In the name of the
Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
Reflection on community life in our
consecrated life.
We began the session with “In the name of the Father, and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit” and we didn’t call one individual person.
God is communion. He comes to us as a community as Father,
Son and Spirit. He is always in relationship with one another. Our God is
communion. Three persons, always living together. Jesus could have come
directly to save us. But he was born in a family. He lived communion with
Mother Mary and Joseph. That’s the plan of God. When Jesus began His mission
.He could have done it independently but his first mission after his baptism at
Jordan was to form a community. He prayed the whole night, as we read in Luke Gospel
6; 12-13 before choosing the community members. The 12 were the result of his
whole night prayer. He could have chosen a better community. It was not a
perfect community in our calculation. Just check the nature of each one called
by Jesus. Starting from Peter. He formed a community of disciples not because
they were perfect but he made them perfect. In order to save our humanity Jesus
realized only a community can do. We read in Acts of the Apostles 2: 44-47, it
tells us that early Christians gathered together as a community and this
attracted others and their number increased day by day.
All our sacraments are communitarian. We are the Assembly of
God. A loving God created us. We all grew up in a family of love. And We grew
up in community with siblings and relatives. We were surrounded by love. When
we joined the congregation our formation began in a community. We lived with
our companions in community and immediately after profession were sent to a
community and not to an island. We know the song “no one can live as an island”.
We don’t choose our community members but keeping the mission of Jesus as the
focus, we are sent.
Suppose my dear sisters, if I ask you the question, Recall
the most satisfying moments in your religious life and share… what would you
share? We would natural share those moments of togetherness. Being missed,
loved , appreciated and valued.
Suppose if I ask you another question, look for worst moments
in your community life… we would naturally recall those moments of being left
alone, abandoned, devalued or misunderstood. Loneliness is painful because we
desperately desire to be connected, irrespective of age, gender or status.
What is the reason for our longing to be in a community? Why
this is deeply inserted in the structure of our being?
Since we are created in the likeness of God who is communion,
our basic human nature also demands, urges us to live in fellowship of love for
one another.
Life is RELATIONSHIPS. We live for and enjoy relationships.
Tell me who doesn’t want love and who doesn’t want to be loved?
This feeling is basically embedded in our life. We use three
There is a vast difference among the three. Let me share with
you the differences.
Staying together under the same roof. This is what we call
us, boarding, orphanages, or hostels. There is same place, time to study, time
to eat, time to play, time to pray and time to sleep. Time table is followed
there with discipline. Bell sound brings the students or the children in the
hostel together.
Sharing the common work and ministries and even finance.
We have a vision in a community.
Accountability to others is there.
A superior is there to co-ordinate.
Sometimes it could also be like a hostel, eatery places. We
can also come, eat, sleep and we can go without meeting each other. That’s what
community life is becoming today.
Caring for one another.
Sense of belonging
To have a feeling of I missed you.
We missed you.
There’s a gap, a vacuum without you.
It’s not only with regard to work but your presence is
We are happy when you are with us.
Your absence is conspicuous.
We show this many times waiting for them before eating our
meals. We cancel the program sometimes when they are in tension and pain.
Community is the place where we release the tension of our
Community is the place where we are energized. We share our
joys and sorrows freely. We also share our successes and also failures and
weaknesses. And the demands and challenges of our ministries are openly shared
in our community and we are energized. It is not surprisingly then that when we
are divided and alone we long for connections, we long for community. In fact
my dear sister, loneliness is the worst form of suffering. That a human being
can endure. It is worse than physical hunger and poverty. People die not due to
lack of food but also due to lack of love. These days there is no fighting
explicitly in many of our communities, except in a very very few houses but
there is no communion. We don’t talk with each other. A culture of silence has
entered into religious life. We all have our single room, we have our one mobile
with internet and many times we self-quarantine ourselves and stay inside our
room. We are afraid to talk to others. We are afraid to be hurt. We are afraid
to be humiliated and rejected. That’s why we close the doors and stay inside.
The greatest miseries dearest sisters, is not just the HIV-AIDS or Cancer,
Covid19 but also loneliness, lovelessness, rejection and being abandoned. This
leads to depression, suicides and mental breakdowns.
Many exists but very few are alive in our communities.
Loneliness is all most equal to death. We have landed on the moon dear sisters
but not in the heart of our neighbor.
We are good in talking to people who are far away but with
not with the members who are living with us in the community.
Though communication facilities are increased today like
internet, email, mobiles, today we often hear complaints about lack of
Phone lines are always engaged but everyone is going through
terrible loneliness. A sister was sent to States to do COMMUNICATION-Ph.D., Doctorate.
Successfully she completed her Ph.D. and returned back to her congregation.
Ph.D., in communication but she doesn’t communicate with anybody. We develop
skills but we don’t practice it in our life.
We build community walls but we have not learnt to build
We are glow to smartphones and internets. We have come to the
realization that with all the cellphones, emails and modern technologies what
is important is communion, relationships for which gadgets are also not very
important many a times. We are not called human- doings. If we are
Human-Doings, we keep on doing, doing but we are HUMAN_BEINGS.
My dear sisters, community life is not the problem, following
the timetable and sharing the work is not the problem, but there is no
communion, we keep ourselves simply busy. Ministry is an excuse not to meet
others. Our energy is sapped by our community issues and little energy is left
to do our ministry. We have no stamina finally to creatively to involve
ourselves in the ministry.
Communion cannot come by merely living the common timetable,
by living under a common roof, or eating together or saying the prayers
together. It comes about when individuals are made to feel welcomed, valued,
understood and loved. We are related to each other neither functionally nor
hierarchically in the community but as persons in the community we are equal as
sisters, as children of one God.
It is the relationship that transcends one’s office and
functions. Sisters, it is not enough just to be intelligent alone. Today we
have plenty of highly educated members in our congregations. Who needs our
intelligence? In what way others benefit by our intelligence and skills? We
have so many intelligent people but nobody can live with them or work with
them. Whereas if we are loving, caring, compassionate and respecting people
then others will love us.
COVID 19 has taught us many a beautiful lessons. The wealth,
property, power, positions, education, status and riches are not going to save
us. Finally what we are going to leave to others? Who we are?
Sisters we cannot expect perfect people anywhere. Not even in
our family, born of the same parents. Five fingers are different. If you want
to have very perfect and peaceful life then we all have to go to the graveyard
and lie down there. In the graveyard, all perfect peace. Nobody will disturb
us, it is not reality.
Even Peter and Paul
fought with each other but they worked for one Church. As long as we live in a
community, conflict bound to arise. Conflicts are unavoidable. Differences of
opinion should not alienate us. Disagreements will be there but they should not
divide us. If the attitude is not changed, relationships will be difficult.
There is a story of 4 men walking along the narrow path in a
jungle. 4 people walking through the same route, through the same jungle.
As they walked the first one came across a deadly snake,
lying across the path. He was so frightened, fear gave him strength and he fled
as fast as he could.
The second person also saw the snake lying on his path, he
was so frightened that he was simply frozen and stood there. He could neither
run nor cry for help. He could only stand there like a pillar. Totally lost.
The third person saw the snake on the same path, he cut a
small branch from the tree and with it he killed the snake and he walked away
while the other man standing like a pillar.
Finally came the Fourth person. The sight of the snake
frightened him that all he could do was to stand there and scream for help,
though the snake he saw was dead and gathering. The snake was not there.
It was dead. It was gathering flies but He was so frightened
that he took a large curve around the snake and walked away.
We see four different reactions to the same snake. That
doesn’t depend on the snake but on four different persons. If someone hates me
it does not show that I am bad. That only shows something of the quality of the
person who hates me. I can also hate her. Or I can ignore what she talks about
me. I can forgive her or I can be friendly and helpful to her. My response will
depend upon what kind of person I am, my background, the way I was brought up,
my outlook and how I see the situations.
The priests and the Pharisees, they wanted to arrest Jesus,
we read this in John’s Gospel chapter 7: 45-46. They sent guards to arrest
Jesus and bring him. The guards returned. And the Pharisees are asking, what
about that man we told you to arrest and bring him? They saw Jesus differently.
They said: no one has ever spoken like this.
Sisters when you have time, read the book of Numbers
13:17-14:9. Moses is sending two groups to the Promised Land separately, 10 in
a group and 2 in a group to spy the Promised Land before they could enter
there. When they returned, both presented different reports. But same Promised
You know the most common story. A king called 6 blind men to
touch and describe an elephant. All of them came up with different answers.
Calling the elephant, it looks like a rope or a fan. It looks like a snake, no
it’s a wall. Well they were partly right. They were nowhere near the whole
truth. All of us see the world and life from our limited perspective. If we
knew this then we would not be in conflict with others. But we assume that what
we know is the whole truth and the other is wrong. And hence there are
conflicts all over the world basically because my truth does not agree with
yours. Although we both of us don’t know that we both of us are partially
correct and are both likely to be wrong.
We strongly hold on to our partial or wrong concepts many times
and we fight it over tooth and nail. What we see is not the untruth but it
cannot be the entire truth which is too vast for mere mortals to comprehend. It
needs highly enlightened soul and heart of the caliber of Jesus or our founders
to be able to see and understand the whole truth.
If we recognize this fact that we don’t know the whole
picture, we are likely to become less aggressive, more humble, more understanding,
which will pave the way for more peace and joy on earth.
I would like to give you a few simple tips to practice it in
your community to achieve communion.
every day examine yourself: what we call today PERSONAL AUDITING before you go
to bed. Why I suffer everywhere. Self-critique. Am I responsible for my
suffering? Is it due to my weakness and
my background and my habit? Matured members will make introspection and correct
themselves. Immature will blame others,
community members, superiors, situations etc.
Why I don’t have friends? Am I a reactionary, dominating or arrogant or
angry person? Or Am I not serious hence nobody can trust me?. We examine mostly
others, not ourselves. Retreat is the time to examine ourselves. Silence for 10
minutes and assess your life, otherwise we will be a burden to others and to
appreciating others: even plants and animals grow fast when they are
appreciated, when we touch them. We were all complimented at one time or the
other and given lot of positive strokes, at home or in our formation houses or
in our congregation. Therefore we have grown. Appreciation is a tonic.
Complementing, appreciating others generously is contagious. You know, Angel
Gabriel was sent by God to Mother Mary, to get her consent. The Angel
complemented Mother Mary Saying “Hail full of Grace”. As soon as Mother Mary
heard this complement, she turns and runs to Elizabeth and compliments her.
Elizabeth in turn compliments Mother Mary saying, “Blessed are you among
women”. Mary in turn praises God by singing the Magnificat and God also
compliments Mother Mary by raising her to heaven-Assumption. Jesus said to
Peter, ‘you are Rock’, must be genuine appreciation. What is the climate of
your community? What is your community culture? Is it one of joy, appreciation,
generosity? Check. Are you contributing for the happiness of your community?
is very important for communion) DON’T JUDGE: Jesus starts His missionary life
in the vision statement of Luke’s Gospel chapter 4:18-19 “I have come to
proclaim the year of the Lord and to heal everybody, not to judge or to curse.”
Very beautifully St. Paul says, Rom 14:4. We should read it often. “Who are you
to judge?”. Who are you? Who gave you the permission to judge others? Jermiah
17: 9-10 says, “The heart is devious above all else.” It is perverse too. Who
can understand it, except me?. That’s why St. James is warning against judging
another in chapter 4:1-12 ‘warning against judging another’. We must be ready
to change our opinion like Nathaneal, the one who was initially so cynical
about Jesus. What good can come from Nazareth?. But in Jn 1:49 he change his
view, “Rabbai, you are the Son of God, the King of Israel”. Adulterous woman Jesus said, “Sin no more”.
Best judgment given by Jesus ever given by any judge in the world. That changed
her. What I expect in others is not in them. What others expect in me, are
those qualities in me? We want others to change immediately. Can I SAY LIVE
LIKE ME? Am I a model to others? I shout or blame others sometimes, as if I
have never made any mistake. Have I never made any mistake in my life? Can we
say like Paul as he says in ACTs,a brilliant sentence. Acts 23:1, ‘up to this
day I have lived my life, with a clear conscience before God. Can I say that?
And ST. Peter say in his first letter (1P) 3:16 “keep your conscience clear”.
Even the broken clock is right, twice a day. Observe everything. Forget much.
Correct very little. That will bring communion in our community. You may not
like somebody’s face. You may not like her way of eating and dressing. You may
not like her life-style or she is glue to mobile all the time. You may not like
her behavior. But you need not like everybody. You have no right to hate or
humiliate anybody on account of these things. God can write straight with
crooked lines. He did this with St. Peter, Paul, Augustine, Francis of Assisi,
etc. when judge as Mother Teresa says, we have less time to love others. My
judgment, sisters remember, My judgment reveals not who others are but it
reveals about myself. Who I am. Whenever I am judging I am revealing myself to
others. How many times our Pope Francis asked us ‘not to gossip , not to judge,
or if we are tempted to gossip bite your tongue’. Let us practice these wise
says in community.
TO FORGIVE: 70 TIMES 7: Forgiveness is not something we do for other people;
it’s not a favor that I am doing to others by forgiving. Whenever I forgive I
get well, I move on. Even if it is hard to forgive do it for your well-being,
otherwise you will put yourself in the prison of your own making. Anger is
nothing but brief madness of slow poison. It is one alphabet less of DANGER.
Put D before anger it’s DANGER. A
match-stick has a head made from powdered chemical. Just strike or rub it
against the side of the box and the stick burst into flame. Aren’t we at times
behaving in similar passion? Let a small thing go against our wishes or our
expectations, or else see what happens. Let us not take every petty thing
seriously otherwise we will be sick, perennial patients in our communities.
Deal with the simple matters in a simple way. Just because somebody did not
wish me, don’t make it a big issue. Many at times sisters don’t come for prayer
regularly, or they come late. That’s not our problem. If you want to correct,
you have the freedom to correct only when you know you love them. There’s a
difference between feedback and criticism. In the name of feedback, we
criticize and hurt others. Many at times we allow petty and trivial matters to
break our beautiful relationships. When someone passes on some information to
you, don’t jump immediately and grasp it. Listen to it carefully. Before knowing
the truth we suffer. We allow relationships to break. Then we come to know what
she shared with us is not true. Then we become inactive and experience the
crippling effect in our life. So some people always like sorrowful mysteries. They
would come and share with you always the Negative Mysteries. Don’t listen to
negative people. Be positive and encourage positivity in your life.
my dear sisters, ask god’s grace to live a peaceful life. Pray for yourself every
day to live in that respective community with the members given to you. Pray for
yourself to accept the situations, not allowing these situations to bog you down.
Pray for the person who hurts you. This is your responsibility. My father or
mother, she/he doesn’t know that what she/he is doing. Isaiah 38:17, what a
beautiful verse “You have thrown my God, my sins behind your back”. Let us also
throw the mistakes of others behind our back then only we can pray OUR FATHER
Sisters our communities must be
COUNTER-CULTURAL, witnessing to the broken, divided and scattered families. The
TRAFFIC SDIGNAL teaches a beautiful lesson. Wait there patiently sometimes until
your red light will automatically turn into green.
Continue to pray,
Contribute your little might for the
joy of the community
Thank you sister
ReplyDeleteI’m a SMIC sister and this really helped me understand the importance of community life
Mother I always thank God for you the ever precious gift to us..praying for your good health ma...Nimmy Jharkhand