Saturday, 15 April 2023


17 - 22 APRIL 2023, HOLY MASS REFLECTIONS 17 APRIL 2023: ACTS 4. 23-31; JOHN 3. 1-8 (Reflection 1): Focus: One can resist human powers but no one can resist and destroy the power of God 1.      The post-resurrection acts of the apostles are totally transformed, contrasting and startling in reference to their life before. There is an incredible boldness, incomparable wisdom and awe-evoking signs of miracles. 2.      This is all due to the power of the risen Lord, the anointing by the Holy Spirit. It is this risen experience that transforms them into witnesses both in word and deed. In the words of Jesus in the gospel, the apostles are truly those “reborn” of ‘water and spirit’. 3.      They are regenerated from above, in whom “the wind blows where it wills” in irresistible freedom, spontaneity and effect. If we too want and need to be his witnesses, then we too need to be reborn and born from above, totally receptive and cooperative to the action of the Spirit. Direction: It is fear that inhibits and hinders one from being deeply loyal and committed to anything, be it a human cause or divine. It needs conviction and courage to stand for and accomplish anything worthwhile (Reflection 2) Pivot: Rise above! Indicative: The power of the Risen Lord, the power of the Spirit is irresistible and unrestrainable. It regenerates and recreates the person 1.      The risen Lord causes new birth and gives new life to those open and receptive. In the gospel, Nicodemus is one such example of openness. He was a Pharisee and a ruler of Jews. Already we can draw an indicator from this. 2.      There are also some good people among the Pharisees and authorities. We need not categorise people or be carried away by labels. Goodness or badness does not necessarily depend on categories. Rather it depends on the openness to truth and humility to see and accept. 3.      Nicodemus goes to Jesus at night and this indicates his spirit of the search for truth. Already there were some essentials of faith in Jesus: he acknowledges Jesus as a teacher who has come from God. He sees the signs as due to God’s being with him. 4.      He makes a transition from imperfect to perfect faith. He is led to authentic faith. He is enabled to see above the merely physical, human and earthly realm to the divine, spiritual and heavenly realm. 5.      This is testified in Jesus’ words: “Unless one is born from above, he cannot see the kingdom”. “Unless one is born of water and Spirit, one cannot enter the kingdom”. The Spirit is signified by “wind” and it is free and unconditioned because “the wind blows where it wills”. 6.      Though we cannot see visibly, the presence, power and effect of the Spirit are felt and experienced. Thereby we are reminded that we shall not merely go by sense perceptions. God’s action is invisible but effective. 7.      It is the Spirit that causes regeneration and rebirth. Now what will be the effects of rebirth? One who is reborn will rise above the earthly realm and operate in the spiritual realm. He will act freely and unconditioned. 8.      These are the same effects concretely operative in the case of Peter and John and the other Apostles in the first reading. They are filled with the spirit of prayer. They are filled with the Holy Spirit. They are filled with boldness. They spoke the word of God passionately. They bore witness to the Lord undauntedly. What is further remarkable is: they prayed amidst difficulties, but not to remove them; rather face them with boldness. Imperative: The risen Lord effects new birth in us. Therefore we should live a new life, that is a life of perfect faith, led by the Spirit, living in the spiritual realm 18 APRIL 2023: ACTS 4. 32 –37; JOHN 3. 7b-15   Pivot: A Contrast spirit! Indicative: Those who are reborn will rise above   1.      The effect of the risen Lord is a new birth. Concretely, it will lead to a new life that rises above the earthly realm. Those who experience the risen Lord will receive great power and great favour. They will bear witness to this new life, welling up to eternal life. 2.      They will live a life that is in contrast to the spirit of the world. This is what is seen in the early Christian community. They were of one mind and heart in contrast to the divisive spirit of the world. 3.      They had a collective spirit in contrast to the ego-centred spirit of the world. They had no spirit of privatization and no claim for private property. Instead, they had everything in common. In contrast to the spirit of hoarding and accumulation, they were detached and ready to dispossess their belongings. 4.      In contrast to greed and excessive craving for profit and gain, they had the spirit of generosity and sharing, so that there was no one in need. This was not just a material matter. It was truly a matter of a changed life, a new life, transformed by the risen Lord. It was a total change that affected the whole life and person and had a deep impact on the community as well.   Imperative: Person and community are two separate and exclusive entities. One affects and changes the other. Good people make a good community. And a good community helps to make good persons   (Reflection 2 from 2022, 26 April)   Indicative: True faith must be seen in a life of communion and witness. Faith that is limited only to some religious activities but lacks fraternity and edification is shallow   1.      The first reading from the Acts of the Apostles gives a vivid description of the early Christian community. How exemplary and edifying it was! One mind, one heart, one spirit, one Lord, one faith, one mission, one witness, and one spiritual treasure. There was no room for the egoism of ‘I’. The sense of oneness as ‘We’ and ‘Our’ was the real testing criterion of their faith. 2.      Their life testifies that spiritual riches are far more important than material riches. That is why there was no lacking or scarcity at all. Be it materially or spiritually, it was all abundance. Such a life was possible only because of the Spirit. This is the “rebirth” that Jesus speaks of to Nicodemus when he says, “You must be reborn anew”. 3.      The Spirit must reside in us and constantly guide us. We must allow ourselves to be guided by the “free wind” of the Spirit (The wind blows where it wills). Those who experience the freedom of the Spirit will not be conditioned by greed or attachment to worldly things or values. 4.      The early Christian community experienced this freedom and rebirth of the Spirit. That is why they were detached from their earthly possessions. They freely sold away their goods and generously shared them with others. Imperative: How edifying and worth imitating is the early Christian community! What a spirit of unity, equity, and sharing! How far from this ideal are many Christian communities of today?   (Reflection 3 from 2021, 13 April)   Focus: When the interior freedom is not there, the exterior freedom can easily become deviant and even pernicious   1.      Freedom is one of the greatest assets of a human being. But today more than ever, this freedom is misunderstood. It is wrongly equated with indulgence and pleasurability. Thus very often freedom becomes destructive. 2.      This is truly false freedom because it is not positive or productive. Further, instead of freeing the person, it only enslaves the person, with subtle and unconscious bondages. It is this false freedom that enslaves many to greed and accumulation. 3.      It leads many to gratify themselves with compromises and false values. In other words, the lack of inner freedom leads one to undue craving and attachment to money and material possessions. Detachment and true freedom go together. 4.       The apostles obtained, nurtured, and manifested this true freedom, the freedom of the Spirit. This is the productive freedom that makes the early Christian community to be deeply detached from worldly possessions. 5.      This is the altruistic freedom that shares generously with the needy. This is the constructive freedom that builds a community with one heart and mission. This is the transcending freedom that makes each of them a living testimony to the risen Lord. 6.      Selling off the properties in the spirit of detachment, and distributing them in generosity are the hallmarks of true disciples of Christ and a true Christian community. This model of the early Christians and their community is really edifying, inspiring, and worth imitating. 7.      This is also a great challenge to many of the modern followers of Christ and the Christian communities, which are far from these ideals. A good number are deeply engrossed in a suffocating spirit of greed and accumulation, deceit and manipulation.   Direction: Let us raise our level and perspective of thinking and living from the merely earthly and below to what is heavenly and above. Otherwise, we cannot enjoy the freedom of the joy and power of the Spirit and the life of God   19 APRIL 2023: ACTS 5. 17-26; JOHN 3. 16-21    Pivot: Light or darkness! Indicative: God never wants us to perish. He is always offering us His own life. Be lightened to see the truth and receive and live His life   1.       God who loved the world and sacrificed His only Son, gives the gift of faith, salvation and eternal life. This gift from God calls for a choice. This is the choice to be made: Accept the new life in faith, come to light, dispel the shades of darkness, be enlightened, and do the works of light. 2.       But the priests and the Jewish authorities made a choice against the life, truth and light offered by God. Thereby, they prefer to live within their prisons of legalism, self-righteousness, hypocrisy and stubbornness. Consequently, they continue to oppose the way of Jesus. 3.       They are filled with jealousy at the rising fame of the apostles, and the spread of faith in Jesus. So they put them in the public jail. But they do not realise that nothing can block the power of the Lord. No doors of prison can imprison the followers of Christ. That is why the apostles would walk out freely despite the secure lock and tight guard. 4.       The Lord opens the doors of the prison, through his angel, and sets them once again on the mission of preaching and bearing witness. This shows very clearly that it is foolish to put hurdles in the way of God. 5.       Let us not blame God that He judges and condemns us mercilessly. Because He is merciful only, He sacrificed His own Son as our ransom for our salvation. It is actually an auto-judgment. It is we who condemn ourselves by our rejection of His life, light and truth.   Imperative: Be open and receive His life in faith. Allow Him to enlighten you with His light. And see the truth and walk the way of truth in authenticity and integrity   (Reflection 2 from 2022, 27 April)   Indicative: God always offers us His grace. He shows us His love in manifold ways. It is left to us to make a free choice between grace or sin, salvation or damnation   1.      The apostles were on fire for the Lord. Their preaching was like a storm that shook all. This was all because they truly understood and experienced God’s love. It is a love that gives totally and selflessly. God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son for its salvation. He wants to save but sadly many prefer destruction. He wants to give light and enlighten our lives. But many still prefer darkness. 2.       The Jewish authorities were under the power of darkness. They refused the light of the Lord. They jealously reject the faith preached by the apostles. They arrest and imprison the apostles. But how foolish they were to think that they could stop the power of the Lord! How blinded they were that they did not realise that no prison wall and no authorities can block the power of God. 3.       Today there is so much hatred and selfishness. God’s sacrificing love must be a lesson and challenge for us. We must confide in such love of God and imbibe the same spirit. We must heal the world with cool streams of love and altruism. In a world that continues to stumble in the ways of darkness, we must be the bearers of the light of Christ. 4.       Further, against a prevalent storm of judging and condemning, we must spread the gentle breezes of empathy and forgiveness. Our purpose shall not be to show and prove how bad a fellow is. Rather it is to recognise and reinstate the confidence in how good a person can be, for Jesus came not to condemn but to save. 5.       Still further, we must inherit the same spirit of courage and commitment of the apostles. Nothing could intimidate them or stop them. They were focused and determined. They were convinced and committed.   Imperative: In a world that is fragmented and tormented by a culture of hate, darkness, and destruction, we need to revitalise the power of love, light, and new life of the Lord   (Reflection 3 from 2021, 14 April)   Focus: The man of today reels under the weight of defeat and loss, only because he deliberately fights against good and thus against God Himself   1.      The Jewish authorities were not fools or ignorant. They knew very well that the apostles were authentic witnesses to Jesus Christ. If only a little open and humble, they would also know that Jesus Christ is the Life, the Truth, and the Light. They would know that it is the very power of God that was acting in and through the apostles. 2.      But the human jealousy and the evil incline pose them as opposed to that very power of God. Consequently, they would not realise that they were opposing not mere individuals, but God Himself. God brings them to their senses again and again that no stone walls of a prison, no chains of threat and persecution could restrain the apostles from preaching Christ openly and publicly. 3.      Thus there is a clear contrast between the apostles and the unbelieving Jews: the apostles believe and experience the saving love of God through Jesus, who offers to the sin-laden humanity life, truth, and light leading to salvation. They receive the life and live the life of God, they adhere to the truth and live truthfully and they open themselves to the light and become enlightened and radiant. 4.      On the contrary, the obstinate Jews refuse God’s life and become lifeless spiritually, they content themselves with falsity and prefer to walk in the dark. They hate the light, love darkness, and do the works of evil. Thus, they deliberately forfeit the grace of God. They throw away the love and forgiveness of God that offer a renewed life. Thus, while the believers merit salvation, the opponents deserve judgment and condemnation. In fact, it is auto-judgment and not a judgment imposed by God.   Direction: One need not lament and blame God sternly judging and condemning humanity. It is, in fact, an auto-judgment and condemnation, in all freedom and choice. God does not force anyone to sin and be liable for the judgment   20 APRIL 2023: ACTS 5. 27-33; JOHN 3. 31-36   Pivot: Obey God rather than men! Indicative: The Apostles continue to work for the Lord. They proclaim about him. They ceaselessly remind the Jews that Jesus is the Saviour and author of new life. They also hold the unbelieving Jews and Jewish authorities accountable for the death of Jesus   1.      “We must obey God rather than men”. What a sublime principle! Today if only men follow this norm of life, how different and changed life will be! How does this difference come? It is because “God gives the Holy Spirit to those who obey Him”. 2.      When there is Holy Spirit, there is enlightenment and empowerment. This will equip one with clarity and solidity. The light of the Spirit makes things clear so that we can distinguish and discern between priorities and make the right choices. 3.      In the light of the gospel, it is to believe unshakably in Jesus that he is totally one and united with the Father; that he is loved by the Father; that everything is given to him; he comes from above and is above all; he is sent by God and speaks the words of God. 4.      And his testimony is trustworthy even though not accepted by all. And to all those who believe in him, he gifts his Holy Spirit. This is seen in the case of the Apostles. They were filled with the light and power of the Spirit. 5.      The Holy Spirit also strengthens us so that we become firm and convinced, courageous and persevering, loyal and committed. And the greatest act and effect of the Holy Spirit is “bearing witness to the Lord”. Thereby they become heavenly and above and they bear testimony to the things above.   Imperative: If we really belong to God, then we must rise above the things, earthly and below, and live in the realm above   (Reflection 2 from 2022, 28 April)   Indicative: There are certainly differences in the quality of life. But these differences are not because of the differences in the degrees of intelligence or competence or affluence or influence. It is more a matter of difference in perspectives   1.      Often we find a lot of differences in how people live their lives. Some live qualitatively while others live worthlessly. Some live with a higher purpose while others live with low ambitions. It is not because of different capacities or standards of living. It is all a difference in the height of perspectives. 2.       In the words of Jesus in the gospel, it is all a difference between “the above” and “the below”, between the “heavenly” and the “earthly”. Those who look up to heaven, and raise themselves to the above realm, will assess things and persons from a higher perspective. They are not earth-bound but heaven-directed. 3.       It is this higher motive and perspective that transforms the apostles into witnesses of the Lord. They are emboldened and empowered. They are not bothered about the punishment by the authorities for the sake of their faith. That is why they boldly defy and disobey the explicit order not to preach about Jesus Christ. 4.       They had the guts to challenge the authorities. They stood firm and continued their mission despite opposition and persecution. It is because they were filled by the Spirit of the risen Lord. They affirm with conviction that they will never stop their witness because it is Lord’s own mission mandate. They make it very clear, declaring, “We must obey God rather than men”.   Imperative: Obedience to God was the apostles’ highest priority and not pleasing the world. In our times, where is that obedience, courage, and commitment?   (Reflection 3 from 2021, 15 April)   Focus: Those who are guided by human fragilities like jealousy, pride, stubbornness, and false prestige operate on the human level and become resistant to every good   1.      The Jewish authorities are entangled in the earthly realm. They are not able to rise above. They are totally overpowered and guided by human jealousy, self-interests, and cheap motives. They vehemently resent and reject the apostles’ preaching. They resist the power of their witness to the risen Lord. 2.      They desperately try to suppress their irresistible ministry and the increasing numbers of believers. They even forget that they may be placing themselves against God Himself. They suffer from a guilty conscience. Instead of repenting and changing their lives, the authorities all the more want to terminate the truth that goes on pricking and disturbing them. 3.      Thus, they decide to kill the apostles. Simultaneously, they also throw away the eternal life, offered by the Son. It is not merely the rejection of an individual called Jesus or the rejection of a new religion called Christianity. It is in fact the rejection of the grace of God itself, and the rejection of a new way of life. 4.      It is in this context, that the bold assertion and conviction of the apostles is an eye-opener, challenge, and guiding norm for all of us: “We must obey God rather than the humans”. This obedience ennobles and enables them to be witnesses to the Lord, risking their own lives. 5.      The apostles believed in the Son, as sent by the Father. They bear testimony to the Son just as the Son bears testimony to the Father. In consequence, they may face death at human hands but they will obtain eternal life at the hands of God. 6.      Ultimately, only obedience and witness are the greatest directives for a true follower of Christ. It is good to check and see on whose side we are: the unbelieving Jews or the faithful apostles.   Direction: Unfortunately, often the norm for the decisions and actions of many is obeying and pleasing the world and not God and good. Accordingly, they have to render a strict account to God   21 APRIL 2023: ACTS 5. 34-42: JOHN 6. 1-15   Pivot: God’s power is irresistible! Indicative: Many times, in our corrupt and degenerating world, many evil forces try hard to resist and arrest the good. But we must bear in mind that nothing can suppress good because every good comes from God   1.      We must appreciate the wisdom of Gamaliel. His logic is divine and simple: if the work of the Apostles about Jesus is God’s work, no human powers can stop it or destroy it. If it is merely human, then it will die by itself. 2.      Therefore, when we try to oppose or suppress anything good, we must realise that unconsciously we may be putting ourselves and fighting against God Himself. There is a lot to learn from this wise counsel of Gamaliel. 3.      Very many times, many vehemently try to destroy the good because of human factors like jealousy and arrogance or selfish motives. But they are totally unaware that they are running a serious risk. That is becoming rivals and enemies of God Himself. The reason is simple: all good is godly and divine while all evil is devilish. 4.      There is again a lot to learn from the Apostles. Evidently, it is their loyalty and perseverance in their faith and witness amidst all threats and persecution. But apart from this, it is their perspective and approach toward suffering itself. 5.      They do not resent the adversities. They do not try to run away from them or evade them. They do not lament that they are treated unjustly. They do not condemn their opponents that they will meet with grievous consequences. They do not even call upon God for help to save them from their distress. 6.      Instead, they feel great. They consider it a great honour and privilege to suffer for God. Therefore their reaction is abundant joy. They rejoice over their suffering for the sake of the Lord. 7.      This is also the perfect attitude of synodality that we are celebrating these recent times. There is “communion, participation and mission”. In the first reading, the Apostles experienced these norms in their testimony to the Lord. 8.      In the gospel, these are seen concretely in the miracle of the multiplication of loaves. The Apostles become sharers in the Lord’s intervention. They become actively involved in the whole process. 9.      Some of the components are: facing the issue, analysing the difficulties involved in the issue, assessing its gravity, seeking different possibilities to resolve the issue, pooling together the available resources, placing them at the Lord’s disposal and thus leaving it trustfully for his miraculous intervention, distributing them and finally collecting and preserving the leftovers.   Imperative: Our whole perspective toward adversities and afflictions must change. We must not be evasive or depressive or aggressive in times of difficulty. Instead, we must rejoice for being found worthy to become partakers in the same lot of the Master and for his sake   (Reflection 2 from 2022, 29 April)   Indicative: God is always sensitive to our needs and problems. He never abandons us to our fate, to struggle by ourselves. He intervenes at the right time and changes the situation   1.      The gospel narrates the miracle of multiplying five loaves and two fish to feed five thousand. It is not a mere miracle that displays the power of Jesus. It is a testimony of the care and concern of God for the suffering humanity. There is so much hunger and sickness. The world is hungry for healing and health, for feeding and nourishment. 2.       It is notable that it is Jesus who senses the need of the hungry people and asks, “How are we to provide bread for them to eat?” God always takes the initiative to enter into our difficult situations and alleviate our pain. 3.       However, God wants our contribution to join with His action. What we contribute may be very little. Five loaves and two fish will be nowhere to feed five thousand. But there is nothing to worry about. All that is needed is to pool together all our available resources and place them at the Lord’s disposal. We need to submit to him what we have. Once touched and blessed by him, even our very little becomes big and more. 4.       When we cooperate with God’s grace, our little will become abundant. It will not only give what is sufficient to remove the need but will also lead to ‘reserve’. Not only the five thousand are well-fed but also twelve baskets still remain with leftovers. 5.       This is the spirit of cooperation that drove the apostles in their mission. They trusted not in their human capacities or resources but in God’s mighty power. They knew that they were doing God’s work and so nothing would stop them. 6.        The wise Pharisee, Gamaliel too realises this. That is why he wisely counsels the other authorities not to put deliberate obstacles in the way of the apostles. For, if is really God’s work, they would be opposing God Himself. If it is not God’s work, they need not stop it. Their mission will die by itself in course of time.   Imperative: Even amidst trials and afflictions, the apostles would rejoice. The more they were persecuted, the more they were happy and strong. For they considered it a great honour to suffer something for their Lord   (Reflection 3 from 2021, 16 April)   Focus: We must always remember the simple principle in life: If something is God’s will, nobody can resist it; if it is not God’s will, nobody can assist it   1.      How wise is Gamaliel! He appeals to be judicious and discerning concerning religious issues and matters of faith! He provides a simple criterion to test whether something is of God or not. And that is perseverance and durability: 2.      Accordingly, if something comes from God, it will last despite all the obstacles and struggles; if it is merely a human enterprise, it will vanish sooner or later. What a difference in quality and beneficiality can there be if only God’s holy will becomes the deciding criterion for every process of discernment and implementation! 3.      Alas, very often human calculations and pretentious intelligence become normative for most of decisions and actions. That is why great human enterprises easily fail and collapse because they are not of God. 4.      A disciple of Christ must have the spirit of trust and surrender. They should always believe that God never abandons them. God comes to their rescue, in every sort of difficulty. It can be the suffering because of their faith or can be a need like hunger as in the gospel. 5.      Whatever the kind of problem, unfailing faith is most important. It is this faith that makes the apostles stand bold and firm, and rejoice even amidst affliction. What a faith it is: they are not upset or ashamed. But they feel great and honoured to suffer something for God! 6.      The gospel episode of the miraculous feeding of the five thousand also presents another faith situation. True faith cooperates with God’s grace. In the Acts of the Apostles, this cooperation is seen in their perseverance. 7.      In the gospel, it is seen as a happy offering to God at His disposal. It indicates a willingness to place at the Lord’s disposal our very little - five loaves and two fish. It is to surrender the whole “needy and desperate situation” to the Lord’s concern, trusting in his benevolence and power as well.   Direction: Miracles still happen not because our faith is great or our contribution is mighty, but only because God’s love and power are abundant to meet and satisfy our needs   22 APRIL 2023: ACTS 6. 1-7; JOHN 6. 16-21   Pivot: Do not be afraid! Indicative: The journey of faith is not smooth sailing. There will be strong winds blowing against. But nothing to worry about! The Lord comes to us   1.      What a sense of clarity of priorities the Apostles had! They knew what was their priority. Prayer and ministry of the Word are more important than serving at the table. We do not undermine the value of serving at table because it is a concrete expression of fraternal communion and sharing. However, it should not lead to neglecting the word of God. 2.      Perhaps, this is one main thing lacking in the present-day Church. There is an acute lack of clarity of priorities. Whether it is the lay faithful or consecrated ministers of God, often there is a lot of confusion and distortion of concerns and priorities. 3.      Consequently, often secular interests, worldly preoccupations, and organisational and administrative concerns take the upper hand over spiritual concerns and animation of faith and communities. 4.      That is why a great amount of time, money and energy is spent on organising different activities, conducting monetary transactions and supervising material tasks, rather than building, renewing and reinforcing the interior spirit, faith and family relationships. 5.      The wisdom of the Apostles must dawn on each one, saying, “It is not right to neglect the word of God and prayer to serve at the table”. 6.      It is also a call for living a synodal church. The Apostles do not monopolise the whole authority by themselves. They are not scared to “decentralise” and “delegate” their authority. Instead, they happily appoint seven deacons to serve at the table. 7.      What is notable is: though serving at the table is subservient to the higher priority of the Ministry of the Word, it is not of less value. It is also a great “spiritual” ministry. That is why, it too needed men of the Spirit, faith and wisdom. 8.      This indicates that every ministry in the church is spiritual and valuable. There is nothing strictly material and spiritual. All are sacred. There should not be any despising and dominating attitude. Instead, there should be an atmosphere of mutual respect and collaboration. 9.      Finally, in our synodal journey. we should be prepared to face some storms and unfavourable situations. These may be in the form of misunderstandings and conflicts between the Hellenistic and Jewish Christians as in the first reading. 10.   Or, these may be in the form of strong winds of problems and challenges as in the gospel. There is every possibility to be afraid. It is in such moments we shall hear the assuring voice of the Lord, “It is I. Do not be afraid”.   Imperative: When the Lord is with us, our fear will subside, the storms against our sailing will subside, and we will arrive at the shore safely. All that is needed is clarity, wisdom, surrender and commitment   (Reflection 2 from 2022, 30 April)   Indicative: Even the best of the people, good and holy will face the same human problems. Faith makes no exemption from afflictions. It is how we face and respond that is important   1.      The sail of the lifeboat will not be always smooth and safe. The waters become rough at times and strong winds will hit the boat. The movement looks weary and burdensome. In such moments of fear and anxiety, we may not even recognise the presence of the Lord. It is in such moments, that Jesus comes to us and assures us, “It is I; do not be afraid”. 2.       The apostles in the first reading experience one kind of this rough weather. It was in the form of misunderstanding and dissension in the believing community. The Hellenists felt discriminated against and neglected by the Hebrews in their daily distribution. 3.       It is here they experience the wisdom of the Spirit. They make the right discernment concerning their priorities. They realise clearly that the ministry of prayer and preaching the Word is more important than serving at the tables. They realise that their primary duty is to bear witness to the Lord while serving can be done by others as well. 4.       Subsequently, seven deacons are chosen and appointed for the ministry of serving. This too is not an arbitrary choice. They were men of repute, full of the Spirit and wisdom. This also shows that every ministry in the church is important and needs some spiritual gifts. 5.       The whole episode also shows the spirit of collegiality of the apostles. They do not want to have total control. They do not want to dominate the whole show. They are ready to share and distribute their power to others. They are ready to detach themselves from their power and authority.   Imperative: Problems are bound to come on our mission. They can be of different kinds. But what will be our response and approach? Do we get frightened or discouraged or agitated? Do we get into arguments and overassertive?   (Reflection 3 from 2021, 17 April)   Focus: At times, in life, strong winds will be blowing and hitting the lifeboat. We may be frightened. It is in such times, we must attentively listen to the Lord’s assurance, “It is I; do not be afraid”   1.      Surely, in life difficulties and challenges will come upon us. They can be of different kinds, sometimes, human, sometimes, natural. In the Acts of the Apostles, the apostles faced the problem of misunderstanding, displeasure, and division – a human situation of injustice and unfairness. It is a matter of conflict between the Hellenistic believers and the Hebrews. 2.      In the gospel, it is a natural difficulty due to heavy wind in the sea against the boat – a situation of fear and tension. But, they did not get lost or frustrated by the problematic situation. They confronted and addressed it. The apostles prayed. They turned to God. They sought the light of the Spirit. They obtained wisdom. They discerned the clarity of priorities. 3.      Accordingly, they devote themselves to prayer and ministry of the word, while they choose 7 deacons to do the serving at the tables. They know that both the ministries, of the word and the service, are important. But they also realise that their priority as apostles is spiritual ministry. This cannot suffer at the hands of the other ministry. However, they do not undervalue its importance. Therefore, they pray to the Holy Spirit and choose men of good repute, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom. 4.      Similarly, in the gospel, the apostles get frightened by the strong wind. But, they listen to Jesus’ directive not to be afraid but to confide in him. They gladly take him into the boat, and the boat has a smooth sail to the shore. 5.      It is not wise to expect a no-problem situation in our life. Our faith is not foolproof or shield or guarantee against all problems and adversities. When faced with problems, the first recourse should be to God.

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