Sunday, 8 January 2023
10-11 JANUARY 2023
10 JANUARY 2023: HEBREWS 2. 5-12; MARK 1. 21-28
Thrust: Authority with a difference!
Indicative: The authority of Jesus was something totally different from the rest. This must serve as a challenge and corrective for all against all spirit of deterioration
1. People of Jesus’ time marveled at his teaching because he taught with authority. It was a teaching that was straight and direct. It was not teaching that was rhetoric but authentic. It was not teaching seeking to impress others about himself but impress God’s message and word on their hearts.
2. From where does this authority come? It was an authority rooted in God in a deep spirituality, lived in a life of integrity, based on virtue and value, and shown concretely in benevolence through acts of healing and kindness.
3. Exorcism was a concrete instance of this authority. The cause of his authority is the Spirit and power of God. The effect is cleansing from evil spirits. Thus, Jesus’ authority leads to healing. This healing is not merely an individual act of healing. It is much beyond. It is an act of restoration.
4. What is restored? The lost dignity is restored. The lost freedom and inner liberation is restored. The lost grace is restored. The lost relationships are restored. The lost purity and cleanness of the heart is restored. The lost fraternal bonding is restored. The lost power of God is restored.
5. In other words, Jesus’ authority was an authority that was characterised by humility, obedience to God’s will, and solidarity with others. Any authority that is arrogant, does not obey God’s will, and fails to be concerned and solidary with others, is not a godly authority.
6. Today each one must check upon the quality and direction of our authority. Everyone, in their own way, be it in family, company, or community exercises some kind of authority. But the question is, is it a spiritual, integral, and benevolent authority?
Imperative: In a world where there is a degeneration of power and authority, we are summoned to exercise and foster the authority of God and good
Focus: In a time of degenerating authority, we need to rediscover and recapture the right spirit of authority and learn to exercise the same type
1. It is not a sweeping judgment to say that today authority is getting corrupted. It is becoming synonymous with manipulation, discrimination, and domination. The real spirit of authority which is nobility and dignity of character is corroding. The real purpose of authority which is service and benefit of others is sidelined.
2. It is in this context the word of God is resurging the true authority. True authority is to be seen in terms of spiritual tenacity, moral credibility, and authenticity of life. Jesus was totally united with his Father and spiritually vibrant. He was integral and credible. He was so authentic without any trace of duplicity. This was his real authority and not merely the divine power to work some miracles. This was the authority that made him different and distinct from others in authority.
3. Jesus’ authority was thus holistic, both in words and deeds. That is why he could teach and preach powerfully and also could heal and exorcise authoritatively. This type of authority is a serious warning and challenge to those in authority in our present times.
4. How sadly the authority of today is mostly devoid of spirituality, morality, and authenticity! How many today turn their authority into a tool for self-projection, self-promotion, and self-glory? How much does authority degenerate into a means for subjugating and overpowering others?
Direction: Unless the present authority regains that lost touch of spiritual fervor and moral authenticity, it will not be powerful to demolish evil and establish good
Focus: Real authority is not a matter of some external power to dominate and subjugate others, but it is the experience and exercise of a deep interior and spiritual power
People find Jesus different from their authorities - the scribes and Pharisees. What distinguishes him from them is his authority in his teaching and acting. But, it is not a formal or juridical authority that derives from a certain office or position. For, Jesus had no such power and authority. But he had tremendous spiritual authority and moral authority. It is an authority that is rooted in his communion with the Father. It is also an authority that blossoms and manifests itself in a sound character and conduct. It is this authority that gives his teaching conviction and clarity, and his acting the power of healing.
It is the power of God that is seen in holiness and goodness, in spirituality and integrity, in faith and charity, in devotion and dedication. It is the power that challenges and expels evil powers. It is the power that changes one to God and impels and fosters spiritual energies. Precisely it is this power and authority that was lacking in the Pharisees and scribes but was abounding in Jesus. Hence the difference!
It is this spiritual and moral authority that is badly needed today by every follower of Christ. A follower of Christ should be a deeply spiritual and moral person. All the more, those in authority must make sure that their role is not a power-wielding tool, but a grace-building channel.
Direction: Preaching eloquently and healing evil spirits are not mere matters of special gifts of the Spirit but are to be marks of authenticity. Spiritual and moral authority is much more important than mere juridical authority
11 JANUARY 2023: HEBREWS 2. 14-18; MARK 1. 29-39
Thrust: Destroy evil!
Indicative: God subjects himself to death and rises from it. Thereby he frees us from the clutches of sin
1. Jesus, the Son of God became like one of us. He suffered and was tested like us. Therefore he knows our weaknesses and struggles. He does not condemn us or despise us. He defeated the evil. He brought us freedom and life.
2. Jesus’ ministry is extensive and holistic. It is not limited only to his close ones, like Peter’s mother-in-law but all others in that town. It is not limited only to his place but extends also to other places in the whole of Galilee.
3. His ministry is holistic because it comprises both word and deed. He preaches and heals. It is holistic because it is rooted in his deep communion with the Father. He does not excuse himself from prayer or does not substitute prayer with work, like many.
4. No busyness of his ministry comes on the way of his intimate moments with the Father. Rather he finds time in the early morning. He perfectly integrates prayer with the ministry. Receiving Jesus’ message and healing touch, what must be our approach and response?
5. Peter’s mother-in-law gives us some lesson here. She receives Jesus’ nearness. She is grasped by hand by him. She is helped up. As soon as she gets cured, she begins to serve him. Do we also allow him to near us, touch us by hand, and help us up? Do we also serve him as we are cured?
Imperative: Integrity of life and integration of mission are the hallmarks of Jesus. Can we imbibe a little of the same spirit as his torch-bearers?
Focus: When we remain close to God, for sure God will touch and transform us; He will speak to us and empower us to be a prophet in His name, as He did with Samuel
1. This is the whole purpose and content of all our vocation and mission: To stay intimately with the Lord, to listen to him attentively, and to be a prophet of the Lord, set on his mission. This is what Jesus did. The gospel text of today places before us one day in the life of Jesus. This gives us a beautiful summary of all the days of his life. It was one whole of praying, preaching, and healing. These were the essential ingredients of his life and ministry. They were a perfect blend and never in conflict.
2. There was no neglecting one or excluding one because of the other two. They were complementing and supported each other. There was no conflict at all between his personal life and public ministry. One flows into the other. It was a mission-oriented life and life-permeated mission.
3. This harmonious life and mission of Jesus is a great lesson for today where often there is a great tug of war between life and ministry. Often, there is excellence in ministry but indifference, indulgence, and incongruence in life. There is so much activity in ministry but without authenticity in real life. Thus, often the spirit and fact do not correspond with each other. Thus, often there is so much neglect of prayer and moral values in preference to the bundles of activities of the ministry.
Direction: Life and ministry are not contradictory but complementary. What we are and what we do must go together. Otherwise, people may appreciate us for the work we do but blame us for the life we live
Focus: God became one of us and one like us in every respect except sin so that he knows our fragility and struggle and comes to our rescue
Being deeply sensitive to our misery of bondage, God sends His Son to be like us, to make expiation for our sins. He is able to help us because he himself has suffered and been tempted. The whole ministry of Jesus shows this divine sensitivity and solidarity toward the suffering humanity. He preaches the good news, offering comfort and hope to the downcast. He heals the sick. He liberates those in bondage by driving out demons. He cures Peter's mother-in-law of her fever and cures many of their infirmities.
Receiving the gospel and the healing from the Lord, what next? What are our responses and duty? When touched and cured by the Lord, we need to share it with others and serve them. This is what Peter's mother-in-law did and those who got healed by Jesus.
The world of today needs so much the gospel of comfort and hope. It stands in need of liberation from many oppressing forces. It needs healing from many contagions. The world needs rediscovery, restoration, and re-integration of the lost energies and the lost beauty and joy of life. Only that is the real effect of Jesus' redemptive mission.
Direction: It is not enough that we listen to God's call and are healed but we need to immediately share the same with others in constant sensitivity and service.
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