Sunday, 4 April 2021

Easter Octave


05 APRIL 2021, ACTS 2. 14, 22-33; MATTHEW 28. 8-15


Focus: The greatest effect and sign of resurrection is Witness; For sure, obstacles will arise and resist it, but no evil force or power can overpower it


We see a clear contrast between the disciples and the people of the world. Peter in the first reading and holy women in the gospel represent the first category; the chief priests, elders and the soldiers in the gospel represent the second category. The true disciples are convinced that the Lord is the Lord of life and no powers of evil or death can defeat him or suppress him. They are not afraid, because they see the Lord always before them. They know that he is at their right hand, and he will never abandon them to the sway of evil. They remain unshaken in their faith and conviction. They are filled by the Holy Spirit. They take hold of his feet and worship him in total surrender. They are shown the ways of life. They are filled with streams of gladness and they rejoice. They dwell in hope. Consequently, they stand up. They raise their voice. They proclaim the Lord. And they bear witness to him.

On the other hand, the people of the world are filled with the worldly spirit. They are driven by money interests. They twist the truth and stoop down to falsity. They spread false story and are counter-witnesses. Are we witnesses like the disciples or counter-witnesses like the elders and soldiers?

Now, let us turn our attention on ourselves for a while. Directly and explicitly we may not falsify the truth, or may not bear false witness. But whenever we are shaken in our faith and conviction, whenever we fall to easy compromises and monetary allurements, whenever we fail to know and follow the ways of life, fail in surrender, and lack that deep joy of the Spirit, whenever we are tepid and lethargic in our testimony to God in word and deed, we too are counter-witnesses.


Direction: A true disciple is one who experiences the power of the risen Lord, and so fearlessly and joyfully bears witness to the Lord


06 APRIL 2021, ACTS 2. 36-41; JOHN 20. 11-18


Focus: True repentance is not a mere passing feeling of sorry for the wrong, but deep anguish that "cuts the heart" and converts the life to God


The Lord died for us and is risen, to live with us. He ceaselessly offers us his boundless life. But, when and how can we experience his risen presence and life?  Look at Mary Magdalene in the gospel and look at the people converted in the first reading. In the light of their example, we learn that we profoundly experience the presence and life of the risen Lord, if only we crave for his presence like Mary Magdalene, deeply weep over his absence and separation and passionately search for him. Thus, we see Mary Magdalene’s passionate love for the Lord, in which she weeps over his absence. She sets out in search of him. She clings to the risen Lord, as she did always cling to him because she does not want to let him go and be separated from him.

Here, we need not spend much time speculating over why Mary Magdalene did not recognize the Lord immediately the resurrected Lord. If she was so close to him, how could she miss him? We need not discuss psychological or spiritual explanations, saying that her agonizing sadness or the glorious risen body of Jesus would not allow her to identify Jesus immediately. For us, what is enough to note is that she was veiled. At times, due to adverse life- situations, we may not recognize the Lord and may continue weeping. But the Lord calls us by name, makes us recognize him, and comforts us. When the Lord is with us, there is no need to weep. It is enough to encounter him, enjoy his nearness and testify to him as Mary Magdalene did.

And this presupposes genuine repentance like that of the people at Peter’s preaching. They truly repent which is deep sorrow over their past life of sinfulness. They are cut to the heart. They are radically converted whereby they turn away from a life of unbelief and turn to believe in the Lord and to adhere to him. They receive God’s word and are baptized.  Thereby, to put it in the words of Peter, they save themselves from the prevalent crooked generation and stand assured to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.


Direction: True it is that there are some situations in life that sadden us, but we need not lose heart because the Lord himself offers us comfort and courage


07 APRIL 2021, ACTS 3. 1-10; LUKE 24. 13-35


Focus: What the world primarily needs is not so many material possessions, but the healing touch of the risen Lord


In the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, we have a dramatic scene of the healing power of the risen Lord through his apostles. A lame man is sitting at the temple gate, begging. As usual, he asks for alms from Peter and John who were about to go into the temple. Peter and John certainly give him alms. But this is not some money but the power of the risen Lord that heals him. This is the greatest alms.

Like this crippled man, the world of today is desperately in need of healing touch. We all need to stand straight and to walk steadily. Like him, we too must beg constantly, not so much for the physical healing but much more for the spiritual healing, for a total change of life. Like him, we must fix our attention on Peter who speaks the words of God that are assuring to heal. In effect, he experiences genuine healing: he is raised up; his feet and ankles are made strong; he leaps up to stand; he enters the temple along with them; he walks, leaps and praises God. He sits no more to beg for alms; he no more depends on others’ mercy; he is no more deprived of God’s intimate presence in the temple. He is healed and his life radically changes. He is a totally different person.

Peter and John attest that they have no silver or gold but only the power of the risen Lord. But on the contrary, how sad it is that many modern disciples have gold and silver and not the power of the Lord! Monetary interests dominate the spiritual concerns. Or, like the two disciples on the way to Emmaus, we too may be totally disappointed and dejected. We may be so confused and disturbed. Our hopes and expectations may be shattered. Our faith may be shaken. We may not even recognize Jesus walking with us. But we must not lose our faith. We need to keep it awake and alive. We need to foster that spiritual power of the risen Lord. For this, what is needed is to listen attentively to the words of Jesus who constantly walks along with us, and to recognize his presence in the Holy Eucharist. Our eyes should be opened and our hearts should be inflamed. Thus, we must ourselves be touched and reconfirmed by the risen Lord.


Direction: It is a simple principle that we cannot give others what we ourselves do not have. If we fail to give the world the healing touch that it needs, is it because we ourselves lack it?


08 APRIL 2021, ACTS 3. 11-26; LUKE 24. 35-48


Focus: The purpose and the end of any healing must be a change of heart and of life. This alone is the greatest testimony and witness and nothing else can be an alternative to it


The healing of the lame man makes Peter very popular. But here is seen the true character of Peter and for that matter, the character of any true man of God. How appreciable is the humility and magnanimity of Peter! He does not take the credit for himself, he does not seek popularity for the healing that he wrought. He does not steal the show. He does not exploit the simple faith of the people. He does not take advantage of the situation to consolidate his self-glory. He rightly acknowledges Jesus' power. What a gigantic difference between Peter and many disciples of today! How self-seeking and self-glory people many are, stealing the show from Jesus himself! If we are really the disciples of Christ, we too must enshrine such humility and magnanimity like Peter. But when will this be possible? If only we are open to receive the Lord, if only we remain intimate to him, and if only we are empowered by his peace even amidst fear and anxiety.


At times, the adversities and unfavourable situations may frighten and trouble us. We may hide in the shells of ourselves or inaction. We may lose our focus and will to persist and go ahead. We may fall into moments of doubt and uncertainty. It is in such moments, the assuring words of Jesus must ring in and stir our hearts: “Why are you troubled? Why do questionings rise in your hearts? See my hands and my feet; it is I myself. Touch me and see”. If only we surrender ourselves, he will eat with us and will open our minds to understand and believe.


Direction: The more we experience the Lord's power, the more we are obligated to repent and to be converted. And then, we can authentically bear witness to him, as mandated by him


09 APRIL 2021, ACTS 4. 1-12;  JOHN 21. 1-14


Focus: The greatest testimony for having been touched by the risen Lord is the conviction and courage to bear testimony to the Lord


Once touched and overwhelmed by the power of the Lord, no force or pressure can intimidate or deter a follower of Christ. The Lord always comes to our rescue whenever we feel lost and defeated. When he is not with us, we will catch nothing in spite of all our talent and expertise. But when he enters into our life- situations, there will be the success of efforts and abundance of results. This is the truth that the Word of God drives home to us. Peter and the other apostles received the noblest vocation: a transition from mere fishermen to be fishers of souls. But, at the death of Jesus, in disillusionment, they fall back to the same old profession of fishing. But, strangely, they catch nothing. But at the entry of Jesus into the scene and at his direction, they gather an abundant catch. The point is very clear: without Jesus and apart from him, we can do nothing, and all our talent and expertise will amount to nothing. It is the presence and the power of the risen Lord that gives us conviction, direction, light and strength. It is this that fills Peter and others to be courageous to proclaim boldly about Jesus, to risk arrest and imprisonment, and thus suffer for the sake of the Lord. Our faith and loyalty may often put us to testing and trying times. We may feel like falling back to our old ways. We may tend to place our trust in our own abilities and resources. But, we must remember that the Lord never abandons us and leaves us to our fate.


Direction: Talent and skill, intelligence and competence, experience and expertise are good but they will fall short without the Lord's power and direction 


10 APRIL 2021, ACTS 4. 13-21; MARK 16. 9-15


Focus: One who has seen and heard the Lord, cannot be frightened or stopped in his mission. Because, all that matters is - the mission mandate of the Lord, to preach and to be his witnesses, and his greatest assurance that he will be with them


The bold statement of Peter and John when warned by the authorities not to preach Jesus anymore is awe-inspiring and normative for all: " Which is better, whether to obey God or obey the humans? Which is right in the sight of God: to listen to God or to listen to you? Judge for yourselves" "We cannot restrain ourselves from proclaiming what we have seen and heard". Such firmness and boldness show their decisiveness and unshakable resolve to be committed to their mission of witness. Such courage and commitment clearly are not from human capacity or intelligence, for they were uneducated in worldly standards. Such an unflinching zeal and unswerving loyalty can come only from a profound personal encounter and relationship with Jesus. The other disciples did not believe Mary Magdalene and the testimony of two of their companions about the resurrection of the Lord. They were convinced and confirmed only when the Lord personally appeared to them.

Similarly, many times, no amount of knowledge or the testimonies of others’ experiences may really convince us, unless we personally experience it. Our eloquence and competence in our mission should be matters of conviction, confidence, courage, enlightenment and commitment. They should never be matters of mere intelligence, knowledge, talent or earthly resources. Our life and mission can be on the right track, and they can be truly qualitative, if only we give priority to obeying God, listening to Him, being loyal to Him and pleasing Him, rather than the mere human or worldly considerations. Like the apostles, bearing witness to the Lord must become our irresistible passion: we cannot but proclaim what we have seen and heard.


Direction: The faith and witness of many a disciple is shallow and inconsistent because they are not rooted in a personal experience and communion with Jesus




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