19 APRIL 2021: ACTS 6. 8-15; JOHN 6. 22-29
Focus: The quality of life and its direction depends on the height and the propriety of the goal and the purpose
We often find that the life of many is not qualitative and it is not well-directed. We find them often in wrong pursuits and faulty ways. It is all because they have faltered in the very purpose of life: they have set wrong goals and targets, and accordingly, they seek satisfaction and the fulfilment of life in shallow and superficial matters. It is such people that Jesus sternly and directly warns: Do not work for the worldly and material things which do not last long but perish; rather strive for what is imperishable. What can obtain for one eternal life thereafter? What can also here and now give a sense of meaning and fulfilment? It is only the Lord, it is only faith in him and love for him, it is only in being loyal and committed to his mission, and striving for eternity.
Stephen in the Acts of the Apostles stands as an emblem for this unearthly concern. It is this concern of the above and the spiritual, the “supernatural focus” that distinguishes Stephen from others. They were caught up with the below, the unspiritual and the earthly leanings. This lofty focus endows him with wisdom and passion that none else can resist or match. Only such wisdom makes one clear of the priorities in life. Only such fire makes one ablaze in the midst of all tepidity and lethargy. And only such passion makes one undaunted and indefatigable amidst all adversities and evil forces.
Direction: It is not enough to work hard, but it is more important to discern what one is working hard for. It is not enough to be intelligent to do well in many affairs of the world, but it is more important to be wise to be concerned about the higher concerns
20 APRIL 2021: ACTS 7.51 – 8.1a; JOHN 6. 30-35
Focus: As the goal is, so too is the effort: when the goals are higher and praiseworthy, the efforts too will be higher and more intent
As long as we are earth-bound, our pursuits and successes will also be earth-bound. Unless we raise ourselves to higher realm and strive for higher things, we cannot raise the level of our life. One constant problem of Jesus with Jews was their refusal to see beyond the earthly factors like lineage, place, culture, food and drink, capacity and power, prestige and popularity etc. They were just caught up with the Law, with miracles and wonders, with the provision of manna and water in the desert by Moses, etc. Jesus tries to clarify and elevate their vision from law TO the person of Jesus, from the heartless observance of the law TO a hearty surrender to God’s will, from manna and water TO Jesus, the eternal food and living water, from awe-evoking wonders TO the significative signs of the kingdom and triggers to faith. But their stiff-neckedness, their uncircumcised heart, their jealousy, their legalism in shallow spirituality, make them reject Jesus, and also reject Stephen, his ardent follower, subjecting him to a martyr’s death. But, Stephen, an elated spirit, does not hold the sin against them. Instead, he forgives them and pleads on their behalf, exactly like Jesus. Both in life and in death, he resembles Jesus.
Often, the crucial problem is not so much the rightness or wrongness of the means or acts. Rather it is the wrong and perverted targets and ends. So it is better that we do a serious check-up about our purposes and objectives. As the purpose and the end is, so the direction will be. As the objective and the target is, so the process will be. As the aim and the goal is, so the means will be.
Direction: Jesus is the bread of life and the water of life, and it is he alone who satiates the hunger and thirst. If so, why is it many go hungry and thirsty without seeking him, in stubbornness and arrogance?
21 APRIL 2021: ACTS 8. 1b-8: JOHN 6. 35-40
Focus: The war between God and Satan, the struggle between good and evil, the opposition between faith and unfaith never ceases, but the evil can never permanently destroy the good
God’s will and ways are always mysterious, in the sense, we may not always understand the sense and logic behind them. But one thing is sure: His ways are always productive and constructive seen in the whole picture of life and faith. It only needs a holistic vision of faith. In themselves, persecution in Jerusalem and scattering into different places are sad and destructive factors. But they become productive means of germinating faith and constructive occasions of gathering faithful to the Lord, through preaching and miracles. No amount of persecution could intimidate their faith or shake their conviction.
This is the beauty and the power of faith. On one hand, anti-Christ forces like Saul were ravaging and persecuting the church. They were trying in every way to suppress the spread of the believers. But on the other hand, apostles like Philip, persisted to preach and heal, and the believers continue to grow in numbers as well as in the firmness of faith. They truly inherited the spirit of their Master Jesus who is the bread of life. He came from the Father. He had only the singular purpose and mission of “fulfilling the will of the Father”. It is this through “offering eternal life to all” without exception, and “never losing anyone”. However, unfortunately, there are many who reject faith and thus reject life itself.
Direction: God’s will and salvation should alone be our strengths and driving forces, because God will always sustain our every effort on His behalf, and no other forces or fears would crush us
22 APRIL 2021: ACTS 8. 26-40: JOHN 6. 44-51
Focus: Communication is rooted in communion and communion leads to compassion and that to commitment in mission
Jesus constantly communicates God’s will, His message and His action of salvation to the people. In this, he reveals the Father’s love and His merciful benevolence, to pull the people out of the clutches of death in various forms. Thereby the Father offers them life through His only Son, Jesus who is the bread of life. This salvific communication is in turn rooted in Jesus’ intimate communion with the Father. This is seen in his seeing Him and listening to Him, in being sent by Him and doing His mission. From this divine communion and mission evolve a deep spirit of compassion and undaunted commitment to fulfil the mission. The apostles shoulder the same project of communication – communion – compassion – mission – salvation. And in carrying this out and accomplishing it, they struggle relentlessly and fearlessly. But, they are not lone warriors and theirs is not a lone battle. The Lord makes sure that they are sustained and supported. The Spirit always accompanies and sustains them at every angle of life in this mission of witness. It is in this aura of the Spirit, Philip encounters the Ethiopian eunuch and brings him to faith. The eunuch too responds to this gift of faith through his eagerness to listen and to believe. This is seen in his typically enthusiastic request, “What prevents me from being baptized?”
Perhaps, in the present times this mission of the Lord suffers. It is not because the Spirit is not powerful or active as then. Rather it is because of willing response, prompt cooperation and wholehearted dedication. What then prevents you and me from being baptized by the Spirit, from living my faith?
Direction: As the disciples of the Lord and anointed by the Spirit, we are also entrusted with the same project of communication-communion-
23 APRIL 2021: ACTS 9. 1-20; JOHN 6. 52-59
Focus: One who is touched by the Lord cannot but be transformed and then on will begin to transmit the same “holy contagion” to others, to be touched and transformed by the same Lord
The dramatic narrative of Paul’s conversion in Acts of the Apostles is very striking and impressive. I find it not exigent to enter into any discussion or argument about the veracity and exact details of it. Now, whether it was a real sudden heavenly encounter as narrated in the Bible or it was a projection of a fitting end to a gradual journey of a psychological struggle and discovery, an about-turn and total change – is not a crucial issue for me. What I mean is, either way, makes no difference for my faith or for any real faith. The reason is, in either case, what is vital is God’s intervention, whether sudden and unexpected or gradual and oriented to its goal. The fact is, Saul undergoes a most profound change of heart and life. Everything changes in the name of Saul into Paul, law to Jesus, persecutor to persecuted, oppressor to the sufferer, hatred to love, legalism to righteousness through faith, a mission of death to a mission of life.
All this is possible only because he has totally communed with the Eucharistic Lord. Accordingly, he experiences the three Eucharistic effects laid out by Jesus: mutual abiding (believer abides in the Lord and the Lord abides in him); living by the Lord (the believer lives by the power of the Lord; it can also mean that he lives in accord, in conformity to the Lord); and living forever (obtaining eternal life; also already carrying the traces of eternal life in this life itself). In our life, we need not expect abrupt interventions of God, but a steady and gradual conversion of life. This is the beauty of our Catholic faith: living with the Lord and living by the Lord to eternity, in word and sacrament, in life and witness.
Direction: Preaching powerfully and working miracles impressively is good, because they can authenticate one’s mission; but they should not become substitutes for one’s own faith or for the duty of life-witness
24 APRIL 2021: ACTS 9. 31-42; JOHN 6. 60-69
Focus: Blessed are they who believe in the Lord with conviction, live with him in intimacy, live by him with his Spirit and power, and make others to live the same by the witness
Conviction and commitment mark the apostles. These were concretely manifested in their passion for the Lord and in their unflinching zeal to spread what they believed. There was no wonder that their preaching was accompanied and testified by powerful signs of healing and miracles. It is this power that enables Peter to heal the paralytic Aeneas and resuscitate Tabita from death. But what is to be noted is that miracles were always complementing and testimonies to their faith in zeal and charity, and never substitutions. The apostles never gave excessive importance to this extraneous aspect of the power of miracles. For them, what mattered most was to “walk in the fear of the Lord”, to “build up the community of faith and fraternity”, to “foster the numbers with the consolation of the Spirit”, to “cling to the Lord at all times” even if many defect from him and desert him. They were just like their Master Jesus. He was no “shrewd businessman” who may try to mitigate and dilute the truth for salability and profit. Certainly, it is hard to hear and practice. But Jesus places before us uncompromising truth and conditions
Direction: God does not expect us to be clever craftsmen who can present cunningness and crookedness as tact and capability to “market the spiritual goods”; neither He wants us to be master-performers who impress others with bundles of activities. All He wants from us is to be simple disciples who walk his way and walk (make walk) others on the same way