Sunday, 25 April 2021

3rd week of Easter



19 APRIL 2021: ACTS 6. 8-15; JOHN 6. 22-29


Focus: The quality of life and its direction depends on the height and the propriety of the goal and the purpose


We often find that the life of many is not qualitative and it is not well-directed. We find them often in wrong pursuits and faulty ways. It is all because they have faltered in the very purpose of life: they have set wrong goals and targets, and accordingly, they seek satisfaction and the fulfilment of life in shallow and superficial matters. It is such people that Jesus sternly and directly warns: Do not work for the worldly and material things which do not last long but perish; rather strive for what is imperishable. What can obtain for one eternal life thereafter? What can also here and now give a sense of meaning and fulfilment? It is only the Lord, it is only faith in him and love for him, it is only in being loyal and committed to his mission, and striving for eternity.

Stephen in the Acts of the Apostles stands as an emblem for this unearthly concern. It is this concern of the above and the spiritual, the “supernatural focus” that distinguishes Stephen from others. They were caught up with the below, the unspiritual and the earthly leanings. This lofty focus endows him with wisdom and passion that none else can resist or match. Only such wisdom makes one clear of the priorities in life. Only such fire makes one ablaze in the midst of all tepidity and lethargy. And only such passion makes one undaunted and indefatigable amidst all adversities and evil forces.


Direction: It is not enough to work hard, but it is more important to discern what one is working hard for. It is not enough to be intelligent to do well in many affairs of the world, but it is more important to be wise to be concerned about the higher concerns


20 APRIL 2021: ACTS 7.51 – 8.1a; JOHN 6. 30-35


Focus: As the goal is, so too is the effort: when the goals are higher and praiseworthy, the efforts too will be higher and more intent


As long as we are earth-bound, our pursuits and successes will also be earth-bound. Unless we raise ourselves to higher realm and strive for higher things, we cannot raise the level of our life. One constant problem of Jesus with Jews was their refusal to see beyond the earthly factors like lineage, place, culture, food and drink, capacity and power, prestige and popularity etc. They were just caught up with the Law, with miracles and wonders, with the provision of manna and water in the desert by Moses, etc. Jesus tries to clarify and elevate their vision from law TO the person of Jesus, from the heartless observance of the law TO a hearty surrender to God’s will, from manna and water TO Jesus, the eternal food and living water, from awe-evoking wonders TO the significative signs of the kingdom and triggers to faith. But their stiff-neckedness, their uncircumcised heart, their jealousy, their legalism in shallow spirituality, make them reject Jesus, and also reject Stephen, his ardent follower, subjecting him to a martyr’s death. But, Stephen, an elated spirit, does not hold the sin against them. Instead, he forgives them and pleads on their behalf, exactly like Jesus. Both in life and in death, he resembles Jesus.

Often, the crucial problem is not so much the rightness or wrongness of the means or acts. Rather it is the wrong and perverted targets and ends. So it is better that we do a serious check-up about our purposes and objectives. As the purpose and the end is, so the direction will be. As the objective and the target is, so the process will be. As the aim and the goal is, so the means will be.


Direction: Jesus is the bread of life and the water of life, and it is he alone who satiates the hunger and thirst. If so, why is it many go hungry and thirsty without seeking him, in stubbornness and arrogance?


21 APRIL 2021: ACTS 8. 1b-8: JOHN 6. 35-40


Focus: The war between God and Satan, the struggle between good and evil, the opposition between faith and unfaith never ceases, but the evil can never permanently destroy the good


God’s will and ways are always mysterious, in the sense, we may not always understand the sense and logic behind them. But one thing is sure: His ways are always productive and constructive seen in the whole picture of life and faith. It only needs a holistic vision of faith. In themselves, persecution in Jerusalem and scattering into different places are sad and destructive factors. But they become productive means of germinating faith and constructive occasions of gathering faithful to the Lord, through preaching and miracles. No amount of persecution could intimidate their faith or shake their conviction.

This is the beauty and the power of faith. On one hand, anti-Christ forces like Saul were ravaging and persecuting the church. They were trying in every way to suppress the spread of the believers. But on the other hand, apostles like Philip, persisted to preach and heal, and the believers continue to grow in numbers as well as in the firmness of faith. They truly inherited the spirit of their Master Jesus who is the bread of life. He came from the Father. He had only the singular purpose and mission of “fulfilling the will of the Father”. It is this through “offering eternal life to all” without exception, and “never losing anyone”. However, unfortunately, there are many who reject faith and thus reject life itself.


Direction: God’s will and salvation should alone be our strengths and driving forces, because God will always sustain our every effort on His behalf, and no other forces or fears would crush us


22 APRIL 2021: ACTS 8. 26-40: JOHN 6. 44-51


Focus: Communication is rooted in communion and communion leads to compassion and that to commitment in mission


Jesus constantly communicates God’s will, His message and His action of salvation to the people. In this, he reveals the Father’s love and His merciful benevolence, to pull the people out of the clutches of death in various forms. Thereby the Father offers them life through His only Son, Jesus who is the bread of life. This salvific communication is in turn rooted in Jesus’ intimate communion with the Father. This is seen in his seeing Him and listening to Him, in being sent by Him and doing His mission. From this divine communion and mission evolve a deep spirit of compassion and undaunted commitment to fulfil the mission. The apostles shoulder the same project of communication – communion – compassion – mission – salvation. And in carrying this out and accomplishing it, they struggle relentlessly and fearlessly. But, they are not lone warriors and theirs is not a lone battle. The Lord makes sure that they are sustained and supported. The Spirit always accompanies and sustains them at every angle of life in this mission of witness. It is in this aura of the Spirit, Philip encounters the Ethiopian eunuch and brings him to faith. The eunuch too responds to this gift of faith through his eagerness to listen and to believe. This is seen in his typically enthusiastic request, “What prevents me from being baptized?”

Perhaps, in the present times this mission of the Lord suffers. It is not because the Spirit is not powerful or active as then. Rather it is because of willing response, prompt cooperation and wholehearted dedication. What then prevents you and me from being baptized by the Spirit, from living my faith?


Direction: As the disciples of the Lord and anointed by the Spirit, we are also entrusted with the same project of communication-communion-compassion-mission-salvation. How authentic and effective is this project?


23 APRIL 2021: ACTS 9. 1-20; JOHN 6. 52-59


Focus: One who is touched by the Lord cannot but be transformed and then on will begin to transmit the same “holy contagion” to others, to be touched and transformed by the same Lord


The dramatic narrative of Paul’s conversion in Acts of the Apostles is very striking and impressive. I find it not exigent to enter into any discussion or argument about the veracity and exact details of it. Now, whether it was a real sudden heavenly encounter as narrated in the Bible or it was a projection of a fitting end to a gradual journey of a psychological struggle and discovery, an about-turn and total change – is not a crucial issue for me. What I mean is, either way, makes no difference for my faith or for any real faith. The reason is, in either case, what is vital is God’s intervention, whether sudden and unexpected or gradual and oriented to its goal. The fact is, Saul undergoes a most profound change of heart and life. Everything changes in the name of Saul into Paul, law to Jesus, persecutor to persecuted, oppressor to the sufferer, hatred to love, legalism to righteousness through faith, a mission of death to a mission of life.

All this is possible only because he has totally communed with the Eucharistic Lord. Accordingly, he experiences the three Eucharistic effects laid out by Jesus: mutual abiding (believer abides in the Lord and the Lord abides in him); living by the Lord (the believer lives by the power of the Lord; it can also mean that he lives in accord, in conformity to the Lord); and living forever (obtaining eternal life; also already carrying the traces of eternal life in this life itself). In our life, we need not expect abrupt interventions of God, but a steady and gradual conversion of life. This is the beauty of our Catholic faith: living with the Lord and living by the Lord to eternity, in word and sacrament, in life and witness.


Direction: Preaching powerfully and working miracles impressively is good, because they can authenticate one’s mission; but they should not become substitutes for one’s own faith or for the duty of life-witness


24 APRIL 2021: ACTS 9. 31-42; JOHN 6. 60-69


Focus: Blessed are they who believe in the Lord with conviction, live with him in intimacy, live by him with his Spirit and power, and make others to live the same by the witness


Conviction and commitment mark the apostles. These were concretely manifested in their passion for the Lord and in their unflinching zeal to spread what they believed. There was no wonder that their preaching was accompanied and testified by powerful signs of healing and miracles. It is this power that enables Peter to heal the paralytic Aeneas and resuscitate Tabita from death. But what is to be noted is that miracles were always complementing and testimonies to their faith in zeal and charity, and never substitutions. The apostles never gave excessive importance to this extraneous aspect of the power of miracles. For them, what mattered most was to “walk in the fear of the Lord”, to “build up the community of faith and fraternity”, to “foster the numbers with the consolation of the Spirit”, to “cling to the Lord at all times” even if many defect from him and desert him. They were just like their Master Jesus. He was no “shrewd businessman” who may try to mitigate and dilute the truth for salability and profit. Certainly, it is hard to hear and practice. But Jesus places before us uncompromising truth and conditions


Direction: God does not expect us to be clever craftsmen who can present cunningness and crookedness as tact and capability to “market the spiritual goods”; neither He wants us to be master-performers who impress others with bundles of activities. All He wants from us is to be simple disciples who walk his way and walk (make walk) others on the same way 

3rd Sunday of Easter

3RD EASTER SUNDAY, 18 APRIL 2021: ACTS 3. 13-15, 1-19; 1 JOHN 2. 1-5a; LUKE 24.35-48 Focus: Those who touch and see the Lord, will certainly repent, return to God, perfect their love for him and become his witnesses 1. Today's Holy Word of God, and in fact every day speaks to us clearly about what God does in our lives and what we must do in return. In His merciful love, he becomes propitiation for our sins. He forgives us. He blots away our sins. He advocates on our behalf before the Father. He dispels our fears, clarifies and resolves our doubts and uncertainties. He tranquillizes our troubles. He enlightens our minds to understand and assimilate God's word. He also shares his own self in the Holy Eucharist. He gives us the greatest gifts of peace and joy. That is why, Jesus says, "Peace be with you! Why are your hearts troubled? Why do doubts arise In your minds? Do not be afraid!" 2. If this is what God does for us, so much and everything, then what should we do for him? The answers are very clear in all the three readings: Repent, return to the Lord, avoid and combat sin and evil, trust in the Lord, touch and see him, be healed and clean, receive his peace and joy, and become his witnesses. 3. What God does from his part, and what we must do from our part are quite clear. At this point, what next? First of all, trust him totally. Be open and docile to allow him to work within us, with us and through us. Grow deeply grateful to him for his self-immolating love for us. Repent with profound anguish over failing and betraying his unconditioned mercy that forgives even our repeated sins and multitude of them. This is so deep that it would pierce into the deepest recesses of the heart and cuts it through and through. It is not that usual repentance, that is so shallow and short-lived, that plays merely on emotions but does not make any worthwhile and consistent change in the character and behaviour of the person. 4. Then, Return to him with renewed trust, reinstilled confidence, enlightened clarity, recharged energy, renewed fidelity, and abounding passionate commitment. Further, deepen and foster a personal intimate relationship with the Lord. This is very important, because sadly, in the case of many, God seems to become a useful concept and phenomenon, a shelter and shield in times of need and pressure, and a stop-gap in times of lack of alternatives. It is in such a context, we need to rediscover and recapture the "personal touch" with God. The risen Lord is a God alive and active. He is deeply and personally involved in our lives. He is not to be a God, distant and alienated from us. He does not belong to another realm. He must be an integral part of our life. He must be indispensable in the progress of our life. He must be an inalienable sharer, partner and consulter in our every deliberation, assessment and decision and action. He must be a point of reference in our every vision and mission. 5. This implies that we personally touch him and see him, and constantly surrender ourselves to be healed of our infirmities and fragilities. Make his presence so tangible and graspable. See and experience him so concretely in the simple details of life. God should be set free from the exclusive and confined chambers of the holy tabernacles, from the spiritual domains of the churches and chapels, from the pious readings or eloquent preachings. Our faith should invite him to walk freely into our hearts, into our lives, into all our works, into our families, into our neighbourhood and surroundings, and our parish and religious communities. 6. Still further, being emboldened and empowered by his own light and power, we must and assiduously combat the evil. We must never relent and be ever alert. Thus, being fully charged by his Spirit, we must become more and more authentic and effective witnesses. The risen Lord must live in and through us. People should know that the Lord is truly risen and continues to live on because he lives and works in and through us. Direction: The holy Easter is not a one-time event or one-day celebration. His Spirit must be an unceasing experience of his light and strength

4th week of Easter



26 APRIL 2021, ACTS 11. 1-18; JOHN 10. 11-18


Focus: In the reign of God, for the embrace of God's grace, there is no barrier or discrimination 


Division and discrimination in the name of caste, region, religion, language, culture, etc. rule the society. There are many false shepherds, who only mislead the sheep. They are actually “thieves and robbers” as Jesus says because they are only self-seeking and self-interested.

But for God, there is no such limitation or narrow demarcation. His grace is open to all, His Spirit is offered to all. That is why, circumcision or no circumcision, Jewish or gentile traditions were not the deciding factors for the power of God. Rather the only criteria were: to Believe in Lord Jesus, to circumcise one's heart in repentance and conversion and to lead a faithful life. In the words of Jesus in the gospel, it is to be the sheep of the one shepherd who is the Lord. It is to belong to him, to adhere to his voice and direction, to be close to him and to follow him. To the extent we stay close and loyal to him, to that extent, we will be protected, nurtured and led by him.

Unity and fidelity, fairness and kindness must mark any true believer and true community of Christ. All the forces of disunity and dissension, disparity and inequality, injustice and unfairness, all the situations of evil and malice are only anti-Christ and devilish. The only reason for the present lack of authenticity is the lack of fidelity of the sheep to follow their shepherd. They leave their true shepherd and go after many false currents that easily divert and distort their focus and life. They must distinguish between the author and culture of life and destroyer of life and promoters of culture of death.


Direction: We should be very cautious not to put ourselves against God's will and plans, lest we hinder God's own Spirit and grace


27 APRIL 2021, ACTS 11. 19-26;  JOHN 10. 22-30


Focus: To believe is not merely a matter of external allegiance or formal adherence or doctrinal observance, but is rather to follow the way of the Lord


The whole life and ministry of Jesus always evoked mixed responses and reactions. Some believed and accepted and followed. Many others disbelieved, rejected and abandoned. The same was true with his disciples as well. Their singular mission was to bear witness to the Lord through evangelization and healing. Accordingly, the thrust of their mission was to lead the people to repentance and conversion.

There is a marked difference between those who believe and those who do not: those who believe, know their shepherd, they hear his voice and follow him. "The hand of the Lord is with them", "they turn to him", "they are firm of heart and remain faithful to him". On the other hand, they who do not believe, do not nurture and foster this relationship. They do not remain fathful to him. They distrust God, and do not accept the testimony of the works of Jesus. In spite of all the testimony in word and in deed through preaching and healing, they fail to discover God’s will and action. They forfeit God’s offer of grace. This is all because they are not the sheep of the shepherd. They do not belong to the one fold of the sheep, one hold of the shepherd. They do not hear his voice. They do not know him personally and experientially. What they know is merely theoretical and mechanical. They do not follow him. So, they do not receive the eternal life.


Direction: What is more important is not so much knowing some doctrines and concepts, but rather knowing the Lord and following him 


28 APRIL 2021, ACTS 12. 24 - 13. 5a; JOHN 12. 44-50


Focus: Commitment and accomplishment depend on a deep sense of mission and commission for completion


What marks Jesus is his profound and incessant sense of mission. He is breathlessly conscious that he is sent from the Father, that he is commissioned with a mission. That is why he always refers to the Father. It is not so much to glorify himself, to project himself as someone great; rather it is a sign of his inseparable union with him; it is also a strong means to convince them of his identity and mission. His identity and mission consists in his deepest relationship and communion with the Father. This is in fact an authentic testimony. This leads to an unnegatable summon to believe in him and live the gospel. This is the same sense of mission that fills and drives the early apostles. They were totally convinced and conscious that they were sent by the Lord and accompanied and sustained by the light and power of the Holy Spirit. The whole Acts of the Apostles is nothing but the Acts of the Holy Spirit. They left themselves totally into the hands of the Lord. They humbly surrendered their entire mission to the mighty intervention of the Risen Lord and the guidance and accomplishment by the Holy Spirit. They truly believe in him as the Light of the world and dispel all the layers of darkness. They not only hear his sayings but also keep them.


Direction: The reason for the loss of purpose and direction in the life of many is not the lack of intelligence but is the lack of sense of mission


29 APRIL 2021: ACTS 13. 13-25;  JOHN 13. 16-20


Focus: Preaching is not a mere narration of a bygone history but an ongoing participation in the present journey of salvation


Paul's preaching sums up the progressive history of salvation, and looks like a simple accounting of the historical facts and thus nothing special. But it is not just that. It is a recalling and reminder of God's salvific journey with the humans. It does not stop with the past but continues unceasingly. Thus, it is also a forceful appeal to get involved in such a journey of faith. But this does not happen just like that. Such a convincing proclamation can come only from an irresistible conviction of one's vocation that I am called by the Lord and I am sent on his mission. It is not based on one’s ability but rooted in one’s humility. This is the same humility that is demonstrated by David and John the Baptist as well. This leads to an unfailing loyalty to the Lord, in an edifying and witnessing life. The Master Jesus teaches and leads his disciples by example. He charges them with the same spirit with which he washed their feet in humility as a servant and disciple. This is very interesting to note: he washes their feet like a slave and immediately announces that no slave is greater than the Master. It is not just one single act or instance. It is an indication and lesson that should continue. Like our supreme master, we should always be imbued with the same spirit of humility of a servant and cultivate constantly the same. No one of us should presume oneself to be a master and treat others as servants.


Direction: If Jesus is our sole and whole master, how is it that there are many presumptuous and pretentious masters, ill-treating others as mere servants?


30 APRIL 2021: ACTS 13. 26-33; JOHN 14. 1-6


Focus: The purpose and fulfillment of our faith is not just believing and preaching. It is bearing witness to God, to His love and to His will of salvation


"I am the way, the truth and the life": this is one of the most fundamental self-assertions of Jesus. It reveals his identity and mission. His identity is: He is the Son of the Father. His mission is salvation as the Messiah. He is the way that leads to the Father, to the eternal kingdom. He is the truth that reveals the Father, that which gives the norms to follow and walk the way. He is the life that which is his own life. This in turn is the life from the Father Himself. It is the life which is not merely the natural, the physical life, but the life which is new, spiritual, the eternal life. He offers this new life to us and thereby we are enlivened and reinvigorated. Therefore, all those who believe and follow Jesus will be fully "alive, truthful and sojourners on the way to heaven".

This attestation of Jesus is not a mere saying about who he is in his nature. It assures us about what he does in our life and what we should do and become. We are called not to be troubled or lose heart. But we shall believe in him. We shall become more and more alive and energetic. We shall be full of life and not lethargic or indifferent. We shall know the truth and follow it. We shall resist and reject all that is false and vain. We shall subscribe to truth and true values. We shall be truthful and authentic and not hypocritical and dishonest. And we shall always orient ourselves on the way to heaven. Therefore, our task like Paul in the first reading is to be constant recipients and witnesses of Jesus, the way, the truth and the life.


Direction: When Jesus is with us and for us, then there is no need to feel troubled or disturbed, because he accompanies us always and orients us to reach our eternal destiny with him for ever


01 MAY 2021: GENESIS 1. 26 -2.3; MATTHEW 13. 54-58: ST JOSEPH THE WORKER


Focus: Work is not a sign of lack of something and thus a necessity to make up and gain what is lacking. Neither is it a burden which is forced upon us. Rather, it is part of our nature and essential duty


01 May is celebrated May Day, the Day of workers, in line with Saint Joseph, the worker. What can be one main lesson from this celebration? We should change our perspective toward work. We must see the essential link between life and work. Life is a celebration of work. Life is meaningful and worth-living to the extent we work. Work is not to be considered a load, something resented or resisted, something avoided and escaped from, something unpleasant and burdensome. It is to be celebrated. It is to be valued and respected. Every work is of value and honour. Therefore, there cannot be any discrimination or contempt on the basis of the type of work. There cannot be disparity as honourable or dishonourable, as noble or low. It is not the status of the work that decides the greatness of the person. Rather, the matter is how intense is one’s commitment, how pure one is, and how far the work is beneficial.

In fact, there is no strict difference like dignified work or low-level work. Every work is sacred and divine because it is participation in the very work of God, who is an eternal, tireless worker. In and through our works productive and transformative, we become collaborators and co-creators with God Himself. We become architects of the edifice of God’s kingdom. Saint Joseph stands as a glowing example to this aspect of work, in his silence, docility, diligence and loyalty.


Direction: We are called to shed off our layers of mediocrity and sloth and to deepen our enthusiasm and dedication.


4th Sunday of Easter(Good Shepherd Sunday)


IV EASTER SUNDAY, 25 APRIL 2021:  ACTS 4. 8-12; 1JOHN 3. 1-2; 10. 11-18

Focus: We live in a world which often looks confused and deviated. This is exactly the situation of a shepherdless sheep

1. Today is the 4th Easter Sunday, and this is also known as Good Shepherd Sunday. The focus of the Word of God is, God is the Good Shepherd. This image is very powerful and significant. This implies an essential and intimate bonding. It is a covenant,  a commitment. Like a true shepherd, he protects us, is attentive and sensitive to us, deeply caring and concerned toward us. We matter a lot for him. Our safety, growth and happiness is his abiding concern. His shepherding is not a mere duty as a hirling. It is a passion. He owns us up. That is why, for our sake, for our safety and wellbeing, he goes to any extent, even to the point of dying for us.

2. This is what Jesus did for us: he protects us from every attack of the evil. He safeguards and guards us against every snare of the enemy. He directs and guides us in the right path. He leads us to the safe zones. He preserves and sustains us in clear and steady ways.
He cares, nourishes and strengthens us in nurturing grounds. And, in order to  extricate us from the iron hold of the evil, he immolates his own self. In order to cleanse us from the bruises and blows of sin, he sheds his own blood.

3. Now, on this celebration of the Good Shepherd Sunday, our first duty is to understand and accept the Lord as our supreme shepherd. He is the first and the best. No other shall claim our allegiance to them. We shall not owe our loyalty and commitment to anyone else. We shall not be wooed or misguided by any false shepherd. We shall not run behind any false shepherding.

4. Therefore, on this day, first of all, we shall deepen our trust in our unique shepherd. Confide in him. Not enough. It is not enough to know and affirm what he is, or what he does. But much more important is, what we are, and what we are to him, what we do to  him. In other words, he is always a good shepherd to us. But how much are we good sheep?

5. Now, our whole identity and  the essence of our discipleship is our identity as the sheep that belong to the one supreme shepherd who is the Lord himself. The purpose and the quality of our vocation as the sheep consist in our bonding with the shepherd and experiencing the effect and the fruit of this bonding.

6. This bonding between the shepherd and the sheep is characterised by the spirit and ambience of belonging and intimacy. He is OUR shepherd and we are HIS sheep. Such an owning and closeness do not pertain to others who can be manipulators and destroyers of the sheep.

7. In the light of this image of shepherd and sheep, it is for us to check sincerely and see how much we nurture and grow, foster and testify this bonding with the shepherd. How deep is our belonging and closeness with him? How eager, attentive and prompt is our listening to him? How ready and willing we are to be guided and led by him? How loyal and committed we are to follow him and walk in his footsteps? 

8. It is also a clear indication to all those who are acclaimed as shepherds of the sheep of the faithful. There may not be something invalid in it since they are sharers and collaborators with the chief shepherd. But it should be very clear that there are no co-shepherds. There is only one shepherd and that is the Lord.

9. All are only sheep. The so-called shepherds are only caretakers and stewards, at the most, "herdmen". The title of 'shepherd' or 'pastor' is nothing dignitary or status symbol or vesting with a secular power or authority. This is in no way diluting the sacredness or the merit of these stewards. 

10. Certainly they are unique in being specially chosen and anointed by the Spirit and appointed as priests, ministers and leaders. But it is not a position wielding powers and rights. It is a sanctified and sanctifying obligation. It indicates more the sacred duty and ministry of shepherding, that is, loving, caring, guiding, serving the sheep and thus leading to the chief shepherd and enabling them to receive and enjoy life in full measures.

Direction: One receives and enjoys the abundance of life and promotes the culture of life, only to the extent one is in a binding bonding with the Lord, the chief shepherd. 

Sunday, 11 April 2021

Second week of Easter




12 APRIL 2021: ACTS 4. 23-31; JOHN 3. 1-8


Focus: One can resist the human powers but no one can resist and destroy the power of God


There is a total difference and change in the life of the apostles before and after the resurrection. After the resurrection, they were totally transformed, contrasting and startling in reference to their life before. There is an incredible boldness, incomparable wisdom and awe-evoking signs of miracles. They become passionate heralds and indefectible witnesses to the risen Lord. They become fearless and unstoppable. This is all due to the power of the risen Lord, the anointing by the Holy Spirit. It is this risen experience that transforms them into witnesses both in word and in deed. In the words of Jesus in the gospel, the apostles are truly those “reborn” of ‘water and spirit’. They are regenerated from above. In them, “the wind blows where it wills” in irresistible freedom, spontaneity, and effect. This wind is the Spirit. If one surrenders oneself to the action of the Spirit, then he will take care. He will direct the life. If we too are to be his witnesses, we too need to be reborn and born from above. We too are to be totally receptive and cooperative to the action of the Spirit. We too need to make a constant transition like Nicodemus from the “night” of imperfect faith to the light of perfect faith. We must be renewed from our old nature. We must constantly rise above what is merely earthly and worldly. We must allow the Spirit to blow and act freely in our lives.


Direction: It is fear that inhibits and hinders us from being deeply loyal and committed to the Lord. It needs conviction and courage to stand for him and accomplish his mission


13 APRIL 2021: ACTS 4. 32 – 5. 1; JOHN 3. 7-15


Focus: When the interior freedom is not there, the exterior freedom can easily become deviant and even pernicious


Freedom is one of the greatest assets of a human being. But today more than ever, this freedom is misunderstood. It is wrongly equated with indulgence and pleasurability. Thus very often freedom becomes destructive. This is truly false freedom because it is not positive or productive. Further, instead of freeing the person, it only enslaves the person, with subtle and unconscious bondages. It is this false freedom that enslaves many to greed and accumulation and leads many to gratify themselves in compromises and false values. In other words, the lack of inner freedom leads one to undue craving and attachment to money and material possessions. Detachment and true freedom go together.

The apostles obtained, nurtured and manifested this true freedom, the freedom of the Spirit. This is the productive freedom that makes the early Christian community to be deeply detached from worldly possessions. This is the altruistic freedom that shares generously with the needy. This is the constructive freedom that builds a community with one heart and mission. This is the transcending freedom that makes each of them a living testimony to the risen Lord. Selling off the properties in the spirit of detachment, and distributing them in generosity are the hallmarks of true disciples of Christ and a true Christian community.

This model of the early Christians and their community is really edifying, inspiring and worth-imitating. This is also a great challenge to many of the modern followers of Christ and the Christian communities, which are far from these ideals. A good number are deeply engrossed in a suffocating spirit of greed and accumulation, deceit and manipulation.


Direction: Let us raise our level and perspective of thinking and living from the merely earthly and below to what is heavenly and above. Otherwise, we cannot enjoy the freedom of the joy and power of the Spirit and the life of God


14 APRIL 2021: ACTS 5. 17-26; JOHN 3. 16-21


Focus: The man of today reels under the weight of defeat and loss, only because he deliberately fights against good and thus against God Himself


The Jewish authorities were not fools or ignorant. They knew very well that the apostles were authentic witnesses to Jesus Christ. If only a little open and humble, they would also know that Jesus Christ is the Life, the Truth, and the Light. They would know that it is the very power of God that was acting in and through the apostles. But the human jealousy and the evil incline pose them as opposed to that very power of God. Consequently, they would not realize that they were opposing not mere individuals, but God Himself. God brings them to their senses again and again that no stone walls of a prison, no chains of threat and persecution could restrain the apostles from preaching Christ openly and publicly.

Thus there is a clear contrast between the apostles and the unbelieving Jews: the apostles believe and experience the saving love of God through Jesus, who offers to the sin-laden humanity life, truth and light leading to salvation. They receive the life and live the life of God, they adhere to the truth and live truthfully and they open themselves to the light and become enlightened and radiant. On the contrary, the obstinate Jews refuse God’s life and become lifeless spiritually, they content themselves with falsity and they prefer to walk in the dark. They hate the light, love darkness, do the works of evil. Thus, they deliberately forfeit the grace of God. They throw away the love and forgiveness of God that offer a renewed life. Thus, while the believers merit salvation, the opponents deserve judgment and condemnation. In fact, it is auto-judgment and not a judgment imposed by God.


Direction: One need not lament and blame God sternly judging and condemning humanity. It is, in fact, an auto-judgment and condemnation, in all freedom and choice. God does not force anyone to sin and be liable to judgment


15 APRIL 2021: ACTS 5. 27-33; JOHN 3. 31-36


Focus: Those who are guided by human fragilities like jealousy, pride, stubbornness and false prestige operate on the human level and become resistant to every good


The Jewish authorities are entangled in the earthly realm. They are not able to rise above. They are totally overpowered and guided by human jealousy, self-interests and cheap motives. They vehemently resent and reject the apostles’ preaching. They resist the power of their witness to the risen Lord. They desperately try to suppress their irresistible ministry and the increasing numbers of believers. They even forget that they may be placing themselves against God Himself. They suffer from a guilty conscience. Instead of repenting and changing their lives, the authorities all the more want to terminate the truth that goes on pricking and disturbing them. Thus, they decide to kill the apostles. Simultaneously, they also throw away the eternal life, offered by the Son. It is not merely the rejection of an individual called Jesus, or the rejection of a new religion called Christianity. It is in fact the rejection of the grace of God itself, and the rejection of a new way of life.

It is in this context, the bold assertion and conviction of the apostles is an eye-opener, challenge and guiding norm for all of us: “We must obey God rather than the humans”. This obedience ennobles and enables them to be witnesses to the Lord, risking their own lives. The apostles believed in the Son, as sent by the Father. They bear testimony to the Son just as the Son bears testimony to the Father. In consequence, they may face death at human hands but they will obtain eternal life from the hands of God.

Ultimately, only obedience and witness are the greatest directives for a true follower of Christ!

It is good to check and see on whose side we are: the unbelieving Jews or the faithful apostles?


Direction: Unfortunately, often the norm for the decisions and actions of many is obeying and pleasing the world and not God and good. Accordingly, they have to render a strict account to God


16 APRIL 2021: ACTS 5. 34-42: JOHN 6. 1-15


Focus: We must always remember the simple principle in life: If something is God’s will, nobody can resist it; if it is not God’s will, nobody can assist it


How wise is Gamaliel! He appeals to be judicious and discerning concerning religious issues and matters of faith! He provides a simple criterion to test whether something is of God or not. And that is perseverance and durability: if something comes from God, it will last in spite of all the obstacles and struggles; if it is merely a human enterprise, it will vanish sooner or later. What a difference of quality and beneficiality can there be if only God’s holy will becomes the deciding criterion for every process of discernment and implementation!

Alas, very often the human calculations and pretentious intelligence become normative for most of the decisions and actions. That is why great human enterprises easily fail and collapse because they are not of God. A disciple of Christ must have the spirit of trust and surrender. They should always believe that God never abandons them. God comes to their rescue, in every sort of difficulty. It can be the suffering because of their faith or can be a need like hunger as in the gospel. Whatever be the kind of problem, unfailing faith is most important. It is this faith that makes the apostles stand bold and firm, and rejoice even amidst affliction. What a faith it is: they are not upset or ashamed. But they feel great and honoured to suffer something for God!

The gospel episode of the miraculous feeding of the five thousand also presents another faith situation. True faith cooperates with God’s grace. In the Acts of the Apostles, this cooperation is seen in their perseverance. In the gospel, it is seen in a happy offering to God at His disposal. It indicates a willingness to place at the Lord’s disposal our very little - five loaves and two fish. It is to surrender the whole “needy and desperate situation” to the Lord’s concern, trusting in his benevolence and power as well.


Direction: Miracles still happen not because our faith is great or our contribution is mighty, but only because God’ love and power are abundant to meet and satisfy our needs


17 APRIL 2021: ACTS 6. 1-7; JOHN 6. 16-21


Focus: At times, in life, a strong wind will be blowing and hitting the lifeboat. We may be frightened. It is in such times, we must attentively listen to the Lord’s assurance, “It is I; do not be afraid”


Surely, in life difficulties and challenges will come upon us. They can be of different kinds, sometimes, human, sometimes, natural. In the Acts of the Apostles, the apostles faced the problem of misunderstanding, displeasure and division – a human situation of injustice and unfairness. It is a matter of conflict between the Hellenistic believers and the Hebrew. In the gospel, it is a natural difficulty due to heavy wind in the sea against the boat – a situation of fear and tension. But, they did not get lost or frustrated at the problematic situation. They confronted and addressed it. The apostles prayed. They turned to God. They sought the light of the Spirit. They obtained wisdom. They discerned the clarity of priorities. Accordingly, they devote themselves to prayer and ministry of the word, while they choose 7 deacons to do the serving at the tables. They know that both the ministries, of the word and of the service, are important. But they also realize that their priority as apostles is the spiritual ministry. This cannot suffer at the hands of the other ministry. However, they do not undervalue its importance. Therefore, they pray to the Holy Spirit and choose men of good repute, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom.

Similarly, in the gospel, the apostles get frightened at the strong wind. But, they listen to Jesus’ directive not to be afraid but to confide in him. They gladly take him into the boat, and the boat has a smooth sail to the shore.

It is not wise to expect a no-problem situation in our life. Our faith is not a foolproof or shield or guarantee against all problems and adversities. When faced with problems, the first recourse should be to God. Wisdom and Discernment should be our properties with which we clarify our priorities. Trust and surrender to him even amidst fear and anxiety should be our assurance and solace.


Direction: The joy of life is not in evading problems, especially in our journey of discipleship. Rather, it is in encountering them and resolving them with the light of the Spirit and the power of the risen Lord

Friday, 9 April 2021


Why this Divine Mercy Sunday immediately after the Easter Sunday?
The motive and the purpose is well-reflected. If peace is the greatest gift and fruit of Easter (as we hear or or or the gospel), that peace is the effect of mercy. This peace will be experienced, obtained, shown and fostered only in mercy.
In other words, mercy becomes the most concrete, authentic and effective sign and expression, witness and testimony of peace. In fact, peace and reconciliation was possible, only because of divine mercy. And peace will be possible, only because of continued mercy.
When you are merciful, you will be peaceful, and when you are peaceful, you will be merciful.
Thereby, mercy is both the cause and effect of peace.
In sum, that Easter peace calls us to constantly live the experience and power of God’s mercy, and our own mercy towards others.
Now what it means to live mercy, both of God and for others?
1.     In the first place, it means to continue to trust in the mercy of God.
Never lose faith in His mercy, neither heart nor hope.
God will never let us down, never discard us, despise or reject us. He will never condemn us.
Cross, crucifixion and resurrection are the greatest testimonies of His unfailing and unconditioned mercy.
2.     He who descended from heaven, in order to transcend us to heaven – Will he leave us, crushed to the ground?
He who embraced our human fragility, to race us to nobility – Will he abandon us to our frailty?
He who accepted earthly misery, to raise us to heavenly glory – Will he forsake us, stuck to our misery?
He who went through our own struggles, sufferings and adversities – Will he reject us to suffer all alone?
He who bore the cross on our behalf – Will he desert us to carry our own burdens, all by ourselves?
He who died for our sake – Will he not save us from the power and forces of death and evil?
He who rose to be alive with us for ever – Will he not walk, sustain and empower us, to live a new resurrected life of faith, hope and charity, blossoming in joy and peace?
3.     As St. Paul exclaims: our sin may abound, but his grace always does super-abound.
Our fragility may pull us down, but his strength will always lift us up.
His fidelity is always greater than all our infidelities.
His might is always stronger than all our weakness.
His light is always brighter than all our darkness.
His holiness is always purer than all our impurities.
His healing is more relieving and restoring than all our wounds and infirmities.
His guidance is more clear and leading than all our misguidedness.
His sentiment is more warm and capturing than all our resentment and grudge.
His tenderness is more touching than all our harshness and hardness.
His warmth is more hot and vibrant than all our indifference and tepidity.
His conviction is more firm and stable than all our wavering and compromise.
His humility is more impelling than all our pride and arrogance.
His self-emptying is more filling than all our self-serving.
His altruism is more serving than all our egoism.
His generosity is more out-reaching than all our greed and accumulation.
His integrity is more authentic than all our hypocrisy and dishonesty.
His mercy is more powerful than all our aggression, retaliation and revenge.
His love is more stimulating than all our hatred.
His forgiveness is more comforting than all our sinfulness and refusal to forgive.
His nobility is more pressing than all our vulnerability.
Therefore, trust in His mercy. Confide in the power of His mercy. Then live the same mercy to others.
4.     This means, show the same rules of God’s mercy, which we have enumerated just above.
So let us be faithful, even amidst infidelity.
Let us be stronger even amidst all weaknesses.
Let us be brighter even amidst all darkness.
Let us be holier even amidst all unholiness.
Let us be more healing even amidst all hurts.
Let us be more guided even amidst all misleading.
Let us be more tender even amidst all rudeness.
Let us be more warm even amidst all coldness.
Let us be more convinced even amidst all compromise.
Let us be more humble even amidst all arrogance.
Let us more sacrificing even amidst all selfishness.
Let us be more sharing even amidst all accumulation.
Let us be more honest even amidst all manipulation.
Let us be more merciful even amidst all aggression and violence.
Let us be more loving even amidst all grudge and hatred.
Let us be more patient even amidst all anger and irritation.
Be merciful as your heavenly Father is.
Let mercy train your hearts and life, so that peace may reign in your hearts and life.