27 DECEMBER 2021: 1 JOHN 1. 1-4; JOHN 20. 1-8, ST JOHN THE APOSTLE
Focus: True Love is so contagious that it touches and transforms all and whole. If only everyone tries to be a little more affected by this positive contagion, people will become more sane and healthy
1. The celebration of Christmas is a celebration of love. During this Christmas octave, we continue to be under its powerful spell. Joy is dancing around vibrating in the whole atmosphere. This love continues to surround us as we celebrate the feast of John, the beloved disciple. This is a dominant and significant qualification that is given to him. He is “the apostle of love”. And he is one who draws our focus on God as Love.
2. It is a love that is rooted in a very deep personal intimacy with the Lord. This is very evident in John’s words in his first letter in the first reading: “We have seen with our eyes, we have heard, we have looked upon and touched with our hands. Consequently, there is also a mission that is to proclaim to others the same Lord and word of life, and testify to it.
3. There is also a clear purpose: so that others too may have fellowship with us because we ourselves have fellowship with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. And that our joy may be complete.
4. Thus, the picture is complete: there is an intensely passionate love for the Lord. This manifests in inseparable intimacy. This personal communion leads to a committed mission of bearing witness to him in word, both proclaimed and written, and life example.
5. In fact, this should be so for every believer and follower of the Lord. Love the Lord and be loved by him. This feeling, experience, and relationship of loving the Lord and being loved by him foster the most profound warmth, confidence, vibrancy, joy, and commitment, leading to a life of love and witness. This is what is seen in St John.
Direction: We need not do extraordinary things for God. Just love Him and love passionately and it will do the rest.
28 DECEMBER 2021: 1 JOHN 1.5 – 2.2; MATTHEW 2. 13-18, HOLY INNOCENTS
Focus: True love dies for the sake of the loved one. It is better to die for love rather than live in hatred
1. On 28th December we commemorate the death of the holy innocents. It looks strange that soon after the greatest birthday at Christmas we celebrate a series of deaths, of St Stephen on 26th and today on 28th, the holy innocents, on 29th, St Thomas Becket and on 30th, St Anysia. Their death in fact is a birth to heaven. God came down from heaven so that we can go to heaven. He shared in our human life so that we can share in his eternal life. He became like us in our human misery so that we become like him in his divine glory. Every martyrdom for the sake of Christ is a new birth, a rebirth into heaven.
2. The children below two years of age get killed by Herod. It was a part of his desperate attempt to terminate the child, Jesus. The newborn, the prophesied messiah would be a threat to his power and authority. His wrong understanding of the messiah and his clinging to power lead him to this merciless murderous act. The children become the helpless victims of his cruelty.
3. Why Herod acts so? The first reading from 1 John gives us the answer. It is because the light of God is not in him. He walks in darkness. He does not live according to the truth. He is steeped into a false life. He has no fellowship with God or with others.
4. On one hand, Herod stands before us as a negative example, and on the other hand, the innocent children as a positive example. Herod serves as a caution for us not to walk in the darkness of sin or falsity, or not to go against our fellowship with God and others, and not to do harm to others.
5. The innocent children show us that life is meaningful and meritorious to live and even to die for the sake of Christ. Even though they did not die consciously and out of a free choice, yet what is important is that their life was offered on behalf of Christ. By their death in the place of Jesus, they in a way “saved” and “spared” the life of the Savior, the giver of life himself.
6. This also indicates that any suffering in the name of Christ, for his sake and on his behalf, whether voluntary or forced, whether conscious or unconscious, is certainly meritorious and rewarding. God needs all of us and each one of us can help God in our own little way in fulfilling His holy designs.
Direction: In life, the reasons for all the problems and sufferings may not be always clear and reasonable. But it is always better to live through them in a spirit of forbearance and courage
Focus: Love gives life to others, while hatred destroys life. We are constantly making choices between life and death, between good and evil, between construction and destruction
The small children below two years become the victims of the fury of Herod, in his attempt to kill the child, Jesus. We get a better understanding of Herod in the light of the first reading from 1 John. He has no light of God in him, but darkness. He does not walk in the light. Therefore, he is not in fellowship with others, and has no human concern for others, and not even for the little children. And what irony and contrast: Jesus sheds his own blood, in order to purify us from our sins. But Herod sheds the blood of the innocent children, accumulating sin for himself. Now, one may argue why God allows such a tragedy? What is their fault? But this is not the main issue and it is not so necessary also. What is important to note is God's plans go ahead in spite of the human cruelty and obstacles. No human powers or evil forces can deter God's ways, even though they may create some temporary blocks, and may appear to dominate God and good. In the process of accomplishing a higher good and God’s holy will, some may need to pay the price and suffer. This is what is seen in the case of the holy innocents. They die in the place of child Jesus. They die on behalf of them. Apparently, these innocent children were the helpless victims, brutally murdered. But they were the "saviors" of the Saviour. In fact, they were not even aware of what was happening. This also shows another truth of God’s work. Everyone, even in innocence and silence can help the plan of God and can bear witness to the Lord. Though they are done away from the earth, from the mortal life. But they obtain heaven and eternal life. Yet again, there is a simple contrast between Herod and the small children: Herod, in full knowledge, kills the children, to kill Jesus; but the small children, even without any knowledge, die so as to save Jesus.
Direction: It is meritorious to suffer something for God, even in silence and innocence. To die for Jesus, even if it be forced, is certainly great
29 DECEMBER 2021: 1 JOHN 2. 3-11; LUKE 2. 22-35
Focus: Truth is not merely a matter of intellect and commandment is not merely a matter of legality. For us as the followers of Christ, knowing the truth and following commandments is a matter of faithful life
1. For many, knowing is only an intellectual capacity and exercise. There is no guarantee that such knowledge affects and changes the life of a person. But for us, the disciples of Christ, knowing is believing and living, abiding in him and following. That is why St John in the first reading attests that the test for knowing God is to follow his commandments.
2. Now what are these commandments? Loving God and loving the other. This is the only way to know and follow the truth. One who does not follow this double-pronged love is not in truth and is a liar. Further, this is the only way to know the light and walk in the light. Jesus is the light and one who does not know and believe and follow him is not in the light.
3. If one is truly walking in the light, that is following Jesus, then it must be shown and testified by his love for his brother. Therefore, knowing, believing, abiding in the truth, and walking in the light are all essentially connected to loving God and loving the other.
4. The beauty of the Word of God is that concepts like truth and light are understood in terms of experience, relationship and loyalty, and commitment. They are not conceptual or abstract. They are always in reference to Christ. That is why Simeon, a righteous and devout person who encounters the child Jesus in the temple at his purification ceremony, blesses and declares Christ to be the light of all.
5. The purification and presentation of Jesus as per the Jewish custom is not merely a fulfilling of the custom, but much more a symbolic act. His presentation symbolizes his self-offering for humanity. His purification indicates the purification of the sin-infected humanity. This purification in terms of truth and light would mean to abide in truth and walk in the light. In other words, it means to be faithful to Christ and to love the other.
6. Those who are with Christ and for Christ will certainly be pierced by a sword of sorrow like Mary. She became a sharer in the divine plan of salvation along with her Son. Therefore she becomes also a partaker of his own struggle against falsity and darkness.
Direction: Christ is both the truth and the light. He calls for a truthful and authentic life. He also gives us the light to see the path and walk it. Such a life in concrete implies a life of devotion and righteousness like Simeon and a sword of suffering like Mary
Focus: Jesus is presented in the temple, symbolizing his own presentation, his self-offering for the salvation of humanity.
We have in today’s gospel passage the purification ceremony of child Jesus in the temple, as per the Law. He undergoes the purification ceremony, signifying our own purification from sin. As a first-born male, he is consecrated to God, again indicating his total consecration to God’s will for our sanctification. Now how to merit the fruits of this purification or presentation or consecration? See Simeon and follow his example. In the whole episode, Simeon remains a key figure. Both the first reading and the gospel depict his person: he is in the light because he loves his brothers and sisters, and awaits their salvation. He knows God and he is true because he fulfills God’s commands. The Holy Spirit was in him. He was upright and devout. That is why he is granted the unique grace of encountering the incarnate Savior. Indeed, what a grace and privilege it is: to see the light of the nations, to see the light of salvation, to hold the Savior himself in his hands. Simeon today teaches all of us that the only way to see the light of salvation is to constantly dispel the shades of our darkness. The more we know Jesus and follow him, the more we allow him to illumine us and to touch us, the more we love him and live uprightly and devoutly, the more we too will be blessed like Simeon.
Direction: In life, ultimately what counts is not the intelligence or competence or worldly resources, but only a life of truthfulness and faithfulness
30 DECEMBER 2021: 1 JOHN 2. 12-17; LUKE 2. 36-40
Focus: Many may wonder why the love for God is declining rapidly even though knowledge and capacities are increasing. The only reason is the love for the world is increasing at jet speed.
1. Many do not realize that love for God and love for the world are not compatible. Love for the world does not mean simply living in the world. It is being tainted by the false values and deviating and destructive spirit of the world. It is being enslaved to the evil one. It is being driven by sexual and sensual desires and urges. It is being arrogant.
2. Naturally these are contrary to the love for God and take us away from God. If so, then each person, according to his age and stage of life must fight against such pulls and pressures of the world. That is why John in the first reading addresses each category, like the children, the fathers, and the young. He has specific directives for each. The children ought to know the Father, especially his forgiveness. The fathers too ought to know the Father, especially in his eternity. The young people must be strong, abide in the word of God, and overcome evil.
3. Whatever be the directives directed to each section, what is common and binding on all is to love God and resist the love for the world. Know God, Overcome the evil, and do always the will of God. Anna, the prophetess in the gospel, stands as a model for such perseverance and fidelity to God. After the death of her husband after 7 years of married life, till 84 she has totally dedicated her life to the service of the temple and worship of God. Nothing of the world could attract and deviate her. She was full of love for God and was obedient to him with prayer and fasting night and day.
4. Child Jesus himself is presented as an example of how to live our life. He grew, became strong, filled with wisdom. The favor of God was upon him. This is how each one must live. We must grow constantly stronger and stronger, in wisdom and being pleasing to God.
Direction: Do you want to win God’s favor? Then, love him, do his will, do what pleases him, abide in his word and overcome evil. Rise above the pressures of the flesh and senses
Focus: A true Christian life is one, centered around God, and in difference to the world.
CHRIST came into the world, to revive the life that is infected by sin. But it will be effective only we are fully open and responsive. We need to guard ourselves against the evil forces and standards of the world. We need to grow in the knowledge and experience of God. We need to cultivate the right values. Our age and stage may be different, as John in the first reading addresses children, the young, and the fathers. The duties and the capacities of each section may be different. But our grace is the same, our salvation is the same, and our faith demands are also the same. All without exception are called not to love the world and to be trapped by its snares. This implies that we should guard against the craving of the flesh, the greed of the senses, and the arrogance to dominate and to feel superior. Instead, we need to love the Father, consistently strive to do His will, allow the word of God live in us, and overcome evil. Further, like Anna, in the gospel, we need to focus our attention always on God and center our daily life around the temple. Serving God in personal presence, in prayer, in spiritual activities, and transmitting God's love and mercy to others is the fitting way to continue the spirit of Christmas.
Direction: We belong to God and so we shall not long for what belongs to the world. The more we fall in love with the world, the more we will be fallen
31 DECEMBER 2021, 1 JOHN 2. 18-21; JOHN 1. 1-18
Focus: The graced life of Christmas is a constant invitation to live in a state of grace which is in contrast to a life of vice and evil. It is a call to be pro-Christ and for Christ and not the antichrist
1. One more year is finishing and slipping into the past calendar. At the end of the year 2021, many may be in the mood of recollection of the past and planning for the future. Yes, it is a double-edged mood: recollection leading to reconstruction, review leading to renewal. We shall recollect past memories and situations. It is not to regret or lament over the past lapses and mistakes or failures. It is to learn from the past defects and deficiencies to grow into a better future.
2. It has been another hard year under the spell of the pandemic. We have not yet recovered from our bitter and painful, failed and deprived, frightening and worrisome experiences. The reasons to be sad and upset seem to be more than those to rejoice and be calm. The spirit of joy and peace that Christmas promises does not seem to make sense in the lives of many.
3. But, the ending of 2021 and the beginning of the new year 2022 shall reignite our dulled spirits. Nothing, however sad or bad, painful or lamentable, unpleasant or unfavorable, shall strike down our energy and zest for life. Why? The sole reason is God. The birth of Christ is not a past, bygone event. Christ who was born on Christmas day continues to live in the new year. He walks into our journey of the new year. The Word who became flesh dwells among us, full of grace and truth.
4. We are reminded again that He gives us the power to become the children of God through the gift of faith. He is the Word of God, the communication of God with us, the medium through which God reveals himself to us. He is the life that becomes the light of all. He is the Light that enlightens everyone. This light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it. He is the light that enlightens everyone. From his fullness have we all received, grace upon grace. We all know the truth. We have been anointed by the Holy One.
5. Therefore, we have better and more valid reasons to rejoice than to grumble and blame. The blessings and the spiritual success we experience count more than all the troubles and losses put together. Nothing shall keep low our soaring spirits. Let our review of the past help us to renew our present to build a better future.
Direction: At the closure of the outgoing year 2021, let our prime focus be on guarding ourselves and witnessing to the Lord against antichrists. Accepting the truth and light and walking in their path shall be our fitting turning point in the year to come
Focus: God came down to us so that we can go up to him. Therefore, we can go up only when we raise ourselves up from being too much earth-bound
As we are on the last day of the year, quite fittingly we have the Prologue of St John which summarizes the whole plan and action of salvation, the interplay between God and the humans, and the response, and the part that is to be played by us. As we wind up the year, we shall sum up gratefully all the mercies of God, especially the greatest mercy of his incarnation. We remind ourselves of the divinity of Jesus and his intimacy with the Father. We thank God for loving us so much and becoming one of us, as the light that dispels our darkness. We are expected to recognize and accept this Light and bear witness to the Light as John the Baptist. But unfortunately, we fail to receive the Light and thus fail to light up our lives. This is the biggest danger, as John in his first epistle cautions us. This is the danger of falling away from Christ. It is to break the bond of belonging to God and to one another. It is to become an antichrist. The end of this outgoing year should well up within us primarily two greatest feelings. One is immense gratitude for all the numberless blessings. True it is that the situations that surround us seem very dark, worrisome, and discouraging. A large gloom is painted over our faces because of the frightening pandemic. But that is no reason to lose sight of the enormous mercy of God and the positive in life. The second sentiment should be that of repentance. Let us repent for the lost chances of grace, of virtue, of charity. Thus, we can be better prepared to step into the new year.
Direction: Let us not forfeit the greatest grace of becoming God's children by our negligence and mediocrity.
Focus: The New Year that we step in opens up for us new avenues with new hope and assurance, with renewed confidence and courage, for God is with us
1. We are stepping into another new year 2022. At these first moments of the new year, let us first warm ourselves with a warm sentiment of gratitude for the whole of the last year. No doubt that it had its own woes and struggles. But it shall not blind us to the positive and the blessings.
2. There are very many things to thank God and others for. The experiences of God’s protection, care, love, guidance, nourishment, and power that gave us the taste of success, and satisfaction, joy, and strength have been constant and deep. The experiences of the goodness of others through concern and support are too numerous. We have many reasons to be grateful. The very fact that we are able to celebrate this New Year is a clear sign of God’s blessing.
3. Of course, we want to be realistic. The New Year is not a magical rod that will vanquish all the fears and problems. It will be foolish to think so. Most of the same old challenges and burdens will travel into the New Year as well. But, what makes the difference is when we carry God also into the New Year along with all these.
4. At the threshold of this New Year, we are assured of God’s company and blessing. We hear in the first reading from the book of Numbers, “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace”.
5. This blessing by God is symbolized by celebrating the naming of Jesus and the Motherhood of Mary. Thereby we are assured that the New Year will be blessed because we are sealed and shielded by the powerful name of Jesus. We shall march forward and surge ahead because we walk in his holy name and under his sacred tutelage. The name and the power of Jesus shall be our identity, our guide, and direction, our weapon, and our security.
6. Further, we are entrusted to the motherhood of Mary. All our New Year shall be specially mothered by her. She will take care of us with a mother’s tenderness. She will direct us closer to her divine Son. She will obtain forgiveness for our faults and wrongs. She will obtain for us the needed graces to live authentically and fruitfully.
Direction: All that is needed to experience the newness of life in the New Year 2022 is to be constantly aware of the dignity of our vocation as the sons and daughters of God, to find him in the manger of our hearts and surrender our lives to the holy name of Jesus and the sweet mothering of Mary
Focus: We begin the new year, filled with gratitude and geared by hope and vigor. Newness is not the absence and total vanishing of all the old problems but is a new way of looking at them, and approaching them
Another year, 2021. A new year, full of aspirations and visions. Lots of plans and programs on the slate. Certainly, we hope for the better and we must. The reason for our hope and confidence in God. As we venerate Mary as the Mother of God and celebrate her divine maternity, as we celebrate the naming of Jesus, we entrust ourselves to them. We are assured of the maternal affection and guidance of Mary, and the security and the power of Jesus. With the Mother holding the responsibility for us and entrusting us to the safest and most powerful name of Jesus, we can always hope against hope. We can always do better than before. Perhaps the reality may not change much. Perhaps the same fears and problems will persist. But what can change and make difference is our attitude, our approach, and handling? Newness is all about a new heart, renewed attitude and values, and approach. What is old in the biblical sense must change. That old man, that old nature, that old garb, that old leaven must cease (cf. Eph 4. 19f). Our old spirit of ingratitude, of pride, of jealousy, of selfishness, of the loose tongue, of impatience, of insincerity, of crookedness, of revenge and grudge, of aggression and hurt, of greed, the indifference of unconcern – only to mention a few – these must change. Therefore, naming the Lord, Motherhood of Mary, which we celebrate in these first moments of the new year, clearly gives us the greatest courage and hope. In the name of the Lord, accompanied by his powerful name and power, cared for and guided by the Mother’s love, we are safe, secure, and serene.
Direction: Nothing can take away our hope as long as we are with God. The new year is the greatest assurance that God will never fail us