Tuesday, 28 December 2021



Para liturgy for the Newly elected Provincial and Team

Dear sisters we are gathered in the name of our God with joy in our hearts as we are here to pray for our newly elected Provincial and the Team.

Lord Jesus, our Master, today we are in your presence, with joy and gratitude for the wonders that you do in our life. You make all things new. You are the Master of our life and you know what is best for us, and you have a plan for us and it is a project of your love. And all that happens is according to your purpose and plan and you do it for our good. We believe in your purpose for us and trust in your providence and love. Even before we ever think of you, you thought of us and adds abundance of blessings into our life. Even before ever a word is on our lips you know it and everything under heaven happens according to your designs and plans. Everything in the universe remains connected to you as you remain united to everything and everyone, and so we are connected to each other.

Today as we gather in your presence we are filled with joy and praise and thank you for the amazing gift of our dearest Sr. ............ the newly elected Provincial, whom you have chosen to be the leader of our Province for the next quadrennium. There is no authority except from God, and those authorities that exist have been instituted by God. God chooses whom he finds fit and qualifies the one he has chosen. Therefore, He has chosen a magnificent person of   our dear Sr Joyce,  with the depth of heart, wealth of mind, strength of character, and rootedness in prayer for the purpose as he has found her worthy.

We also thank you lord for choosing our dear sisters, Sr. ………….., ………………., ……………..,and  …………….. to be with her as Councillors and work as a team. We thank you for the dedication, willingness  and their acceptance  to be at the service of the Province. We thank God dear sisters for each of you, the persons that you are and the gifts and graces that you are blessed with to serve the Mission. The lord says: “I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you”. Trusting in his words may you gain the strength and grace to move ahead  fulfilling the mission the Lord had prepared for you.


A green plant needs fertile soil, water, sunlight, and air if it has to grow and bear fruit. And a plant cannot grow healthy if any of these components are missing. The plant needs soil, to be rooted, and to stand firm, and to absorb the nutrients required. Without the water, the plant will not be able to transfer the nutrients and other materials from one part of the plant to the other. The  sunlight is required by the plants to perform the process of photosynthesis and prepare the food which gets stored in the form of fruits. For this process it needs carbon di oxide which does not support life, and releases oxygen which is  life giving.  

Now we invite you dear sisters to come forward and offer these symbols-Plant and seeds, fertile soil, water, sunlight, and air which represents your willingness to work together as a team and your commitment to the service that the Lord has chosen you.

I request Rev.Sr. ...... the newly elected Provincial to hold the plants and the seeds in a tray, as          the first Counselor , Sr.. ……….  place the fertile soil around the plant, And the second counselor, Sr. …………. pour the water into the soil and the 3rd counselor, Sr. ,………….  places the air near the plant and the 4th Counsellor  Sr………..  place the sunlight behind the plant.  Now I request Rev. Sr. Joyce  to offer the symbols before the Lord.

Yes, my dear sisters, everything in nature is related and are connected to one another in one way or the other and so too is our life. Dear sisters, each of your presence and contribution is essential for the plant of our province to bear fruit in abundance.  We pray that you form a healthy plant, with strong roots, receiving enough water and nutrients, illuminated by the light of our Lord and bear the fruit that will give life to many and nourish the members of our province and strengthen everyone who comes to it. May your unity and love, care and understanding, the witness of your life absorb all the harmful elements and release the life giving breath to all, especially the emotionally marginalized, who face challenges, who long for liberation of mind and heart…..so that we may be a group of consecrated persons where our differences are celebrated and diversity becomes the means for unity.

Song: Prabhu………teri rahon pe chalna mene sweekar kiya hai.

Scripture passage by the Provincial: Lk. 4: 16-21

Prayer by the Provincial and the Team: I invite our dear sisters to pray in the words of King Solomon as he prayed for the Wisdom

 Prayer of Solomon  Wis.9:1-11  :       Prayer for Wisdom

God of our ancestors and Lord of mercy, who have made all things by your word, and by your wisdom have formed humankind to have dominion over the creatures you have made, and rule the world in holiness and righteousness, and pronounce judgment in uprightness of soul, give me the wisdom that sits by your throne, for even one who is perfect among human beings will be regarded as nothing without the wisdom that comes from you. You have chosen me to be leader over your people. With you is wisdom, she who knows your works and was present when you made the world; she understands what is pleasing in your sight and what is right according to your commandments. Send her forth from the holy heavens, and from the throne of your glory send her, that she may labour at my side, and that I may learn what is pleasing to you. For, she knows and understands all things and she will guide me wisely in all my actions and guard me with your glory.

Song: You are the salt of the earth.

Dear Sisters, We pray that you use all your gifts, talents and intelligence that God has bestowed on you to faithfully weigh the courses of actions and make decisions. May you always seek the greater good and the well being of others. May your hearts be always radiant with the love of God, may your minds  and spirits be exhilarated by the message of the glad tidings of the Lord. May his compassion, wisdom and right decisions be yours. May you be possessed and guided by the Holy Spirit. May he make you strong and courageous for the road ahead, give you ability beyond what you feel able, may his gifts freely flow through you.

May He give you the discernment to understand His will, to hear his voice, and to know his ways. May he give you a spirit of hope to work together for good, a spirit of cooperation to move beyond lines drawn by particular interest, for life, and pursuit of happiness knowing that our security comes from relationships of trust and communication.

May God ignite in you the fire of wisdom and understanding, insight and counsel, compassion and courage. May you speak with the voice of the voiceless. May you be strong to confront injustice. May you not be alone, but find support in your struggle, and sisters to rejoice with you. May your vision be fulfilled, in company with us; may you have brothers and sisters on your journey. Now, missioned by Jesus, gifted with the Spirit, called forth by the congregation, particularly the St. Francis province, may you stand firm in your commitment.

Dear Sisters as you go along the journey, may our Blessed Mother, intercede for you may our Seraphic father St. Francis,  our Mother St. Clare and our beloved Foundress Mother Seraphina be at your side to strengthen you, guide you, and we pray that May we have the strength of character to support you to respect you and your commitment to serve us. May we have the patience to give you a chance to govern with grace, compassion, justice and love.

Praying Psalm …. For the Newly elected provincial and Team: Now let all stand and pray the Psalm No….. altogether praying for the newly elected provincial Team.

Dear Sisters, it was the ever strengthening, unconditional love of the Father, that gave the courage to Jesus to go to the extend of dying on the cross in obedience to Him. It was the mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit, that gave the courage to the Apostles to profess bravely their faith in Jesus and establish the Kingdom of God on earth . It was Jesus who promised us that He will be with us to the end of the age. Therefore, let us invoke the Blessings of the Trinitarian God to come upon our dear sisters.

Now I request our Most Rev. Mother General Mother ......and the General Councillors Sr. ..... and Sr. ........ to place your hands on the head of our Newly elected provincial and Team one by one and pray for God’ Spirit to come upon them as we all extend our hands towards them and implore the blessings of the Holy Trinity as we sing the song.

Song: Tere Charanon mein hum aaye hai…….

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