Monday, 27 December 2021



Celebrate your blessings….

Glorify your creator.

Yes dear sisters,

It’s time to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday and the hopes of tomorrow.

It’s a time to celebrate all the hard work and prayers that led to this joyful occasion.

Dear sr……….., …………….., ……………, ……………., …………….

May your life be filled with countless blessings as you begin the new journey together as a team.

With joy and jubilation let us greet our dear sisters with music and dance. As our young sisters dance for joy, the newly elected Provincial team will be led to the Prayer hall. Let us accompany them in happiness and love, wishing them congratulations and prayerful wishes.


Prayer Meeting for the Incoming Provincial Team of the 16th Provincial Chapter.. 16 Dec 2021.


On this day of Joy, let us praise and thank the omnipotent, omnipresent and ever-loving God with the words of our foundress Venerable Mother Seraphina."A purely joyous thing, it is to be united to the Church, in praising God with His own Praises''.

On 15th Night a conference was called immediately by God, the father. St. Peter was appointed as chief organizer. Jesus was cool and confused why His daddy called for a meeting.

Holy Spirit just arrived after an outing for a year as he was in Mission to collect the bio-data of the members of the St. Francis Province. Even though he was tired, God the father told him to present the report after refreshing himself.

So meeting began, Holy Spirit presented the report and announced the five names who will be eligible to be voted for a particular and secret mission which will be announced later.

Then God the Father addressed the assembly and surprised all with an announcement of election as He was hearing daily from many virgins the prayer for the success of the provincial chapter.

Jesus was perplexed and asked his father, Dad what are you doing?

God gently silenced His Son with His look, Beta, calm down. Your Mission is over. Let me sent now my daughter sr. Matilda and asked St. Peter, to hand over the keys of authority to sr… Matilda.

All rejoiced because it was purely the plan of God with lot of preparation and consultation with our Patron Saints Father Francis, Mother Clare and Mother Seraphina.

Yes dear sisters it was truly the plan of God as God Has chosen Sr. Matilda to animate our Province. As someone rightly said whenever God has something in mind He raises new leaders who can shoulder the responsibilities.

It is not an accident; it is not by chance Dear Sister. You are being given a special power and special grace to be a leader who will stand out, walk along with the sisters and keep alive the legacy of our foundress.

 So Dear Sister we thank God for you whole heartedly as He has chosen you to be a leader, Mother and Sister while animating our beloved St. Francis Province.

We read in Bible that Time to Time God’s love is been revealed through the rising of a new leaders. Some brought revolution in the lives of human beings.

Likewise  Dear sisters………………………………………………………………………………………, today You are a mouth piece of God and prophetess to our times who has been  given a special grace to radiate the love and Mercy of God to all.

May the Lord be with you dear Sisters

As you are unique, You are a mystery too.

God loves you immensely and so He shares with you His mission

May you always enjoy the loving presence of Holy Trinity

The intercession of Mother Mary

The Accompaniment of Patron Saints

The Blessings of mother Seraphina

Above all full the support and cooperation of your dear sisters.

As you take up this new responsibility today all that God whispers to you is that, “My beloved Daughter, My grace is sufficient for you”.

Dear sisters let us thank God for our new provincial team So, let us join together to sing the joyful praises of God and make it a memorable day.



  Dear Sisters, The Lord says I am with you and will follow you where ever you go. Before I formed you in the womb I knew you through and through .I chose you to be mine, before you left your Mother’s side I called you , my friend , to be a sign  and as the caretakers in the form of Provincial Superior and councilors  of St.Francis’ s Province, to be consecrated  women of Joy, peace and reconciliation in communities and Mission.  He assures you dear sisters that anywhere and everywhere you go His hand will follow you and He will not leave you alone. He will make you strong and He will fill you with His Holy Word and with His strength, to build and destroy, create and over throw, reap the harvest that he sows and His Word you will carry in all your endeavors.

Your answer will be.. Here I am, Lord I will go Lord wherever you lead me.


Flowers are the wealth of the plant

      Fruits are the wealth of the tree

      Birds are the wealth of the sky

      Animals are the wealth of the forest

      Vegetations are the wealth of the land

      And you dear sisters are wealth of our congregation especially our Province.

   We thank God for the precious gift of each of you dear sisters and your willingness to shoulder the responsibility of animating our beloved Province.

We wish to surrender each of you in the loving hands of God symbolically.



Now I invite Rev. sr. Ivy  to hand over this bowl of soil to Sr Matilda.



Soil is the symbol of productivity and creation. Soil gives life, renews the nature, replace the old with new and brings newness. Dear Sister you are created to recreate the earth to renew its life and rearrange the created things. At this juncture you are given a mandate to create challenge and cooperate and direct CFMSS today to reinvigorate the province to march as consecrated women of joy peace and reconciliation in the communities and Mission.

Dear sister. Matilda

As you are chosen to be our Provincial superior to animate our Province. May God guide you to rekindle the sacred flame of love and give you the grace to safeguard the mandate of our beloved mother Seraphina and embody you with courage, compassion and a higher vision for our Province.

Lord, today we implore your blessings upon our dear sister, be her support and guide, joy and solace, comfort and counselor. Walk with her, down through the valley and over the plain

       Down in the shadow and in the sunshine

       Down in her strength and strife

       Down in her joys and sorrows

       Down in her todays and tomorrows. Be with her all through her life’s uneven journey that she may find joy and fulfillment in serving you THANK YOU LORD!


2. MANURE (Vice Provincial)

The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose and both will be rewarded for their own hard work.( 1Cor 3:8). Now I call sr……………. to offer the manure.


Manure is a valuable source of nutrients for crop of every kind and improves soil’s productivity. It enables the plant to grow strong, withstand adversities and bear fruit in abundance. God has chosen you dear sister…. As our vice- Provincial together with our Provincial Superior to improve the productivity of the soil.

May God grant you His grace to collaborate with His plan for our Province.  May you continue to be available and willing to give meaning to the meaningless, voice to the voiceless, strength to the weak and inspiration to the lifeless. Thus you become a powerful agent of building up the kingdom of God.




God’s daily care is with us .He promises you dear Sr. …… that He is your salvation, your inspiration, your refuge, .He will calm the tempest that which is going to become part of your life. He will turn your rainy days into sunny days. He will be your guide, comforter and teacher. Now I call upon Sr…. to place this seed before the Lord

Seed.  This seed is so small but it is full of life. It has the capacity to produce 50 to 100 folds of fruit. But it can produce the fruit only if it is ready to undergo pain of losing its shape .Lord I bring this seed as the symbol of the dedicated life of our sister….. Like this seed she has immense capacity to love and serve you, and may all her gifts and talents help in reshaping and renewing   the consecrated women of Joy, peace and reconciliation in communities and Mission.




Psalmist is inviting us to go up the mountain of the Lord with serenity and truth, along with a heart that is spiritually poor so that we may be able to be the messenger of the kingdom on this earth. Yes dear sister ….  today the Lord is asking you to be that person who can wipe the tears and pain of others and be the light of those who are growing weak and those whose steps are slow and those whose hopes are bleak, and be a friend of those whose eyes grow dim and cannot see and cannot walk though the end is near..

Now I request Sr…… to place this plant before the Lord


This plant tells us that the Lord has a special message   for you dear Sister .And it  speaks of 8 aspects of our life namely living, giving, sharing, loving, bearing, working, receiving and praying.

Dear Lord we pray that as she offers this plant, may she be reminded    of her   role as a councillor,and be   rooted in your love  to stand steadily and draw strength from your font of living water. As the plant always draws the sap upwards. Let all her thoughts, words and deeds be upward towards you fulfilling your plan.


5. FRUIT ( Fouth Councilor)

Almighty and powerful God, we low down before your powerful presence. Today in a very special way we praise and thank you for choosing Sr….. as a provincial councilor as you had selected your apostles to continue your mission we beg your choicest blessing upon your hand maid Sr….. as your instrument to work for the good of our province and above all for your honor and glory.

Now I ask Sr….. to come forward and take this fruits  and offer to God.




Fruit is the produce of the land and the hard work and patient waiting of the farmer.. it is nutritious to the body and delight to the human heart. Dear sister as you offer these fruits, we pray that may God supply you with all the graces to cope with the challenges this responsibility brings with it and render a joyful service to God, his people and to your sisters. May His Spirit be a constant guide to bear fruit in hundredfold.


Offering our dear sisters in the loving hands of God, thanking for the gift of each of them let us sing the magnificat. ( aatma meri)



My Lord and my God Jesus, you who made your triumphal entry into Jerusalem on the back of an ass, deign to use them today as that ass which carries you into the lime light of today’s modern world.

          Deign O Lord to use them today as a loud speaker that gives wings to your word and teachings for the benefit of those living around me.

          Deign O Lord to turn them today into a flowerbed that exudes your divine fragrance alone for every passerby to breathe in.

Deign o Lord to use them today as a mirror that reflects your compassionate face and divine personality to everyone who look upon them

 Deign O Lord to turn them today into a tree producing fruits of your Holy Spirit to nourish those who come to sit and rest in their shade.

          Lastly, my Lord and my God, deign to use them today as a broom, but a broom held in your holy hands your powerful hands, your hands that shower forth graces and blessings alone, in order to sweep clean all the nooks and corners of our today’s world according to your Holy will as consecrated women of Joy, hope, peace and reconciliation in our communities and Mission. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.


I request dear sr. matilda our newly elected provincial superior to bless us with the blessings of St. Francis.





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