Sunday, 25 April 2021

4th week of Easter



26 APRIL 2021, ACTS 11. 1-18; JOHN 10. 11-18


Focus: In the reign of God, for the embrace of God's grace, there is no barrier or discrimination 


Division and discrimination in the name of caste, region, religion, language, culture, etc. rule the society. There are many false shepherds, who only mislead the sheep. They are actually “thieves and robbers” as Jesus says because they are only self-seeking and self-interested.

But for God, there is no such limitation or narrow demarcation. His grace is open to all, His Spirit is offered to all. That is why, circumcision or no circumcision, Jewish or gentile traditions were not the deciding factors for the power of God. Rather the only criteria were: to Believe in Lord Jesus, to circumcise one's heart in repentance and conversion and to lead a faithful life. In the words of Jesus in the gospel, it is to be the sheep of the one shepherd who is the Lord. It is to belong to him, to adhere to his voice and direction, to be close to him and to follow him. To the extent we stay close and loyal to him, to that extent, we will be protected, nurtured and led by him.

Unity and fidelity, fairness and kindness must mark any true believer and true community of Christ. All the forces of disunity and dissension, disparity and inequality, injustice and unfairness, all the situations of evil and malice are only anti-Christ and devilish. The only reason for the present lack of authenticity is the lack of fidelity of the sheep to follow their shepherd. They leave their true shepherd and go after many false currents that easily divert and distort their focus and life. They must distinguish between the author and culture of life and destroyer of life and promoters of culture of death.


Direction: We should be very cautious not to put ourselves against God's will and plans, lest we hinder God's own Spirit and grace


27 APRIL 2021, ACTS 11. 19-26;  JOHN 10. 22-30


Focus: To believe is not merely a matter of external allegiance or formal adherence or doctrinal observance, but is rather to follow the way of the Lord


The whole life and ministry of Jesus always evoked mixed responses and reactions. Some believed and accepted and followed. Many others disbelieved, rejected and abandoned. The same was true with his disciples as well. Their singular mission was to bear witness to the Lord through evangelization and healing. Accordingly, the thrust of their mission was to lead the people to repentance and conversion.

There is a marked difference between those who believe and those who do not: those who believe, know their shepherd, they hear his voice and follow him. "The hand of the Lord is with them", "they turn to him", "they are firm of heart and remain faithful to him". On the other hand, they who do not believe, do not nurture and foster this relationship. They do not remain fathful to him. They distrust God, and do not accept the testimony of the works of Jesus. In spite of all the testimony in word and in deed through preaching and healing, they fail to discover God’s will and action. They forfeit God’s offer of grace. This is all because they are not the sheep of the shepherd. They do not belong to the one fold of the sheep, one hold of the shepherd. They do not hear his voice. They do not know him personally and experientially. What they know is merely theoretical and mechanical. They do not follow him. So, they do not receive the eternal life.


Direction: What is more important is not so much knowing some doctrines and concepts, but rather knowing the Lord and following him 


28 APRIL 2021, ACTS 12. 24 - 13. 5a; JOHN 12. 44-50


Focus: Commitment and accomplishment depend on a deep sense of mission and commission for completion


What marks Jesus is his profound and incessant sense of mission. He is breathlessly conscious that he is sent from the Father, that he is commissioned with a mission. That is why he always refers to the Father. It is not so much to glorify himself, to project himself as someone great; rather it is a sign of his inseparable union with him; it is also a strong means to convince them of his identity and mission. His identity and mission consists in his deepest relationship and communion with the Father. This is in fact an authentic testimony. This leads to an unnegatable summon to believe in him and live the gospel. This is the same sense of mission that fills and drives the early apostles. They were totally convinced and conscious that they were sent by the Lord and accompanied and sustained by the light and power of the Holy Spirit. The whole Acts of the Apostles is nothing but the Acts of the Holy Spirit. They left themselves totally into the hands of the Lord. They humbly surrendered their entire mission to the mighty intervention of the Risen Lord and the guidance and accomplishment by the Holy Spirit. They truly believe in him as the Light of the world and dispel all the layers of darkness. They not only hear his sayings but also keep them.


Direction: The reason for the loss of purpose and direction in the life of many is not the lack of intelligence but is the lack of sense of mission


29 APRIL 2021: ACTS 13. 13-25;  JOHN 13. 16-20


Focus: Preaching is not a mere narration of a bygone history but an ongoing participation in the present journey of salvation


Paul's preaching sums up the progressive history of salvation, and looks like a simple accounting of the historical facts and thus nothing special. But it is not just that. It is a recalling and reminder of God's salvific journey with the humans. It does not stop with the past but continues unceasingly. Thus, it is also a forceful appeal to get involved in such a journey of faith. But this does not happen just like that. Such a convincing proclamation can come only from an irresistible conviction of one's vocation that I am called by the Lord and I am sent on his mission. It is not based on one’s ability but rooted in one’s humility. This is the same humility that is demonstrated by David and John the Baptist as well. This leads to an unfailing loyalty to the Lord, in an edifying and witnessing life. The Master Jesus teaches and leads his disciples by example. He charges them with the same spirit with which he washed their feet in humility as a servant and disciple. This is very interesting to note: he washes their feet like a slave and immediately announces that no slave is greater than the Master. It is not just one single act or instance. It is an indication and lesson that should continue. Like our supreme master, we should always be imbued with the same spirit of humility of a servant and cultivate constantly the same. No one of us should presume oneself to be a master and treat others as servants.


Direction: If Jesus is our sole and whole master, how is it that there are many presumptuous and pretentious masters, ill-treating others as mere servants?


30 APRIL 2021: ACTS 13. 26-33; JOHN 14. 1-6


Focus: The purpose and fulfillment of our faith is not just believing and preaching. It is bearing witness to God, to His love and to His will of salvation


"I am the way, the truth and the life": this is one of the most fundamental self-assertions of Jesus. It reveals his identity and mission. His identity is: He is the Son of the Father. His mission is salvation as the Messiah. He is the way that leads to the Father, to the eternal kingdom. He is the truth that reveals the Father, that which gives the norms to follow and walk the way. He is the life that which is his own life. This in turn is the life from the Father Himself. It is the life which is not merely the natural, the physical life, but the life which is new, spiritual, the eternal life. He offers this new life to us and thereby we are enlivened and reinvigorated. Therefore, all those who believe and follow Jesus will be fully "alive, truthful and sojourners on the way to heaven".

This attestation of Jesus is not a mere saying about who he is in his nature. It assures us about what he does in our life and what we should do and become. We are called not to be troubled or lose heart. But we shall believe in him. We shall become more and more alive and energetic. We shall be full of life and not lethargic or indifferent. We shall know the truth and follow it. We shall resist and reject all that is false and vain. We shall subscribe to truth and true values. We shall be truthful and authentic and not hypocritical and dishonest. And we shall always orient ourselves on the way to heaven. Therefore, our task like Paul in the first reading is to be constant recipients and witnesses of Jesus, the way, the truth and the life.


Direction: When Jesus is with us and for us, then there is no need to feel troubled or disturbed, because he accompanies us always and orients us to reach our eternal destiny with him for ever


01 MAY 2021: GENESIS 1. 26 -2.3; MATTHEW 13. 54-58: ST JOSEPH THE WORKER


Focus: Work is not a sign of lack of something and thus a necessity to make up and gain what is lacking. Neither is it a burden which is forced upon us. Rather, it is part of our nature and essential duty


01 May is celebrated May Day, the Day of workers, in line with Saint Joseph, the worker. What can be one main lesson from this celebration? We should change our perspective toward work. We must see the essential link between life and work. Life is a celebration of work. Life is meaningful and worth-living to the extent we work. Work is not to be considered a load, something resented or resisted, something avoided and escaped from, something unpleasant and burdensome. It is to be celebrated. It is to be valued and respected. Every work is of value and honour. Therefore, there cannot be any discrimination or contempt on the basis of the type of work. There cannot be disparity as honourable or dishonourable, as noble or low. It is not the status of the work that decides the greatness of the person. Rather, the matter is how intense is one’s commitment, how pure one is, and how far the work is beneficial.

In fact, there is no strict difference like dignified work or low-level work. Every work is sacred and divine because it is participation in the very work of God, who is an eternal, tireless worker. In and through our works productive and transformative, we become collaborators and co-creators with God Himself. We become architects of the edifice of God’s kingdom. Saint Joseph stands as a glowing example to this aspect of work, in his silence, docility, diligence and loyalty.


Direction: We are called to shed off our layers of mediocrity and sloth and to deepen our enthusiasm and dedication.


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