Sunday, 24 March 2024


"Maundy Thursday Mass introduction Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, As we gather on this sacred Maundy Thursday, we embark upon the solemn journey of the Easter Triduum, the holiest time in the liturgical calendar of the Church. Today, we commemorate the beginning of this sacred period, during which we enter into the paschal mystery of Christ's passion, death, and resurrection. On this profound day, we are called to reflect deeply on the significance of the Last Supper, where Jesus, on the night before He suffered, instituted the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist and ordained His apostles as the first priests of the New Covenant. The events of this day hold immense importance in the life of every Christian and the Church as a whole. It is a day when we remember and participate in the saving work of Christ, who offered Himself as a perfect sacrifice for the redemption of humanity. At the Last Supper, Jesus demonstrated His boundless love for us by sharing a meal with His disciples and giving them His very self in the form of bread and wine, saying, 'Do this in remembrance of me.' In this act, He instituted the Holy Eucharist, the source and summit of our Christian life, wherein we encounter the real presence of Christ and are nourished by His body and blood. Furthermore, Jesus humbly washed the feet of His disciples, exemplifying the essence of priesthood and calling His followers to lives of service, humility, and self-sacrificial love. Therefore, as we gather for this holy Mass, let us enter into the mystery of the Eucharist and the priesthood with hearts full of reverence and gratitude. Let us pray earnestly for our priests, who continue to serve as instruments of Christ's love and mercy in the world, and let us recommit ourselves to lives of discipleship and service. "May this Maundy Thursday mark the beginning of a profound spiritual journey for each of us, as we journey with Christ through His passion and death, anticipating the joy of His resurrection on Easter Sunday. May we be strengthened by the grace of the Holy Spirit to live out the love and humility demonstrated by our Lord, and may we be guided by the example of the priesthood established on this holy day.

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