Saturday, 1 June 2024
03 JUNE 2024: 2 PETER 1. 2-7; MARK 12. 1-12
Pivot: Walk all the days of life!
Indicative: God is infinitely generous and He selflessly shares with us His love and graces. But sadly men become increasingly greedy and harm each other
1. There is a limit to need but never to greed. When need turns into greed, dissatisfaction begins and finally ends up in frustration. This leads to harm and destruction
2. We find a clear contrast between God’s mindset and that of humans. Jesus represents God’s mindset of generosity and the Jewish chief priests, scribes and elders represent the mindset of avarice. God always thinks about what and how to give to others abundantly. But selfish humans greedily desire to grab, misappropriate and hoard what is others’.
3. The vineyard in the gospel stands for our life on earth. With faith and diligence, God wants us to cultivate this field and produce a rich harvest. The fruits of good life and actions are what God expects from us.
4. But many get so much attached to earthly riches. They do not want to part with them. They want to be owners of their life with unbridled freedom. They do not realize our essential role and identity as “stewards” of the gift of vocation and mission given to us.
5. Hence they resent and resist any admonition and accountability. Their stewardship becomes tepid and then wicked. Therefore naturally God will decide to take away the stewardship. The eventual consequence will be severity and judgment.
6. In the light of the first reading, we have another contrast to these negative characters. It stands for a righteous and charitable follower of God. He remains faithful to God. He lives a righteous life abounding in works of charity.
Imperative: Where do we stand? Are we like Tobit who is faithful and charitable? Or are we like the Jewish authorities who squander God’s riches?
04 JUNE 2024: 2 PETER 2. 12-15a, 17-18; MARK 12. 13-17
Focus: God placed us on this earth, to be responsible and dutiful, both toward earth and heaven. It is not a matter of compromise but a harmony
1. In the gospel today, we have a very practical teaching and guideline of Jesus about how to conduct our life on this earth: “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s”.
2. How to understand this directive? Some, out of their overenthusiastic secularity may interpret it as balancing between the world and God. The danger with this secularized mentality will be to infiltrate worldliness into spirituality.
3. Their argument will be simple: “We are living on this earth and in this world. Therefore, certain things are demanded of us; we are bound by some earthly ways and concerns. We need to follow certain standards and values of the world; we are both citizens of the earth and also of heaven”.
4. This type of presentation of the argument is very valid and appealing. It can help us to guard against such a spirituality that is indifferent, unconcerned and uninvolved toward the world. Such a spirituality and Christian life is overly other-worldly neglecting the present concerns and commitment.
5. Jesus never neglected his duties as a responsible human person, as a citizen of a particular society, or as a partaker of a given culture. Therefore, as true followers of Christ, we have a duty and responsibility toward the mother earth, and toward humanity.
6. We must be committed to the well-being and well-being of the world. We are obligated to create “new heavens and new earth”. We are duty-bound to establish God’s kingdom here and now. This world is our mission field.
7. We cannot escape from our human and missionary responsibility in the name of faith and spirituality. In fact, our very faith and mission commit us to the renewal of this world.
8. However there is always the danger. It can lead to a lot of compromise on the values of Jesus and the duties of a Christian. This responsibility toward the world does not mean that we share everything of the world. Especially, we should always insulate ourselves against all that is evil and false.
9. We are in the world, not to be tainted by it, but to cleanse and renew it. Therefore, to be responsible toward earth and heaven would mean constantly exercising wise discernment between these twofold duties.
10. In this process, the praise of the Pharisees and Herodians to please Jesus would hold good. Surely they were flatteries out of hypocrisy, intended to trap Jesus. But they can serve as guidelines for us.
11. Hear what they tell Jesus: “Teacher, we know that you are true, and care for no man; for you do not regard the position of men, but truly teach the way of God”. Though they did not mean these compliments, they are profoundly true.
Direction: As citizens of the earth, we are called to follow these guidelines drawn from Jesus’ character: Be true and honest. Be fair, unprejudiced and undiscriminating. Treat all with respect and a sense of equity. Always guide others on the way of God.
Pivot: Deprived of sight!
Indicative: The world of today languishes in hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is the result of a lack of clarity. This in turn is a lack of wisdom
1. It is wisdom that makes us live a balanced and harmonious life. Such a life gives to Caesar what is his due and to God what is His due. It is the same wisdom that breaks the trap and snare of the Pharisees and scribes.
2. Wisdom discerns between earthly duties and heavenly commitment. Wisdom ensures that there is no conflict between the two. Wisdom fosters a sense of harmony. Wisdom also leads to a virtuous life.
3. This wise and virtuous life is seen in Jesus, in the words of his opponents, addressed to trap him. As they acclaimed, Jesus was “a truthful man… not concerned about anyone’s opinion. Does not regard a person’s status. Teaches the way of God in accordance with the truth”.
4. Many times we are hypocritical even about our hypocrisy. Hypocritically they wanted to project their crookedness and malice as diplomacy and truthfulness. Their praises were not genuine but mere flatteries, still they were very true to Jesus.
Imperative: God is never a God of conflict and disharmony. Let us plead with God to make us wise and truthful
05 JUNE 2024: 2 TIMOTHY 1. 1-3, 6-12; MARK 12. 18-27
Focus: To be faithful is to be full of faith, that is, to be filled with the power of the Spirit to remain in faith and trustworthiness
1. Our God is a God of the living and not of the dead. As long as we live in Him, we have life. But when we live in sin, we are dead though physically alive. We as faithful people are called to carry this life within us.
2. It is a call to live by the power of this life, to nurture it and to bear witness to it. How to live and witness this godly life? First of all, it is by being humble, conscious and repentant about our human sinfulness.
3. Then, it is by not being intimidated by the pressures and assaults of evil, as in the case of the faithful ancestors or Paul, who are never dissipated or ashamed of their faith but are convinced of the power of grace. It is also in the case of Jesus whom the Sadducees tried to corner him with the question on resurrection.
4. Then, it is by surrendering all the anguish to God and pleading for His intervention and mercy. Appreciable is the spirit of deep faith and surrender of the faithful of God. Surrender is never in vain.
5. In the light of the gospel, these are like the resurrected people, who are not bound by mere earthly restrictions or attachments. They rise higher and operate in a higher realm, like the angels in heaven. These always do God’s will and obey His commands. Obviously, the criteria of heaven are different from those of the world!
6. St Boniface whom we commemorate today was such an authentic person who dedicated himself to the Germanic mission in the Frankish empire in the 8th century. He is the patron of Germany and is the Apostle of the Germans. He was martyred along with 52 others.
Direction: The life of resurrection can already be anticipated and foretasted here on earth itself, provided that we live like angels. That is, with detachment from all the binding ties of the earth and with singular attachment to God
06 JUNE 2024: 2 TIMOTHY 2. 8-15; MARK 12. 28b – 34
Focus: Love is like breath to life, like a heartbeat to heart, like movement to the body, like consciousness to the spirit, like thinking to mind, like the decision to will. It is the essence of an authentic human person and believer
1. So much is spoken about love and at the very same time, so little is done about it. Love is the most needed and it is also the most disused and abused. Often, lust and selfishness are promoted in the name of love.
2. Today, once again, Jesus clarifies, certifies and rectifies our whole way of life and religion by the principle of love. He reiterates love as the greatest commandment. It is not only a rule of religion. It is not a spiritual law alone.
3. It is the essence and quintessence of the whole of human life. It is a love for God that is total and entire in full measures, with whole mind, heart, strength and soul. It is a love that places total trust in God even in desperate situations, like Tobit and Sarah.
4. It is a love that clings to God, with an unfailing hope in His mercy against all hopes. It is a love that gives the topmost priority to God above all things. It is a love that gives full measures to God. It is a love that embraces God and clings to His will, in all circumstances. It is a love that breathes ceaselessly a passionate love for God. It is a love that beats for God with vibrant vibrations.
5. It is also love that loves the other with a total love paramount to the love for one's own self. Everyone loves himself. Everyone desires good and happiness of one’s self. In the same way, one should love the other with the same sincere and highest love.
6. This twofold or two-pronged love is the greatest of all, surpassing all the ritual offerings and religious practices. The practice of religion or spirituality without love for God and for others is not acceptable and pleasing in the sight of God.
Direction: This twofold love - love for God and love for others - is the greatest commandment and an ardent adherence to it is the greatest witness to one's faith and faithfulness
(Reflection 2)
Pivot: All in the optic of love
Indicative: Following the commandments is not just a legal matter. It is a matter of an entire life. It is a way of living and a mode of being
1. Often laws and rules are not looked at positively. Many regard them as restraints and constraints of their freedom. They follow them not willingly but grudgingly. Often a spirit of force, coercion and fear accompanies the observance of laws.
2. It is in this context, that Jesus recasts the laws in a new perspective. He reaffirms love as the greatest commandment. It is a matter of relating and living. It is twofold: loving God and loving others.
3. Loving God is an emotion, a passion, a relation, a devotion and a dedication. It is a love that is marked by depth, intimacy, totality and fidelity. It comprises the whole person and whole life. Loving God is not just following His commandments but experiencing, expressing and enhancing a personal intimate relationship and commitment with God.
4. Loving others is not a substitution for loving God, as some mistake and make it so. It is an extension and authentication of love for God. One cannot love others without loving God. And one cannot love God without showing it in love for others.
5. Loving others is also not only a matter of doing some acts of charity out of pity and compassion. It is an integral part of our very self. In other words, loving others as ourselves is a matter of authentic identity
Imperative: We must recharge our energies once again with the power of love. Love God and others with entire self and full measures
07 JUNE 2024: HOSEA 11. 1, 3-4, 8c-9; EPHESIANS3. 8-12, 14-19; JOHN 19. 31-37: SACRED HEART OF JESUS
Focus: In a culture where advanced culture is equated with lack of heartiness and sensitivity, the festivity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is a challenge to foster a culture of heart
1. This feast of the most sacred heart of Jesus reveals and confirms to us that our God is a God of heart. That is, a God who values us so much, who loves us without end, always radiating upon us the rays of His care, a God whose heart burns with the flame, the fire of passion. It never gets cold, it never becomes lukewarm, but always passionate, always zealous.
2. Even if we are weak and fragile, even if we fall often, even if we make so many mistakes, even if we fail in our fidelity and sincerity, even if we lack in our responsibilities and duties, even if we do not deeply believe, live, and witness how we must like the believers, like the children of God and disciples of Christ, even if we often wound that beloved heart of Jesus - still despite all our weaknesses, faults, unfaithfulness, and unworthiness, God loves us. Jesus never fails to love us.
3. This fact of the love of God, so faithful and persevering, is today a matter of great comfort and encouragement. Especially in our times, in our society, where and when, unfortunately, the ambience and the culture of love, of the warmth of heart, of tenderness, of sensitivity, is diminishing, but instead a culture of hatred, rancour, indifference, violence, and evil is increasing, this celebration of the heart, of love, is a confirmation, a call, a challenge, and a guide for a way of living of love.
4. Today the Lord comforts us that he always pours his love over us. See what a tenderness and steadiness of God’s love in the first reading from Hosea: “When Israel was a child, I loved him … it was I who taught to walk. I took them up in my arms … I healed them. I led them with cords of compassion, with the bands of love. I bent down to them and fed them”.
5. So, never doubt that God loves us, even if sometimes we are surmounted by difficulties, upset by afflictions, beset by unfavourable situations. Trust in God. Trust in his love. Feel the warmth of his heart. Experience the passion, the fire of his love. Be open and docile to the marvel of his love.
6. Not only this but also we are called to foster a deep love for him. Love God. Let us be gripped with a passionate feeling, a powerful bond with the Lord. Many times we feel a lot of interest, enthusiasm, anxiety, and concern for many things. But how much is the intensity and depth for the Lord?
7. How do we cooperate with God's commitment as He promises: "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you. I will remove your heart of stone and put back a heart of flesh "(Ezek 36. 26). That is, a heart that is warm, tender, sensitive, and caring, a heart that is open, which understands, accepts, forgives, and helps.
Direction: Let us grow such a heart towards God and towards others. Let us open our hearts to God and to our sisters and brothers. Let us widen our hearts. Let us guard them, heal, enrich, and transform our hearts so that our hearts also become like the sacred heart of Jesus.
08 JUNE 2024: IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY, ISAIAH 61. 9-11; LUKE 2. 41-51
Focus: The immaculate heart of Mary is not merely a matter of purity of heart or purity of life, but the integrity of the person. It is to be clear-sighted and to be passionately and lovingly committed
1. The second Saturday after the Pentecost Sunday, we celebrate the immaculate heart of Mary. How beautiful it is that on Friday we celebrate the sacred heart of the Son and on the following day the immaculate heart of the Mother! It is not coincidental or merely sequential, but very meaningful and significant.
2. What is sacred reflects itself in what is immaculate. What is immaculate contains and embodies what is sacred. The sacred Son reflects the immaculate mother, and the immaculate mother embodies the sacred Son. Holiness and Immaculateness are integrated and inseparable.
3. To be holy is to be pure. The more we conduct ourselves unstained and uncontaminated with an immaculate heart, the more we grow in holiness. The more we are holy, the more we grow pure and maliceless. To be holy and not to be immaculate is a contradiction.
4. In fact, sacredness and Immaculateness are not something accidental or additional to us. It is essential and integral to our very identity as God's redeemed children. "To be holy and blameless" is God's purpose for us, and destined us for such bliss (cf. Eph 1. 4). Our sanctification is God's will (1 Thes 4. 3)). So to grow sacred and immaculate should be our priority and perennial pursuit.
5. Certainly, it is God's gratuitous grace and not our merit. But this does not take away our role, our responsibility, our cooperation, and our effort. We should work hard to merit what we are graced with. This is what Mary did:
6. If her immaculate conception shows predominantly the singular grace and privilege, accorded to her by God, her immaculate heart shows preeminently her humble cooperation with that grace. She constantly preserved her heart and life from sin, and fostered sanctity, thanks to God's grace.
7. Mary's immaculate heart is not only a pointer to her personal holiness and purity but much more, also, a strong inspiration and pathway to be pure and immaculate ourselves. In our times, where hearts are getting so much polluted by sin and malice, where to have a heart comes to be taken as fragility and vulnerability, where hearts crooked, hard, and indifferent seem to be the order of the day, where hearts get entangled into many aberrations and deviation in the name of modernity, the immaculate heart of Mary is a consolation and remedy!
Direction: The celebration of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is a pointer that true purity leads to joy and serenity because there is nothing that disturbs or distracts. Purity of heart is the propriety of life
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