Wednesday, 10 July 2024


VOTE OF THANKS Praise is the language of heaven and gratitude is the language of human hearts. Joining with one and all gathered here I praise the lord for having united us this day as one family. And raise my heart in gratitude for making this day come true and a memorable one for me and for my companions. I take this golden opportunity to thank each one of you on behalf of my friends. Our hearts are thrilled with joy and gratitude to your grace Most. Rev. Oswald Gracias, the pole star of the Arch-diocese of Agra - for your inspiring presence, thought provoking messages, and benevolent benediction. Thank you, Your Grace. Like a bud that blooms, there sprouts from my heart a word of thanks to our dear Rev. fathers, brothers, and sisters for your gracious presence bringing us blessings from above and encouragement for our onward journey. Good parents co-operate with God in firmly grounding their children in Christian faith and Gospel vaines. Dear parents and relatives, you received us as a gift from God. With love you have instilled in us ardent faith in God by the example of your own faith and God-experiences. You have offered us to God when His call came for us to follow Christ. Thank you, our dear ones for co-cperating with God's plan. It is good to give thanks to the Lord for His steadfast love is great. We are privileged to become members of our beloved Institute of the CFMSS and we thank each and every sister who have accepted us and enabled us to discover the depth of our call. Our heart felt gratitude to all the Provincial Superiors and the Councilors, who encouraged us all the way long, and accompanied us with their gentle guidance and support. In our own little way we shall try to accomplish God's will by co-operating with the vision and mission for our Province. Thank you dear Sr. Joyce, for giving us the opportunity to spent the past year in study, reflection and intensive prayer. Our tertian-ship has given us deeper insight into our consecrated life and the ways to live our vowed life. Dig anywhere in the earth and you will find a treasure, only you must dig with the faith of a peasant. Dear sisters Benjamine, Raphaela, Rose, Liza, Gloria, Marina and Sr. Gemma, you are the peasants who dug with great faith and discovered the treasure of seeds within us and helped to them to germinate, bloom and bear fruits. Your self-effacing service, timely guidance, encouragement and constant support, helped us to grow and become what we are today. We bow our heads before you in love and heart felt gratitude. Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. Yes dear Sr. Cleophe and the community of St. Francis Convent, Agra, Sr. Gratia and Community, At Sikandra, it is your love, readiness, constant availability and the spirit of service, which brought order and harmony to this day, and rays of joy in our hearts. Your sisterly service will always be a cherished memory for us. Little drops of dew makes the earth wet. Every drop of water makes the mighty ocean. With overwhelming joy we extend our heart felt thanks to Fr.Sunny. Fr.Francis and the Group for the angelic choir that filled the air with their melodious music and made the liturgy a vibrant one. Every human action whether seen or unseen, big or small has a ripple effect in ones life. Finally we extend our thanks to you, dear well- wishers, for praying for us and blessing us with your benign presence. Your presence multiplied our joy and enhanced the solemnity of the day. As we continue our life's journey we request your prayerful support for us in order to be faithful to our vowed life. We assure you of our prayers. Once again, thanks to one and all, thanks a million, thanks a trillion.

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