Sunday, 30 April 2023


01 - 06 MAY 2023, HOLY MASS REFLECTIONS 01 MAY 2023: ACTS 11. 1-18; JOHN 10. 11-18 Pivot: Who am I to hinder God? Indicative: For God’s grace, there are no bounds or boundaries. All are free to receive His Holy Spirit, if there is openness and repentance 1.      “Enter the sheepfold through the gate” implies entering the Kingdom through Jesus. Jesus is the Gate and Shepherd. Faith in him makes us members of the kingdom. He knows each one of us personally. He calls us by our name. He leads us from the forefront. 2.      If we are his sheep, we must listen to his voice. We must recognise his voice. We must identify the voice of thieves, robbers and strangers. We must flee from them. We shall enter in and out through the proper gate. We shall follow only our Good Shepherd and walk the right way, shown and led by the Good Shepherd. 3.      Only following Jesus will lead us to salvation. Only in him, we find our nourishing pastures. Only in him, there is true life. This life is something deep, meaningful and abundant. And we will be granted eternal life as well. 4.      This is what Peter testifies to in the first reading. Whoever is open to the call and voice of the Lord, whoever repents and turns to the Lord, believes in him and follows him, will be joined to the sheep of the shepherd. He came for all. He does not discriminate or discard anyone. Imperative: In a world teaming with many thieves and strangers who try to steal and destroy us, we must constantly try to identify our true shepherd and follow him alone (Reflection 2 from 2022, 09 May) Indicative: We witness a culture of death in various forms. We experience a tremendous sense of lacking and missing in various aspects. It is in this context we need to adhere to the author of life and abundance 1.      “I came to give life and have it in abundance”, says Jesus. Truly we are reeling through a destructive culture of death. Violence and harm mark our days. Some may argue that life is fostered and bettered due to advancement and technology. We do not deny it. But such progress is mostly material and external. But the real culture of life is more a matter of attitude and heart. 2.      Further despite material abundance and affluence, there is a deep sense of inner lacking and emptiness. There is a real sense of lack of peace and happiness. This is due to the increasing lack of goodness and faithfulness. 3.      Therefore, the words of Jesus that he gives life abundantly are very relevant and urgent. The Lord is the good shepherd. He leads his sheep, feeds them, and grants eternal life. Thieves and robbers and strangers that Jesus mentions refer to Satan and all the false leaders and values. They appear to promote life and abundance. But in reality, they only reduce life and aggravate the sense of meaninglessness. 4.      What is needed then? Turn to the good shepherd and follow him. For this, one must repent and be converted. Only repentance of heart and conversion of life is the greatest condition to belong to the good shepherd and experience his life. All the other external requirements like circumcision, food prohibitions, and laws are not guarantees for one’s belonging to the good shepherd as his faithful sheep.   Imperative: Jesus says, his sheep do not follow the stranger but flee from him; rather they know the voice of their true shepherd, and they follow him. Is it true? (Reflection 3 from 2021, 26 April)   Focus: In the reign of God, for the embrace of God's grace, there is no barrier or discrimination    1.      Division and discrimination in the name of caste, region, religion, language, culture, etc. rule the society. There are many false shepherds, who only mislead the sheep. They are actually “thieves and robbers” as Jesus says because they are only self-seeking and self-interested. 2.      But for God, there is no such limitation or narrow demarcation. His grace is open to all, His Spirit is offered to all. That is why, circumcision or no circumcision, Jewish or Gentile traditions were not the deciding factors for the power of God. Rather the only criteria were: to Believe in Lord Jesus, to circumcise one's heart in repentance and conversion, and to lead a faithful life. 3.      In the words of Jesus in the gospel, it is to be the sheep of the one shepherd who is the Lord. It is to belong to him, to adhere to his voice and direction, to be close to him, and to follow him. To the extent we stay close and loyal to him, to that extent, we will be protected, nurtured, and led by him. 4.      Unity and fidelity, fairness, and kindness must mark any true believer and true community of Christ. All the forces of disunity and dissension, disparity and inequality, injustice and unfairness, and all the situations of evil and malice are only anti-Christ and devilish. 5.      The only reason for the present lack of authenticity is the lack of fidelity of the sheep to follow their shepherd. They leave their true shepherd and go after many false currents that easily divert and distort their focus and life. They must distinguish between the author and culture of life and destroyer of life and promoters of the culture of death.   Direction: We should be very cautious not to put ourselves against God's will and plans, lest we hinder God's own Spirit and grace   02 MAY 2023: ACTS 11. 19-26;  JOHN 10. 22-30   Pivot: Good spreads! Indicative: God never stops working. He never ceases to call us to see His hand and trust in Him. But it needs a fundamental belonging to the Lord, to recognise and believe   1.      For the first time in Antioch, the believers and followers of Christ are called Christians. It is not a mere address or name or label. It is their identity. It indicates that they radically belong to him. 2.      In the present times, many may bear the name of a Christian but do not bear the life of Christ. They may belong externally to a believing community but do not belong to the person of Christ. 3.      The unbelieving Jews were this kind. They did not believe in Jesus because they did not feel belonging to him. They did not recognise him as their shepherd and themselves as sheep. They conducted themselves as strangers. They failed to see and accept God’s own works testified in Jesus. 4.      To belong to Christ is not merely an allegiance or affinity or membership or name. It is nurturing an intimate relationship with the Lord. It is a matter of bonding. It is to share his life and mission. It is to live as the sheep of the shepherd. It is to be attentive to the shepherd’s voice. It is to grow in the knowledge and experience of him. 5.      It is to cling to him so that “no one can take them out of his hand”. And referring to the words of the first reading, it is to “remain faithful to the Lord in firmness of heart”. Further, it is also to share with others the same gift and treasure of faith, like Barnabas and the other apostles. 6.      They were good men, filled with the Holy Spirit and faith. They set themselves on a mission “to add many others too to Christ”.   Imperative: We need not lose heart when obstacles come on the way of our faith commitment. We must remain clung to our Good Shepherd and live our faith and testify the same to others   (Reflection 2 from 2022, 10 May)   Indicative: Mere intelligence and knowledge are no guarantees for one’s faith and loyalty. What matters is personal experience and the openness to trust and adhere   1.      The Jews are annoyed with Jesus and ask him, “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly”. Jesus responds, “I told you but you do not believe”. There was no cloud of suspense or mystery. His own works of wonders and healings in his Father’s name are the greatest testimony of his identity. Thus, both his words and deeds were more than enough to bear witness to him. 2.      Yet why do they not believe? Jesus gives the reason as well. It is because they are not among his sheep. If they were to be his sheep, they would hear his voice, and follow him. For his sheep hear his voice and they follow him. They shall not be snatched out of his hand and will never perish. 3.       The very fact that they do not hear his voice and do not follow him but are easily snatched by evil and follow his dictates is a clear sign that they are not his sheep. 4.      But on the contrary, we see how the apostles were charged with the power of the Spirit and the fire of preaching. The hand of the Lord was with them. They were good men, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, exemplified in Barnabas. 5.      That is why they could touch and transform thousands. Many believed and turned to the Lord. There were no barriers like Jew or Gentile, male or female, free or slave. There was no suspense or doubt because the light of the Holy Spirit was enlightening them, guiding them, and confirming them in faith.   Imperative: The chosen Jews, the official believers disbelieved. But the Gentiles, “the despised” in the sight of the Jews, the unbelievers believed. This is paradoxical! This shows that only docility to accept and follow matters and not the formal allegiance or long tradition   (Reflection 3 from 2021, 27 April)   Focus: To believe is not merely a matter of external allegiance or formal adherence or doctrinal observance, but is rather to follow the way of the Lord   1.      The whole life and ministry of Jesus always evoked mixed responses and reactions. Some believed and accepted and followed. Many others disbelieved, rejected, and abandoned. 2.      The same was true with his disciples as well. Their singular mission was to bear witness to the Lord through evangelisation and healing. Accordingly, the thrust of their mission was to lead the people to repentance and conversion. 3.      There is a marked difference between those who believe and those who do not: those who believe, know their shepherd, hear his voice, and follow him. "The hand of the Lord is with them", "they turn to him", and "they are firm of heart and remain faithful to him". 4.      On the other hand, those who do not believe, do not nurture and foster this relationship. They do not remain faithful to him. They distrust God and do not accept the testimony of the works of Jesus. Despite all the testimony in word and deed through preaching and healing, they fail to discover God’s will and action. They forfeit God’s offer of grace. 5.      This is all because they are not the sheep of the shepherd. They do not belong to the one fold of the sheep, one hold of the shepherd. They do not hear his voice. They do not know him personally or experientially. What they know is merely theoretical and mechanical. They do not follow him. So, they do not receive eternal life.   Direction: What is more important is not so much knowing some doctrines and concepts, but rather knowing the Lord and following him   03 MAY 2023: I COR 15. 1-8; JOHN 14. 6-14, FEAST OF APOSTLES PHILIP & JAMES Pivot: Except through me! Indicative: What an intrinsic and inseparable union between the Father and the Son! The Father is in the Son and the Son is in the Father   1.      Today we celebrate the feast of St Philip and St James, two of the Twelve Apostles. Fittingly, the word of God clarifies to us the essentials of faith and the gospel. The kernel of the Gospel is that the Father and the Son are one. The Son is in the Father and the Father is in the Son. 2.      What Paul recounts in the first reading is not a mere history of recounting the past details. But it is a “confession of faith”. It is a personal experience of receiving faith and renewing life. It is believing the gospel and living it. 3.      It is knowing Christ. It is being convinced that our salvation is in his life, death and resurrection. It is to live for him and live like him. It is bearing witness to the Lord. 4.      The union between the Father and the Son is not just a matter of personal relationship between both of them. It is “our” matter. It is our faith and salvation. It is not a relationship, merely one-to-one, directed to each other. 5.      This relationship is crucial for us because it involves us. We see in their inseparability the immeasurable love of God turned to us. We see God’s own face holding us in the same hold of love. 6.      The Father and the Son are one because both live in each other by way of the same life and love. The Son has the same life as the Father. He loves with the same love. He speaks the same words. He does the same works of the Father. He glorifies the Father. 7.      It is because of this oneness, the Son becomes the “reflection” of the Father. Thereby whoever sees the Son, has seen the Father. Whoever knows the Son, has known the Father. Further, the Son is also able to grant everything, the greatest being eternal life. 8.      It is because of this communion only, Jesus is the “Way, the life and the Truth”. He becomes the most authentic giver, guide and teacher that guarantees salvation.   Imperative: Lke Philip, let us ignite our moving for God. Let us join Philip: “Show us the Father and that is enough   (Reflection 2 from 2022)   Indicative: True faith is to believe in the Lord and live his very life and mission, to know him, experience him, and follow him. A faith that does not contain these ingredients is not true and deep   1.      True faith lives close to the Lord, nurtures and enjoys a profound relationship with him, and zealously follows in his footsteps. Thus, authentic life and effective mission testify to true faith. Saints Philip and James, two of the Twelve Apostles whose feast we celebrate today are living testimonies of such true faith. 2.      They lived intimately in the company of the Lord. They followed him loyally in the mission of preaching and guiding. Philip was a missionary preacher and James was the bishop of the Jerusalem church. They bore witness to the Lord with a martyr’s death. 3.      Today’s Word of God in reference to both, places before us some fundamental directives for our own discipleship. Philip’s request, “Lord, show us the Father and that is enough” shows us clearly that the ultimate aim and striving of every disciple must be to see the Father. This is the highest priority and this alone must suffice for one’s life. 4.      And to see the Father is nothing but to see the Son and see the Father in and through the Son. One who really sees the Son sees the Father as well because the Father and the Son are one and united. To see the Son means to know him, experience him, follow him and show him to others. A true disciple must know his way and truth, experience the divine life, follow his values and do his works.   Imperative: Seeing God and showing God are our highest priorities in life and they alone will be enough. But when some other things become the topmost priorities in our life, it is a clear sign that we are failing in our essential duty of seeing and showing God   (Reflection 3 from 2021)   Focus: We are called by the Lord to keep close to him and to live faithful to him in and throughout our life. This would imply sharing the faith with others and leading them to Jesus, as the apostles Philip and James did   1.      Today we celebrate the feast of Sts Philip and James, two of the Twelve. Philip was a former disciple of John the Baptist and James, the Lesser was the brother of Jude Thaddeus, the cousin of the Lord, and the author of the Epistle of James. Philip sets himself to preaching and James was the bishop of Jerusalem. Both were martyred. 2.      What marks both is their receptivity to the Lord, their close living with him, their constant listening to him and learning from him, obeying and following him. What is notable in both is: Having experienced the Lord personally, both become the sharers and transmitters of the same experience of the Lord. 3.      Thus both lead others to Jesus. Philip leads Nathanael in particular and in general many others to Jesus by his preaching and witness. James was the bishop of Jerusalem, and thus he too leads many believers through his ministry of leadership and animation. 4.      Whatever be the variance of their mission, they both live with Jesus in a personal communion, live for him through their mission, and then shed their blood in martyrdom. 5.      In today’s gospel, the request of Philip is very striking. It reflects the mindset of authentic discipleship: “Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us”. Yes, seeing God is the highest end of his life for a true disciple, and this alone will suffice. Nothing else can be equal to this grace, because nothing else can satisfy and fulfil a person’s life purpose. 6.      Today, both apostles stand before us as inspiration for imitation. Their singular devotion to the Lord and their faithful dedication to his mission are worth imitable.   Direction: A personal experience of the Lord is like a fire that does not limit itself only to the person that holds it, but it spreads rapidly to others as well, with the same inflaming effect   04 MAY 2023: ACTS 13. 13-25;  JOHN 13. 16-20   Pivot: So that you may learn! Indicative: God chose us with a purpose. It is to believe, live and make him live on through us. Life loses its meaning when we lose sight of this core purpose   1.      Jesus chose us to be his messengers. He sends us on his mission. These are the first basic things to remember always: We are specially chosen by the Lord. It is not by chance or by our choice according to our likes or preferences 2.      This fact of “divine choice” must make us aware of the sacredness of our vocation. It must guard us against all worldly interests and self-inclinations that mar the mark of holiness. 3.      It is God’s choice, not for becoming Masters and bosses. It is to spread his message and do his mission. It is for the spread of his gospel, the good news. It is for the work of his kingdom and salvation. 4.      Therefore, the spread of any evil news, the working for any petty kingdoms, based on worldly factors like caste, region, language, culture, rite, power, position, et cetera, is against our very vocation. Alas! How many indirectly betray him when we live a disloyal way of life? 5.      This divine aspect must also keep us always humble. We are mere servants and messengers, and “no slave is greater than his master, and no messenger is greater than his sender”. Giftedness and competence in the discharge of our mission should never make us proud and complacent. 6.      We can always take an example from Paul and Co. They never projected themselves in the forefront. They always drew people’s attention to Jesus Christ. Their preaching was very simple: instructive and constructive; informative and formative. The purpose was not merely some knowledge but a deep experience, leading to genuine repentance, faith and renewal.   Imperative: Jesus says, “If you understand and do this, blessed are you!” That is to be ever conscious of our identity and mission   (Reflection 2 from 2022, 12 May)   Indicative: Human intelligence and competence may assist us and carry us ahead for a while. But they will not last long and reach us long when they are devoid of God’s grace and guidance   1.      Often in life, we see many capable and talented. They rise high and ride high for some time. But when they are not humble and begin to act with pride, when they are not docile to God and surrender to Him, sooner or later they will fall and fail. 2.      This is all because no servant is greater than the master, and no messenger is greater than the sender. Jesus, the Master himself, makes himself a servant to all and serves others. Are we greater than our master? The problem with many disciples is they forget their real identity of being servants and behave like masters. 3.      A good servant remembers always that he is a servant and messenger. His life becomes authentic when he becomes an effective channel of service and message. Jesus says, if you know these things and do them, you are blessed. 4.      Paul and Co. knew these things and they did them. They tirelessly spread the message of Christ and served others. In the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, Paul in his preaching gives a quick rundown of the salvation history leading to Jesus. However, it is not a mere chronological summary. It is a powerful message of God’s grace and human response and involvement.   Imperative: Many disciples of Christ would do better if they stop trying desperately to become masters in various fields. Instead, it is better that they become better servants!   (Reflection 3 from 2021, 29 April)   Focus: Preaching is not a mere narration of a bygone history but ongoing participation in the present journey of salvation   1.      Paul's preaching sums up the progressive history of salvation and looks like a simple accounting of the historical facts and thus nothing special. But it is not just that. It is a recall and reminder of God's salvific journey with humans. It does not stop with the past but continues unceasingly. 2.      Thus, it is also a forceful appeal to get involved in such a journey of faith. But this does not happen just like that. Such a convincing proclamation can come only from an irresistible conviction of one's vocation that I am called by the Lord and I am sent on his mission. It is not based on one’s ability but rooted in one’s humility. 3.      This is the same humility that is demonstrated by David and John the Baptist as well. This leads to an unfailing loyalty to the Lord, in an edifying and witnessing life. The Master Jesus teaches and leads his disciples by example. He charges them with the same spirit with which he washed their feet in humility as a servant and disciple. 4.      This is very interesting to note: he washes their feet like a slave and immediately announces that no slave is greater than the Master. It is not just one single act or instance. It is an indication and lesson that should continue. 5.      Like our supreme master, we should always be imbued with the same spirit of humility of a servant and cultivate constantly the same. No one of us should presume ourselves to be a master and treat others as servants.   Direction: If Jesus is our sole and whole master, how is it that there are many presumptuous and pretentious masters, ill-treating others as mere servants?    05 MAY 2023: ACTS 13. 26-33; JOHN 14. 1-6   Pivot: Fidelity to the Basics! Indicative: We are all destined to be with the Father in the Father’s house. And it is only through Jesus, we understand and learn the truth, know and walk the way, and live new life and receive eternal life. It is because Jesus is the “Way, the Truth and the Life”   1.      As humans, every now and then, our hearts will be troubled. The reasons can be varied. Especially, the sense of absence of God, desolation and dryness in our personal and spiritual life can disturb and dissipate us. 2.      Jesus was preparing his disciples for the moments of his physical separation from them. How to face such a situation of absence and lack of accompaniment? Jesus gives the answer as well: Have faith in God and in him. 3.      So, trust that his separation is only temporary. He will come to them soon. He will take them to be with him forever. He consoles them with many assuring phrases: “In my Father’s house, there are many dwelling places”. “I will prepare a place for you”. “Where I am, you also will be”. 4.      In Jesus, we have the assurance of eternal life in eternal communion with him. This also indicates that we are people destined for something higher and beyond the earthly. So we need to always raise our sight from earth-boundedness to heaven-directedness. 5.      If we live with him now, we will live with him forever. If we follow him now, we will follow him to eternity. We need to entrust ourselves to him. We must walk his way, abide by his truth, and live his life. This is the call for us from Jesus’ declaration, “I am the way, the truth and the life”. Paul and the other apostles did this through their preaching and testimony.   Imperative: Many times, many get deviated, fall into falsity and live a culture of death. The only antidote is to live Jesus who is the way, the truth and the life   (Reflection 2 from 2022, 13 May)   Indicative: Many hearts are troubled. Many live in constant tension and fear over many things in life. But when we believe in God, we can experience tranquillity and strength   1.      The life of the present times seems to be a constant story of trouble and turmoil. The reasons can be many and varied. It is not necessarily poverty and misery. For even the rich and capable people also feel troubled and worried. Thus, trouble and worry are common factors that affect everyone in one way or another. 2.      In such a context, the words of Jesus, “Let not your hearts be troubled” in the gospel are very comforting and soothing. He invites us to “believe in him” and follow him who is “the way, the truth, and the life”. However, he does not promise the complete vanish of all the trouble. Rather, he assures us how to be serene and untroubled even amidst all the disturbances. 3.      The assertion of Jesus, “I am the way, the truth and the life” is one of the greatest self-revelation of his identity. However, it is not so much about what he is in himself but what he is and what he does to us. They indicate to us what we must do if we want to be untroubled. 4.       We must know his way and follow it; it is the “narrow way”, uncompromising and authentic. It is not the false and broader ways of the world. We must accept and follow his truth. We must avoid falsity and duplicity and be truthful. We must live his life, a life that is divine, new, and a foretaste of eternity.   Imperative: It is not proper to argue whether war and turmoil stop completely if we pray and repent and abandon sin. Rather, what we must understand is sin, lack of prayer and repentance certainly causes trouble   (Reflection 3 from 2021, 30 April)   Focus: The purpose and fulfilment of our faith are not just believing and preaching. It is bearing witness to God, to His love, and His will of salvation   1.      "I am the way, the truth, and the life": this is one of the most fundamental self-assertions of Jesus. It reveals his identity and mission. His identity is: He is the Son of the Father. His mission is salvation as the Messiah. 2.      He is the way that leads to the Father, to the eternal kingdom. He is the truth that reveals the Father, that which gives the norms to follow and walk the way. He is the life that is his own life. This in turn is the life of the Father Himself. 3.      It is the life that is not merely the natural, the physical life, but the life which is new, spiritual eternal life. He offers this new life to us and thereby we are enlivened and reinvigorated. Therefore, all those who believe and follow Jesus will be fully "alive, truthful and sojourners on the way to heaven". 4.      This attestation of Jesus is not a mere saying about who he is in his nature. It assures us about what he does in our lives and what we should do and become. We are called not to be troubled or lose heart. 5.      We shall believe in him. We shall become more and more alive and energetic. We shall be full of life and not lethargic or indifferent. We shall know the truth and follow it. We shall resist and reject all that is false and vain. We shall subscribe to truth and true values. 6.      We shall be truthful and authentic and not hypocritical and dishonest. And we shall always orient ourselves on the way to heaven. Therefore, our task like Paul in the first reading is to be constant recipients and witnesses of Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life.   Direction: When Jesus is with us and for us, then there is no need to feel troubled or disturbed because he accompanies us always and orients us to reach our eternal destiny with him forever   06 MAY 2023: ACTS 13. 44-52; JOHN 14. 7-14 Pivot: A door closes and another opens! Indicative: God’s grace is always open and abundant. But it needs humility and docility to receive it and cooperate with it   1.      Let us begin with the request of Philip in the gospel: “Show us the Father, and that will be enough for us”. What a lofty desire! In a world that always desires and strives for things and goals that are mostly worldly and self-centred, this desire of Philip is very challenging and impelling. 2.      How many really want to see God? How many really ask, “Show us God”? Many see and enjoy many things of the world. But they are not really satisfied. Despite all the affluence, pleasure and comfort, many continue dissatisfied. 3.      This clearly shows that nothing worldly can satisfy the deep interior craving. It is an insatiable search for something lasting, imperishable and higher. 4.      Jesus incarnates and concretises God’s own essence and love. He shows us the invisible Father through his words and works, through his very person and life. It is because of the inalienable union and oneness of their identity. 5.      Similarly, whoever is with the Lord, abides in him and does his works, will also become the “mirrors” and “images” of God. They will certainly receive all that they need. It is this communion and power that will sustain their every step and strengthen their every effort. 6.      The Lord’s promise, “Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it” does not mean that there will not be any difficulties in our life and mission. In fact, the more we are committed, the more we will be tossed about by challenges. 7.      This is what we see in the case of the apostles. Opposition and persecution never ceased. But they never asked for the problems to cease. They only prayed for strength and courage. God always sustained them with wisdom and comfort and joy of the Holy Spirit.   Imperative: In our mission, at times, many doors may close. Failures may embrace us. But we shall never deter from the Lord’s mission. For God gives success in His own time and in His own way, not known to the world   (Reflection 2)   Focus: Rejection of truth is a clear sign that one is in falsity and darkness because error cannot stand the sight of truth, and darkness cannot tolerate light   1.      The oneness of the Father and the Son is the truth which the disciples need to believe. Because it is this communion which their Master tirelessly attested and testified to. It is this communion that was his driving force as well as the secret and source of all his works. 2.      Thus his works are not merely some wonders or favours, but more essentially powerful signs and testimonies of this inseparable union between the Father and the Son. The Son is so totally United with the Father that he "reflects" the Father so much so that "one who sees the Son, is seeing the Father as well". 3.      Similarly, one who is totally United with the Son, will also "resemble" and "mirror" the Son, so much so that he will do the same works of the Son. But for sure, all will not see this reflection and will not accept this testimony. Like those who opposed Paul and incited the people to reject the offer of faith, there will be much opposition and rejection.   Direction: What is rejected by the Jews, is wholeheartedly accepted by the Gentiles and they obtain the grace and mercy of God. There are no guarantees or personal merits. It is all a matter of God's benevolence and one's humble acceptance              

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