Sunday, 7 May 2023


08-13 MAY 2023, HOLY MASS REFLECTIONS   08 MAY 2023: ACTS 14. 5-18; JOHN 14. 21-26   Pivot: If you love, then follow! Indicative: The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are totally one and united. Those who love them, will be one with them and live by them 1.      Love is at the base of everything. We are called to love God. How to show that we love? What are the effects of this love? If we love God, we will keep His word and observe His commandments. 2.      Now what will happen when we love God? We will be loved by the Father. We will be loved by the Son. We will receive revelation of Jesus. The Father and the Son will come to us and make their dwelling with us. 3.      Further, the Holy Spirit will be sent by the Father in Jesus’ name. They will be taught by the Holy Spirit who is the Advocate. They will be reminded of everything that the Lord Jesus told us. 4.      The signs and effects of love for God are concretely seen in the mission of the apostles in the early church. The first reading evidences this in the case of Paul and Barnabas. 5.      Paul and Barnabas were charged with indomitable and courageous passion for the mission of the Lord. That is why no opposition or rejection could stop their mission. They never ceased to preach the Lord. When one place troubles them, they do not go into hiding or put away their mission for a while for an opportune time. Instead they go on, in search of new openings. 6.      Paul and Barnabas flee from Iconium and this need not be taken as an act of cowardice. Rather it is an act of prudence and also a passionate search for spreading the good news and faith everywhere. That is why they continue to preach where they fled to. 7.      Another compelling effect of the power of the risen Lord is the power of healing. Paul heals a crippled man. Finally another sign of the fidelity to the Lord is utter humility. They rose to fame, being identified with the Greek gods, Zeus and Hermes. 8.      But Paul and Barnabas do not cling to  cheap popularity. Rather they remain humble. They tear their clothes in protest. They attribute everything to God alone. They attest that they are just weak humans.   Imperative: Those who are filled by the Spirit of the risen Lord will heal others. This is not necessarily the physical. They will never cease to bear witness   (Reflection 2 from 2022, 16 May)   Indicative: True faith is that which shows itself in deep and lasting love for God, listens to Him, speaks His words, keeps His commandments, and bears witness to Him 1.      Paul and Barnabas heal a crippled. They make him walk, one who was crippled from birth and never walked. Paul said to him, “Stand upright and walk on your feet”. And he sprang up and began walking. This healing is very symbolic and indicative. To come to faith, to believe in Jesus, and to live as his disciples are like walking in the way, the light of the Lord. 2.        The mission of the apostles was very simple and clear: believe in the Lord and make others believe; walk the way and make others too walk in the same way. In this process, many hurdles come in their way. 3.       In today’s first reading from the Acts, we find a mention of one such instance. At Iconium, there was an attempt to mistreat and stone them. But, they did not lose heart. They were not frightened. Rather, they seek other possibilities in the cities of Lycaonia. 4.       Their mission was a mix of success and failure, praise and blame, support and persecution. But they always kept up the same spirit of humility. They were ever aware that they were only the channels and instruments of God’s grace. They never tried to steal the show. 5.       They never sought to glorify themselves. That is why, when the people, excited at the healing, try to deify them, making them equal to gods Zeus and Hermes, they resist them and attribute all the glory to the power of God. 6.       Such humility and zeal were possible because of their intense love and passion for God. They loved God, heard His word, spoke His word, and followed the same. They always experienced unfailing communion with God and commitment to Him. 7.       This was exactly the same experience and example that Jesus, their master had and showed. He was always united with the Father and the Holy Spirit.   Imperative: Love is the only reason for all our vocation and mission. Jesus says, If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, my Father will love him, He will send the Holy Spirit to teach all things and we will come and make our home with him. Do we experience this and testify to this relationship?   09 MAY 2022: ACTS 14. 19-28; JOHN 14. 27-31a   Pivot: A Peace that is different! Indicative: Those who believe in the Lord and follow his way, will have to face many troubles. But they need not lose heart or courage because the Lord will be with them forever 1.      Jesus warns plainly of adversities and afflictions in following him. At the same time he also exhorts them to be at peace. This looks strange. But this not improper if we see from the perspective of faith. Some good lessons can be drawn. 2.      One is, the very concept of peace. True peace is not absence of suffering. For the world, to be happy and be at peace means to have any problem. That is why many try to avoid anything unpleasant and unfavourable. 3.      But a true follower of Christ will and must face suffering. In the face of such suffering. They need not get troubled or frightened. The reason is the Lord is with them. The evil may appear to be overruling. But the fact is that the evil has no power over the Lord. 4.      The Lord has conquered the world and evil. Physically and tangibly, the Lord is not with us. But he is with us with his risen Spirit. He goes to the Father who is ever-loving and concerned for us. He will send us His Spirit to be with us. Therefore, it is to our advantage. 5.      So amid trials, we must rejoice and persevere. We must feel honoured and great because we are made worthy to share in his passion and mission. To suffer for the sake of faith is a way of witnessing and also a sure way of entering the kingdom. It is bearing testimony to our love for God and fidelity to what he commands. 6.      This is what we see in the case of the apostles. Paul was stoned and was thought to be dead. But he got up and continues his whirlwind tour of mission. They strengthened the spirits of the disciples and exhorted them to persevere in their faith. 7.      They appointed presbyters in each church. And with prayer and fasting they commended those leaders to the Lord. They continued to animate, motivate and rejuvenate their spirits.   Imperative: When there is love, there is courage and perseverance, joy and passion. Let us suffer joyfully because it is the most fitting way of bearing testimony to the Lord   (Reflection 2 from 2022, 19 May)   Indicative: Truth Faith is not merely an intellectual subscription or a passing emotion. it is a profound relationship and an unflinching mission. To live it and share it is never a smooth sail. But, those who are full of faith never fail to be faithful 1.       Once again, in the Acts of the Apostles, we see the multi-faceted mission of Paul and co. He was stoned and thrown off, supposed to be dead. But he rose up and continued his mission as if nothing happened. He would preach, strengthen the souls of the disciples, encourage them to continue in the faith, and motivate them to suffer as a condition to enter the Kingdom. He would animate the communities through elders, and with prayer and fasting, would commend all the work to the grace of God. 2.       Troubles always surrounded the apostles but they were never troubled. Fears and tensions always attacked them but they were never afraid or worried. They were thrown into violent and peaceless situations but they never lost their peace. They were abandoned and rejected but they never felt depressed about being abandoned. 3.        The sole reason for their perseverance was their total trust in their master. He said, “Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid”. They confided in his words. He assured them, “I give to you my peace and not the peace of the world”. 4.       He distinguishes his peace from that of the world. His peace is not the absence of troubles and fears. Rather, it is the strength, confidence, and courage even amidst adversities. His peace is not avoidance or evasion of afflictions and challenges. Rather it is confronting them valiantly and ardently in a spirit of surrender and loyalty.    Imperative: The source of their strength and guidance is the Lord. They derive their power from the Lord’s love, from the Father’s sustenance, and from the illumination of the Holy Spirit. How and whence is our strength and guidance?   (Reflection 3 from 2021, 04 May)   Focus: The Spirit of the Lord is never stagnant but ever vibrant and therefore those who confide in the Lord will never be dormant but ever fervent 1.       Peace is the parting assurance of the Lord before his earthly departure and death. It is also the starting gift of the resurrection before his heavenly re-entrance. This peace is rooted in and derived from his inseparable union with the Father. 2.       This peace is different from the peace that the world seeks and gives. Worldly peace is something false and shallow. How? It is mostly because it lies in merely avoiding any trouble and disturbance; or at times, it is so self-seeking and can indulge in so much aggression and violence. It is peace at any cost. 3.       Thus, ironically, it is a peace built on a lack of peace, leading to a further lack of peace. Besides, worldly peace is very unstable and fluctuating because it highly depends on external factors which are very variable. 4.       But the peace which the Lord gives is something very profound and stable, which abides even amidst trouble and disturbance. No external forces however adverse they are can take away such deep-seated peace. It is this peace that Jesus always enjoyed and exercised. 5.       It is the same kind of peace that he offers to his disciples and empowers them with. That is why he tells his disciples not to be troubled or disturbed by his physical separation and absence. It is because his eternal presence and the unceasing accompaniment of the Spirit will never leave them. 6.       It is this interior power that sustains Paul and co. to continue their mission like a whirlwind.  Whatever be the situation, whether favourable or unfavourable, they persisted in their mission. No opposition, no imprisonment, and restrictions, no suffering and persecution even to the point of death, could confine or control their spirit and mission. 7.       Through their preaching and personal example, they increase the number of the disciples, strengthen their souls, encourage them to persevere in the faith, and convince them that tribulations would qualify them for entry into the kingdom. They would also ensure an effective animation of every church by appointing quality elders.    Direction: Zeal and dedication for the Lord's mission with courage and perseverance are possible only because of the passionate love for God and unflinching loyalty to him    10 MAY 2023: ACTS 15. 1-6; JOHN 15. 1-8    Pivot: Disagreed but not divided! Indicative: In a community of faith, there will be always some issues, instances of disapproval and difference of opinion. But the oneness in the Lord should make us not to get divided 1.      What a spirit of God at work in the apostles! There is a spirit of dialogue and deliberation. They would make room for different opinions. They would accommodate different types of persons. They would readily listen to and enter into dialogue with others. 2.      The whole issue of circumcision in the early church is an instance that shows this spirit of oneness. Paul and Barnabas do not make an arbitrary decision, even though they could. Rather they would go to Jerusalem to meet with the apostles and presbyters. 3.      This spirit of openness and conciliation was possible only because of their essential belonging to the Lord, their eagerness to show this in fidelity to his commandments, and abundant fruits. 4.      The Lord is the Vine and we are the branches. The apostles were deeply aware of that. It is only in belonging and clinging to the Lord that we can live, grow and bear fruit. It is only this essential relationship that makes us true disciples and glorify the Father . Imperative: When the sense of belonging to the Lord is deep, and when we learn to live our life in surrender and loyalty, then our whole life becomes a test and taste of love and discipleship   (Reflection 2 from 2022, 18 May)   Indicative: In life, there are very many important things and concerns. But one should realise that all are not equally important. It needs the wisdom to discern among the priorities in life 1.       In the early Church too, there were differences and disagreements. It was because of the differences in traditions, cultures, and perspectives. Mainly the Jewish Christians and the Gentile Christians were divided on the issue of circumcision. But what is appreciable is that they did not go on hating each other, they did not become two rival camps in grievous conflict and fight. They did not harm each other and thus setting a scandal among the non-believers. 2.        Instead, they tried to resolve it amicably. They enter into an ambience of listening and dialogue. They set out to sit in discussion and discernment. They submit themselves to the enlightenment and guidance of the Holy Spirit. They are not led by mere impulses or majority syndrome. They are not carried away by prejudices. They totally give room for God’s grace, God’s will, and God’s ways of salvation. 3.       They remain true to the teaching of their master. They remember that the Lord is the vine and we are the branches as Jesus taught. They are convinced that they live and bear fruit only as long as they are united with him. Accordingly, they abide in him, derive their life sap from him, flourish and become fruitful. 4.        It is by their spiritual and fraternal communion they prove to be true disciples, bear much fruit and the Father is glorified. Today if many fail to be authentic disciples, fruit-bearing, and glorify the Father, it is because they are not spiritually and fraternally in communion.   Imperative: Jesus says, you are made clean by my word. You will be pruned in order to bear much fruit. How much are we being cleansed by the word of the Lord? How willingly and positively do we accept the unfavourable experiences as pruning and productive experiences?   (Reflection 3 from 2021, 05 May)   Focus: Problems will never completely disappear from our life. What is important is how to approach them and resolve them 1.       It will be silly wishful thinking to expect life to be free from any problem or difficulty. Distortion, deviation, and dissension are part of life. The solution is not to lose heart, not to lament or grieved about them, and not to get into a conflictual situation with others. 2.       There was certainly a difference of opinion on the issue of circumcision. But, there was no dissipation or division among the apostles and early Christian communities in the face of it. 3.       Paul and some others move toward Jerusalem to sit in council and dialogue with the Twelve and others. They set a great example to the church of our times. They teach us how to approach and deal with situations of differences. The Spirit of listening to others and dialoguing with them is essential. 4.       They were very clear that what matters most is not the divergent external traditions and laws like circumcision, but the abiding oneness and communion. Unity should be more binding rather than all other dividing factors. 5.       Such a fraternal communion is in turn rooted in an inseparable spiritual communion with the Lord. When a disciple is united with the Lord as a branch to the Vine, then there is no division or separation. As long as one is one with the Lord, then there is life, growth, and fruition. 6.       Differences and disagreements are not always necessarily negative or resentable. One need not feel alarmed or threatened by them. The difference is not division, or disagreement is not conflict.  They should be seen as pruning experiences to make us grow better and bear abundant fruit. This is the right way of loving God, becoming true disciples, following the commandments, and becoming fruitful. This is the best way of glorifying God .  Direction: The greatest reason why the life of many faithful is lifeless and dull, why they do not flourish, blossom, and grow, and why they are not productive and fruit-bearing is that they are not in essential connectedness with the Lord    11 MAY 2023: ACTS 15.7-21; JOHN 15. 9-11   Pivot: All for joy and out of love! Indicative: God is a God of love. He knows the heart. He makes no distinction between the chosen people and the Gentiles. He saves all those who repent and turn to it 1.      Remain in my love. And you will be joyful to the full. This is the imperative and also the effect of a disciple’s life. If we remain in his love, then we will experience joy in its completeness. 2.      This indicates a couple of things: our joy is not complete. Secondly, it is only the Lord who can give complete joy. Specifically it is only by abiding in his love, we can obtain complete joy 3.      Now it is only by keeping his commandments that we remain in his love. This loving has its model in the love between the Father and the Son. This is not merely a sentimental but sacrificial love. 4.      Jesus loves his disciples just as the Father loves him. He remains in the love for the Father by keeping his commandments. Now, the Father loves the Son so much. That is why He entrusts the greatest responsibility of salvation to His Son and sacrifices His Son for that sake. Such is the Father’s love. Jesus too does the will of the Father and sacrifices his very life. Such is the love of the Son. 5.      Therefore the disciples are called to follow the same love in sacrifice and altruism. The Council of Jerusalem transcends the cultural barrier of circumcision. Thereby they decide that circumcision is only a matter pertinent to religion and tradition, and not a matter of faith and spirituality. This is a clear sign of love for God, His people and the mission of salvation.   Imperative: If we love the Lord, we must keep his commandments. And our love must be like the love of the Father and the Son. This is marked by sacrifice and benevolence   (Reflection 2 from 22, 19 May)   Indicative: True spirituality is not mere knowledge or expertise about spiritual matters. It is always blended with spiritual tenacity and moral integrity 1.      Unity must be the hallmark of Christianity and Christian followers. However, unity is not uniformity. In the name of unity and oneness, diversities and differences should not be crushed. The authorities and the members of the Church would do well if they maintain this delicate balance between unity and diversity. 2.      This is what the early church did. They always respected the cultural variations. At the same time, they were very clear about the faith essentials. There was no compromise with regard to spiritual principles and moral integrity. They were always flexible with regard to cultural divergences. 3.      When disagreement arose about cultural or legal matters like circumcision or Jewish laws, the apostles had the Jerusalem Council and resolved the issue. They were fully open to the direction of the Spirit. Their highest priority was fidelity to their master’s teaching and values and giving God’s grace and salvation to all. 4.      They were not conditioned by petty human considerations like tribe or tradition or culture or chosen race. They were aware that God’s grace is open to all. They realise that they should facilitate others to come to faith and not put a heavy yoke on their neck. They realise that they would only put God to test by imposing unnecessary laws on the believers. 5.      They had this clarity and conviction because they were filled with the wisdom of the Spirit. This in turn was possible because they abide in his love. They continue to abide in his love because they were faithful to keep his supreme commandment of fraternal love. That is why they remain fully joyful even despite all the opposition or dissension.   Imperative: There were no ego interests and ego conflicts in the early church. Even though they were great stalwarts, the apostles set aside their life-size images and gave priority only to God’s love and fraternal mission. How often do our self-images block God’s own image and reduce others to mere shadows?   (Reflection 3 from 2021, 06 May)   Focus: True faith is not a servile allegiance to a set of rules and traditions. Rather it is openness to the free action of the Spirit, and thus being receptive to change 1.      Without a doubt, the church of today is going through tough times. The outside world is increasingly hostile and blocking the church. And within the church itself, the fact of divisions cannot be hidden. 2.      The early church too was not fully exempt from differences and divisions. But these differences were more on faith issues like the Jewish laws like circumcision. The central point of dispute was whether circumcision should be imposed on the Gentile believers also, just as the Jewish; whether the Jewish laws were core faith- matters or changeable cultural matters. 3.      And what an exemplary and imitable course of action they take! Through patient and sober discussion and discernment, they bring clarity between the primary and secondary principles. Accordingly, the insistence is not on cultural practices like circumcision, but on a life of moral integrity and spiritual fidelity. 4.      And this is what is lacking in various church circles of today. The differences and divisions are not based on real issues. Often they are due to shallow and superficial matters like caste, region, language, culture, rite, power, etc. The route to resolve and dissolve these differences is not dialogue and conciliation, but confrontation, discrimination, and condemnation. The end result is animosity and counter-witness to faith itself. At this point, Jesus in the gospel provides the reason and the answer for this problem. The only reason is the lack of abiding love for God. God chose us, not to fight and disfigure the face of the church. We are called, so that we love Him, abide in His love and follow His commandments. The greatest commandment is to love Him and to love others as He loves us. This is the best witness. The greatest effect of this is the completion of joy, experiencing complete joy.    Direction: Modern man more than ever is missing the true and complete joy, because often he is not able to identify and discover that the real joy is found in the Lord and obtain the same from him   12 MAY 2023: ACTS 15.22-31; JOHN 15.12-17    Pivot: Friends who really love! Indicative: The Lord chose us to be his friends. He commands us to love one another. This manifests itself in bearing much fruit 1.      We can concentrate on three ideas: God chooses, God commands and God makes us friends. The choice of God is unlike the choice of the world. The world’s choices are always made on the basis of certain conditions and motives. It is always in the interests of the self and not the others. Certain conditions and qualifications are demanded. 2.      But the choice of God is without any prescribed conditions or self-interests. Anybody and everybody who has the good will and love for God is chosen. These are not conditions because they are the natural capacities of heart which are possible for all. They are not special acquisitions that require training and expertise. 3.      The choice of God is always in the interests of us. It is to elevate our dignity. It is to raise us from the level of servants to the level of friends. It is to reveal to us the divine mysteries. He makes us friends and dies for our sake. 4.      Friendship with Christ is to do what he commands us. And doing what he commands us is not subjugating us to do whatever he wants or promoting his self-interests. It is to love one another to the extent of dying for the other.   Imperative: True friendship is based on true love. True love is based on keeping his commandments. And the greatest commandment is to love another even to death’s point.   (Reflection 2 from 2022, 20 May)   Indicative: The greatest guideline and norm for any follower of Christ is love. It is a twofold love, namely for God and for others. There is no other principle greater than this 1.       The secret to the success of the apostles in the early church was they were men deeply convinced and committed. They were deeply rooted in love for their Lord and nurtured it in their benevolence toward others. 2.       That is why their faith does not make them blind and rigid like the unbelieving Jews of their time. Rather they become so enlightened and noble as not to load the Gentile believers with unnecessary burdens like circumcision or other Jewish traditions. 3.       They were able to sift between the greatest commandment of their master and the other commandments. They knew that their master’s one and only commandment is to love another. This love too is modeled on their master’s love itself. He commanded them, “Love one another just as I have loved you”. 4.        It is a love that sacrifices itself totally even to the extent of dying for the other. It is a love that elevates the dignity of the other from being a servant to being a friend. It is a love that always surrenders itself to the will and choices of God. It is a love that bears lasting fruit. 5.        Today in the church, both among the authorities and the believing communities, there is so much confusion and conflict. There is no clarity of priorities. The main reason for this is the lack of fraternal charity and benevolence. 6.       This in turn is because there is no deep abiding love for God and there is no enthusiasm to be faithful to His word and commandment. Many forget the fundamental truth that we are friends of the Lord and friends to one another.    Imperative: If only we are a little more aware that we are bound by love for God and for others, that we are called to live in friendship with God and others, and that we are to bear abundant fruits, how qualitative will be our faith!   (Reflection 3 from 2021, 07 May)   Focus: True religion and faith should always discern and promote what is liberating and not lay up unnecessary burdens in the form of inessential traditions and precepts 1.      In the spirit of true faith in the risen Lord and illumination by the Holy Spirit, the apostles and the leaders of the early church distinguished between the primary tenets of faith and the secondary traditions. 2.      That is why they did not insist on the Jewish laws like circumcision and did not impose it on the gentiles. They realized that adherence to true God through faith in Jesus and moral integrity of life are more important than the other culture-bound rules. 3.      For it is for freedom and friendship that Jesus called us to his discipleship and not for slavery. In selfless love and bearing abundant fruits, we live and testify our true identity.   Direction: The world of today is diluting the very essence of true love which is nothing but a selfless generosity to give up even one's own life for the good of the other   13 MAY 2023: ACTS 16. 1-10; JOHN 15. 18-21  Pivot: Like the Master! Indicative: What makes difference between the followers of Christ and others is their belonging to him and love for him. This has radical implications 1.      Once again the Word of God makes clear some of the essentials of our faith-life. One is about our identity: we are servants and disciples. No slave is greater than his master. Therefore this should keep us always humble. 2.      Being a disciple also calls us to constantly check our life in reference to the Master’s life. We must resemble our master. We must live like him. This also implies that we must be prepared to suffer for God and persevere like the master. 3.      We must be clear and convinced that we will meet the same fate of opposition and persecution, just like our master. Jesus says: If the world hates you, realize that it hated me first. If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. 4.      The reasons why the world hates are also crystal clear. It is because the disciples do not belong to the world, and because they are chosen out of the world. So whenever we face difficulties on account of faith, we need not lose heart or become panicky. 5.      We must look at our suffering as a sign of not belonging to the world but belonging to the Lord. So our reaction and response in the face of adversities is firm trust in the Lord, surrender to God’s will and undaunted continued in the Lord’s mission. 6.      What is strikingly evident in the mission of the apostles is this spirit. At every step and turn of life, they came across enormous challenges. But they always moved ahead, never slackening in zeal. They always remained tuned to the direction of the Holy Spirit, at times totally giving up their plans in preference to the Lord’s. 7.      The memory of Our Lady of Fatima today confirms this message: Belong to God always. Be tuned to His will and ways. Be turned to him. Repent and relent from evil. Be committed to his mission, come what may.   Imperative: Every apparition of the Mother is not a matter of glorification of her. But it is a touching recall for living our identity in love, surrender and fervour   (Reflection 2 from 2022, 21 May)   Indicative: The greatness of faith and the quality of life do not always depend on the success of the mission or the number of positive responses. At times, failures, opposition, and persecution may mark our journey of discipleship 1.       One thing that is constantly notable in the life of Jesus and also his apostles is the series of failures along with the successes. Crowds sought and thronged Jesus. The number of faithful increased rapidly during the apostles’ mission. However, they were always opposed, obstructed, and persecuted. But they were undeterred in their mission. 2.       Jesus was divinely wise but he always gave priority to the Father’s will. The apostles too were familiar with the situations and were popular. But they always set aside their personal plans. Instead, they allowed themselves to be blocked or guided by the Holy Spirit in their missionary journeys. We see such instances of specific directions by the Holy Spirit in today’s first reading from the Acts. 3.        They were not disturbed or upset when they met with hatred. It was because their master already warned them, saying, “the world will hate you and it has hated already hated me before you”. Jesus also clarifies the reason why the world will hate them. It is because they are chosen out of the world and they are not of the world. 4.       Therefore, we should be mentally prepared to be persecuted. We must remember that it is the sign and test that we do not belong to the world, that we do not form part of the false ways of the world. We must feel great and happy that we share the same path of our master and continue his noble legacy.   Imperative: We should be cautious about our being on good terms with the world or our successes and popularity. We should check and see whether they are the disguises of being of the world and compromising with the values of the world. Success need not be always bearing fruit. It can also be a fruit of compromise    (Reflection 3 from 2021, 08 May)   Focus: Zeal does not always mean that we have the courage and competence to do the best and the best of things; rather it means to surrender ourselves to God's direction to do what and how He wants us to do  1.      It can happen no seldom that some become overenthusiastic and stubborn to follow their plans and enterprises, all in the name of passion and dedication. A true passion never puts one's intelligence or capacity or plans across and against God's wisdom, power, and will. 2.      This was the greatness of the apostles that their zeal was never overboard. They always remained docile to the guidance and leading by the Holy Spirit, leaving aside at times their own missionary plans, prevented by the Holy Spirit. 3.      It is because they always strove to belong to and imitate their Master and not the world. That is why they felt happy to be persecuted because they looked at it, not as a negative fate but as a meritorious testimony of their sharing in their Master's lot. Direction: Hostility and affliction are not always a sign of a bad fate or ill luck, but are the authentic signs of conviction and commitment on behalf of a good cause and a good God                  

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