12 – 17 OCTOBER 2020
12 0CTOBER 2020: GALATIANS 4. 22-24, 26-27, 31 -5.1; LUKE 11. 29-32
Focus: True knowledge should lead us to transparence and acceptance and not arrogance and rejection. False knowledge leads to false freedom, which is only a disguise of slavery to sin
The people in Jesus’ time did not accept Jesus’ message because they did not recognize his true identity as the Son of God and Messiah. It is because they were arrogant and closed because of their presumptuous knowledge and familiarity concerning Jesus. They demanded to prove himself through miracles. They failed to understand that faith is essentially a matter of trust and experience and not a matter of proof. Miracles are only signs that indicate and authenticate the presence and power of God. They are meant to supplement one’s openness to believe and not to generate or guarantee faith. These people of Jesus’ time stand condemnable by the people of Nineveh who repented and were converted at Jonah’s wake up call, and also by the queen of Sheba who traveled so far to witness Solomon’s wisdom. How foolish are these people not to respond to Jesus positively, who is greater than Jonah and Solomon!
Jesus sternly addresses them as an evil generation. They rightly deserve this harsh comment, because they do not repent and turn to the gift of faith in Jesus. Rather, they prefer to cling on to the old slavery of heartless legalism and sin. In the light of the first reading, from the letter to the Galatians, this is a wrong freedom, which in fact is only a new slavery. Our society is no different from that evil generation for the same reason. In the name of freedom, it is mostly slavery to sin
Direction: A faith that depends only on signs and favors will very easily get disillusioned and fall into crisis. True faith never indulges in a deviating and destructive freedom
13 OCTOBER 2020: GALATIANS 5. 1-6; LUKE 11. 37-41
Focus: Religious activities are not mere matters of practice, observance and tradition but are to be means and expressions of an authentic heart and devotion
As persons of faith, we certainly manifest our faith in performing some spiritual actions, devotions, laws and precepts. It is a tangible way of expressing and living our spirit of faith. However, they cannot become cover-ups or substitutes for the lack of interior authenticity and purity or for the lack of a life of integrity. This is what happened in the case of many Jews of the time of Jesus and Paul. They were so strict about observing the law. But they did not realise that they were actually bound by it. Instead of growing in the freedom to love and serve, they became enslaved by what they themselves created. They were meticulous about circumcision of the flesh, but were they aware of circumcising their heart, cutting it off from the attachment to sin?
Sadly, in the present times too, very often the exterior religious activities or obligations do not proceed from a genuine interior disposition. They also do not lead to a way of actions and life that are compatible with the spirit and purpose of these religious practices. Cleaning outside, whether of hands or of cup and of dish, as a religious precept is good, but what about cleaning inside? Almsgiving is good but what about cultivating a heart of sensitivity and charity? It is not so much a matter of conflict between the interior and the exterior. It is not a matter of disputing about which is greater. It is more a duty to live a life of harmony and integrity. It is to nurture a pure heart and manifest a good living in honesty and loyalty.
Direction: A life of integrity that integrates a pure interior and a devout exterior is praiseworthy in God’s sight; they are not rivals or competitors but friends and mutual supporters
14 OCTOBER 2020: GALATIANS 5. 18-25; LUKE 11. 42-46
Focus: Hypocrisy is the biggest block in one’s journey of conversion. It is a clearest counterpart of immorality and infidelity
Jesus is heavy in his tirade against the Pharisees and scribes. The reason is quite obvious. It is their cut-throat hypocrisy. It is all the more deplorable because it is disguised under religious garb. Such a hypocrisy shelters itself in an inauthentic heart. There is a sharp contradiction between what they religiously teach and perform and what they actually live and do. They are prompt in giving alms but neglect justice and love. They crave for honour by best seats and salutations but do not live with honour and humility. They pretend to be rigorous religious leaders by meticulously insisting on the laws but they themselves do not follow the spirit of the law. And the real spirit of all law is fidelity and love. God is highly displeased with such an inauthentic life.
In the light of the letter to the Galatians, such a hypocritical life is typically what yields to the works of the flesh. The works of the flesh are all those acts of immorality, selfishness and dissensions. In contrast, an authentic life bears abundant fruits of the Spirit, such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Those who claim to belong to Jesus and to faithfully follow him, cannot continue to succumb to the dictates of the flesh. They must crucify their flesh and live in the Spirit.
Direction: Let us get rid of our inauthentic and hypocritical selves. Let us grow a little more humble, honest and converted. Let us learn to operate more and more in the realm of the Spirit and not the realm of flesh
Focus: Doing a wrong is already bad. But hiding it or justifying it or glorifying it is all the more bad. Doing bad is enough bad, but not tolerating anyone doing good, and not allowing them to do good, is worst
Jesus’ hard rebuke of hypocrisy continues. He exposes two more aspects of the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and scribes. One is, “religiosizing” or “spiritualizing” the killing of the prophets of the past by building monuments in their honour. Thereby they cleverly mitigate the gravity of the wrong. Another aspect of hypocrisy is: they become blocks and hindrances to the people to enter the kingdom, instead of becoming guides and animators. Their knowledge should be like the key that opens up the door of the kingdom to the people. Instead, they use this key of knowledge to close the door and misguide the people. They themselves do not enter and even prevent others from entering. In the words of the first reading from the letter to the Ephesians, this is in fact thwarting and acting against the very purpose and destiny of God for us: In His eternal design, from the very foundations of the world, He has willed to cleanse us and adopt us as His children through the blood of His only Son Jesus. He has destined us to be holy and blameless before Him.
But very sadly, this rupturing of God’s eternal design continues even now. People in the name of religion, can shamelessly become unholy and blameworthy. Even the inhuman and selfish acts and behaviour can be spiritualized as a matter of religiosity. Knowledge and competence are often used, not as keys to open up a new society of love and peace, but as keys to shut the doors.
It was in such a time, there arose an iron woman, in the person of St Teresa of Avila. She stood firm against all the pressures of evil and error. Through her keys of prayer and passion for reform, she opened up a new world of devotion and renewal.
Direction: Not walking the right way is serious enough. But misleading others in the wrong way is abominable. Blocking those who try to walk the right way, and persecuting them, is detestable
16 OCTOBER 2020: EPHESIANS 1. 11-14; LUKE 12. 1-7
Focus: Christian life is a constant call to bear witness in word and deed. Certainly it is a tough task. But there is no need to worry or be frightened, for God is always with us
The Word of God today once again reminds us that we are people, specially chosen and destined by God. In simple, it is to inherit redemption, and to become God’s own possession. Accordingly, we exist and live for the praise of His glory. This is in perfect accord with the eternal purpose and will of God for us. In accomplishing this, surely we will come across many opposing and crushing forces. Like the leaven of hypocrisy of the Pharisees, which Jesus mentions in the gospel, we too will confront a prevailing hypocrisy and deception. And this has a devastating pervasive influence, vitiating the whole atmosphere of our human society. So, as Jesus cautions us, we need to be cautious, judicious and firm. The evil time again will worry and scare us, casting so much fear and loss of hope into our hearts. But we need not lose heart and hope, because God meticulously takes care of us. He who takes care of even small creatures like sparrows, will He not take care of us? We are people of respect and dignity. He will not let us down. He will keep a count even of our hairs. To the extent we are faithful to God, to the extent we bear witness to Him, to that extent we will experience the light and power of God. Is it not foolish to save our bodies but lose our souls? Is it not unwise to have fear of those who can harm us only externally but have no fear of God who can change our destiny entirely?
Direction: True faith must constantly guard oneself against all the hypocritical forces, and foster a spirit of authenticity. It must help a person to courageously bear witness to the Lord, in whom one believes
17 OCTOBER 2020: EPHESIANS 1. 15-23; LUKE 12. 8-12
Focus: Owning up God and testifying to our belonging to the Lord, is a fundamental sign of faith. A Faith which falls to compromises and lives away from God, is nothing but a fake faith
Today in the name of modernity, many feel shy and even ashamed to let others know about their adherence to God and religion. Some others do not adhere because they nurture a heightened sense of complacency that they do not need. Some others remain indifferent because they are afraid of any possible risk and troubles. Many faithful have become nominal and the faith of many became very shallow and superficial. For many, faith and prayer are matters of some devotion or tradition or means of some divine assistance and consolation. For some, God is more a concern at one’s convenience and will. But today the Lord is very clear that failure to accept him and own him up is very grave, which results in God’s own disowning us. The reason is, it is not merely a failure to recognize Jesus in flesh and blood but to identify the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit that is working in and through Jesus. It amounts to a rejection of the very nature of power and wisdom of God. Those who are rejecting and standing against the Holy Spirit, are actually blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. It is denying the very spiritual presence and power of God Himself. In the gospel, the matter is not that denying Jesus is pardonable, while denying the Holy Spirit is not so. It is a caution against the lack of light to see clearly and rejecting God in his holy and spiritual ways. God ceaselessly acts through His Spirit, who enlightens us and embolden us to stand firm and wise.
Direction: Those who confide in God, can stand serene, because God Himself will personally protect them, guide them and strengthen them.
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