Sunday, 25 October 2020

30th weekdays reflections

 26 OCTOBER – 31 OCTOBER 2020



26 OCTOBER 2020, EPHESIANS 4. 32 – 5.8; LUKE 13. 10-17

Focus: The world is truly under the infirmity and the attack of sin and evil, and it needs healing and liberation, and for this it must turn to God


In the gospel, Jesus heals a woman crippled since 18 years. We are clearly told about what is her infirmity and also the reason for it. She was bent and could not straighten up at all. This is because of an evil spirit. The scene is quite simple but touching. This shows very vividly the personal attention and care of Jesus: he sees the handicapped woman, calls her to him, pronounces words of healing, lays his hands upon her and heals her. It is very clear that it is Jesus who takes the initiative. He anticipates her need. He does not feel restricted by the Sabbath prohibition. Another notable point is, in healing her, Jesus does not say, I heal you or be healed. Rather, he says, “Woman, you are freed from your infirmity”. He also says to his opponents that the ‘Satan had bound her, and she should be freed from her bonds’. Thereby, very clearly infirmity or sickness is presented as a bondage under evil and true healing is a freedom and liberation from that boundness. The concrete effect of this bondage is to remain bent and not being able to straighten up. Yes, one who is under the influence and the power of evil, is not able to walk steadily in the path of God and good.

Such a “bent and crooked walking” is well described in the first reading from the letter to the Ephesians. It is a life of immorality, greed, impurity, nonsense, foolishness, and scandalous words. It is being easily influenced and deceived into sin by empty and shallow currents. Instead, to be a healed and freed person implies to imitate Christ, to follow his way of love. It calls us to be good, understanding and forgiving.


Direction: We are children of light and therefore we must put aside the works of darkness and learn to walk straight and steady, as most beloved children of God, children of light and imitators of Christ


27 OCTOBER 2020, EPHESIANS 5. 21-33; LUKE 13. 18-21

Focus: It is quality that gives meaning and worth to any quantity, whether big or small. Therefore, what is more important in life is the quality of life and not the quantity of things


As God’s children, our primary duty is to seek and spread God’s kingdom. It is a demanding task. But we need not worry much about the vastness or the challenges that beset it. It is enough that we do our part, however little it is. It can be like a tiny mustard seed or a little yeast. The mustard seed is small, but it grows into a tree to shelter many birds. The little yeast leavens much flour. In the same way, our small efforts, blessed by God, become big and great to shelter and help many and to change much. Our actions may seem insignificant and unnoticed. But the effect of them can be very fruit-bearing, tested and durable in time. It is God who gives growth and fruition and we are only to cooperate. This is in fact how we belong to God and spread it.

Very concretely, in the light of the first reading from the letter to the Ephesians, this means to model our life and relationships on Jesus. Particularly, it calls for a bond of respect and love, responsibility and fidelity between wife and husband. Family is the domestic church, the church in miniature. Family is the first and basic domain where the kingdom of God must reign. The relationship between wife and husband is not merely physical or material or psychological or social. It is deeply interpersonally relational and spiritual. It must resemble the love bond that reigns between Christ and the church, which is his spouse and mystical body. There is no disrespect or hurt, no domination or subjugation. It is a beautiful bonding, a sacred covenant of love and sacrifice, fidelity and commitment.


Direction: The Kingdom of God is not a matter of pomp and show. It is a gradual invisible pervasive influence. It is not a location but a situation of love and faithful relationships, beginning with the family


28 OCTOBER 2020: EPHESIANS 2. 19-22; LUKE 6. 12-16: FEAST OF SIMON AND JUDE, Apostles

Focus: Loving the Lord leads to living with him and that leads to living for him, to the extent of dying for him

We celebrate the feast of Saints Simon and Jude, two among the twelve apostles of the Lord. Simon was a zealot, a member of the nationalist party of zealots who were resistant to the Roman rule. Jude was a cousin of the Lord, the son of Joseph’s brother, Cleophas. Jude authored an epistle. Jude is also the patron of the desperate causes, the saint of last resort. Whatever be these details, what is important for us to note is, they were chosen by the Lord to be his disciples. They lived with him. They experienced his love, power, and wisdom in intimacy with him. They drew their light, direction, and strength from him. And they set out as apostles to share what they themselves had experienced in Mesopotamia and Persia.Today as we venerate them for their life and mission, we are called to reflect on our own vocation and mission. Backgrounds do not matter. What we were before being called, is not important. But what we become, how we live, what we do, is most important. So, like these apostles, we too are called to be his disciples, to live constantly in his proximity, in humility to learn, in intimacy to love and in guidance to walk. We are also called to be his apostles on his mission, to take him and his message to the world through word and action. Can we learn something from these saints?


Direction: The value of our vocation does not depend on our past backgrounds or present status or achievements. But it mainly consists in being close to the Lord and to work for him on his mission


29 OCTOBER 2020: EPHESIANS 6. 10-20; LUKE 13. 31-35

Focus: God’s grace is never inactive or out of action; it is only our reception and cooperation that fails. Instead of lamenting or complaining that God’s grace is not regular or out of stock, it is better to check upon our depth and stability of faith


Jesus laments over Jerusalem. The reason is clear: Like the hen with its chicks, God tries to take them closer to Him but they refuse and go away from Him. He wants to protect them from the snares of the evil one but they deliberately expose themselves to be snatched away. He wants to nourish them tenderly but they prefer to go hungry. He wants to bring them and keep them together but they prefer to go scattered. God wants to admonish them and bring them back to Himself through His prophets. But they reject them, persecute and kill them. Herod very much symbolizes these people. Like a fox, cunning and evil-intentioned, Herod waits to pounce upon Jesus. But Jesus is undeterred and unswerving because he is totally clear and focused on his mission and fearlessly committed to it. How often, how many are like Herod and people of Jerusalem!

Our present times are no different from those. The first reading from the letter to the Ephesians so clearly describes such an evil situation. It also gives them ways to combat it. Rightly, “our battle is against human forces, but against the forces of evil, the cunning of the devil, the flaming arrows of the devil”.

Therefore, the only way to combat is to put on the whole armour of God. We must make use of all our weapons to resist and to stand our ground. In this battle, faith is our shield, salvation is our helmet, the Spirit and the Word of God is our sword, truth is our belt, justice is our breastplate and zeal is our shoes. The battle is fierce but God is with us. We shall resist persistently and fight fearlessly.


Direction: Once we are focused on our mission, nothing should frighten or hinder us because we are under God’s shielding wings, and guiding lights


30 OCTOBER 2020: PHILIPPIANS 1. 1-11; LUKE 14. 1-6

Focus: Very often, our kindness is conditioned by moods and seasons. It is also often according to convenience or profit. But blessed are they we are relentless and selfless!


Often, Jesus gets into problem with the Pharisees and scribes, the big people in his society. The main issue is his violation of the Sabbath rule as in today’s gospel. They cannot digest the fact that he heals on Sabbath day, which is strictly a day of rest, abstaining from any work. The purpose of Jesus is not to poke and provoke them, or irritate and annoy them. Neither he has contempt and disregard toward the laws. His intention is also not to popularize himself as a rebel, as some would do. They would project themselves as ‘saviours of the time’ and simply oppose and challenge anything of the authority or the system. Jesus certainly respects the laws and the traditions. But for him, always what matters the most is, true piety and deep benevolence. Love for God and kindness to others are the supreme laws of life. Everything in life should be directed to these ends and foster the same. No reason is good and valid enough to prevent one from doing good. A law that fails to do good is not worth following. In fact, every healing is not merely an act of physical good and health. It is a liberation from one’s bondage. It is restoration of one’s lost dignity. It is ushering a new life. That is why, Jesus has absolutely no qualms or inhibition about healing a man of dropsy on a Sabbath day.

This is the same love of Christ that fills St Paul and steers his whole life and mission. It is with this same deep, passionate and tender love that he loves the Philippians, and builds them in faith. He confesses openly, “I love you dearly”. He appreciates them for this depth, perseverance and testimony. He exhorts them to continue in the same spirit, with love of Christ, with deeper knowledge and clearer discernment. Thus, they shall be pure of heart and blameless in God’s sight.


Direction: Many times, many make lame excuses for not being good and doing good. They go on explaining and justifying why they are not able. But mostly, what is lacking is a good heart and concern for others


31 OCTOBER 2020: PHILIPPIANS 1. 18B-26; LUKE 14. 1, 7-11

Focus: Being good is mandatory and Doing good is obligatory. So it must be always with a genuine spirit of humility and responsibility, and not to make a show


Jesus never misses a chance to put the things in the right perspective. Today, he goes as a guest of a leading Pharisee. He notices how people seek places of honour. He uses this occasion to teach about humility. He declares one of the outstanding teachings, “Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted”. Humility adds value and splendour to the whole character and greatness of a person. All the capacities and talents of a person can fall short, if they lack humility. Humility does not mean that one debases himself, or resigns himself only to poor grades. Humility does not mean that one despises one’s worth. It also does not mean that one goes around professing and proclaiming about his weaknesses. This is all a defective and deficient humility. True humility is essentially truthfulness, being true to oneself. It recognises the overwhelming greatness and holiness of God, and before him our own fundamental unworthiness. It also recognises the due dignity and respectability of others irrespectively. More importantly, humility deeply knows that the real worth does not depend on external powers, positions and honours. True worth of a person consists in one’s pure heart, sound character, humble surrender to God and committed benevolence. This is the same humility that adorned and guided Paul. He always sought to exalt Christ through his person and ministry. He always strove for the progress and happiness of others.


Direction: It is not the places and chairs of power and honour that make one great, but the sincerity of heart, integrity of life and magnanimity of relationships  


Sunday, 18 October 2020

Week days of 29th week




19 OCTOBER 2020: EPHESIANS 2. 1-10; LUKE 12. 13-21

Focus: The value of life depends not on the abundance of things but on the abundance of heart and the radiance of goodness

The gospel of the day presents before us the parable of the rich fool. It is a familiar lesson and is a clear indicator of today's society. It is a society which sets the material aspect as the most important priority of life. The value, importance, greatness, happiness, success and fulfilment - all these are measured in terms of material wellbeing. In consequence, the value of the human person, the human dignity and respect, human relations and the primary place for God and spirituality - all these take a back seat. Man becomes more earth- bound, selfish and perpetually dissatisfied and interiorly restless.

It is in this context, Jesus cautions against such a folly and calls for wisdom. Wisdom is a God-given gift that enables us to discern between what is primary and what is secondary in life. It is better to be rich in God's sight, rather than in the world's sight. It is better to gather riches of faith and kindness for heaven, rather than material riches. It is better to be free and generous of heart, rather than to be enslaved to greed and self-interests.

Apparently, the rich man in the gospel seems to be with no fault: he worked hard, he amassed wealth, he desires to enjoy the fruit of his hard work, he makes plans for the future. But if we reflect a little deeply, we can discover many traces of folly in him. He went totally opposite to the admonition in the first reading from the letter to the Ephesians: He did not realize that all his prosperity is “God’s gift, and not the result of his own work. What we are, is God’s work. So we are not to feel proud. God has created us in Christ Jesus for the good works he has prepared, and we should devote ourselves to them”. He totally neglected all these rules of a good life.


Direction: Better to be spiritual and benevolent and thus be worthy to stand upright in the sight of God, rather than to be worldly and self-centered and stand the severe judgment of God. 


20 OCTOBER 2020: EPHESIANS 2. 12-22; LUKE 12. 35-38

Focus: We are noble people with dignity. We are God’s own household. Therefore, be alert and prepared so that We are found worthy and faithful by the Master.


We are living in a world where everyone wants to be a master, on the top of the world.  There is also a great increase of dishonesty, deception and infidelity. To such a world, Jesus proposes the model of a servant who is humble and docile to the Master, and who serves the Master honestly and faithfully. He is not so entangled with the worldly affairs, so as to lose sight of the Master. He is always conscious of the likes and needs of his master. He is ever patient and consistent to wait on his master, and is prompt to attend to him in wholehearted service. How lamentable it is that today we have an increasing breed of pseudo and shallow masters! We have acclaimed and professed professional servants who bother the least to be attentive, alert, prepared and prompt to serve the Master. God touch and transform these self-swollen masters in the disguise of servants!

Such a true spirit of a humble and faithful servant is possible, only when we remain deeply conscious of the nobility of our call. This implies in the light of the first reading from the letter to the Ephesians, to be intensely grateful to God for the marvel of salvation through Christ. In Christ, we are made God’s own household, God’s own people. We are no longer strangers or aliens, but fellow citizens of the holy people. Christ has united us together as one people, as one holy temple, the spiritual sanctuary of God. In Christ, we rediscover and regain our peace. That means, to live in a spirit and bond of unity, humility and loyalty like a true servant, being obedient to the Master and benevolent toward other fellow-servants.


Direction: A faithful servant is one who is dressed for the Master's service and not addressed for power and self- service


21 OCTOBER 2020: EPHESIANS 3. 2-12; LUKE 12. 39-48

Focus: Power and authority must always go together with fervor and charity. Power without humility and surrender, authority without devotion and dedication, are heinous and ruinous.


In a world where there is so much abuse of power and authority, Jesus once again strikes hard on the image of a servant and steward. First of all, we should completely expel the arrogant idea of being owners and proprietors. A position which is invested with power and authority, is not a means of dominating and subjugating others. It is not a launching pad for self- projection and self- promotion. A stable sense of focus on the Master and our destiny, can work as a counter-check and antidote. It can make us more responsible and keep us ever ready and prepared to meet the Master any time. On the other hand, loss of focus, and engagement into worthless deviations and enjoyments, loss of responsibility, loss of dutifulness and loss of fraternal concern towards others, will be highly displeasing to the Master. Such a failed servant will be condemned by the Master.

Praiseworthy and imitable is the spirit of humility and service of Paul in the letter to the Ephesians! The abundance of his capacity and competence, the great degree of success and spiritual authority, in no way make him puffed up or arrogant. He never forgets his roots. He never grabs the credit for himself. He is profoundly conscious that all is God’s free gift. For him, all that mattered was Christ, passion for him and unflinching commitment to his way.


Direction: Certainly, more is given to us. It may be in terms of the material abundance or power and position. But it is never for abuse and self- interest but for more good. Every bit given is accountable.


22 OCTOBER 2020: EPHESIANS 3. 14-21; LUKE 12. 49-53

Focus: It is only the energy and vitality of the Lord that can rejuvenate a world, steeped into tepidity and lethargy


The Lord declares, “I have come to bring fire on earth; I have come to bring division and not peace”. A surface reading of these words can surprise and disturb one. We adore Jesus as the king of unity and peace. But now, Jesus affirms the opposite. What does it mean? A burning fire will surely bring about division and disturbed peace. It is the fire of love for Christ, so marvelously extolled in the first reading from the letter to the Ephesians. It is to be rooted and founded in love. It is to understand and embrace the width, the length, the height and the depth of the love of Christ that surpasses all knowledge. It is the fire of love and compassion, light and guidance, justice and dignity, joy and contentment, empowerment and fulfillment. He offers the light of clarity and direction, certainty and solidity to a world which is shrouded in the dark traces of confusion, uncertainty, insecurity and misguidance. He enlivens and revitalizes a world wounded by hatred and violence with the balm of love and forbearance. He elevates a world that has lost charm by misery and hopelessness, with the remedy of God’s own comfort and hope.

But this is a “contrast mission” and certainly triggers displeasure and opposition and division. But this division is not a negative division, caused by the clashes of ego and self-interests. It is a “holy division” for the sake of God and good. It is a division which is the result of refusal to compromise. It is a division in virtue of a fundamental option for the Lord. It is a division because of the uncompromising priority and loyalty to God, beyond and above the worldly pressures and human relations.


Direction: What the world desperately needs is not heaps of ashes but sparks of fire. A world which is becoming more and more rootless and uprooted, more and more shaken in foundations and unfounded, one needs to be rooted and founded in the love of God


23 OCTOBER 2020: EPHESIANS 4. 1-6; LUKE 12. 54-59

Focus: Human intelligence and knowledge should be raised and oriented to a higher level beyond the earth and mere secular concerns


Certainly commendable is the human intelligence which acts brightly from simple common sense to the great scientific and technological progress. In his intelligence, man is able to read and ascertain seasons and times, assess many practical situations and dissolve many complexities. He is able to regulate and master many conditions to his advantage and ease of life. But how much this great sense and intelligence is used for something higher and loftier? Most of the considerations and efforts are often earth-bound and are driven by worldly motives and gains. How is it that man who acts cautiously and judiciously in earthly and transient matters, fails to act wisely and diligently toward the spiritual and eternal concerns? Devoid of focus, foresight and heaven-directedness, man runs the risk of eternal judgment and condemnation. In the gospel, Jesus very strongly objects to such a shallow human enterprise. This is truly the shallowness and superficiality of the present times as well. They are able to read, understand, interpret and assess, and thus control the seasons and times. But how sadly they fail to recognize the signs of the times and learn and grow from them! They gain mastery over the forces of nature, but they become slaves to the pressures of their own nature. They claim and pretend to be masters and freemen. But little they realize that they lose the true interior freedom in the name of the very freedom they seek. The freedom which they glorify is nothing but a disguised yoke of slavery to sin and evil. In the light of the first reading, to truly read the signs of the times is “to live the vocation we have received. It is to be humble, kind, patient and to bear one another in love”.


Direction: We live often in a world of shallow intelligence and superficial knowledge because they are so short-sighted and so badly limited to the material concerns


24 OCTOBER 2020: EPHESIANS 4. 7-16; LUKE 13. 1-9

Focus: God is immensely patient and hopeful, waiting for us to be converted, to change our ways, and thus become productive and bear abundant fruits


God created us in His own image. He sent us into this world to bear witness to this divine identity in commitment and fruitfulness. As humans with fragility, at times we succumb to sin and we disfigure this image and rupture this communion. Therefore, we need to repent and be converted. In the gospel, Jesus minces no words. He bluntly states: You will all perish unless you change your ways. According to the first reading, we cannot continue to be like children, tossed about by any wave, or wind of doctrine; and deceived by the cunning of people who drag them along into error. Rather, we must grow in a deeper sense of responsibility. We must realize our own particular duty and task in the one body of Christ. We must try hard to become the Perfect Man reaching the maturity in the fullness of Christ. We shall not take for granted God’s immense grace. Neither shall we remain complacent, thinking that God has spared us or evil is not striking us. There are no exceptions with regard to the consequences of sin. No evil shall go unaccounted. It is not a matter of God keeping strict accounts of life. Rather, it is a matter of us becoming more accountable and answerable. It shows itself in a changed life. A changed life consists of receptivity to God’s grace and productivity to bear fruits of good actions. Fruitfulness is incumbent upon us and unproductivity stands condemnable.


Direction: Certainly, God is immensely benevolent and patient and He never denies us chances to change for the better. But His patience shall not be a cause for mediocrity and easy-going.



 *Thoughts  for Life !* 

Some times saying sorry is the most difficult thing on earth. But its the cheapest thing to save the most expensive gift called Relationship! 


'Dream' and 'Aim' both are sensational words. Make your Dream as Aim, but don't make your Aim as Dream. 


Work for a cause, not for applause. Live life to express and not to impress. Don't strive to make your presence noticed. Just make your absence felt. 


Life is like a parade. At the shout of 'About Turn', the last person becomes the first. So we really don't know when life will take 'U' turn. Never feel inferior or superior. 


‪Being a good person is like a being a goal keeper. No matter how many goals we save. People will remember only the one that you missed.


There are two kinds of people in the world. Givers and takers. The takers may eat better. But the givers will sleep better.


Successful LIFE doesn't depend on how good understanding we have; but it depends on how better we avoid 'Miss understandings'.


Living in the favourable and unfavourable situation is called "PART OF LIFE". But smiling in all those situations is called "ART OF LIFE".   


Accepting many wrong persons may not effect our life. But neglecting one right person wil leave us broken through our life.


Listen To Everyone And Learn From Everyone. Because Nobody Knows Everything, But Everyone Knows Something ! 


Relation is Sweeter than *Honey* and greater than *Money*. Smoother than *Silk* and whiter than *Milk*, Higher than any *Tower* and stronger than any *Power*. So maintain it !


Heavy rains remind us of challenges in life.  Never ask for a lighter rain, just pray to God for a better umbrella. That is the attitude!


Life is not about finding the right person, but creating the right relationship. It's not how we care in the beginning, but how much we care till the very end.


Some people always throw stones in your path. It depends on what you make with them; a Wall or a Bridge? Remember you are the architect of your life.


Search for a good heart, but don't search for a beautiful face, because beautiful things are not always good, but good things are always beautiful.


It’s not important to hold all the good cards in life, but it’s important how well you play with the cards you hold.


Have faith and have a successful life. One of the basic differences between God and humans is, God gives, gives and forgives. But the human gets, gets, gets and forgets. Be thankful in life.


If you think it is your alarm clock that woke you up this morning, try putting it beside a dead body and you will realise that it is the Grace of God that woke you up. Have a wonderful day.


Saturday, 17 October 2020

29th Sunday



1. Today being the mission Sunday, our whole focus is on mission. We are called to be once again clear about mission and thus deepen our own sense of mission as well as sustain this task of mission that is proper to each one's life situation.

2. First of all, MISSION is every one's. It is a duty and a right that is due to every believer and follower of Christ irrespectively. Neither anyone can monopolize it nor anyone can evade it. Neither it is a privilege only of a selected few nor it is a look out of only some. This universal binding is very important, so that everyone without exception, feels responsible and supported as well.

3. Since long and even now, MISSION is regarded as the overriding duty of the clergy and the religious. While mission is compulsory upon them, it looks secondary and optional for the other faithful. But it is not so. No one is exempted from it. The ways of carrying out the mission may differ, depending on the different ways of life. Even the degrees of application may also differ, depending on the walks of life.

4.However this variance does not absolve anyone from this bounden duty. It is an obligation and not an option. It is a duty and not a favour. In so far as we are all followers of Christ, the supreme missionary,, in so as we are all members of the church, missionary by her very nature, all of us inherit and share the same task and journey of mission.

5. Accordingly, the mission of a pope or a cardinal or a bishop or a priest or a nun or a lay faithful may be different from other in their specific scope, role, functions and activities. They are not exactly the same but at the same time are not totally different. 

6. What gives all of us commonality in our mission is: all of us share the same deposit of faith, the same baptismal consecration, the same Christian vocation, the very same mission of the Lord, the same grace and power of the Lord and also the same destiny and recompense of eternity.

7. Now broadly speaking, in the light of the holy Word of God, this same mission of Christ is twofold: preach and heal, that is, spreading God' s kingdom in word and deed. This is aimed at liberation of the humanity from the clutches of sin and re-integration of humanity with renewed dignity.

8. The task is enormous. The harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few. Therefore both the number and also the quality of the workers must increase. We must pray for it and also work for it. Besides, this is a challenging and hard task. It is to live like lambs among wolves. There will be opposition, criticism, resistance, and persecution.

9. But there is no need to lose heart. It is God's work with us and through us. It is He who is going to sustain and guide. He will empower us with His own light and strength and steer our way. We need not trust  and depend on worldly securities and guarantees. We should not count too much on our own capacities and realities.

10. Therefore our mission will be accomplished well and happily, if we own up the mission of Christ, if we feel responsible, if we do not privatize and monopolize it but share it in fraternal communion as collaborators and companions, if we rely on God' s illumining guidance and empowerment and thus commit ourselves with loyalty and zeal for God's reign of love and justice.

Sunday, 11 October 2020



12 – 17 OCTOBER 2020



12 0CTOBER 2020: GALATIANS 4. 22-24, 26-27, 31 -5.1; LUKE 11. 29-32

Focus: True knowledge should lead us to transparence and acceptance and not arrogance and rejection. False knowledge leads to false freedom, which is only a disguise of slavery to sin


The people in Jesus’ time did not accept Jesus’ message because they did not recognize his true identity as the Son of God and Messiah. It is because they were arrogant and closed because of their presumptuous knowledge and familiarity concerning Jesus. They demanded to prove himself through miracles. They failed to understand that faith is essentially a matter of trust and experience and not a matter of proof. Miracles are only signs that indicate and authenticate the presence and power of God. They are meant to supplement one’s openness to believe and not to generate or guarantee faith. These people of Jesus’ time stand condemnable by the people of Nineveh who repented and were converted at Jonah’s wake up call, and also by the queen of Sheba who traveled so far to witness Solomon’s wisdom. How foolish are these people not to respond to Jesus positively, who is greater than Jonah and Solomon!

Jesus sternly addresses them as an evil generation.  They rightly deserve this harsh comment, because they do not repent and turn to the gift of faith in Jesus. Rather, they prefer to cling on to the old slavery of heartless legalism and sin. In the light of the first reading, from the letter to the Galatians, this is a wrong freedom, which in fact is only a new slavery. Our society is no different from that evil generation for the same reason. In the name of freedom, it is mostly slavery to sin


Direction: A faith that depends only on signs and favors will very easily get disillusioned and fall into crisis. True faith never indulges in a deviating and destructive freedom


13 OCTOBER 2020: GALATIANS 5. 1-6; LUKE 11. 37-41

Focus: Religious activities are not mere matters of practice, observance and tradition but are to be means and expressions of an authentic heart and devotion


As persons of faith, we certainly manifest our faith in performing some spiritual actions, devotions, laws and precepts. It is a tangible way of expressing and living our spirit of faith. However, they cannot become cover-ups or substitutes for the lack of interior authenticity and purity or for the lack of a life of integrity. This is what happened in the case of many Jews of the time of Jesus and Paul. They were so strict about observing the law. But they did not realise that they were actually bound by it. Instead of growing in the freedom to love and serve, they became enslaved by what they themselves created. They were meticulous about circumcision of the flesh, but were they aware of circumcising their heart, cutting it off from the attachment to sin?

Sadly, in the present times too, very often the exterior religious activities or obligations do not proceed from a genuine interior disposition. They also do not lead to a way of actions and life that are compatible with the spirit and purpose of these religious practices. Cleaning outside, whether of hands or of cup and of dish, as a religious precept is good, but what about cleaning inside? Almsgiving is good but what about cultivating a heart of sensitivity and charity? It is not so much a matter of conflict between the interior and the exterior. It is not a matter of disputing about which is greater. It is more a duty to live a life of harmony and integrity. It is to nurture a pure heart and manifest a good living in honesty and loyalty.


Direction: A life of integrity that integrates a pure interior and a devout exterior is praiseworthy in God’s sight; they are not rivals or competitors but friends and mutual supporters


14 OCTOBER 2020: GALATIANS 5. 18-25; LUKE 11. 42-46

Focus: Hypocrisy is the biggest block in one’s journey of conversion. It is a clearest counterpart of immorality and infidelity


Jesus is heavy in his tirade against the Pharisees and scribes. The reason is quite obvious. It is their cut-throat hypocrisy.  It is all the more deplorable because it is disguised under religious garb. Such a hypocrisy shelters itself in an inauthentic heart. There is a sharp contradiction between what they religiously teach and perform and what they actually live and do. They are prompt in giving alms but neglect justice and love. They crave for honour by best seats and salutations but do not live with honour and humility. They pretend to be rigorous religious leaders by meticulously insisting on the laws but they themselves do not follow the spirit of the law. And the real spirit of all law is fidelity and love. God is highly displeased with such an inauthentic life.

In the light of the letter to the Galatians, such a hypocritical life is typically what yields to the works of the flesh. The works of the flesh are all those acts of immorality, selfishness and dissensions. In contrast, an authentic life bears abundant fruits of the Spirit, such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Those who claim to belong to Jesus and to faithfully follow him, cannot continue to succumb to the dictates of the flesh. They must crucify their flesh and live in the Spirit.


Direction: Let us get rid of our inauthentic and hypocritical selves. Let us grow a little more humble, honest and converted. Let us learn to operate more and more in the realm of the Spirit and not the realm of flesh



Focus: Doing a wrong is already bad. But hiding it or justifying it or glorifying it is all the more bad. Doing bad is enough bad, but not tolerating anyone doing good, and not allowing them to do good, is worst


Jesus’ hard rebuke of hypocrisy continues. He exposes two more aspects of the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and scribes. One is, “religiosizing” or “spiritualizing” the killing of the prophets of the past by building monuments in their honour. Thereby they cleverly mitigate the gravity of the wrong. Another aspect of hypocrisy is: they become blocks and hindrances to the people to enter the kingdom, instead of becoming guides and animators. Their knowledge should be like the key that opens up the door of the kingdom to the people. Instead, they use this key of knowledge to close the door and misguide the people. They themselves do not enter and even prevent others from entering. In the words of the first reading from the letter to the Ephesians, this is in fact thwarting and acting against the very purpose and destiny of God for us: In His eternal design, from the very foundations of the world, He has willed to cleanse us and adopt us as His children through the blood of His only Son Jesus. He has destined us to be holy and blameless before Him.

But very sadly, this rupturing of God’s eternal design continues even now. People in the name of religion, can shamelessly become unholy and blameworthy. Even the inhuman and selfish acts and behaviour can be spiritualized as a matter of religiosity. Knowledge and competence are often used, not as keys to open up a new society of love and peace, but as keys to shut the doors.

It was in such a time, there arose an iron woman, in the person of St Teresa of Avila. She stood firm against all the pressures of evil and error. Through her keys of prayer and passion for reform, she opened up a new world of devotion and renewal.


Direction: Not walking the right way is serious enough. But misleading others in the wrong way is abominable. Blocking those who try to walk the right way, and persecuting them, is detestable


16 OCTOBER 2020: EPHESIANS 1. 11-14; LUKE 12. 1-7

Focus: Christian life is a constant call to bear witness in word and deed. Certainly it is a tough task. But there is no need to worry or be frightened, for God is always with us


The Word of God today once again reminds us that we are people, specially chosen and destined by God. In simple, it is to inherit redemption, and to become God’s own possession. Accordingly, we exist and live for the praise of His glory. This is in perfect accord with the eternal purpose and will of God for us. In accomplishing this, surely we will come across many opposing and crushing forces. Like the leaven of hypocrisy of the Pharisees, which Jesus mentions in the gospel, we too will confront a prevailing hypocrisy and deception. And this has a devastating pervasive influence, vitiating the whole atmosphere of our human society. So, as Jesus cautions us, we need to be cautious, judicious and firm. The evil time again will worry and scare us, casting so much fear and loss of hope into our hearts. But we need not lose heart and hope, because God meticulously takes care of us. He who takes care of even small creatures like sparrows, will He not take care of us? We are people of respect and dignity. He will not let us down. He will keep a count even of our hairs. To the extent we are faithful to God, to the extent we bear witness to Him, to that extent we will experience the light and power of God. Is it not foolish to save our bodies but lose our souls? Is it not unwise to have fear of those who can harm us only externally but have no fear of God who can change our destiny entirely?


Direction: True faith must constantly guard oneself against all the hypocritical forces, and foster a spirit of authenticity. It must help a person to courageously bear witness to the Lord, in whom one believes


17 OCTOBER 2020: EPHESIANS 1. 15-23; LUKE 12. 8-12

Focus: Owning up God and testifying to our belonging to the Lord, is a fundamental sign of faith. A Faith which falls to compromises and lives away from God, is nothing but a fake faith

Today in the name of modernity, many feel shy and even ashamed to let others know about their adherence to God and religion. Some others do not adhere because they nurture a heightened sense of complacency that they do not need. Some others remain indifferent because they are afraid of any possible risk and troubles. Many faithful have become nominal and the faith of many became very shallow and superficial. For many, faith and prayer are matters of some devotion or tradition or means of some divine assistance and consolation. For some, God is more a concern at one’s convenience and will. But today the Lord is very clear that failure to accept him and own him up is very grave, which results in God’s own disowning us. The reason is, it is not merely a failure to recognize Jesus in flesh and blood but to identify the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit that is working in and through Jesus. It amounts to a rejection of the very nature of power and wisdom of God. Those who are rejecting and standing against the Holy Spirit, are actually blaspheming against the Holy Spirit. It is denying the very spiritual presence and power of God Himself. In the gospel, the matter is not that denying Jesus is pardonable, while denying the Holy Spirit is not so. It is a caution against the lack of light to see clearly and rejecting God in his holy and spiritual ways. God ceaselessly acts through His Spirit, who enlightens us and embolden us to stand firm and wise.


Direction: Those who confide in God, can stand serene, because God Himself will personally protect them, guide them and strengthen them.


Saturday, 10 October 2020

28th Sunday


28th SUNDAY, 11 OCTOBER 2020, ISAIAH 25. 6-10A; PHILIPPHIANS 4. 12-14, 19-20MATTHEW 22. 1-14

Focus: God always wants to feed and strengthen us with the choicest nourishment but it needs a willing and receptive response


1. Truly powerfully comforting and soul-soothing are the words about God in the first reading from prophet Isaiah. "The Lord God will wipe away tears from every face, He will remove the reproach of His people from the face of the earth. This is the Lord God for whom we looked. He has come and saved us".


2. Are these not words that assure and lift up our drooping spirits? He will feed us with the choicest food and drink and take away the veil of our sadness, He will grace us again with renewed dignity, He will liberate us from the snares and assaults of the evil one.


3.Certainly, in a struggling situation of want and deprivation, disgrace and shame, anxiety and sadness, entanglement and enslavement, this benevolent intervention of God which relieves and retrieves, is truly heart-embalming.


4. God wants constantly to raise us up, into a new realm of abundance, taste, honour, liberation and joy. Even though we are unworthy and undeserving, yet He treats us with so much respect and concern. He never ceases to invite us for the royal and sumptuous banquet, ever making us aware of its immensity and not-to-miss quality.


5. This banquet prepared by God can refer to the sacramental Eucharistic banquet of love and communion with God, to the fraternal banquet of unity and charity, and also to the eschatological banquet of eternal life. Thereby, we are ceaselessly called to feed ourselves on the Eucharistic Lord and to grow in deep intimacy and union with him. We are also called to nurture and foster the spirit of fraternal duty and joy. Further, we are also called to be ever conscious of our heavenly banquet and to strive hard to become sharers of its richness.


6. In response to such a lavish generosity of God, there can be different responses in the light of the gospel. First, there are some who evade and keep away from it. They give all lame excuses, which are often the worldly preoccupations and self-interests. Shrouded and blinded by the self-centred pursuits, they lose sight of the incomparable value of the royal banquet.


7. Secondly, there are some who not only not respond positively, but even violently react toward God's invitations and messages. They become malicious and pernicious, for no reason. Perhaps, the benevolence of God the King itself becomes irksome and disturbing for these, and so they resent and try to eliminate anything connected to God. They realise very little that it is no favour to God but for their own benefit. These are the ones who are so resentful and hostile toward the church or true religion and any spiritual activities or directives of God.


8. Finally, like the wedding guest without the wedding garment, there are those who take for granted God's rich offers, those who take light the immense value of the banquet of God's feed through numerous gifts and blessings. They are greatly blessed, finding entrance to the banquet hall. They enjoy the honours and privileges, of being shares of God's banquet of blessings. But they do not bother to put on the wedding garment.


9. Already they do not deserve that honour, which is mercifully bestowed by God. They completely forget their essential duty of trying to merit what is gifted to them unmeritedly. What they were before being privileged, is one thing. But what they should be after being honoured, is quite another thing. And the people of this category fail to note this essential difference, and fail to live up to their new honour. 


10. This is exactly the case of all those followers of Jesus, whether they are authority, priests or religious or lay people. They do not live up to the new dignity, which is the wedding garment of holiness and benevolence. They do not try at all to merit what they are generously given without their merit 


11. Rather, they continue as in the old. They are at a wedding without the wedding garment. They perform rituals of holiness without growing holy. They bless many without becoming blessed. They preach and instruct others, but without being touched and without practising. They guide others but themselves live misguided. They demand values from others but they themselves are without principles and values.


12. Where are we? How foolish we will be to forfeit God's grace and spiritual banquets, in preference to shallow interests and lesser gains! How sad it is that receiving God's messages incessantly, we continue resentful, negative, and hostile, aggressive, manipulative, and harmful? What a loss it is that we go about our sacred duties and treat our blessings and honours in a very casual and mediocre way, 


Direction: What an irony it is to be Enjoying the greatest privileges, but not trying at all to make oneself "fit" and "equipped" with the wedding garment of renewal and virtue!