Saturday, 21 January 2023


3RD SUNDAY, 22 JANUARY 2023, HOLY MASS REFLECTION ISAIAH 8.23 – 9.3; 1 COR 1. 10-13, 17; MATTHEW 4. 12-23 Thrust: A complete changeover! Indicative: God’s presence is transforming and renewing. Things change when God enters the scene and takes hold of the situation 1.      Jesus begins his ministry. He immediately plunges himself into a threefold mission of teaching, preaching, and healing. In fact, as the Incarnate Saviour, Jesus embodies and carries God’s presence and intervention. He becomes the fulfillment of God’s assurance in the Old Testament, spelled out in the first reading. 2.      Accordingly, this divine presence is one that transforms and renews the whole life situation. Degradation will turn into glory, and darkness into light. There will be no more gloom, no more anguish or distress. It is because the yoke that burdens us, the pole on the shoulder, and the rod of the taskmaster are smashed by the Lord. 3.      Thus, there will be abundant joy and rejoicing. This is the kingdom of God that Jesus proclaims and sets out to establish. Repentance is the norm of this kingdom. Repentance is the clarion call. Repentance is not a mere passing feeling of sorrow. It is a deep anguish that realises the infection of sin, stirs up the mediocre and sin-accustomed self, changes the heart, and makes a decisive break with sin. 4.      In the light of the second reading, some concrete implications of such a life of repentance become clear. “Unity” is one of the most important marks of this repentance and is the eligibility for the kingdom. There shall be no divisions. All will be united in the same mind and with the same purpose. Rivalries in different camps like Apollos, Cephas, Peter, and Paul will be counter-witness. 5.      Humility is another hallmark of repentance and the kingdom. No one shall be in the centre stage. All credit and glory are due only to God and the Lord Jesus Christ. No human eloquence or worldly wisdom can claim credit but only the holy folly of the cross of Christ. 6.      Following Jesus is another essential sign of repentance and condition for the kingdom. It is notable that as Jesus begins his mission, immediately he calls for disciples They become the sharers and torch-bearers of the same mission. 7.      Thereby it is crystal clear that the mission of God is not only the task of God but ours as well. The gift of God’s action of upheaval calls for a response and cooperation on our part. God wants His mission to be a collaborative enterprise and project. The purpose of the call and the focus of the mission is quite evident. It is to become fishers of souls from being ordinary fishermen. 8.      The call to follow Jesus places on the followers the mission of “rising in dignity” from the ordinariness of earth-bound interests and pursuits to the kingdom-oriented duty. It is to fish the souls. We can understand this in two aspects. One is, fishing the people from the evil one. The other is, hauling and gaining them for God. Imperative: The purpose, focus, and direction of our call and mission are very clear. Commitment to this alone will make our lives fulfilled  

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