Wednesday, 31 July 2024
18th SUNDAY, 04 AUGUST 2024: EXODUS 16. 2-4, 12-15; EPH 4. 17, 20-24; JOHN 6. 24-35
Focus: Quicker gains, shallow pleasures can be very gratifying, but they are short-lived and passing. At the end, they will create more dissatisfaction
1. In the gospel passage, John 6. 24-35, people are searching for Jesus. In fact, it is a matter of feeling great. One must feel proud that they are sought, that others recognize their worth and need.
2. If we were in the place of Jesus, surely we will be excited that we are able to pull crowds to ourselves. What a sense of pride we may feel that we are mass appealers!
3. But Jesus is a contrast! He is not carried away by the numbers. He is not interested about his popularity. The concern is not to bolster his ego. Rather, his total orientation is people's growth.
4. Jesus wants to draw their attention from the peripheral and superficial toward the profound and eternal, from the physical and material toward the spiritual, from the perishable toward the imperishable, from the temporary to the everlasting.
5. Accordingly, Jesus unearths their motive in seeking him. Are they seeking him because they were fed and had their fill? Is the memory of the multiplication of the loaves and fish still fresh in their memories?
6. Accordingly he directly questions them, why are you searching for me? He knows that they are more concentrating on the power of him and not on the effect on them.He also reproaches them for their shallow pursuit of merely the material and physical: do not search for what is perishable.
7. Two questions and pointers can help us. What are we searching? Why are we searching? What are we searching? implies the object or the target of our search. Why are we searching refers to the motive of our search. The people were searching for food. They were searching so as to satisfy their hunger.
8. These two questions also help us for a true self- check and self- discovery. A honest reflection will reveal to us that many search mostly what pertains to the world and earthly life.
9. It includes money, possessions, comforts, sex, power, position, intelligence and competence, talent and skill, prestige, privilege, name, popularity, success, achievements, etc. Most of the time, energies, capacities, resources is consumed to acquire these elements.
10. And why do they search for these things? The simplest reason is satisfaction and happiness. People make themselves satisfied and happy by these things.
11. To make it more clear, these things are sought, because people believe they give physical gratification and pleasure, material satisfaction, psychological and emotional relief, relaxation and comfort, intellectual efficiency and calibre, social recognition and status, a sense of dignity and importance, etc.
12. But the truth is, nothing of these can give us lasting happiness and deep satisfaction. They can give only a temporary pleasure and a peripheral satisfaction. Why they cannot give is, it is their nature of limitation.
13. They are temporary and temporal. How can a temporary and temporal thing give an eternal joy? On the other hand, man has an unrestricted desire to know and an insatiable thirst to be happy. And so, what is restricted cannot satisfy the unrestricted.
14. The sadness and foolishness of many is: they do not realize the nature and capacity of these worldly things. They are shallow and transient. Further, what is lasting and imperishable is neglected because of what is temporary and perishable.
15. The Jews were fondly recalling the manna in the desert. Certainly, it was food from heaven, gifted to satisfy their hunger. However, it was a temporary satisfaction and perishable.
16. But now, here is Jesus, the Bread of life that is imperishable. Those who ate manna died but those who receive Jesus, will live forever. Only he can give the eternal joy and fulfilment, and he gives it in abundance.
17. In the light of the second reading, Ephesians 4. 20-24, the greatest sign and effect of seeking the eternal bread of life is a deep renewal of life. One who is oriented to eternity and the spiritual, puts off the old self of sin and puts on the new self of grace and righteousness
Direction: Those who seek the perishable and neglect the imperishable are like those who run after false brooks, and abandon the deep and perpetual spring.
Wednesday, 24 July 2024
17th SUNDAY, 28 JULY 2024: 2 KINGS 4. 42-44; EPHES 4. 1-6; JOHN 6. 1-15
Focus: Our God is a God of abundance. He never leaves us to struggle with our situations of lack. For sure, He comes to our rescue and aid
1. Experience of lacking and scarcity is common to all. What one lacks may be different from one to the other. But the fact that everyone lacks something is very real. This only shows that essentially man carries with himself a deep innate sense of inadequacy and insufficiency.
2. In such situations, a certain degree of dissatisfaction and unhappiness is natural and understandable. But this should not lead one to dissipation, frustration or aggression.
3. What then is a proper and appropriate response? First of all, Accept our basic reality of lack, insufficiency and discontentment. This can help us to become realistic, humble and balanced.
4. Turn to God and confide in Him. Seek him and find him. Make sure that you want to be with him, in listening and being enlightened. This is what the people did. They gave priority to God's word rather than their hunger and material food. Their main intention was to reach Jesus and be in his company.
5. How far is the location? What about their food? Can they get back to their homes, and procure meals for themselves? These questions did not disturb them much. Maybe they were also sure that Jesus would take care of them. Their trust in Jesus helped them not to bother too much about their hunger.
6. Here the divine logic is simple: they were ready to face hunger and thirst for the sake of Jesus. Therefore, in his turn, the Lord would surely take care of their needs. This can be a great lesson for all of us.
7. This is in perfect tune with the beatitudes as well (cf Mt 5. 3-12). Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, will be satisfied to the full. If we seek Him and His kingdom first as our priority, surely all the rest shall be added unto us (cf Mt 6.33).
8. Thus, the directive is clear: if lack and scarcity is our basic human reality, if insufficiency and discontentment are its corollaries, then only God of abundance and all-sufficiency can satisfy us, fill us, and fulfil our lives. He provides us not only what is just needed, but what contents us to the fill.
9. The Lord feeds the five thousand not only with the minimum, but with the full. He not only removes their hunger but also nourishes them to their heart's content. Further, there are also extra, twelve baskets of leftovers. Jesus is sensitive and senses their need. He comes to relieve them from their struggle.
10. From our part, to experience God's abundance and all- sufficiency, what is needed is: to feel insufficient and lacking; to crave deeply for God's presence, guidance and power; to sit at his feet and listen to him attentively. Only those who nurture this perennial hunger and thirst and seek God, can experience his abundance!
11. Another requirement is a humble faith. A true faith makes us understand that problems and suffering are not signs of God's indifference or unconcern. The experiences of scarcity and lack are not signs of ill-fate or disgrace. They are "tests", the examination boards that test and testify the depth and stability of our faith. Therefore, we need not be discouraged when things go wrong. We can accept them as God-given opportunities to purify and solidify our faith.
12. There is also another prerequisite and that is, sharing our little lot with others. The one who had the five loaves and two fish does not retain them for him alone. But he readily places them at the disposal of others. If only the boy was not happy to give away his loaves, then Jesus' multiplication of loaves and fish would have taken a different route.
Direction: God does not look at the quantity of what we are giving. Rather, he weighs and values the spirit of sharing and generosity.
Tuesday, 16 July 2024
16TH SUNDAY, 21 JULY 2024: JER 23. 1-6; EPH 2. 13-18; MARK 6. 30-34
Focus: There is a deeper craving in every human being and this cannot be satiated by any worldly satisfaction. Only something above and beyond the human and worldly can truly quench this thirst
1. All the three readings today point to one common factor of “being scattered”, “being far off”, “gone away”. In the first reading from Jeremiah, the shepherds of Israel are blamed for scattering the people entrusted to their care. In the second reading from the letter to the Ephesians, the faithful are reminded that they were far off, and gone away from God, but the blood of Christ brought them near and together. In the gospel, the people are like sheep without a shepherd, without a clear focus and direction.
2. Both the shepherd and the sheep are blamed. There is no point in playing a blame game between both the parties. This happens often. The shepherds put the blame on the sheep that the sheep do not listen to them and they deliberately go away, far off and scattered. The more they try to gather them, the more they get disconnected. The more the shepherds try to unite them, the more the sheep divide themselves. The more the shepherds try to foster belongingness, the more they get estranged and distantiated.
3. On the other hand, the sheep also put the blame on their shepherds that they do not care for them, do not attend to them, do not nourish them, and guide them properly. Their shepherds have no time for them, no heart for them. The concern of their shepherds is no longer their safety, wellbeing and growth. They are often driven by their own interests and have no desire and effort for the good of the people. Often they themselves do not walk properly the Lord’s way. And how can they guide others?
4. At this point, again it is no use that each group defends and justifies their own group. Both the groups are blameworthy. The fault lies with both. There are bad sheep in spite of good shepherds. There are also good sheep in spite of bad shepherds. In other words, there are good shepherds in spite of bad sheep. There are also bad shepherds in spite of good sheep.
5. In the light of the readings, we can detect some main faults of the shepherds. They have scattered the flock, and have driven them away. They have not attended to them. They have failed to break down the walls of hostility among the sheep. Instead they perpetuate the division and retaliation. They fail to create one new man, that is a renewed life. They fail to reconcile the people to God and to one another, in the one mystical body of Christ, that is the church. They fail to bring hostility to an end. They fail to make peace between the warring groups. They fail to lead people to have access in one Spirit to the Father. Further, unlike the disciples who had no leisure even to eat, they may not be available to the people who are really hungering for God. Or, in other way, they may be over-involved and over-active, being so busy bodies that they may not find even a little to be alone by themselves in silence and solitude.
6. Now from the part of the people, the faults are: they do not realize that they are like sheep without a shepherd. First of all, they may not realize and feel the need for a shepherd. They may not accept their deviating and faltering tendencies. They may not nurture that deep hunger and thirst for God’s presence and word, unlike the people who ran to Jesus and the disciples on foot from all the towns. They may be so engrossed in their worldly affairs that they remain indifferent and mediocre toward the spiritual concerns.
7. But behind all this failing and faltering, what is the reason? It is not difficult to discover. The only reason is losing the touch, the connectivity and the oneness with the sole shepherd. He is the “Lord of righteousness”, the “Reconciler by his own blood” and the “Master and the shepherd”. When we do not listen to the supreme Shepherd, when we refuse to be nourished and guided by him, when we do not conduct ourselves docile and faithful toward him, then how can we be good sheep and shepherds? Now the vital question always remains: Am I a good sheep? Am I a good shepherd? With all my indifference and worldliness, can I really call myself a loyal sheep? With all my causing division and discrimination and seeking self-interests, can I really call myself a faithful shepherd?
Direction: It is always good to remember that all of us are essentially sheep to the one and the sole Shepherd. We may be called shepherds only in the functional sense of shepherding the people. Being a shepherd is not our identity but is a noble ministry! Being a sheep is our real identity and duty as well!
Thursday, 11 July 2024
Respected fathers and Sisters
Good Morning and a warm welcome to this Eucharistic Celebration. Great is the day and great is our joy. Dear father, you are a blessing from the Lord. We rejoice with you for God has worked wonders in your life.
Each morning is the beginning of a new life. God has brought us here because of His infinite love. Since God is a wonderful person with abundant goodness, He shares it generously with everyone. This is the day which reminds us of His generosity towards mankind through our dear father, who celebrates his birthday today.
As we celebrate, rejoice and express our deep joy and gratitude to God for this day, on which the mighty God has willed and shared His image and likeness with our dear father. We thank God sincerely for all the goodness and virtues with which the Lord has blessed our dear father with. Your loving, caring, thoughtful attitude, your helping hand to all those who are in need, your sense of responsibility, sensitivity, your spirit of service and availability in expanding the Kingdom of God, your love for the poor and those entrusted to your care and above all the enthusiasm and zeal with which you fulfill you mission.
Today we ask God to bless you and all those who remember you on this day. Especially your parents, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends. May God grant them all their hearts’ desires.
Yes dear father, you are indeed a blessing to all of us. It is a joy for us to pray for you and your loved ones. It’s happiness for us to sing with you. It’s a delight for us to implore God’s blessings upon you. As you give the best of yourself to everyone, May best of God’s blessings come back to you. May each day be a grace-filled day in your life. We wish you Happy Birth day and pray during this Holy Eucharist for God’s blessings on you, for your continuous growth and progress. Wish you every success in establishing God’s Kingdom here on earth and grant you yet greater increase in the warmth of the thirst for souls. May the Holy Spirit inspire you with His enthusiasm and abundant blessings in the future. May your heart be encircled with the beauty of heavenly grace and blessings. May your life be encircled by the assurance of God’s love and care.
With this sentiments in our hearts let us participate in this Thanksgiving Eucharistic Celebration.
Wednesday, 10 July 2024
IRONICAL MESSAGE - A wonderful Message
These are the paradox of our time in history;
We have taller buildings but shorter tempers, Wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less,
We buy more, but enjoy less.
We have bigger houses and smaller families, More conveniences, but less time.
We have more degrees but less sense,
More knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, More problems, more medicine, but less wellness.
We spend too recklessly, but laugh too little, Drive too fast, get too angry,
Stay up too late, get up too tired,
Read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom. We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often.
We've learned how to make a living, but not a life.
We've added years to life not life to years.
We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbor.
We conquered outer space but not inner space We've done larger things, but not better things.
We've cleaned up the air, but polluted the soul. We've conquered the atom, but not our prejudice. We write more, but learn less.
We plan more, but accomplish less.
We've learned to rush, but not to wait.
We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies
than ever, but we communicate less and less.
These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion, Big men and small character,
Steep profits and shallow relationships.
These are the days of two incomes but more divorce, Fancier houses, but broken homes.
These are days of quick trips, disposable products, throwaway morality, overweight bodies, and pills that do everything from cheer, to quiet, to kill. It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom.
Remember to spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever.
Remember to say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will growup and leave your side.
Remember to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent.
Remember to say, "I love you" to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it.
A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.
Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again.
Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind.
AND ALWAYS REMEMBER: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
By George Carlin
Arathi (Music)
In the deep silence of the dawn, the solitary hills and trees stand in great reverence under the silent great sky. In the silent and solitude of this beautiful morning, Lord we want to travel the full arc of the year, when the morning sun peeps and birds chirps from their nest Lord make us a flower that spreads its fragrance around. With the same wish, Lord we specially gathered here as your beloved little ones. Today we celebrate the feast and) birthday of our dear sister Josmy, sahaya, Catherine and Rosily) Lord we offer them in your burning heart, with the love we have for them. Help them to experience your love more closely, as they have entered into the arc of the new year of their life. The birth day and feast day of every one is a sign of your love for us. For on this day, not only they are born but also born for us to love, cherish and appreciate their gift to us. They are wonderful signs of your immense love for us. We are happy that you are born for us today.
II Hymn (This little guiding light of mine) followed by lightening of the lamp. (Dear sisters now I request you all to light the lamp as a sign of a new beginning of a new arch of the year in your life. It is a sign of giving thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love that the Lord has bestowed on your past years.
Every child is a gift from God, who creates every person in his own image and likeness. Thus we share God's own life in our life. We are so precious and unique in his eyes. This is reflected in Gen: 1:26-31
IV Birthdays and feast days are great event in every family. They are constantly renewed miracles. It's a joy in which God shares. So dear sisters today we are happy that you belonged to our family, and we are privileged to celebrate your Birthday and feast day in our IMD family. As the book of wisdom tells us "His delight is to be with the children of men". The greatest part of the blessing of life is that it leads too much more than an existence in time and space on this planet. It leads to eternal life. So birthdays and feast days are an appropriate time for taking stock of our lives. We all have received gifts of nature and grace. The gifts of Holy Spirit are poured but on all God's people. The world is in need of the gift of each person on earth. The birth days and feast days gives us an opportunity to look back and ask ourselves how our particular gift have graced the lives of those around us. No one leaves their birthday or feast day presents aside with a vague intention of opening them sometime in the future. So dear sisters today is the day to recall the gifts god has given you and say thanks to Him. (Now I request to you dear sisters to pause for a while and recall the gifts that God has given you and give thanks to Him for the free gifts that you have received.) Psalm 23-4
Not every birthday and feast day is remembered for the happiness it brings, but we can regard such days as days of promise. In every seed there is the promise of beauty- the graceful beauty of flower, the strength of a tree, a healing beauty of a herb. It takes time and patience and careful tending to bring it to life. So that it can become a source of joy and manifestation of the creator's love in the world. So dear sisters God our creator has planted the seed of your life in His beautiful garden adding all fragrance in order to become a fragrant flower. Today you are a fragrant flower in His garden of love. Your fragrance of love, patience, compassion, hard work, sharing talents, and simplicity are the gift of God's generosity. So offer yourselves totally at his feet and give thanks to him. (Now I request all of you to offer yourself to God for specially choosing you as his own beloved flowers in his garden of love.
Offering Prayer: Almighty God your love for us is so great. We thank you for the gift of life. Lord, we humbly come before you. Bless us through the offering of these flowers because we are specially chosen in your garden. We offer you our whole being in you we place our trust. We are sure you will give us nothing but the best. Give us we pray a will that fulfills your holy will, a mind that finds only good in others, a desire that acquires virtues and values, a heart that relishes doing good. Lord in this precious moment at your feet our parents, brothers, sisters, relatives, all the members of the congregation, our IMD family member's, and all those who have helped us to grow in your love. (Now, let us all lay our hands upon these sisters and pray silently).
(Now let us watch an action that each New Year brings new challenges and new opportunities).
The king of the forest was having a meeting with al! the animals. The bird came for ward to speak to the king.
Bird: It's about my Birthday. I don't want a Birthday. Birthdays are not for me. Birthdays are a way of saying goodbye to the way you are. I don't want to say good-bye to the way I am. I don't want to change. I want to stay the way I am.
King: Well, Are you saying you don't the want the key to your new Birth year?
Bird: I don't want the key; I don't want to face in to a-Broth year. I want to stay the way I am. I don't want to conge.
King: as you please but you do realize that you were going to learn to fly during this coming year. You don't want to fly.
Bird: I don't want to fly. It's dangerous. I don't want get into trouble, I don't want to grow older, and I don't want to grow up. When I grow up people expect me to be perfect, mature, sensible, it's not worth all the trouble. I don't want to fly or grow up or change. Please don't give me the key to my new birth year.
King: All right, it's your choice.
(The matter rested there the bird did not have to face the new Birth year. For a while it was great. No flying, no problems, no worries, no challenges. But in time the bird got restless. She went along to see how her friends who had taken the key to their new birth years were getting on. What she saw shook her. They were all flying really flying on their own. They were singing and chattering. She could not bear it. It was so exciting. She wanted to fly really badly. She went back to the king.
Bird: Please let me have the key to my new Birth year.
Add your own conclusion....
The art of cooking fascinates me. At times I even take the risk of cooking: The fact is that I am more competent with words than with cooking pots. Hence, I have written more on food than on food preparation.
I could never imagine that a day would come when maize would make me dream. And just that happened.
Maize is an Indian corn, which is dry and not so well devel- oped. If I were an ignorant farmer and if in the midst of my big and fat corn that small dwarf like ears of corn were to appear, I would be angry and try to uproot them. I do not know how it must have happened but the truth is that somebody had the idea of unpeeling the ears of corn, put it in a pot placed on fire, hoping that the grains would soften and could be eaten. The exper- iment with water being a failure, oil was used. No one must have ever imagined what happened next.
Immediately the grains started to split open, jumping in the fry pan with great confusion. The result was astonishing. The 'hard to bite' grains were transformed into tender white flowers, which even babies could eat.
But the transformation takes place by the power of the fire. If maize does not pass through fire, it remains maize for ever. It so happens with us. When we pass through fire, great changes take place. Those who do not do so, remain always the same, all through life. They are persons with an identity and a rigidity that is alarming. Only that they do not recognize it.
In Christian symbolism the miracle of maize can be represented by the death and resurrection of Jesus: the resurrection is the explosion of maize. It is necessary to let go of one's own manner of being in order to be in a different way.
There are corn grains that refuse to burst in the pan. But I think that the power of the imagery is much greater. The unexploded grains are those persons who refuse to change, in spite of being heated by fire. They think that there exists no other mode of being more superb than theirs. They ignore the words of Jesus: "He who wishes to save his life will lose it." Their belief and fear are the rough and rigid peels of maize that do not burst open. They have a miserable fate and will remain stiff for the whole of their life. They will not be transformed into tender white flowers. They cannot give joy to anyone. When the joyful bursting of the maize is over, the unbroken grains, which are of no use, will remain in the bottom of the pan. Their destiny is the garbage.
Let us trust that the fire of the Holy Spirit is burning our rough hard peels, making us flexible to His breath. Let us....
Let Ourselves Be Moulded By The Living Word And The Power Of God, Come Out Of Our Inertia And Be Different In Our Generation!
Praise is the language of heaven and gratitude is the language of human hearts. Joining with one and all gathered here I praise the lord for having united us this day as one family. And raise my heart in gratitude for making this day come true and a memorable one for me and for my companions.
I take this golden opportunity to thank each one of you on behalf of my friends.
Our hearts are thrilled with joy and gratitude to your grace Most. Rev. Oswald Gracias, the pole star of the Arch-diocese of Agra - for your inspiring presence, thought provoking messages, and benevolent benediction. Thank you, Your Grace.
Like a bud that blooms, there sprouts from my heart a word of thanks to our dear Rev. fathers, brothers, and sisters for your gracious presence bringing us blessings from above and encouragement for our onward journey.
Good parents co-operate with God in firmly grounding their children in Christian faith and Gospel vaines. Dear parents and relatives, you received us as a gift from God. With love you have instilled in us ardent faith in God by the example of your own faith and God-experiences. You have offered us to God when His call came for us to follow Christ. Thank you, our dear ones for co-cperating with God's plan.
It is good to give thanks to the Lord for His steadfast love is great. We are privileged to become members of our beloved Institute of the CFMSS and we thank each and every sister who have accepted us and enabled us to discover the depth of our call.
Our heart felt gratitude to all the Provincial Superiors and the Councilors, who encouraged us all the way long, and accompanied us with their gentle guidance and support. In our own little way we shall try to accomplish God's will by co-operating with the vision and mission for our Province. Thank you dear Sr. Joyce, for giving us the opportunity to spent the past year in study, reflection and intensive prayer. Our tertian-ship has given us deeper insight into our consecrated life and the ways to live our vowed life.
Dig anywhere in the earth and you will find a treasure, only you must dig with the faith of a peasant. Dear sisters Benjamine, Raphaela, Rose, Liza, Gloria, Marina and Sr. Gemma, you are the peasants who dug with great faith and discovered the treasure of seeds within us and helped to them to germinate, bloom and bear fruits. Your self-effacing service, timely guidance, encouragement and constant support, helped us to grow and become what we are today. We bow our heads before you in love and heart felt gratitude.
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. Yes dear Sr. Cleophe and the community of St. Francis Convent, Agra, Sr. Gratia and Community, At Sikandra, it is your love, readiness, constant availability and the spirit of service, which brought order and harmony to this day, and rays of joy in our hearts. Your sisterly service will always be a cherished memory for us.
Little drops of dew makes the earth wet. Every drop of water makes the mighty ocean. With overwhelming joy we extend our heart felt thanks to Fr.Sunny. Fr.Francis and the Group for the angelic choir that filled the air with their melodious music and made the liturgy a vibrant one.
Every human action whether seen or unseen, big or small has a ripple effect in ones life. Finally we extend our thanks to you, dear well- wishers, for praying for us and blessing us with your benign presence. Your presence multiplied our joy and enhanced the solemnity of the day. As we continue our life's journey we request your prayerful support for us in order to be faithful to our vowed life. We assure you of our prayers.
Once again, thanks to one and all, thanks a million, thanks a trillion.
Vote of Thanks (After Final Profession)
Your Grace, Rev. Fathers, Brothers and Sisters, our dear parents, brothers, and family members, friends and well wishers,
A very good afternoon to one and all.
"Feeling gratitude and not expressing it, is like wrapping a present, and not giving it," said William Arthur Ward.
It is the right moment for me to express, on behalf of my co-sisters, our heartfelt gratitude wrapped in love, for the great favours and blessing we have received from the Giver of all gifts.
First and foremost, we owe our deepest gratitude to the Father of mercies for the gift of our vocation, and for His constant guiding light and graces which enabled us to respond to His call with total dedication and commitment.
Persons come and go touching our lives. Our present moment of joy and gratitude would not have sprung from deep within us, without the blessings, support and the accompaniment of many a person. At this juncture, I would like to remember all those who were instrumental in leading us to this great day in our life.
It is, indeed, an honour to have His Grace, Most Rev. Albert D'Souza to preside over the Eucharistic Celebration at our final commitment. Thank you, Your Grace, for your generosity in accepting our invitation and for your inspiring homily to be rooted in our commitment..... A big thanks to each con-celebrant who joined the Archbishop in offering the Holy Mass for us.
Our sincere thanks to you, dear Rev. Fathers, Brothers and Sisters present here, for generously responding to our invitation, in spite of your busy schedule. You have brought us an additional note of joy and happiness, with your welcome presence.
We express our deepest sentiments of gratitude to our Superior General, most Rev. M. Karuna Kuruvanthanam for admitting all of us to the Family of the CFMSS.
I extend our heartfelt thanks to Sr. Ivy, our Provincial Superior and her Councillors for accepting our vows and for their valuable prayers and genuinelove.
I would be failing in my duty if I fail to record my grateful thanks to all those who have helped us in one way or the other to reach this momentous day in our life.
A million thanks to God for the gift of our parents, brothers, sisters and relatives who had played a great role in giving us a warm bosom to rest on, not only in our childhood or adolescence, but continue to offer it till today. Thank you, for being here with us today on this grace-filled day, to personally share in our joy. You have truly made this memorable day, a joyous one.
"I am in travail with you until Christ is formed in you" (Gal 4:19). These words of St. Paul were the compelling force of all our formators; Sr. Pauline and Sr. Annie our mistress during our aspirancy, Sr. Marina - our mistress during our postulancy, Sr. Claret - our mistress during our Novitiate, Sr. Zita - our mistress during our juniorate and Sr. Gemma - our mistress during our tertianship, who have not only accompanied us, but also played a great role in discerning our call to religious life. We are indebted to each one of them, for sparing their valuable time and energy, in patiently moulding and guiding us, and nourishing us with constant support, appreciation and encouragement for our growth. Our heartfelt thanks to each one of them.
A big thanks to dear Sr. Joyce and her Team for giving us an year of grounding in spirituality, i.e., 9 months at the IIS in Bangalore and the past three months of intensive preparation at Lucknow prior to our final commitment.
We would like to thank our former Provincial Superiors Sr. Zita and Sr. Joyce and their Teams. We are, indeed, proud to be guided and animated by you, dear Sisters, at all the stages of our formative journey.
A word of special thanks to Sr. Helen and Sr. Ann for instilling in us the true spirit of our Foundress, and the spirituality of St. Francis and St. Clare, through their classes and sound explanations.
Our sincere thanks to all the superiors - both past and present - for their love and constant encouragement, at every phase of our formative journey, as well as for creating a family atmosphere in our communities... Moreover, I wish to thank each member of the community, whose personal interest, enthusiasm, friendship and teamwork, inspired us to move forward in our journey of life.
We also record here, our gratitude to all the parish priests of our respective communities, for sustaining us with their timely advice and direction, and above all, with the daily celebration of the Eucharist, our spiritual food.
Particular thanks to Rev. Fr. Joe Thykattil, the Cathedral parish priest, for generously placing this church as the venue for our big day. Thanks as well, to all those who have arranged for the sound system.
A very big thanks to Sr. Maria and all the members of St. Francis community for hosting this celebration, decorating the altar so beautifully and for all the arrangements, especially for accommodating our parents and relatives, and caring for their needs.
A special word of thanks to Sr. Princy Thadathil for preparing the meaningful liturgy, and to Sr. Arpita and junior sisters, for the melodious choir, making the liturgy so meaningful and vibrant.
How can we forget to thank the candidates who lead the entrance procession with their marvellous dance. Thank you, little ones and we hope that one day you will be kneeling here in this Cathedral Church to pronounce your Final Vows.
Once again, we thank God for all that He has accomplished in our life. We pray to the good Lord to bless all those persons, who have led us to this great day in our life, and beg for His graces, to make the world a better place, by carrying out the mandate of our Institute, "to be enkindled by the Eucharistic flame and to rekindle every human hearts."
May He enable us to leave our finger prints of love on whatever we touch! May our hearts leave His healing touch, on whoever comes in contact with us!
I conclude with a prayer to all of you, that is, to remember us and keep us in your valuable prayers.
On behalf of my co-sisters, once again our sincere thanks to one and all.
Dear Rev. Sisters, teachers and my friends,
Today the whole church rejoices and universally Venerates and celebrates the feast of our Mother St. Clare. She is the Patroness of our sisters. So, we are here to wish them a very happy feast. It is good to know something more about our St. Clare
In the year 1193, Clare was born. She was the third of five children born to a well to do family of Assisi. Her pious mother, frequently used to visit a nearby church, as the time of her child's birth drew near. As a response to her prayer, a miraculous voice told her, "O Lady, do not be afraid, for you will joyfully bring forth a clear light, that will illumine the whole world." Thus they named the child Clare, which mean the clear or the bright one.
The spirit of the Lord worked in her, from the very childhood and formed her into a most pure and beautiful vessel. She was praised and admired by her neighbors and town people, because of her outstanding virtues such as docility to her parents, generosity and compassion for the poor, dedication to daily prayers and pious activities. As she was growing as a very beautiful young woman, many desired to marry her. But, Clare, had in mind, the preservation of her virginity, to embrace the life of poverty to her only beloved, Jesus Christ. Her attention was directed to the things of God and thus on Palm Sunday, March 18 1212, she renounced the pleasures of this world, in order to imitate the sufferings of Christ.
On that significant Palm Sunday, Clare followed the advice of Francis, accepted the Palm branch from the Bishop of Assisi and went secretly to our Lady of Angels, The Portiumcula, where Francis and his brothers received her commitment to follow them, in the pursuit of Gospel life. They escorted her to the Benedictine Monastery and from there to San Damiano.
People praised her and her sisters for their stead fast practice of charity, humility, virginity, chastity, abstinence, silence, patience, life of the enclosure, their life of contemplation, intense relationship with God and their profound faith and unquenchable desire to grow spiritually.
Clare consciously wanted to teach her sisters that, prayer is simply a matter of falling in love with Jesus keeping the Trinitarian foundation and vision. Her sole aim was to imitate Christ in all of her life and it was her genuine reflection of Franciscan spirituality. In the following of Christ she lived the life of holy simplicity, blessed poverty and holy humility. She gazed upon that mirror and looked at herself, in that mirror, Jesus Christ.
She focused her contemplation on the two principles, moments of the Lord's renunciation and humiliation, His birth in a manger and His death on the cross.
So, Pope Alexander IV, called her, "The New Woman", she referred herself as the handmaid of the Lord, unworthy servant of Jesus Christ, Little plant of St. Francis and sister-mother and servant in her relationship with her sisters.
The life of Blessed Clare was full of miracles. The miracle of oil, healing the sisters by making the sign of the cross over them by her hand, victory over Saracens by carrying Blessed Sacrament in her hand, participating on Christmas Eve, the whole Eucharistic celebration from a far distant church from her sick bed and receiving the Blessed Sacrament on that night. So the saint of the Eucharist is also known as the Patron of T.V. and every fibre of her heart was kindled into the love for the sacrament of Christ's body.
Blessed Clare walked in this world, but her soul in heaven. She is the New Woman for us all, to follow, especially of her humility, chastity, poverty, gentleness, patience and peacefulness. She was tender and mild, in words and actions, loving and kind to all.
Today, let all the company of the faithful rejoice, because the Lord and King of heaven has chosen their sister and companion for His bride and has taken her into His wonderful temple and surrendered her with so great glory and in heaven too the company of the saints is rejoicing for the marriage feast of the King's bride.
While we are celebrating the feast of St. Clare the saint of the Eucharist, we shall pray for the whole world and in a special manner for the Clarian family and for our beloved institute, that we all with one heart and soul work together for establishment of God's kingdom.
Now let us pray for our sisters and for our school community that St. Clare from heaven blesses our sisters and all of us in a very special way today.
Thank you.
This little offering of the "Mother Earth" mud and brick has gone in to the building of our Province reflects your graces and blessings. As we offer this we pray for the continued guidance of your Holy Spirit upon our Chapter members.
Water and cement together makes the foundation strong. Lord we thank you for making us strong to face the challenges courageously to reach out to the interior villages of our Country. We pray for your continued accompaniment to reach out to many more places to give your Good News to the people. We also remember all our Church leaders and seek your blessings upon them.
It is the iron with the help of the other materials makes the building stable and sturdy. Lord along with this gift we pray for all of us. Make us strong in times of difficulties and problems; help us to overcome all the pull and push of the world, to be authentic missionaries, living according to the Gospel values. We recommend to you our national leaders too that they may work for justice and peace.
Any structure, if is has stand, has to have a firm foundation. The foundation of our Province has its roots in God Himself and on the Charism of our Institute as we bring this gift before the Lord we pray that we may have the grace and readiness to penetrate more deeply into the spirit of our Foundress Mother Seraphina and thus become women for others and live as companions of Jesus on Mission.
Along with this bread and wine we offer our entire Institute and the people we serve in various parts of the world, and others who are yet to experience the power of the Gospel. Dear Lord, we implore your blessings upon our Institute bless us with zealous and enthusiastic members. May our Seraphic Father St. Francis, our Mother Clare and Mother Seraphina support our ministries with their blessings, bringing renewed joy and peace to all the members, and to all those whom we are send to serve.
1. Globe: Lord, we offer this Globe as a symbol of the Universal church. We pray for our Holy Father Benedict XVI, Cardinals, Bishops, Priests and Religious. Bless us all, as your chosen instrument by the power of your Holy Spirit to follow your path and lead your people to the knowledge of your Kingdom. May we intercede for the whole humanity to enjoy the power of your love and forgiveness.
2. Bible: Lord, we offer this Bible as the symbol of our religious family. Nourish us with the power of your resurrected glory so that like the apostles we too may recognize you at the Eucharist and draw strength and Grace to carry out the mission entrusted to us by your call in this CFMSS family.
3. Plant: Lord, we offer this plant symbolizing the growth of our mission here at Gurgaon during the past 50 years. You have been nurturing this little plant, which began with just 7 children & 3 sisters, have grown a fruit bearing tree with more than 2000 pupils. We thank you for enabling our sisters in the past and at present to reach out to many. Bless us to grow continually and to bear fruit for your Kingdom.
4. Lighted Candle: - Lord, we offer this/lighted candle as the symbol of our pioneer missionaries who worked for this mission and are enjoying the heavenly bliss now.. We remember them with gratitude. As this candle dies to self and gives light, we too may through the intercession of these pioneers be able to give light and life to others.
5. Cross & Constitution: - Lord, we offer this cross and constitution as the symbol of our Golden Jubilarians Srs. Fulgentia & Margaret. We thank you for all that they have received from you and shared with others in their mission. Bless them with a good health of mind and body to continue their life in joyful service.
6. Fruits: Lord, we offer this fruits as the symbol of the suffering humanity. We pray for the victims of natural calamities and communal rivalries especially for the victims of Orissa. May they enjoy your loving protection from all the evil powers. May they enjoy religious freedom to practice their faith.
7. Flowers: - Lord, we offer these flowers as the symbol of all of us gathered here. As the fragrance and the coloures of these flowers give joy to others all of us who take part in this Eucharist may experience the transforming power. May we impart the same with whom we live.
8. Bread & Wine: - Lord, we offer this bread and wine as the symbol of our Archdiocese. Bless our Archbishop, priests, religious and faithful. Enable us to be rooted in our faith that leads to trust. May we be united with you in the bond of love and fellowship.
Empty Bowl: (Sr. Joyce) Lord I come to you with deep gratitude for the gift of my life. This empty bowl symbolizes the day I was born from nothingness into being. Thank you Lord for sharing your life with me, shower your blessings upon me and be my constant companion so that I may share my life with others and be a Gospel for others.
SOIL: This soil reminds us of the family into which you planted Sr. Joyce. Thank you Lord, for her dear Parents, brothers and sisters, who have helped her to grow with their love. Bless them Lord with your love. May they experience your peace and joy in their lives.
SEED: This seed reminds us of the deep faith you sowed in Sr. Joyce's heart at Baptism. This faith helped her to live a good Christian life and led her to follow you more closely your love as your disciple. Bless her Lord, may she deepen her faith in you and share with others.
WATER: Thank you Lord for the water you sent along in Sr. Joyce's life's journey to nourish the seed with love and guidance she received through her teachers, relatives, friends and congregation. Shower your blessings upon them Lord. May they have good health and strength to do you will.
SEEDLINGS: Lord you transformed this seed into a seedling by nourishing it with your word and your own body and blood, through her joys and sorrows, trials and difficulties and challenged her to live the Paschal Mystery all through her life. We remember with gratitude, the great gift of your call to Religious life for Sr. Joyce. We remember all those who helped her to enter into this religious life. Grant them the good desire to help many more persons to have good vocation.
FLOWERS: Every flower in this vase symbolizes the various congregations through whom the Lord is at work in his act of redemption. We bring to you every religious all over the world that all of us may bring joy in the lives of people by our very life.
FRUITS: Thank you Lord for all the gifts and talents you blessed Sr. Joyce with and helped her to use these down through these years to make you better known and loved by many. Lord bless all those people in her mission to whom your love has reached especially the teachers, students and their parents. May her life bring abundant fruits in the coming years too.
FLAGS: Lord, we pray for the President of India, the Prime Minister and all the leaders serving our country in different capacities that God may give them wisdom and spirit of discernment to rule the country wisely. Lord fill them with the Holy Spirit. Touch their minds and hearts with love so that they may use their power and office to create a New Society, a society which guarantees equal rights and opportunities, justice, freedom of speech and religion not just in word but in deed.
CHALICE, BREAD & WINE: Lord, we are grateful to you for the gift of the Church and all its leaders, the Pope, Bishops and Priests. As you transform this bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus, continue to transform us to be partakers of the mission of Jesus by bringing good news to the people by being good news in this world, till we hand over this world recreated to its original fullness to you. May we have courage to bring Mary's song of Magnificat to reality.
All things have its origin from the earth. Lord we offer this soil as the symbol of our Provincial and her team. As they administer the Province and animate the members in accordance with the Charism of the Institute and rootedness in Christ, through the Gospel way of life, bless them with true knowledge and wisdom to lead and guide everyone in the Province towards the achievement of the goal.
Lord we offer this Star as the symbol of our formators and formees. We pray that the formators may become the guiding star and the formees may truly follow the star’s guidance to meet Jesus in their lives and grow as integrated persons to enkindle the Eucharistic love to all.
Education is to remove the darkness of illiteracy and ignorance. Jesus we offer this book and Pen as the symbol of our education mission. You are our divine Guru, the true light under the banner of our divine Guru we may be able to impart true knowledge to the little ones through the use of this book and pen.
Jesus we offer this stethoscope as a symbol of our socio-medical apostolate. We pray that the healing power of Jesus may flow through our hands and words to the needy who suffer physically, spiritually, morally and psychologically.
Lord we offer this Catechism book as a symbol of our pastoral ministry. Fill us with the power of your Spirit to Catechize and prepare the young and the old for the reception of Sacrament and to prepare, assist and lead the liturgical services.
Lord we offer this fruits, the labor of human hands as the symbol of our welfare centers. Bless our sisters who take care of the most abandoned and the needy. Fill their hearts with your compassion and mercy to tend them with great love and care to bring them closer to you.
Jesus you are the head of the church. We offer this dove as the symbol of the church leaders. Fill them all by the power of your Holy Spirit to animate the faithful towards the knowledge of your kingdom and the mission entrusted to every Christian by their baptism.
Loving Lord you have chosen a few to be your own to witness your kingdom. We offer this Bible as the symbol of our religious life. As we are called to live the evangelical counsels to follow the Gospel way of life , we pray that we may recognize the power of your word to make our life a living example of love and sacrifice.
Lord you are the king and ruler of all nations and kingdoms. You are the light of the world. We offer this lighted candle as the symbol of our country. As this burning candle brings light in darkness, our country may shine with your light and the leaders and citizens may be enlightened to bring forth justice, peace and unity.
Genuine humility is almost always a thrilling exaltation, God needed Mary of Nazareth's "Yes" in order to become incarnate and redeem. By her "Yes" Mary became Christ's Mother. Today God needs our "Yes" to all the failures, frustration, disappointments, trials and contradictions that clutter our way of life by accepting them as the will of God. Let us ask our Mother Mary to give us courage to say "Yes" at all times as we sing the Angelus from WJL hymn no. T-20.
Let us welcome the Holy Spirit by opening up our hearts to grow in the life of the Spirit. Let your response be "Come Holy Spirit"
To fill our hearts with your Divine love......
To fill our hearts with your Divine courage....
To fill our hearts with your Divine light....
To make us more generous......
To assist us in our prayer.....
To strengthen our unity...
To make us grow in the new life....
To give us your peace....
To give us your love for discipline......
To give us your love for self-control......
To give us your grace of humility.....
To give us your fruit of joy.........
We shall continue to invoke the Holy Spirit as we sing "Pavitra Atma Aa".
Today the last day of the year, we come together around the Alter to share with God and with each other our feelings about what has been and our hopes for what will be. First of all let us whisper a prayer of thanks to God for the gift of the year that is ending today. From His loving hands we have received the hours,days and months of the year. During this year God has offered us many graces through the events of our lives and through the people we live with and the people we meet. They are the ways in which God has come to us. It is they who have helped us to learn and to grow. So, as we offer our thanks to God our Father we can also express our gratitude to all the people who have been for us the presence and love of God in our live.
Lord, we thank you for these 12 months of year. And specially we pray for all the joys and sorrows which we have experience during these 12 months..........
JANUARY- Loving Father, we thank you for this month of January which brought us a new beginning with a newness of life. Thank you for the gift of St. Paul whose feast we celebrate in this month. As we thank, we also pray for the disaster took place in this month.
Hymn: New life, New life........
FEBRUARY: Lord we thank you for the gift of our Founder whose death anniversary we celebrate this month. Thank you for all the favours that we have receive through his intercessions. We are grateful to his missionary zeal which brought out our congregation. Lord we pray for all the disasters that took place during this month.
Hymn: "Prem ki seva sabase badi...."
MARCH: Lord we thank you for the gift of this month of March. We also thank you for the gift of Our Mother Mary where the angel appeared to her and gave the good news of salvation. We pray for all the disaster of this month.
Hymn: "And Mary said Yes..."
APRIL: Thank you Lord for this month where we celebrate your resurrection joyfully singing alleluia. Thank you for dispelling the darkness from our life and filling us with new light. Lord we pray for all the victims of manmade disasters.
Hymn: I-4 (WJL)
MAY: Thank you for this month which begins with the feast of St. Joseph the worker. Through the intersession of St. Joseph we pray for all the workers for their good health and protection. We also pray for all the victims this month who have lost their lives
JUNE: Thank you Lord, for the gift of St. John the Baptist whose feast we celebrate this month, through his intercession we pray for all those who are involved in preaching the Good News. Lord anoint them with your Holy Spirit and grant them courage and strength to go forward zealously in bringing many more souls to you. We pray for all the victims this month.
JULY: Thank you Lord for the gift of St. Joachim and St. Anne whose feast we celebrate this month. Through their intercession we pray for all our parents. Lord bless them and keep them always safe. We also pray for all those who have lost their parents and for the parents who have lost their children.
Hymn: "I have another Mamma in heaven..."
AUGUST: Almighty Father you brought freedom to our country. We pray for all the freedom fighters and all the martyrs of our country. Lord bless our county and all the political leaders that they may bring peace and harmony in our county.
Hymn: 0-1 (WJL)
SEPTEMBER: Thank you Lord for the gift of Mother Mary whose birthday we celebrate in this month along with this feast we also celebrate the girl child day. We pray for all the girls in the world specially for their protection.
OCTOBER: Lord we thank you for the gift of this month which is dedicated to the Rosary. Enable us to develop devotion to the Rosary which is the weapon to fight against all evils.
Hymn: "O Queen of the Holy Rosary..."
NOVEMBER: Lord we remember all the saints and souls during this month. We thank you for the gift of all saints and we pray for all the soul.
Hymn: R-9 (WJL)
DECEMBER: Loving Father, we thank you for sending your begotten Son on this earth to save all humankind from sin. Loving Jesus, we rejoice at your birth and we share your love, peace and joy among us.
Hymn: "Joy to the world .........."
Thank you Father, Son and Spirit for all these 12 months where each one of us have experienced you in some way or the other and so at end of this year we give glory for everything. Accept our offering and make us a new beings as we enter into the new year.
Monday, 8 July 2024
15th SUNDAY, 14 JULY 2024: AMOS 7. 12-15; EPHESIANS 1. 3-14; MARK 6. 7-13
Focus: We are on a mission. It is God's own mission. If so, we cannot afford to lose this sense of mission and live without purpose, direction and accountability
1. In the gospel, Jesus sends his disciples on mission. It is not any mission, of one's will and fancy, but his own mission. This is very well-defined. It is a mission calling for repentance. It is a mission to expel evil spirits and heal sicknesses of various sorts.
2. The same mission is valid now and forever. We need to re-awaken the sense of sin and repentance. This is amidst a pervasive air of indifference, and tepidity .The society is steeped into an outright permissibility where sin is permitted in the name of fun and progress. We need to dispel the evil and demonic forces of aggression and harm, selfishness and arrogance. These are not just out there. They surround us and powerfully cling to us and dictate our lives.
3. Further, We need to heal the sicknesses of hopelessness, distrust, distress and anger, fostering hope, trust, serenity and benevolence. The world is reeling under the reign of evil and the pain of fragility.
The task is enormous. Our strength, our capacities and resources alone are not enough to combat the enemy and to continue the entrusted mission effectively. We need special and appropriate equipment.
4. But the problem lies in discerning the right type of equipment. Somehow we go for the wrong equipment. It is what is merely worldly, earthly and secular. This is truly a heavy dose of worldliness, and we are grossly stung by it. . Consequently, we consider worldly securities and resources as our best means and tools for an effective mission.
5. But Today the Lord makes it crystal clear that what is worldly, earthly and merely human, can never be the adequate and effective equipment. That is why, Jesus emphatically orders, "Carry no bag, no purse, no two tunics". This is the usual equipment. And many place their excessive trust in them. Accordingly, all their time and energies are spent in acquiring and accumulating them.
6. There is nothing wrong with making use of the modern resources, facilities, strategies and human capacities for a better performance and excellence of the mission. We must avail all the possible help that can facilitate and foster our mission. But, at the same time, our mission should not depend too much on worldly securities like money, power, position, etc. Neither should it be too much conditioned by human capacities like intelligence, competence, talents and skills. The danger is always there: to make these worldly and human equipment indispensable. So much so, often to go to a mission or to do the mission depends on these factors. And the success of mission is mostly measured in terms of these.
7. In the process, the greatest blunder is to neglect or underplay or even substitute the most essential equipment and requirements by the secondary equipment. The greatest equipment is God's own power and authority. The sad thing today is in the name of modern, timely and relevant equipment, the divine and spiritual authority is sidelined. These modern means of powers, instead of consolidating and adding to the efficiency and efficacy, are becoming hindrances. Instead of becoming happy additions, they become deletions. Instead of becoming efficient promoters, they become effective preventers.
8. This is what happens when the strategies and media of presenting the good news prevail over the contents and the deep power of the Word of God. Powerpoint presentations overpower the Word power. Loud shows and displays subvert the conviction and depth of the message and communication. Popularization and mass appeal override the real discovery and the simple touch of True Spirituality and the incomparable value and sanctity of the most holy Eucharist. Capacity and talent dominate the sanctity and authenticity of life. External gigantic structures steal the show ignoring the real touching and building the souls.
9. It is in this context, we must be clear of the core of authority and mission. The real authority is deeply spiritual and sacred because it proceeds from God, sanctioned by God. Authority is always for mission. This mission is to evoke repentance, and to heal from evil and interior sickness and to restore holistic health. In the light of the second reading from Ephesians 1. 3-10, such a sacred authority will always strive to "be holy and blameless" before Him so as to arrive at our destiny of His adopted sons and daughters through His only Son and our Saviour.
Direction: Mission is a constant journey, entrusted and accompanied by the Lord himself. A walking stick and sandals interestingly indicate this aspect of the journey. All authority is for mission. Any authority that fails in this mission of holiness and goodness is a degenerated authority and is accountable to God!
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