28
Pivot: Zeal that brings strength!
Indicative: Mission is not one’s invention or private affair. It is primarily God’s work. So for sure He will sustains all the efforts of his followers
1. What a deep concern Jesus has for his disciples! He thoroughly prepares his disciples with mental clarity and strength. In different ways, Jesus instills new courage in them. Certainly the Holy Spirit is the priced promise.
2. However besides the Holy Spirit, there is also the Father Himself who is profoundly concerned for the disciples. Jesus no more needs to make any recommendation on their behalf. They can directly ask the Father in Jesus’ name.
3. The Father Himself directly and personally loves the disciples because He knew that they loved His Son and believed in him. Therefore the Father will surely give them what they ask him. All this grant them complete joy.
4. It is enough that we love the Lord and set ourselves on mission. Apollos is such a remarkable example in the first reading. So much focus is directed to him. So many details about him are given.
5. All these special features and capabilities are not be taken only as individual merits. Rather they should be seen as, “All for God. Every competence must necessarily assist our mission”.
6. Apollos was a man of great caliber, faith and fervor. He was an authority on the Scriptures. He was an eloquent speaker. He had been instructed in the way of the Lord. He had an ardent spirit. He spoke and taught accurately and boldly about Jesus.
7. He also had the humility to be taught more accurately by Priscilla and Aquila. He was also a zealous missionary and so travelled from Ephesus to Achaia. There too he gave great assistance to all the believers. He vigorously refuted the Jews giving Scriptural testimony.
Imperative: In the light of the attributes and mission of Apollos, let us see the need of all these for our life and mission as well. We must be authentic disciples and effective apostles
(Reflection 2 from 2022, 28 May)
Indicative: Loving God is not only a matter of emotion but a strong relation that leads to the mission of dedication
1. Every follower of Christ is bound to follow the Lord and lead others also. All together, we must animate and rejuvenate the community of faith. For this, the right persons should be selected, the right criteria must be evolved and followed, and the right preparation and orientation must be given.
2. This is what Jesus did and all his followers as well. They were holy, wise, and benevolent leaders. But they also selected and formed men and women of great quality to play different roles in the church. Whether it was in the choosing of the twelve apostles or Matthias or the seven deacons or Paul or later on believers like Aquila and Priscilla, it was always a God-directed discernment.
3. In today’s Acts episode, we have the mention of another great believer by name of Apollos. What is very striking is the number of details given about him. All these details show how divine and high were their choices and appointments, and how qualitative were those selected. These also can be the conditions and criteria for any choices and appointments in the church.
4. Apollos was an eloquent man, competent in the Scriptures. He was instructed in the ways of the Lord. He was fervent in spirit. He spoke and taught accurately about Jesus. He testified boldly in the synagogue. He powerfully refuted the Jews in public. He also greatly helped those who believed. Further, he was also open to correction by Aquila and Priscilla to speak more accurately.
5. Another noteworthy point is the tremendous fraternal spirit that animated the individuals and communities. Paul and the other apostles were strengthening all the disciples. Aquila and Priscilla take Apollos aside and explain to him more accurately. And the brothers in the community encourage Apollos and wrote to the disciples to welcome him. There were no power struggles or ego wars. There were no forces of domination or manipulation.
6. All these kinds of spirit was possible because they loved God. In fact, it was all a beautiful Trinitarian life and mission. The Father loves the Son; the Son loves the Father; the Son sends the Holy Spirit; the Holy Spirit comes the Father, accomplishes the Father’s will, and bears witness to the Son. All the Three love the disciples and abide with them. The disciples too love the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit and bear witness to them.
Imperative: All the qualities mentioned about Apollos can be the testing grounds for the leaders and followers of Christ today. Certainly many will fail in these criteria. It is because there is no sufficient communion and commitment toward the Trinitarian God
(Reflection 3 from 2021, 15 May)
Focus: The thought of the end of one's life should not fill us with fear and anxiety, but should deepen our sense of mission and completion
1. Many may like to speak of their targets and goals because they can give them a sense of "kick", a thrust and push to strive and achieve something. But the same many may not be happy to think of the final end that is beyond these set goals.
2. It is because such thinking of the end and thereafter can disturb one with a sense of transience, a sense of shallowness in earthly pursuits and accomplishments. Whatever you do and achieve, ultimately the end of life is sure and definitive.
3. But a constant awareness of the end of life can make one deeply wise to be clear of the priorities in life, to be unattached, to be balanced and mature. The truth that the earthly life will end one day would imbue one with a sense of mission and completion.
4. This is what we see in Jesus: he is unceasingly conscious of where he came from, what he came for, and where he will return at the completion. He came from the Father, he came for the mission of salvation, and he would return to the Father. The same mission is entrusted to his disciples.
5. But, they are not left alone in completing it. He would recommend to the Father on our behalf. He would obtain the light and the power needed. In fact, the action of the Holy Spirit is the clearest proof of his presence, accompanying and sustaining us.
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